// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); /*! * Get a near filter from a given where object. For connector use only. */ exports.nearFilter = function nearFilter(where) { function nearSearch(clause, parentKeys) { if (typeof clause !== 'object') { return false; } parentKeys = parentKeys || []; Object.keys(clause).forEach(function(clauseKey) { if (typeof clause[clauseKey] !== 'object' || !clause[clauseKey]) return; if (Array.isArray(clause[clauseKey])) { clause[clauseKey].forEach(function(el, index) { const ret = nearSearch(el, parentKeys.concat(clauseKey).concat(index)); if (ret) return ret; }); } else { if (clause[clauseKey].hasOwnProperty('near')) { const result = clause[clauseKey]; nearResults.push({ near: result.near, maxDistance: result.maxDistance, minDistance: result.minDistance, unit: result.unit, // If key is at root, define a single string, otherwise append it to the full path array mongoKey: parentKeys.length ? parentKeys.concat(clauseKey) : clauseKey, key: clauseKey, }); } } }); } var nearResults = []; nearSearch(where); return (!nearResults.length ? false : nearResults); }; /*! * Filter a set of results using the given filters returned by `nearFilter()`. * Can support multiple locations, but will include results from all of them. * * WARNING: "or" operator with GeoPoint does not work as expected, eg: * {where: {or: [{location: {near: (29,-90)}},{name:'Sean'}]}} * Will actually work as if you had used "and". This is because geo filtering * takes place outside of the SQL query, so the result set of "name = Sean" is * returned by the database, and then the location filtering happens in the app * logic. So the "near" operator is always an "and" of the SQL filters, and "or" * of other GeoPoint filters. * * Additionally, since this step occurs after the SQL result set is returned, * if using GeoPoints with pagination the result set may be smaller than the * page size. The page size is enforced at the DB level, and then we may * remove results at the Geo-app level. If we "limit: 25", but 4 of those results * do not have a matching geopoint field, the request will only return 21 results. * This may make it erroneously look like a given page is the end of the result set. */ exports.filter = function(rawResults, filters) { const distances = {}; const results = []; filters.forEach(function(filter) { const origin = filter.near; const max = filter.maxDistance > 0 ? filter.maxDistance : false; const min = filter.minDistance > 0 ? filter.minDistance : false; const unit = filter.unit; const key = filter.key; // create distance index rawResults.forEach(function(result) { let loc = result[key]; // filter out results without locations if (!loc) return; if (!(loc instanceof GeoPoint)) loc = GeoPoint(loc); if (typeof loc.lat !== 'number') return; if (typeof loc.lng !== 'number') return; const d = GeoPoint.distanceBetween(origin, loc, {type: unit}); // filter result if distance is either < minDistance or > maxDistance if ((min && d < min) || (max && d > max)) return; distances[result.id] = d; results.push(result); }); results.sort(function(resA, resB) { const a = resA[key]; const b = resB[key]; if (a && b) { const da = distances[resA.id]; const db = distances[resB.id]; if (db === da) return 0; return da > db ? 1 : -1; } else { return 0; } }); }); return results; }; exports.GeoPoint = GeoPoint; /** * The GeoPoint object represents a physical location. * * For example: * * ```js * var loopback = require(‘loopback’); * var here = new loopback.GeoPoint({lat: 10.32424, lng: 5.84978}); * ``` * * Embed a latitude / longitude point in a model. * * ```js * var CoffeeShop = loopback.createModel('coffee-shop', { * location: 'GeoPoint' * }); * ``` * * You can query LoopBack models with a GeoPoint property and an attached data source using geo-spatial filters and * sorting. For example, the following code finds the three nearest coffee shops. * * ```js * CoffeeShop.attachTo(oracle); * var here = new GeoPoint({lat: 10.32424, lng: 5.84978}); * CoffeeShop.find( {where: {location: {near: here}}, limit:3}, function(err, nearbyShops) { * console.info(nearbyShops); // [CoffeeShop, ...] * }); * ``` * @class GeoPoint * @property {Number} lat The latitude in degrees. * @property {Number} lng The longitude in degrees. * * @options {Object} Options Object with two Number properties: lat and long. * @property {Number} lat The latitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90. * @property {Number} lng The longitude point in degrees. Range: -180 to 180. * * @options {Array} Options Array with two Number entries: [lat,long]. * @property {Number} lat The latitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90. * @property {Number} lng The longitude point in degrees. Range: -180 to 180. */ function GeoPoint(data) { if (!(this instanceof GeoPoint)) { return new GeoPoint(data); } if (arguments.length === 2) { data = { lat: arguments[0], lng: arguments[1], }; } assert(Array.isArray(data) || typeof data === 'object' || typeof data === 'string', 'must provide valid geo-coordinates array [lat, lng] or object or a "lat, lng" string'); if (typeof data === 'string') { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (err) { data = data.split(/,\s*/); assert(data.length === 2, 'must provide a string "lat,lng" creating a GeoPoint with a string'); } } if (Array.isArray(data)) { data = { lat: Number(data[0]), lng: Number(data[1]), }; } else { data.lng = Number(data.lng); data.lat = Number(data.lat); } assert(typeof data === 'object', 'must provide a lat and lng object when creating a GeoPoint'); assert(typeof data.lat === 'number' && !isNaN(data.lat), 'lat must be a number when creating a GeoPoint'); assert(typeof data.lng === 'number' && !isNaN(data.lng), 'lng must be a number when creating a GeoPoint'); assert(data.lng <= 180, 'lng must be <= 180'); assert(data.lng >= -180, 'lng must be >= -180'); assert(data.lat <= 90, 'lat must be <= 90'); assert(data.lat >= -90, 'lat must be >= -90'); this.lat = data.lat; this.lng = data.lng; } /** * Determine the spherical distance between two GeoPoints. * * @param {GeoPoint} pointA Point A * @param {GeoPoint} pointB Point B * @options {Object} options Options object with one key, 'type'. See below. * @property {String} type Unit of measurement, one of: * * - `miles` (default) * - `radians` * - `kilometers` * - `meters` * - `miles` * - `feet` * - `degrees` */ GeoPoint.distanceBetween = function distanceBetween(a, b, options) { if (!(a instanceof GeoPoint)) { a = GeoPoint(a); } if (!(b instanceof GeoPoint)) { b = GeoPoint(b); } const x1 = a.lat; const y1 = a.lng; const x2 = b.lat; const y2 = b.lng; return geoDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, options); }; /** * Determine the spherical distance to the given point. * Example: * ```js * var loopback = require(‘loopback’); * * var here = new loopback.GeoPoint({lat: 10, lng: 10}); * var there = new loopback.GeoPoint({lat: 5, lng: 5}); * * loopback.GeoPoint.distanceBetween(here, there, {type: 'miles'}) // 438 * ``` * @param {Object} point GeoPoint object to which to measure distance. * @options {Object} options Options object with one key, 'type'. See below. * @property {String} type Unit of measurement, one of: * * - `miles` (default) * - `radians` * - `kilometers` * - `meters` * - `miles` * - `feet` * - `degrees` */ GeoPoint.prototype.distanceTo = function(point, options) { return GeoPoint.distanceBetween(this, point, options); }; /** * Simple serialization. */ GeoPoint.prototype.toString = function() { return this.lat + ',' + this.lng; }; /** * @property {Number} DEG2RAD - Factor to convert degrees to radians. * @property {Number} RAD2DEG - Factor to convert radians to degrees. * @property {Object} EARTH_RADIUS - Radius of the earth. */ // factor to convert degrees to radians const DEG2RAD = 0.01745329252; // factor to convert radians degrees to degrees const RAD2DEG = 57.29577951308; // radius of the earth const EARTH_RADIUS = { kilometers: 6370.99056, meters: 6370990.56, miles: 3958.75, feet: 20902200, radians: 1, degrees: RAD2DEG, }; function geoDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { const type = (options && options.type) || 'miles'; // Convert to radians x1 = x1 * DEG2RAD; y1 = y1 * DEG2RAD; x2 = x2 * DEG2RAD; y2 = y2 * DEG2RAD; // use the haversine formula to calculate distance for any 2 points on a sphere. // ref http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula const haversine = function(a) { return Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2.0), 2); }; const f = Math.sqrt(haversine(x2 - x1) + Math.cos(x2) * Math.cos(x1) * haversine(y2 - y1)); return 2 * Math.asin(f) * EARTH_RADIUS[type]; }