// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT import {PersistedData, PersistedModel} from '..'; import {Callback, Options, PromiseOrVoid} from './common'; import {Inclusion} from './query'; /** * Inclusion mixin */ export interface InclusionMixin { /** * Enables you to load relations of several objects and optimize numbers of requests. * * Examples: * * Load all users' posts with only one additional request: * `User.include(users, 'posts', function() {});` * Or * `User.include(users, ['posts'], function() {});` * * Load all users posts and passports with two additional requests: * `User.include(users, ['posts', 'passports'], function() {});` * * Load all passports owner (users), and all posts of each owner loaded: *```Passport.include(passports, {owner: 'posts'}, function() {}); *``` Passport.include(passports, {owner: ['posts', 'passports']}); *``` Passport.include(passports, {owner: [{posts: 'images'}, 'passports']}); * * @param {Array} objects Array of instances * @param {String|Object|Array} include Which relations to load. * @param {Object} [options] Options for CRUD * @param {Function} cb Callback called when relations are loaded * */ include<T extends PersistedModel>( objects: PersistedData<T>[], include: Inclusion, options?: Options, callback?: Callback<PersistedData<T>[]>, ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedData<T>[]>; }