// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2016. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

// This test written in mocha+should.js
'use strict';
var should = require('./init.js');

var jdb = require('../');
var ModelBuilder = jdb.ModelBuilder;
var DataSource = jdb.DataSource;
var Memory = require('../lib/connectors/memory');

var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var mixins = modelBuilder.mixins;

function timestamps(Model, options) {

  Model.defineProperty('createdAt', {type: Date});
  Model.defineProperty('updatedAt', {type: Date});

  var originalBeforeSave = Model.beforeSave;
  Model.beforeSave = function(next, data) {
    Model.applyTimestamps(data, this.isNewRecord());
    if (data.createdAt) {
      this.createdAt = data.createdAt;
    if (data.updatedAt) {
      this.updatedAt = data.updatedAt;
    if (originalBeforeSave) {
      originalBeforeSave.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {

  Model.applyTimestamps = function(data, creation) {
    data.updatedAt = new Date();
    if (creation) {
      data.createdAt = data.updatedAt;

mixins.define('TimeStamp', timestamps);

describe('Model class', function() {

  it('should define mixins', function() {
    mixins.define('Example', function(Model, options) {
      Model.prototype.example = function() {
        return options;
    mixins.define('Demo', function(Model, options) {
      Model.demoMixin = options.value;
    mixins.define('Multi', function(Model, options) {
      Model.multiMixin = Model.multiMixin || {};
      Model.multiMixin[options.key] = options.value;

  it('should apply a mixin class', function() {
    var Address = modelBuilder.define('Address', {
      street: {type: 'string', required: true},
      city: {type: 'string', required: true},

    var memory = new DataSource('mem', {connector: Memory}, modelBuilder);
    var Item = memory.createModel('Item', {name: 'string'}, {
      mixins: {Address: true},

    var properties = Item.definition.properties;

    properties.street.should.eql({type: String, required: true});
    properties.city.should.eql({type: String, required: true});

  it('should fail to apply an undefined mixin class', function() {
    var memory = new DataSource('mem', {connector: Memory}, modelBuilder);
    function applyMixin() {
      memory.createModel('Item', {name: 'string'}, {
        mixins: {UndefinedMixin: true},
    should.throws(applyMixin, 'failed to apply undefined mixin class');

  it('should apply mixins', function(done) {
    var memory = new DataSource('mem', {connector: Memory}, modelBuilder);
    var Item = memory.createModel('Item', {name: 'string'}, {
      mixins: {
        TimeStamp: true,
        Demo: {value: true},
        Multi: [
          {key: 'foo', value: 'bar'},
          {key: 'fox', value: 'baz'},

    Item.mixin('Example', {foo: 'bar'});



    var properties = Item.definition.properties;
    properties.createdAt.should.eql({type: Date});
    properties.updatedAt.should.eql({type: Date});

    Item.create({name: 'Item 1'}, function(err, inst) {
      inst.example().should.eql({foo: 'bar'});

  it('should fail to apply undefined mixin', function() {
    var memory = new DataSource('mem', {connector: Memory}, modelBuilder);
    var Item = memory.createModel('Item', {name: 'string'});

    function applyMixin() {
      Item.mixin('UndefinedMixin', {foo: 'bar'});
    should.throws(applyMixin, 'failed to apply undefined mixin');

  describe('#mixin()', function() {

    var Person, Author, Address;

    beforeEach(function() {
      Address = modelBuilder.define('Address', {
        street: {type: 'string', required: true},
        city: {type: 'string', required: true},
      var memory = new DataSource('mem', {connector: Memory}, modelBuilder);
      Person = memory.createModel('Person', {name: 'string'});
      Author = memory.createModel('Author', {name: 'string'});

    it('should register mixin class into _mixins', function() {

    it('should NOT share mixins registry', function() {

    it('should able to mixin same class', function() {

