// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // Turning on strict for this file breaks lots of test cases; // disabling strict for this file /* eslint-disable strict */ module.exports = ModelUtils; /*! * Module dependencies */ const g = require('strong-globalize')(); const geo = require('./geo'); const utils = require('./utils'); const fieldsToArray = utils.fieldsToArray; const sanitizeQueryOrData = utils.sanitizeQuery; const BaseModel = require('./model'); /** * A mixin to contain utility methods for DataAccessObject */ function ModelUtils() { } /** * Verify if allowExtendedOperators is enabled * @options {Object} [options] Optional options to use. * @property {Boolean} allowExtendedOperators. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if allowExtendedOperators is enabled, else `false`. */ ModelUtils._allowExtendedOperators = function(options) { const flag = this._getSetting('allowExtendedOperators', options); if (flag != null) return !!flag; // Default to `false` return false; }; /** * Get settings via hierarchical determination * - method level options * - model level settings * - data source level settings * * @param {String} key The setting key */ ModelUtils._getSetting = function(key, options) { // Check method level options let val = options && options[key]; if (val !== undefined) return val; // Check for settings in model const m = this.definition; if (m && m.settings) { val = m.settings[key]; if (val !== undefined) { return m.settings[key]; } // Fall back to data source level } // Check for settings in connector const ds = this.getDataSource(); if (ds && ds.settings) { return ds.settings[key]; } return undefined; }; const operators = { eq: '=', gt: '>', gte: '>=', lt: '<', lte: '<=', between: 'BETWEEN', inq: 'IN', nin: 'NOT IN', neq: '!=', like: 'LIKE', nlike: 'NOT LIKE', ilike: 'ILIKE', nilike: 'NOT ILIKE', regexp: 'REGEXP', }; /* * Normalize the filter object and throw errors if invalid values are detected * @param {Object} filter The query filter object * @options {Object} [options] Optional options to use. * @property {Boolean} allowExtendedOperators. * @returns {Object} The normalized filter object * @private */ ModelUtils._normalize = function(filter, options) { if (!filter) { return undefined; } let err = null; if ((typeof filter !== 'object') || Array.isArray(filter)) { err = new Error(g.f('The query filter %j is not an {{object}}', filter)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } if (filter.limit || filter.skip || filter.offset) { const limit = Number(filter.limit || 100); const offset = Number(filter.skip || filter.offset || 0); if (isNaN(limit) || limit <= 0 || Math.ceil(limit) !== limit) { err = new Error(g.f('The {{limit}} parameter %j is not valid', filter.limit)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } if (isNaN(offset) || offset < 0 || Math.ceil(offset) !== offset) { err = new Error(g.f('The {{offset/skip}} parameter %j is not valid', filter.skip || filter.offset)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } filter.limit = limit; filter.offset = offset; filter.skip = offset; } if (filter.order) { let order = filter.order; if (!Array.isArray(order)) { order = [order]; } const fields = []; for (let i = 0, m = order.length; i < m; i++) { if (typeof order[i] === 'string') { // Normalize 'f1 ASC, f2 DESC, f3' to ['f1 ASC', 'f2 DESC', 'f3'] const tokens = order[i].split(/(?:\s*,\s*)+/); for (let t = 0, n = tokens.length; t < n; t++) { let token = tokens[t]; if (token.length === 0) { // Skip empty token continue; } const parts = token.split(/\s+/); if (parts.length >= 2) { const dir = parts[1].toUpperCase(); if (dir === 'ASC' || dir === 'DESC') { token = parts[0] + ' ' + dir; } else { err = new Error(g.f('The {{order}} %j has invalid direction', token)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } } fields.push(token); } } else { err = new Error(g.f('The order %j is not valid', order[i])); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } } if (fields.length === 1 && typeof filter.order === 'string') { filter.order = fields[0]; } else { filter.order = fields; } } // normalize fields as array of included property names if (filter.fields) { filter.fields = fieldsToArray(filter.fields, Object.keys(this.definition.properties), this.settings.strict); } filter = this._sanitizeQuery(filter, options); this._coerce(filter.where, options); return filter; }; function DateType(arg) { const d = new Date(arg); if (isNaN(d.getTime())) { throw new Error(g.f('Invalid date: %s', arg)); } return d; } function BooleanType(arg) { if (typeof arg === 'string') { switch (arg) { case 'true': case '1': return true; case 'false': case '0': return false; } } if (arg == null) { return null; } return Boolean(arg); } function NumberType(val) { const num = Number(val); return !isNaN(num) ? num : val; } function coerceArray(val) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { return val; } if (!utils.isPlainObject(val)) { throw new Error(g.f('Value is not an {{array}} or {{object}} with sequential numeric indices')); } // It is an object, check if empty const props = Object.keys(val); if (props.length === 0) { throw new Error(g.f('Value is an empty {{object}}')); } const arrayVal = new Array(props.length); for (let i = 0; i < arrayVal.length; ++i) { if (!val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { throw new Error(g.f('Value is not an {{array}} or {{object}} with sequential numeric indices')); } arrayVal[i] = val[i]; } return arrayVal; } function _normalizeAsArray(result) { if (typeof result === 'string') { result = [result]; } if (Array.isArray(result)) { return result; } else { // See https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1646 // `ModelBaseClass` normalize the properties to an object such as `{secret: true}` const keys = []; for (const k in result) { if (result[k]) keys.push(k); } return keys; } } /** * Get an array of hidden property names */ ModelUtils._getHiddenProperties = function() { const settings = this.definition.settings || {}; const result = settings.hiddenProperties || settings.hidden || []; return _normalizeAsArray(result); }; /** * Get an array of protected property names */ ModelUtils._getProtectedProperties = function() { const settings = this.definition.settings || {}; const result = settings.protectedProperties || settings.protected || []; return _normalizeAsArray(result); }; /** * Get the maximum depth of a query object */ ModelUtils._getMaxDepthOfQuery = function(options, defaultValue) { options = options || {}; // See https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1651 let maxDepth = this._getSetting('maxDepthOfQuery', options); if (maxDepth == null) { maxDepth = defaultValue || 32; } return +maxDepth; }; /** * Get the maximum depth of a data object */ ModelUtils._getMaxDepthOfData = function(options, defaultValue) { options = options || {}; // See https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1651 let maxDepth = this._getSetting('maxDepthOfData', options); if (maxDepth == null) { maxDepth = defaultValue || 64; } return +maxDepth; }; /** * Get the prohibitHiddenPropertiesInQuery flag */ ModelUtils._getProhibitHiddenPropertiesInQuery = function(options, defaultValue) { const flag = this._getSetting('prohibitHiddenPropertiesInQuery', options); if (flag == null) return !!defaultValue; return !!flag; }; /** * Sanitize the query object */ ModelUtils._sanitizeQuery = function(query, options) { options = options || {}; // Get settings to normalize `undefined` values const normalizeUndefinedInQuery = this._getSetting('normalizeUndefinedInQuery', options); // Get setting to prohibit hidden/protected properties in query const prohibitHiddenPropertiesInQuery = this._getProhibitHiddenPropertiesInQuery(options); // See https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1651 const maxDepthOfQuery = this._getMaxDepthOfQuery(options); let prohibitedKeys = []; // Check violation of keys if (prohibitHiddenPropertiesInQuery) { prohibitedKeys = this._getHiddenProperties(); if (options.prohibitProtectedPropertiesInQuery) { prohibitedKeys = prohibitedKeys.concat(this._getProtectedProperties()); } } return sanitizeQueryOrData(query, Object.assign({ maxDepth: maxDepthOfQuery, prohibitedKeys: prohibitedKeys, normalizeUndefinedInQuery: normalizeUndefinedInQuery, }, options)); }; /** * Sanitize the data object */ ModelUtils._sanitizeData = function(data, options) { options = options || {}; return sanitizeQueryOrData(data, Object.assign({ maxDepth: this._getMaxDepthOfData(options), }, options)); }; /* * Coerce values based the property types * @param {Object} where The where clause * @options {Object} [options] Optional options to use. * @property {Boolean} allowExtendedOperators. * @returns {Object} The coerced where clause * @private */ ModelUtils._coerce = function(where, options) { const self = this; if (where == null) { return where; } options = options || {}; let err; if (typeof where !== 'object' || Array.isArray(where)) { err = new Error(g.f('The where clause %j is not an {{object}}', where)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } const props = self.definition.properties; for (const p in where) { // Handle logical operators if (p === 'and' || p === 'or' || p === 'nor') { let clauses = where[p]; try { clauses = coerceArray(clauses); } catch (e) { err = new Error(g.f('The %s operator has invalid clauses %j: %s', p, clauses, e.message)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } for (let k = 0; k < clauses.length; k++) { self._coerce(clauses[k], options); } where[p] = clauses; continue; } let DataType = props[p] && props[p].type; if (!DataType) { continue; } if (Array.isArray(DataType) || DataType === Array) { DataType = DataType[0]; } if (DataType === Date) { DataType = DateType; } else if (DataType === Boolean) { DataType = BooleanType; } else if (DataType === Number) { // This fixes a regression in mongodb connector // For numbers, only convert it produces a valid number // LoopBack by default injects a number id. We should fix it based // on the connector's input, for example, MongoDB should use string // while RDBs typically use number DataType = NumberType; } if (!DataType) { continue; } if (DataType.prototype instanceof BaseModel) { continue; } if (DataType === geo.GeoPoint) { // Skip the GeoPoint as the near operator breaks the assumption that // an operation has only one property // We should probably fix it based on // http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/near/ // The other option is to make operators start with $ continue; } let val = where[p]; if (val === null || val === undefined) { continue; } // Check there is an operator let operator = null; const exp = val; if (val.constructor === Object) { for (const op in operators) { if (op in val) { val = val[op]; operator = op; switch (operator) { case 'inq': case 'nin': case 'between': try { val = coerceArray(val); } catch (e) { err = new Error(g.f('The %s property has invalid clause %j: %s', p, where[p], e)); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } if (operator === 'between' && val.length !== 2) { err = new Error(g.f( 'The %s property has invalid clause %j: Expected precisely 2 values, received %d', p, where[p], val.length )); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } break; case 'like': case 'nlike': case 'ilike': case 'nilike': if (!(typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof RegExp)) { err = new Error(g.f( 'The %s property has invalid clause %j: Expected a string or RegExp', p, where[p] )); err.statusCode = 400; throw err; } break; case 'regexp': val = utils.toRegExp(val); if (val instanceof Error) { val.statusCode = 400; throw val; } break; } break; } } } try { // Coerce val into an array if it resembles an array-like object val = coerceArray(val); } catch (e) { // NOOP when not coercable into an array. } const allowExtendedOperators = self._allowExtendedOperators(options); // Coerce the array items if (Array.isArray(val)) { for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (val[i] !== null && val[i] !== undefined) { if (!(val[i] instanceof RegExp)) { val[i] = DataType(val[i]); } } } } else { if (val != null) { if (operator === null && val instanceof RegExp) { // Normalize {name: /A/} to {name: {regexp: /A/}} operator = 'regexp'; } else if (operator === 'regexp' && val instanceof RegExp) { // Do not coerce regex literals/objects } else if ((operator === 'like' || operator === 'nlike' || operator === 'ilike' || operator === 'nilike') && val instanceof RegExp) { // Do not coerce RegExp operator value } else if (allowExtendedOperators && typeof val === 'object') { // Do not coerce object values when extended operators are allowed } else { if (!allowExtendedOperators) { const extendedOperators = Object.keys(val).filter(function(k) { return k[0] === '$'; }); if (extendedOperators.length) { const msg = g.f('Operators "' + extendedOperators.join(', ') + '" are not allowed in query'); const err = new Error(msg); err.code = 'OPERATOR_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_QUERY'; err.statusCode = 400; err.details = { operators: extendedOperators, where: where, }; throw err; } } val = DataType(val); } } } // Rebuild {property: {operator: value}} if (operator && operator !== 'eq') { const value = {}; value[operator] = val; if (exp.options) { // Keep options for operators value.options = exp.options; } val = value; } where[p] = val; } return where; };