var ModelBuilder = require('../').ModelBuilder; var should = require('./init'); describe('async observer', function() { var TestModel; beforeEach(function defineTestModel() { var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(); TestModel = modelBuilder.define('TestModel', { name: String }); }); it('calls registered async observers', function(done) { var notifications = []; TestModel.observe('before', pushAndNext(notifications, 'before')); TestModel.observe('after', pushAndNext(notifications, 'after')); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('before', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.push('call'); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('after', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql(['before', 'call', 'after']); done(); }); }); }); it('allows multiple observers for the same operation', function(done) { var notifications = []; TestModel.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'one')); TestModel.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'two')); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql(['one', 'two']); done(); }); }); it('inherits observers from base model', function(done) { var notifications = []; TestModel.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'base')); var Child = TestModel.extend('Child'); Child.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'child')); Child.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql(['base', 'child']); done(); }); }); it('does not modify observers in the base model', function(done) { var notifications = []; TestModel.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'base')); var Child = TestModel.extend('Child'); Child.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'child')); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql(['base']); done(); }); }); it('always calls inherited observers', function(done) { var notifications = []; TestModel.observe('event', pushAndNext(notifications, 'base')); var Child = TestModel.extend('Child'); // Important: there are no observers on the Child model Child.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql(['base']); done(); }); }); it('can remove observers', function(done) { var notifications = []; function call(ctx, next) { notifications.push('call'); process.nextTick(next); }; TestModel.observe('event', call); TestModel.removeObserver('event', call); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql([]); done(); }); }); it('can clear all observers', function(done) { var notifications = []; function call(ctx, next) { notifications.push('call'); process.nextTick(next); }; TestModel.observe('event', call); TestModel.observe('event', call); TestModel.observe('event', call); TestModel.clearObservers('event'); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); notifications.should.eql([]); done(); }); }); it('handles no observers', function(done) { TestModel.notifyObserversOf('no-observers', {}, function(err) { // the test passes when no error was raised done(err); }); }); it('passes context to final callback', function(done) { var context = {}; TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', context, function(err, ctx) { (ctx || "null").should.equal(context); done(); }); }); describe('notifyObserversAround', function() { var notifications; beforeEach(function() { notifications = []; TestModel.observe('before execute', pushAndNext(notifications, 'before execute')); TestModel.observe('after execute', pushAndNext(notifications, 'after execute')); }); it('should notify before/after observers', function(done) { var context = {}; function work(done) { process.nextTick(function() { done(null, 1); }); } TestModel.notifyObserversAround('execute', context, work, function(err, result) { notifications.should.eql(['before execute', 'after execute']); result.should.eql(1); done(); }); }); it('should allow work with context', function(done) { var context = {}; function work(context, done) { process.nextTick(function() { done(null, 1); }); } TestModel.notifyObserversAround('execute', context, work, function(err, result) { notifications.should.eql(['before execute', 'after execute']); result.should.eql(1); done(); }); }); it('should notify before/after observers with multiple results', function(done) { var context = {}; function work(done) { process.nextTick(function() { done(null, 1, 2); }); } TestModel.notifyObserversAround('execute', context, work, function(err, r1, r2) { r1.should.eql(1); r2.should.eql(2); notifications.should.eql(['before execute', 'after execute']); done(); }); }); }); it('resolves promises returned by observers', function(done) { TestModel.observe('event', function(ctx) { return Promise.resolve('value-to-ignore'); }); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err, ctx) { // the test times out when the promises are not supported done(); }); }); it('handles rejected promise returned by an observer', function(done) { var testError = new Error('expected test error'); TestModel.observe('event', function(ctx) { return Promise.reject(testError); }); TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', {}, function(err, ctx) { err.should.eql(testError); done(); }); }); it('returns a promise when no callback is provided', function() { var context = { value: 'a-test-context' }; var p = TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', context); (p !== undefined); return p.then(function(result) { result.should.eql(context); }); }); it('returns a rejected promise when no callback is provided', function() { var testError = new Error('expected test error'); TestModel.observe('event', function(ctx, next) { next(testError); }); var p = TestModel.notifyObserversOf('event', context); return p.then( function(result) { throw new Error('The promise should have been rejected.'); }, function(err) { err.should.eql(testError); }); }); }); function pushAndNext(array, value) { return function(ctx, next) { array.push(value); process.nextTick(next); }; }