// Copyright IBM Corp. 2015,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var jdb = require('../'); var DataSource = jdb.DataSource; var should = require('./init.js'); describe('Memory connector with mocked discovery', function() { var ds; before(function() { ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); var models = [{ type: 'table', name: 'CUSTOMER', owner: 'STRONGLOOP' }, { type: 'table', name: 'INVENTORY', owner: 'STRONGLOOP' }, { type: 'table', name: 'LOCATION', owner: 'STRONGLOOP' }]; ds.discoverModelDefinitions = function(options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, models); }); }; var modelProperties = [{ owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'PRODUCT_ID', dataType: 'varchar', dataLength: 20, dataPrecision: null, dataScale: null, nullable: 0, }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'LOCATION_ID', dataType: 'varchar', dataLength: 20, dataPrecision: null, dataScale: null, nullable: 0, }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'AVAILABLE', dataType: 'int', dataLength: null, dataPrecision: 10, dataScale: 0, nullable: 1, }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'TOTAL', dataType: 'int', dataLength: null, dataPrecision: 10, dataScale: 0, nullable: 1, }]; ds.discoverModelProperties = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, modelProperties); }); }; }); it('should convert table/column names to camel cases', function(done) { ds.discoverSchemas('INVENTORY', {}, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.have.property('STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY'); var s = schemas['STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY']; s.name.should.be.eql('Inventory'); Object.keys(s.properties).should.be.eql( ['productId', 'locationId', 'available', 'total']); done(); }); }); it('should convert table/column names with custom mapper', function(done) { ds.discoverSchemas('INVENTORY', { nameMapper: function(type, name) { // Convert all names to lower case return name.toLowerCase(); }, }, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.have.property('STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY'); var s = schemas['STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY']; s.name.should.be.eql('inventory'); Object.keys(s.properties).should.be.eql( ['product_id', 'location_id', 'available', 'total']); done(); }); }); it('should not convert table/column names with null custom mapper', function(done) { ds.discoverSchemas('INVENTORY', { nameMapper: null }, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.have.property('STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY'); var s = schemas['STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY']; s.name.should.be.eql('INVENTORY'); Object.keys(s.properties).should.be.eql( ['PRODUCT_ID', 'LOCATION_ID', 'AVAILABLE', 'TOTAL']); done(); }); }); it('should honor connector\'s discoverSchemas implementation', function(done) { var models = { inventory: { product: { type: 'string' }, location: { type: 'string' }, }, }; ds.connector.discoverSchemas = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, models); }); }; ds.discoverSchemas('INVENTORY', { nameMapper: null }, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.eql(models); done(); }); }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var models = { inventory: { product: { type: 'string' }, location: { type: 'string' }, }, }; ds.connector.discoverSchemas = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, models); }); }; var options = function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.eql(models); done(); }; ds.discoverSchemas('INVENTORY', options); }); it('should discover schemas using `discoverSchemas` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.connector.discoverSchemas = null; ds.discoverSchemas('INVENTORY', {}) .then(function(schemas) { schemas.should.have.property('STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY'); var s = schemas['STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY']; s.name.should.be.eql('Inventory'); Object.keys(s.properties).should.be.eql( ['productId', 'locationId', 'available', 'total'] ); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); describe('discoverSchema', function() { var models; var schema; before(function() { schema = { name: 'Inventory', options: { idInjection: false, memory: { schema: 'STRONGLOOP', table: 'INVENTORY' }, }, properties: { available: { length: null, memory: { columnName: 'AVAILABLE', dataLength: null, dataPrecision: 10, dataScale: 0, dataType: 'int', nullable: 1, }, precision: 10, required: false, scale: 0, type: undefined, }, locationId: { length: 20, memory: { columnName: 'LOCATION_ID', dataLength: 20, dataPrecision: null, dataScale: null, dataType: 'varchar', nullable: 0, }, precision: null, required: true, scale: null, type: undefined, }, productId: { length: 20, memory: { columnName: 'PRODUCT_ID', dataLength: 20, dataPrecision: null, dataScale: null, dataType: 'varchar', nullable: 0, }, precision: null, required: true, scale: null, type: undefined, }, total: { length: null, memory: { columnName: 'TOTAL', dataLength: null, dataPrecision: 10, dataScale: 0, dataType: 'int', nullable: 1, }, precision: 10, required: false, scale: 0, type: undefined, }, }, }; }); it('should discover schema using `discoverSchema`', function(done) { ds.discoverSchema('INVENTORY', {}, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.eql(schema); done(); }); }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var options = function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.eql(schema); done(); }; ds.discoverSchema('INVENTORY', options); }); it('should discover schema using `discoverSchema` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.discoverSchema('INVENTORY', {}) .then(function(schemas) { schemas.should.be.eql(schema); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); }); }); describe('discoverModelDefinitions', function() { var ds; before(function() { ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); var models = [{ type: 'table', name: 'CUSTOMER', owner: 'STRONGLOOP' }, { type: 'table', name: 'INVENTORY', owner: 'STRONGLOOP' }, { type: 'table', name: 'LOCATION', owner: 'STRONGLOOP' }]; ds.connector.discoverModelDefinitions = function(options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, models); }); }; }); it('should discover model using `discoverModelDefinitions`', function(done) { ds.discoverModelDefinitions({}, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); var tableNames = schemas.map(function(s) { return s.name; }); tableNames.should.be.eql( ['CUSTOMER', 'INVENTORY', 'LOCATION'] ); done(); }); }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var options = function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); var tableNames = schemas.map(function(s) { return s.name; }); tableNames.should.be.eql( ['CUSTOMER', 'INVENTORY', 'LOCATION'] ); done(); }; ds.discoverModelDefinitions(options); }); it('should discover model using `discoverModelDefinitions` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.discoverModelDefinitions({}) .then(function(schemas) { var tableNames = schemas.map(function(s) { return s.name; }); tableNames.should.be.eql( ['CUSTOMER', 'INVENTORY', 'LOCATION'] ); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); }); describe('discoverModelProperties', function() { var ds; var modelProperties; before(function() { ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); modelProperties = [{ owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'PRODUCT_ID', dataType: 'varchar', dataLength: 20, dataPrecision: null, dataScale: null, nullable: 0, }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'LOCATION_ID', dataType: 'varchar', dataLength: 20, dataPrecision: null, dataScale: null, nullable: 0, }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'AVAILABLE', dataType: 'int', dataLength: null, dataPrecision: 10, dataScale: 0, nullable: 1, }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'TOTAL', dataType: 'int', dataLength: null, dataPrecision: 10, dataScale: 0, nullable: 1, }]; ds.connector.discoverModelProperties = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, modelProperties); }); }; }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var options = function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.eql(modelProperties); done(); }; ds.discoverModelProperties('INVENTORY', options); }); it('should discover model metadata using `discoverModelProperties`', function(done) { ds.discoverModelProperties('INVENTORY', {}, function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.eql(modelProperties); done(); }); }); it('should discover model metadata using `discoverModelProperties` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.discoverModelProperties('INVENTORY', {}) .then(function(schemas) { schemas.should.be.eql(modelProperties); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); }); describe('discoverPrimaryKeys', function() { var ds; var modelProperties; before(function() { ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); primaryKeys = [ { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'PRODUCT_ID', keySeq: 1, pkName: 'ID_PK' }, { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', tableName: 'INVENTORY', columnName: 'LOCATION_ID', keySeq: 2, pkName: 'ID_PK' }]; ds.connector.discoverPrimaryKeys = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, primaryKeys); }); }; }); it('should discover primary key definitions using `discoverPrimaryKeys`', function(done) { ds.discoverPrimaryKeys('INVENTORY', {}, function(err, modelPrimaryKeys) { if (err) return done(err); modelPrimaryKeys.should.be.eql(primaryKeys); done(); }); }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var options = function(err, modelPrimaryKeys) { if (err) return done(err); modelPrimaryKeys.should.be.eql(primaryKeys); done(); }; ds.discoverPrimaryKeys('INVENTORY', options); }); it('should discover primary key definitions using `discoverPrimaryKeys` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.discoverPrimaryKeys('INVENTORY', {}) .then(function(modelPrimaryKeys) { modelPrimaryKeys.should.be.eql(primaryKeys); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); }); describe('discoverForeignKeys', function() { var ds; var modelProperties; before(function() { ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); foreignKeys = [{ fkOwner: 'STRONGLOOP', fkName: 'PRODUCT_FK', fkTableName: 'INVENTORY', fkColumnName: 'PRODUCT_ID', keySeq: 1, pkOwner: 'STRONGLOOP', pkName: 'PRODUCT_PK', pkTableName: 'PRODUCT', pkColumnName: 'ID', }]; ds.connector.discoverForeignKeys = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, foreignKeys); }); }; }); it('should discover foreign key definitions using `discoverForeignKeys`', function(done) { ds.discoverForeignKeys('INVENTORY', {}, function(err, modelForeignKeys) { if (err) return done(err); modelForeignKeys.should.be.eql(foreignKeys); done(); }); }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var options = function(err, modelForeignKeys) { if (err) return done(err); modelForeignKeys.should.be.eql(foreignKeys); done(); }; ds.discoverForeignKeys('INVENTORY', options); }); it('should discover foreign key definitions using `discoverForeignKeys` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.discoverForeignKeys('INVENTORY', {}) .then(function(modelForeignKeys) { modelForeignKeys.should.be.eql(foreignKeys); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); }); describe('discoverExportedForeignKeys', function() { var ds; var modelProperties; before(function() { ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); exportedForeignKeys = [{ fkName: 'PRODUCT_FK', fkOwner: 'STRONGLOOP', fkTableName: 'INVENTORY', fkColumnName: 'PRODUCT_ID', keySeq: 1, pkName: 'PRODUCT_PK', pkOwner: 'STRONGLOOP', pkTableName: 'PRODUCT', pkColumnName: 'ID', }]; ds.connector.discoverExportedForeignKeys = function(modelName, options, cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, exportedForeignKeys); }); }; }); it('should discover foreign key definitions using `discoverExportedForeignKeys`', function(done) { ds.discoverExportedForeignKeys('INVENTORY', {}, function(err, modelForeignKeys) { if (err) return done(err); modelForeignKeys.should.be.eql(exportedForeignKeys); done(); }); }); it('should callback function, passed as options parameter', function(done) { var options = function(err, modelForeignKeys) { if (err) return done(err); modelForeignKeys.should.be.eql(exportedForeignKeys); done(); }; ds.discoverExportedForeignKeys('INVENTORY', options); }); it('should discover foreign key definitions using `discoverExportedForeignKeys` - promise variant', function(done) { ds.discoverExportedForeignKeys('INVENTORY', {}) .then(function(modelForeignKeys) { modelForeignKeys.should.be.eql(exportedForeignKeys); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(err); }); }); }); describe('Mock connector', function() { mockConnectors = require('./mock-connectors'); describe('customFieldSettings', function() { ds = new DataSource(mockConnectors.customFieldSettings); it('should be present in discoverSchemas', function(done) { ds.discoverSchemas('person', function(err, schemas) { should.not.exist(err); schemas.should.be.an.Object; schemas['public.person'].properties.name .custom.storage.should.equal('quantum'); done(); }); }); }); });