var safeRequire = require('../utils').safeRequire; /** * Module dependencies */ var neo4j = safeRequire('neo4j'); exports.initialize = function initializeSchema(schema, callback) { schema.client = new neo4j.GraphDatabase(schema.settings.url); schema.adapter = new Neo4j(schema.client); process.nextTick(callback); }; function Neo4j(client) { this._models = {}; this.client = client; this.cache = {}; } Neo4j.prototype.define = function defineModel(descr) { this.mixClassMethods(descr.model,; this.mixInstanceMethods(descr.model.prototype,; this._models[descr.model.modelName] = descr; }; Neo4j.prototype.createIndexHelper = function (cls, indexName) { var db = this.client; var method = 'findBy' + indexName[0].toUpperCase() + indexName.substr(1); cls[method] = function (value, cb) { db.getIndexedNode(cls.modelName, indexName, value, function (err, node) { if (err) return cb(err); if (node) { =; cb(null, new cls(; } else { cb(null, null); } }); }; }; Neo4j.prototype.mixClassMethods = function mixClassMethods(cls, properties) { var neo = this; Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (name) { if (properties[name].index) { neo.createIndexHelper(cls, name); } }); cls.setupCypherQuery = function (name, queryStr, rowHandler) { cls[name] = function cypherQuery(params, cb) { if (typeof params === 'function') { cb = params; params = []; } else if ( !== 'Array') { params = [params]; } var i = 0; var q = queryStr.replace(/\?/g, function () { return params[i++]; }); neo.client.query(function (err, result) { if (err) return cb(err, []); cb(null,; }, q); }; }; /** * @param from - id of object to check relation from * @param to - id of object to check relation to * @param type - type of relation * @param direction - all | incoming | outgoing * @param cb - callback (err, rel || false) */ cls.relationshipExists = function relationshipExists(from, to, type, direction, cb) { neo.node(from, function (err, node) { if (err) return cb(err); node._getRelationships(direction, type, function (err, rels) { if (err && cb) return cb(err); if (err && !cb) throw err; var found = false; if (rels && rels.forEach) { rels.forEach(function (r) { if ( === from && === to) { found = true; } }); } cb && cb(err, found); }); }); }; cls.createRelationshipTo = function createRelationshipTo(id1, id2, type, data, cb) { var fromNode, toNode; neo.node(id1, function (err, node) { if (err && cb) return cb(err); if (err && !cb) throw err; fromNode = node; ok(); }); neo.node(id2, function (err, node) { if (err && cb) return cb(err); if (err && !cb) throw err; toNode = node; ok(); }); function ok() { if (fromNode && toNode) { fromNode.createRelationshipTo(toNode, type, cleanup(data), cb); } } }; cls.createRelationshipFrom = function createRelationshipFrom(id1, id2, type, data, cb) { cls.createRelationshipTo(id2, id1, type, data, cb); } // only create relationship if it is not exists cls.ensureRelationshipTo = function (id1, id2, type, data, cb) { cls.relationshipExists(id1, id2, type, 'outgoing', function (err, exists) { if (err && cb) return cb(err); if (err && !cb) throw err; if (exists) return cb && cb(null); cls.createRelationshipTo(id1, id2, type, data, cb); }); } }; Neo4j.prototype.mixInstanceMethods = function mixInstanceMethods(proto) { var neo = this; /** * @param obj - Object or id of object to check relation with * @param type - type of relation * @param cb - callback (err, rel || false) */ proto.isInRelationWith = function isInRelationWith(obj, type, direction, cb) { this.constructor.relationshipExists(, || obj, type, 'all', cb); }; }; Neo4j.prototype.node = function find(id, callback) { if (this.cache[id]) { callback(null, this.cache[id]); } else { this.client.getNodeById(id, function (err, node) { if (node) { this.cache[id] = node; } callback(err, node); }.bind(this)); } }; Neo4j.prototype.create = function create(model, data, callback) { data.nodeType = model; var node = this.client.createNode(); = cleanup(data); = model; (err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } this.cache[] = node; node.index(model, 'id',, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); this.updateIndexes(model, node, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); callback(null,; }); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; Neo4j.prototype.updateIndexes = function updateIndexes(model, node, cb) { var props = this._models[model].properties; var wait = 1; Object.keys(props).forEach(function (key) { if (props[key].index &&[key]) { wait += 1; node.index(model, key,[key], done); } }); done(); var error = false; function done(err) { error = error || err; if (--wait === 0) { cb(error); } } }; = function save(model, data, callback) { var self = this; this.node(, function (err, node) { if (err) return callback(err); = cleanup(data); (err) { if (err) return callback(err); self.updateIndexes(model, node, function (err) { if (err) return console.log(err); callback(null,; }); }); }); }; Neo4j.prototype.exists = function exists(model, id, callback) { delete this.cache[id]; this.node(id, callback); }; Neo4j.prototype.find = function find(model, id, callback) { delete this.cache[id]; this.node(id, function (err, node) { if (node && { = id; } callback(err, this.readFromDb(model, node &&; }.bind(this)); }; Neo4j.prototype.readFromDb = function readFromDb(model, data) { if (!data) return data; var res = {}; var props = this._models[model].properties; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { if (props[key] && props[key] === 'Date') { res[key] = new Date(data[key]); } else { res[key] = data[key]; } }); return res; }; Neo4j.prototype.destroy = function destroy(model, id, callback) { var force = true; this.node(id, function (err, node) { if (err) return callback(err); node.delete(function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); delete this.cache[id]; }.bind(this), force); }); }; Neo4j.prototype.all = function all(model, filter, callback) { this.client.queryNodeIndex(model, 'id:*', function (err, nodes) { if (nodes) { nodes = (obj) { =; return this.readFromDb(model,; }.bind(this)); } if (filter) { nodes = nodes ? nodes.filter(applyFilter(filter)) : nodes; if (filter.order) { var key = filter.order.split(' ')[0]; var dir = filter.order.split(' ')[1]; nodes = nodes.sort(function (a, b) { return a[key] > b[key]; }); if (dir === 'DESC') nodes = nodes.reverse(); } } callback(err, nodes); }.bind(this)); }; Neo4j.prototype.allNodes = function all(model, callback) { this.client.queryNodeIndex(model, 'id:*', function (err, nodes) { callback(err, nodes); }); }; function applyFilter(filter) { if (typeof filter.where === 'function') { return filter.where; } var keys = Object.keys(filter.where || {}); return function (obj) { var pass = true; keys.forEach(function (key) { if (!test(filter.where[key], obj[key])) { pass = false; } }); return pass; } function test(example, value) { if (typeof value === 'string' && example && === 'RegExp') { return value.match(example); } if (typeof value === 'object' && === 'Date' && typeof example === 'object' && === 'Date') { return example.toString() === value.toString(); } // not strict equality return example == value; } } Neo4j.prototype.destroyAll = function destroyAll(model, callback) { var wait, error = null; this.allNodes(model, function (err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); wait = collection.length; collection && collection.forEach && collection.forEach(function (node) { node.delete(done, true); }); }); function done(err) { error = error || err; if (--wait === 0) { callback(error); } } }; Neo4j.prototype.count = function count(model, callback, conds) { this.all(model, {where: conds}, function (err, collection) { callback(err, collection ? collection.length : 0); }); }; Neo4j.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(model, id, data, cb) { = id; this.node(id, function (err, node) {, merge(, data), cb); }.bind(this)); }; function cleanup(data) { if (!data) return null; var res = {}; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { var v = data[key]; if (v === null) { // skip // console.log('skip null', key); } else if (v && === 'Array' && v.length === 0) { // skip // console.log('skip blank array', key); } else if (typeof v !== 'undefined') { res[key] = v; } }); return res; } function merge(base, update) { Object.keys(update).forEach(function (key) { base[key] = update[key]; }); return base; }