// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // This test written in mocha+should.js 'use strict'; /* global getSchema:false, connectorCapabilities:false */ const async = require('async'); const bdd = require('./helpers/bdd-if'); const should = require('./init.js'); const uid = require('./helpers/uid-generator'); let db, User; describe('basic-querying', function() { before(function(done) { const userModelDef = { seq: {type: Number, index: true}, name: {type: String, index: true, sort: true}, email: {type: String, index: true}, birthday: {type: Date, index: true}, role: {type: String, index: true}, order: {type: Number, index: true, sort: true}, vip: {type: Boolean}, address: { street: String, city: String, state: String, zipCode: String, tags: [ { tag: String, }, ], }, friends: [ { name: String, }, ], addressLoc: { lat: Number, lng: Number, }, }; db = getSchema(); // connectors that do not support geo-point types connectorCapabilities.geoPoint = (db.adapter.name != 'dashdb') && (db.adapter.name != 'db2') && (db.adapter.name != 'informix') && (db.adapter.name != 'cassandra'); if (connectorCapabilities.geoPoint) userModelDef.addressLoc = {type: 'GeoPoint'}; User = db.define('User', userModelDef); db.automigrate(done); }); describe('ping', function() { it('should be able to test connections', function(done) { db.ping(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); }); describe('findById', function() { before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); User.destroyAll(done); }); it('should query by id: not found', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 1; User.findById(unknownId, function(err, u) { should.not.exist(u); should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should query by id: found', function(done) { User.create(function(err, u) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(u.id); User.findById(u.id, function(err, u) { should.exist(u); should.not.exist(err); u.should.be.an.instanceOf(User); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('findByIds', function() { let createdUsers; before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); const people = [ {name: 'a', vip: true}, {name: 'b', vip: null}, {name: 'c'}, {name: 'd', vip: true}, {name: 'e'}, {name: 'f'}, ]; db.automigrate(['User'], function(err) { User.create(people, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); // Users might be created in parallel and the generated ids can be // out of sequence createdUsers = users; done(); }); }); }); it('should query by ids', function(done) { User.findByIds( [createdUsers[2].id, createdUsers[1].id, createdUsers[0].id], function(err, users) { should.exist(users); should.not.exist(err); const names = users.map(function(u) { return u.name; }); names.should.eql( [createdUsers[2].name, createdUsers[1].name, createdUsers[0].name] ); done(); } ); }); it('should query by ids and condition', function(done) { User.findByIds([ createdUsers[0].id, createdUsers[1].id, createdUsers[2].id, createdUsers[3].id], {where: {vip: true}}, function(err, users) { should.exist(users); should.not.exist(err); const names = users.map(function(u) { return u.name; }); names.should.eql(createdUsers.slice(0, 4). filter(function(u) { return u.vip; }).map(function(u) { return u.name; })); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.nullDataValueExists !== false, 'should query by ids to check null property', function(done) { User.findByIds([ createdUsers[0].id, createdUsers[1].id], {where: {vip: null}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.eql(1); users[0].name.should.eql(createdUsers[1].name); done(); }); }); }); describe('find', function() { before(seed); before(function setupDelayingLoadedHook() { User.observe('loaded', nextAfterDelay); }); after(function removeDelayingLoadHook() { User.removeObserver('loaded', nextAfterDelay); }); it('should query collection', function(done) { User.find(function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.should.have.lengthOf(6); done(); }); }); it('should query limited collection', function(done) { User.find({limit: 3}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.should.have.lengthOf(3); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportPagination !== false, 'should query collection with skip & ' + 'limit', function(done) { User.find({skip: 1, limit: 4, order: 'seq'}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users[0].seq.should.be.eql(1); users.should.have.lengthOf(4); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportPagination !== false, 'should query collection with offset & ' + 'limit', function(done) { User.find({offset: 2, limit: 3, order: 'seq'}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users[0].seq.should.be.eql(2); users.should.have.lengthOf(3); done(); }); }); it('should query filtered collection', function(done) { User.find({where: {role: 'lead'}}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.should.have.lengthOf(2); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should query collection sorted by numeric ' + 'field', function(done) { User.find({order: 'order'}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.forEach(function(u, i) { u.order.should.eql(i + 1); }); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should query collection desc sorted by ' + 'numeric field', function(done) { User.find({order: 'order DESC'}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.forEach(function(u, i) { u.order.should.eql(users.length - i); }); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should query collection sorted by string ' + 'field', function(done) { User.find({order: 'name'}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.shift().name.should.equal('George Harrison'); users.shift().name.should.equal('John Lennon'); users.pop().name.should.equal('Stuart Sutcliffe'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should query collection desc sorted by ' + 'string field', function(done) { User.find({order: 'name DESC'}, function(err, users) { should.exists(users); should.not.exists(err); users.pop().name.should.equal('George Harrison'); users.pop().name.should.equal('John Lennon'); users.shift().name.should.equal('Stuart Sutcliffe'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should query sorted desc by order integer field' + ' even though there is an async model loaded hook', function(done) { User.find({order: 'order DESC'}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); should.exists(users); const order = users.map(function(u) { return u.order; }); order.should.eql([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]); done(); }); }); it('should support "and" operator that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {and: [ {name: 'John Lennon'}, {role: 'lead'}, ]}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); done(); }); }); it('should support "and" operator that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {and: [ {name: 'John Lennon'}, {role: 'member'}, ]}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportOrOperator !== false, 'should support "or" that is ' + 'satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {or: [ {name: 'John Lennon'}, {role: 'lead'}, ]}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 2); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportOrOperator !== false, 'should support "or" operator that is ' + 'not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {or: [ {name: 'XYZ'}, {role: 'Hello1'}, ]}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.nullDataValueExists !== false, 'should support where date "neq" null', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: {'neq': null}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.should.have.property('length', 2); should(users[0].name).be.oneOf('John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney'); should(users[1].name).be.oneOf('John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.nullDataValueExists !== false, 'should support where date is null', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: null, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.should.have.property('length', 4); done(); }); }); it('should support date "gte" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: {'gte': new Date('1980-12-08')}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); done(); }); }); it('should support date "gt" that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: {'gt': new Date('1980-12-08')}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); it('should support date "gt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: {'gt': new Date('1980-12-07')}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should support date "lt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: {'lt': new Date('1980-12-07')}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney'); done(); }); }); it('should support number "gte" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {order: {'gte': 3}}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 4); users.map(u => u.name).should.containDeep([ 'George Harrison', 'Ringo Starr', 'Pete Best', 'Stuart Sutcliffe', ]); done(); }); }); it('should support number "gt" that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {order: {'gt': 6}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); it('should support number "gt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {order: {'gt': 5}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].name.should.equal('Ringo Starr'); done(); }); }); it('should support number "lt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {order: {'lt': 2}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.ignoreUndefinedConditionValue !== false, 'should support number "gt" ' + 'that is satisfied by null value', function(done) { User.find({order: 'seq', where: {order: {'gt': null}}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.ignoreUndefinedConditionValue !== false, 'should support number "lt" ' + 'that is not satisfied by null value', function(done) { User.find({where: {order: {'lt': null}}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.ignoreUndefinedConditionValue !== false, 'should support string "gte" ' + 'that is satisfied by null value', function(done) { User.find({order: 'seq', where: {name: {'gte': null}}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should support string "gte" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {'gte': 'Paul McCartney'}}}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 4); for (let ix = 0; ix < users.length; ix++) { users[ix].name.should.be.greaterThanOrEqual('Paul McCartney'); } done(); }); }); it('should support string "gt" that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {'gt': 'xyz'}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should support string "gt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {'gt': 'Paul McCartney'}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 3); for (let ix = 0; ix < users.length; ix++) { users[ix].name.should.be.greaterThan('Paul McCartney'); } done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should support string "lt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {'lt': 'Paul McCartney'}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 2); for (let ix = 0; ix < users.length; ix++) { users[ix].name.should.be.lessThan('Paul McCartney'); } done(); }); }); it('should support boolean "gte" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {vip: {'gte': true}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 3); for (let ix = 0; ix < users.length; ix++) { users[ix].name.should.be.oneOf(['John Lennon', 'Stuart Sutcliffe', 'Paul McCartney']); users[ix].vip.should.be.true(); } done(); }); }); it('should support boolean "gt" that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {vip: {'gt': true}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 0); done(); }); }); it('should support boolean "gt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {vip: {'gt': false}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 3); for (let ix = 0; ix < users.length; ix++) { users[ix].name.should.be.oneOf(['John Lennon', 'Stuart Sutcliffe', 'Paul McCartney']); users[ix].vip.should.be.true(users[ix].name + ' should be VIP'); } done(); }); }); it('should support boolean "lt" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {vip: {'lt': true}, }}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); users.should.have.property('length', 2); for (let ix = 0; ix < users.length; ix++) { users[ix].name.should.be.oneOf(['Ringo Starr', 'George Harrison']); users[ix].vip.should.be.false(users[ix].name + ' should not be VIP'); } done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportInq, 'supports non-empty inq', function() { // note there is no record with seq=100 return User.find({where: {seq: {inq: [0, 1, 100]}}}) .then(result => { const seqsFound = result.map(r => r.seq); should(seqsFound).eql([0, 1]); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportInq, 'supports empty inq', function() { return User.find({where: {seq: {inq: []}}}) .then(result => { const seqsFound = result.map(r => r.seq); should(seqsFound).eql([]); }); }); const itWhenIlikeSupported = connectorCapabilities.ilike; bdd.describeIf(itWhenIlikeSupported, 'ilike', function() { it('should support "like" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {like: 'John'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(1); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); done(); }); }); it('should support "like" that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {like: 'Bob'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('should support "ilike" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {ilike: 'john'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(1); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); done(); }); }); it('should support "ilike" that is not satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {ilike: 'bob'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(0); done(); }); }); }); const itWhenNilikeSupported = connectorCapabilities.nilike !== false; bdd.describeIf(itWhenNilikeSupported, 'nilike', function() { it('should support "nlike" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {nlike: 'John'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(5); users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney'); done(); }); }); it('should support "nilike" that is satisfied', function(done) { User.find({where: {name: {nilike: 'john'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(5); users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney'); done(); }); }); }); describe('geo queries', function() { describe('near filter', function() { it('supports a basic "near" query', function(done) { User.find({ where: { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 29.9, lng: -90.07}, }, }, }, function(err, users) { if (err) done(err); users.should.have.property('length', 3); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); users[0].should.be.instanceOf(User); users[0].addressLoc.should.not.be.null(); done(); }); }); it('supports "near" inside a coumpound query with "and"', function(done) { User.find({ where: { and: [ { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 29.9, lng: -90.07}, }, }, { vip: true, }, ], }, }, function(err, users) { if (err) done(err); users.should.have.property('length', 2); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); users[0].should.be.instanceOf(User); users[0].addressLoc.should.not.be.null(); users[0].vip.should.be.true(); done(); }); }); it('supports "near" inside a complex coumpound query with multiple "and"', function(done) { User.find({ where: { and: [ { and: [ { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 29.9, lng: -90.07}, }, }, { order: 2, }, ], }, { vip: true, }, ], }, }, function(err, users) { if (err) done(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); users[0].should.be.instanceOf(User); users[0].addressLoc.should.not.be.null(); users[0].vip.should.be.true(); users[0].order.should.equal(2); done(); }); }); it('supports multiple "near" queries with "or"', function(done) { User.find({ where: { or: [ { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 29.9, lng: -90.04}, maxDistance: 300, }, }, { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 22.97, lng: -88.03}, maxDistance: 50, }, }, ], }, }, function(err, users) { if (err) done(err); users.should.have.property('length', 2); users[0].addressLoc.should.not.be.null(); users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney'); users[0].should.be.instanceOf(User); users[1].addressLoc.should.not.equal(null); users[1].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); done(); }); }); it('supports multiple "near" queries with "or" ' + 'inside a coumpound query with "and"', function(done) { User.find({ where: { and: [ { or: [ { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 29.9, lng: -90.04}, maxDistance: 300, }, }, { addressLoc: { near: {lat: 22.7, lng: -89.03}, maxDistance: 50, }, }, ], }, { vip: true, }, ], }, }, function(err, users) { if (err) done(err); users.should.have.property('length', 1); users[0].addressLoc.should.not.be.null(); users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon'); users[0].should.be.instanceOf(User); users[0].vip.should.be.true(); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should only include fields as specified', function(done) { let remaining = 0; function sample(fields) { return { expect: function(arr) { remaining++; User.find({fields: fields}, function(err, users) { remaining--; if (err) return done(err); should.exists(users); if (remaining === 0) { done(); } users.forEach(function(user) { const obj = user.toObject(); Object.keys(obj) .forEach(function(key) { // if the obj has an unexpected value if (obj[key] !== undefined && arr.indexOf(key) === -1) { console.log('Given fields:', fields); console.log('Got:', key, obj[key]); console.log('Expected:', arr); throw new Error('should not include data for key: ' + key); } }); }); }); }, }; } sample({name: true}).expect(['name']); sample({name: false}).expect([ 'id', 'seq', 'email', 'role', 'order', 'birthday', 'vip', 'address', 'friends', 'addressLoc', ]); sample({name: false, id: true}).expect(['id']); sample({id: true}).expect(['id']); sample('id').expect(['id']); sample(['id']).expect(['id']); sample(['email']).expect(['email']); }); it('should ignore non existing properties when excluding', function(done) { return User.find({fields: {notExist: false}}, (err, users) => { if (err) return done(err); users.forEach(user => { switch (user.seq) { // all fields depending on each document case 0: case 1: Object.keys(user.__data).should.containDeep(['id', 'seq', 'name', 'order', 'role', 'birthday', 'vip', 'address', 'friends']); break; case 4: // seq 4 Object.keys(user.__data).should.containDeep(['id', 'seq', 'name', 'order']); break; default: // Other records, seq 2, 3, 5 Object.keys(user.__data).should.containDeep(['id', 'seq', 'name', 'order', 'vip']); } }); done(); }); }); const describeWhenNestedSupported = connectorCapabilities.nestedProperty; bdd.describeIf(describeWhenNestedSupported, 'query with nested property', function() { it('should support nested property in query', function(done) { User.find({where: {'address.city': 'San Jose'}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.be.equal(1); for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { users[i].address.city.should.be.eql('San Jose'); } done(); }); }); it('should support nested property with regex over arrays in query', function(done) { User.find({where: {'friends.name': {regexp: /^Ringo/}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.be.equal(2); const expectedUsers = ['John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney']; expectedUsers.indexOf(users[0].name).should.not.equal(-1); expectedUsers.indexOf(users[1].name).should.not.equal(-1); done(); }); }); it('should support nested property with gt in query', function(done) { User.find({where: {'address.city': {gt: 'San'}}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.be.equal(2); for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { users[i].address.state.should.be.eql('CA'); } done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort, 'should support nested property for order in query', function(done) { User.find({where: {'address.state': 'CA'}, order: 'address.city DESC'}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.be.equal(2); users[0].address.city.should.be.eql('San Mateo'); users[1].address.city.should.be.eql('San Jose'); done(); }); }); it('should support multi-level nested array property in query', function(done) { User.find({where: {'address.tags.tag': 'business'}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.be.equal(1); users[0].address.tags[0].tag.should.be.equal('business'); users[0].address.tags[1].tag.should.be.equal('rent'); done(); }); }); it('should fail when querying with an invalid value for a type', function(done) { User.find({where: {birthday: 'notadate'}}, function(err, users) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal('Invalid date: notadate'); done(); }); }); }); it('preserves empty values from the database', async () => { // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1692 // Initially, all Products were always active, no property was needed const Product = db.define('Product', {name: String}); await db.automigrate('Product'); const created = await Product.create({name: 'Pen'}); // Later on, we decide to introduce `active` property Product.defineProperty('active', { type: Boolean, default: false, }); // And query existing data const found = await Product.findOne(); found.toObject().should.eql({ id: created.id, name: 'Pen', active: undefined, }); }); }); describe('count', function() { before(seed); it('should query total count', function(done) { User.count(function(err, n) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(n); n.should.equal(6); done(); }); }); it('should query filtered count', function(done) { User.count({role: 'lead'}, function(err, n) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(n); n.should.equal(2); done(); }); }); }); describe('findOne', function() { before(seed); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should find first record (default sort by id)', function(done) { User.all({order: 'id'}, function(err, users) { User.findOne(function(e, u) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(u); u.id.toString().should.equal(users[0].id.toString()); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort, 'should find first record', function(done) { User.findOne({order: 'order'}, function(e, u) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(u); u.order.should.equal(1); u.name.should.equal('Paul McCartney'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort, 'should find last record', function(done) { User.findOne({order: 'order DESC'}, function(e, u) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(u); u.order.should.equal(6); u.name.should.equal('Ringo Starr'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort, 'should find last record in filtered set', function(done) { User.findOne({ where: {role: 'lead'}, order: 'order DESC', }, function(e, u) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(u); u.order.should.equal(2); u.name.should.equal('John Lennon'); done(); }); }); it('should work even when find by id', function(done) { User.findOne(function(e, u) { User.findOne({where: {id: u.id}}, function(err, user) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(user); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('exists', function() { before(seed); it('should check whether record exist', function(done) { User.findOne(function(e, u) { User.exists(u.id, function(err, exists) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(exists); exists.should.be.ok; done(); }); }); }); it('should check whether record not exist', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 42; User.destroyAll(function() { User.exists(unknownId, function(err, exists) { should.not.exist(err); exists.should.not.be.ok; done(); }); }); }); }); context('regexp operator', function() { const invalidDataTypes = [0, true, {}, [], Function, null]; before(seed); it('should return an error for invalid data types', function(done) { // `undefined` is not tested because the `removeUndefined` function // in `lib/dao.js` removes it before coercion async.each(invalidDataTypes, function(v, cb) { User.find({where: {name: {regexp: v}}}, function(err, users) { should.exist(err); cb(); }); }, done); }); }); }); // FIXME: This should either be re-enabled or removed. describe.skip('queries', function() { let Todo; before(function prepDb(done) { db = getSchema(); Todo = db.define('Todo', { id: false, content: {type: 'string'}, }, { idInjection: false, }); db.automigrate(['Todo'], done); }); beforeEach(function resetFixtures(done) { db = getSchema(); Todo.destroyAll(function() { Todo.create([ {content: 'Buy eggs'}, {content: 'Buy milk'}, {content: 'Buy sausages'}, ], done); }); }); context('that do not require an id', function() { it('should work for create', function(done) { Todo.create({content: 'Buy ham'}, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should work for updateOrCreate/upsert', function(done) { const aliases = ['updateOrCreate', 'upsert']; async.each(aliases, function(alias, cb) { Todo[alias]({content: 'Buy ham'}, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); cb(); }); }, done); }); it('should work for findOrCreate', function(done) { Todo.findOrCreate({content: 'Buy ham'}, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should work for exists', function(done) { Todo.exists({content: 'Buy ham'}, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should work for find', function(done) { Todo.find(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should work for findOne', function(done) { Todo.findOne(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should work for deleteAll/destroyAll/remove', function(done) { // FIXME: We should add a DAO.delete static method alias for consistency // (DAO.prototype.delete instance method already exists) const aliases = ['deleteAll', 'destroyAll', 'remove']; async.each(aliases, function(alias, cb) { Todo[alias](function(err) { should.not.exist(err); cb(); }); }, done); }); it('should work for update/updateAll', function(done) { Todo.update({content: 'Buy ham'}, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should work for count', function(done) { Todo.count({content: 'Buy eggs'}, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); }); context('that require an id', function() { const expectedErrMsg = 'Primary key is missing for the Todo model'; it('should return an error for findById', function(done) { Todo.findById(1, function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); it('should return an error for findByIds', function(done) { Todo.findByIds([1, 2], function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); it('should return an error for deleteById/destroyById/removeById', function(done) { const aliases = ['deleteById', 'destroyById', 'removeById']; async.each(aliases, function(alias, cb) { Todo[alias](1, function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); cb(); }); }, done); }); it('should return an error for instance.save', function(done) { const todo = new Todo(); todo.content = 'Buy ham'; todo.save(function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); it('should return an error for instance.delete', function(done) { Todo.findOne(function(err, todo) { todo.delete(function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); }); it('should return an error for instance.updateAttribute', function(done) { Todo.findOne(function(err, todo) { todo.updateAttribute('content', 'Buy ham', function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); }); it('should return an error for instance.updateAttributes', function(done) { Todo.findOne(function(err, todo) { todo.updateAttributes({content: 'Buy ham'}, function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); }); }); }); function seed(done) { const beatles = [ { seq: 0, name: 'John Lennon', email: 'john@b3atl3s.co.uk', role: 'lead', birthday: new Date('1980-12-08'), order: 2, vip: true, address: { street: '123 A St', city: 'San Jose', state: 'CA', zipCode: '95131', tags: [ {tag: 'business'}, {tag: 'rent'}, ], }, friends: [ {name: 'Paul McCartney'}, {name: 'George Harrison'}, {name: 'Ringo Starr'}, ], addressLoc: {lat: 29.97, lng: -90.03}, }, { seq: 1, name: 'Paul McCartney', email: 'paul@b3atl3s.co.uk', role: 'lead', birthday: new Date('1942-06-18'), order: 1, vip: true, address: { street: '456 B St', city: 'San Mateo', state: 'CA', zipCode: '94065', }, friends: [ {name: 'John Lennon'}, {name: 'George Harrison'}, {name: 'Ringo Starr'}, ], addressLoc: {lat: 22.97, lng: -88.03}, }, { seq: 2, name: 'George Harrison', birthday: null, order: 5, vip: false, addressLoc: {lat: 22.7, lng: -89.03}, }, {seq: 3, name: 'Ringo Starr', order: 6, birthday: null, vip: false}, {seq: 4, name: 'Pete Best', order: 4, birthday: null}, {seq: 5, name: 'Stuart Sutcliffe', order: 3, birthday: null, vip: true}, ]; async.series([ User.destroyAll.bind(User), function(cb) { async.each(beatles, User.create.bind(User), cb); }, ], done); } function nextAfterDelay(ctx, next) { const randomTimeoutTrigger = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); setTimeout(function() { process.nextTick(next); }, randomTimeoutTrigger); }