// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2015. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; /* global getSchema:false, connectorCapabilities:false */ const assert = require('assert'); const async = require('async'); const bdd = require('./helpers/bdd-if'); const should = require('./init.js'); const DataSource = require('../').DataSource; let db, User, Profile, AccessToken, Post, Passport, City, Street, Building, Assembly, Part; const knownUsers = ['User A', 'User B', 'User C', 'User D', 'User E']; const knownPassports = ['1', '2', '3', '4']; const knownPosts = ['Post A', 'Post B', 'Post C', 'Post D', 'Post E']; const knownProfiles = ['Profile A', 'Profile B', 'Profile Z']; describe('include', function() { before(setup); it('should fetch belongsTo relation', function(done) { Passport.find({include: 'owner'}, function(err, passports) { passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function(p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property p.should.have.property('owner'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output p.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); const owner = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(owner); } else { should.exist(owner); owner.id.should.eql(p.ownerId); } }); done(); }); }); it('does not return included item if FK is excluded', function(done) { Passport.find({include: 'owner', fields: 'number'}, function(err, passports) { if (err) return done(err); const owner = passports[0].toJSON().owner; should.not.exist(owner); done(); }); }); it('should fetch hasMany relation', function(done) { User.find({include: 'posts'}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function(u) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property u.should.have.property('posts'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output u.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); u.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); u.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(p) { // FIXME There are cases that p.userId is string p.userId.toString().should.eql(u.id.toString()); }); }); done(); }); }); it('should report errors if the PK is excluded', function(done) { User.find({include: 'posts', fields: 'name'}, function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.match(/ID property "id" is missing/); done(); }); }); it('should not have changed the __strict flag of the model', function(done) { const originalStrict = User.definition.settings.strict; User.definition.settings.strict = true; // Change to test regression for issue #1252 const finish = (err) => { // Restore original user strict property User.definition.settings.strict = originalStrict; done(err); }; User.find({include: 'posts'}, function(err, users) { if (err) return finish(err); users.forEach(user => { user.should.have.property('__strict', true); // we changed it }); finish(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should not save in db included models, in query returned models', function(done) { const originalStrict = User.definition.settings.strict; User.definition.settings.strict = true; // Change to test regression for issue #1252 const finish = (err) => { // Restore original user strict property User.definition.settings.strict = originalStrict; done(err); }; User.findOne({where: {name: 'User A'}, include: 'posts'}, function(err, user) { if (err) return finish(err); if (!user) return finish(new Error('User Not found to check relation not saved')); user.save(function(err) { // save the returned user if (err) return finish(err); // should not store in db the posts const dsName = User.dataSource.name; if (dsName === 'memory') { JSON.parse(User.dataSource.adapter.cache.User[1]).should.not.have.property('posts'); finish(); } else if (dsName === 'mongodb') { // Check native mongodb connector // get hold of native mongodb collection const dbCollection = User.dataSource.connector.collection(User.modelName); dbCollection.findOne({_id: user.id}) .then(function(foundUser) { if (!foundUser) { finish(new Error('User not found to check posts not saved')); } foundUser.should.not.have.property('posts'); finish(); }) .catch(finish); } else { // TODO make native checks for other connectors as well finish(); } }); }); }); it('should fetch Passport - Owner - Posts', function(done) { Passport.find({include: {owner: 'posts'}}, function(err, passports) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passports); passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function(p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property p.should.have.property('owner'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output p.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); const user = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(user); } else { should.exist(user); user.id.should.eql(p.ownerId); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('posts'); user.toJSON().should.have.property('posts').and.be.an.Array; user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(pp) { // FIXME There are cases that pp.userId is string pp.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); } }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch Passport - Owner - empty Posts', function(done) { Passport.findOne({where: {number: '4'}, include: {owner: 'posts'}}, function(err, passport) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passport); passport.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property passport.should.have.property('owner'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output passport.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); const user = passport.__cachedRelations.owner; should.exist(user); user.id.should.eql(passport.ownerId); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('posts'); user.toJSON().should.have.property('posts').and.be.an.Array().with .length(0); done(); }); }); it('should fetch Passport - Owner - Posts - alternate syntax', function(done) { Passport.find({include: {owner: {relation: 'posts'}}}, function(err, passports) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passports); passports.length.should.be.ok; let posts; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { posts = passports[0].owner().posts(); posts.should.have.length(3); } else { if (passports[0].owner()) { posts = passports[0].owner().posts(); posts.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(3); } } done(); }); }); it('should fetch Passports - User - Posts - User', function(done) { Passport.find({ include: {owner: {posts: 'author'}}, }, function(err, passports) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passports); passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function(p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); const user = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(user); } else { should.exist(user); user.id.should.eql(p.ownerId); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(pp) { pp.should.have.property('id'); // FIXME There are cases that pp.userId is string pp.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); pp.should.have.property('author'); pp.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('author'); const author = pp.__cachedRelations.author; author.id.should.eql(user.id); }); } }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch Passports with include scope on Posts', function(done) { Passport.find({ include: {owner: {relation: 'posts', scope: { fields: ['title'], include: ['author'], order: 'title DESC', }}}, }, function(err, passports) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passports); let passport, owner, posts; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { passports.length.should.equal(4); passport = passports[0]; passport.number.should.equal('1'); passport.owner().name.should.equal('User A'); owner = passport.owner().toObject(); posts = passport.owner().posts(); posts.should.be.an.array; posts.should.have.length(3); posts[0].title.should.equal('Post C'); posts[0].should.have.property('id', undefined); // omitted posts[0].author().should.be.instanceOf(User); posts[0].author().name.should.equal('User A'); posts[1].title.should.equal('Post B'); posts[1].author().name.should.equal('User A'); posts[2].title.should.equal('Post A'); posts[2].author().name.should.equal('User A'); } else { passports.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(4); passport = passports[0]; passport.number.should.be.oneOf(knownPassports); if (passport.owner()) { passport.owner().name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); owner = passport.owner().toObject(); posts = passport.owner().posts(); posts.should.be.an.array; posts.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(3); if (posts[0]) { posts[0].title.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); posts[0].author().should.be.instanceOf(User); posts[0].author().name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); } } } done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should support limit', function(done) { Passport.find({ include: { owner: { relation: 'posts', scope: { fields: ['title'], include: ['author'], order: 'title DESC', limit: 1, }, }, }, limit: 2, }, function(err, passports) { if (err) return done(err); passports.length.should.equal(2); const posts1 = passports[0].toJSON().owner.posts; posts1.length.should.equal(1); posts1[0].title.should.equal('Post C'); const posts2 = passports[1].toJSON().owner.posts; posts2.length.should.equal(1); posts2[0].title.should.equal('Post D'); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should support limit - no sort', function(done) { Passport.find({ include: { owner: { relation: 'posts', scope: { fields: ['title'], include: ['author'], order: 'title DESC', limit: 1, }, }, }, limit: 2, }, function(err, passports) { if (err) return done(err); passports.length.should.equal(2); let owner = passports[0].toJSON().owner; if (owner) { const posts1 = owner.posts; posts1.length.should.belowOrEqual(1); if (posts1.length === 1) { posts1[0].title.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); } } owner = passports[1].toJSON().owner; if (owner) { const posts2 = owner.posts; posts2.length.should.belowOrEqual(1); if (posts2.length === 1) { posts2[0].title.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); } } done(); }); }); bdd.describeIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'inq limit', function() { before(function() { Passport.dataSource.settings.inqLimit = 2; }); after(function() { delete Passport.dataSource.settings.inqLimit; }); it('should support include by pagination', function(done) { // `pagination` in this case is inside the implementation and set by // `inqLimit = 2` in the before block. This will need to be reworked once // we decouple `findWithForeignKeysByPage`. // // --superkhau Passport.find({ include: { owner: { relation: 'posts', scope: { fields: ['title'], include: ['author'], order: 'title ASC', }, }, }, }, function(err, passports) { if (err) return done(err); passports.length.should.equal(4); const posts1 = passports[0].toJSON().owner.posts; posts1.length.should.equal(3); posts1[0].title.should.equal('Post A'); const posts2 = passports[1].toJSON().owner.posts; posts2.length.should.equal(1); posts2[0].title.should.equal('Post D'); done(); }); }); }); bdd.describeIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'findWithForeignKeysByPage', function() { context('filter', function() { it('works when using a `where` with a foreign key', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'passports', }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const passport = user.passports()[0]; // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type passport.id.should.eql(createdPassports[0].id); passport.ownerId.should.eql(createdPassports[0].ownerId); passport.number.should.eql(createdPassports[0].number); done(); }); }); it('works when using a `where` with `and`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { where: { and: [ {id: createdPosts[0].id}, // Remove the duplicate userId to avoid Cassandra failure // {userId: createdPosts[0].userId}, {title: 'Post A'}, ], }, }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); user.name.should.equal('User A'); user.age.should.equal(21); user.id.should.eql(createdUsers[0].id); const posts = user.posts(); posts.length.should.equal(1); const post = posts[0]; post.title.should.equal('Post A'); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type post.userId.should.eql(createdPosts[0].userId); post.id.should.eql(createdPosts[0].id); done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` with `limit`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { limit: 1, }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); user.posts().length.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` with `skip`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { skip: 1, }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const ids = user.posts().map(function(p) { return p.id; }); ids.should.eql([createdPosts[1].id, createdPosts[2].id]); done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` with `offset`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { offset: 1, }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const ids = user.posts().map(function(p) { return p.id; }); ids.should.eql([createdPosts[1].id, createdPosts[2].id]); done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` without `limit`, `skip` or `offset`', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const posts = user.posts(); const ids = posts.map(function(p) { return p.id; }); ids.should.eql([ createdPosts[0].id, createdPosts[1].id, createdPosts[2].id, ]); done(); }); }); }); context('pagination', function() { it('works with the default page size (0) and `inqlimit` is exceeded', function(done) { // inqLimit modifies page size in the impl (there is no way to modify // page size directly as it is hardcoded (once we decouple the func, // we can use ctor injection to pass in whatever page size we want). // // --superkhau Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit = 2; User.find({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(5); delete Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit; done(); }); }); it('works when page size is set to 0', function(done) { Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit = 0; User.find({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(5); delete Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit; done(); }); }); }); context('relations', function() { // WARNING // The code paths for in this suite of tests were verified manually due to // the tight coupling of the `findWithForeignKeys` in `include.js`. // // TODO // Decouple the utility functions into their own modules and export each // function individually to allow for unit testing via DI. // // --superkhau it('works when hasOne is called', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'profile'}}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); user.name.should.equal('User A'); user.age.should.equal(21); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type user.id.should.eql(createdUsers[0].id); const profile = user.profile(); profile.profileName.should.equal('Profile A'); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type profile.userId.should.eql(createdProfiles[0].userId); profile.id.should.eql(createdProfiles[0].id); done(); }); }); it('does not return included item if hasOne is missing the id property', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'profile'}, fields: 'name'}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(user); // Convert to JSON as the user instance has `profile` as a relational method should.not.exist(user.toJSON().profile); done(); }); }); it('works when hasMany is called', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(); user.name.should.equal('User A'); user.age.should.equal(21); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type user.id.should.eql(createdUsers[0].id); user.posts().length.should.equal(3); done(); }); }); it('works when hasManyThrough is called', function(done) { const Physician = db.define('Physician', {name: String}); const Patient = db.define('Patient', {name: String}); const Appointment = db.define('Appointment', { date: { type: Date, default: function() { return new Date(); }, }, }); const Address = db.define('Address', {name: String}); Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician); db.automigrate(['Physician', 'Patient', 'Appointment', 'Address'], function() { Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, patient) { Address.create({name: 'z'}, function(err, address) { patient.address(address); patient.save(function() { physician.patients({include: 'address'}, function(err, patients) { if (err) return done(err); patients.should.have.length(1); const p = patients[0]; p.name.should.equal('a'); p.addressId.should.eql(patient.addressId); p.address().id.should.eql(address.id); p.address().name.should.equal('z'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('works when belongsTo is called', function(done) { Profile.findOne({include: 'user'}, function(err, profile) { if (err) return done(err); profile.profileName.should.equal('Profile A'); profile.userId.should.eql(createdProfiles[0].userId); profile.id.should.eql(createdProfiles[0].id); const user = profile.user(); user.name.should.equal('User A'); user.age.should.equal(21); user.id.should.eql(createdUsers[0].id); done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.describeIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort === false, 'findWithForeignKeysByPage', function() { // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title context('filter', function() { it('works when using a `where` with a foreign key', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'passports', }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const passport = user.passports()[0]; if (passport) { const knownPassportIds = []; const knownOwnerIds = []; createdPassports.forEach(function(p) { if (p.id) knownPassportIds.push(p.id); if (p.ownerId) knownOwnerIds.push(p.ownerId.toString()); }); passport.id.should.be.oneOf(knownPassportIds); // FIXME passport.ownerId may be string passport.ownerId.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownOwnerIds); passport.number.should.be.oneOf(knownPassports); } done(); }); }); it('works when using a `where` with `and`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { where: { and: [ {id: createdPosts[0].id}, // Remove the duplicate userId to avoid Cassandra failure // {userId: createdPosts[0].userId}, {title: createdPosts[0].title}, ], }, }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); let posts, post; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { user.name.should.equal('User A'); user.age.should.equal(21); user.id.should.eql(createdUsers[0].id); posts = user.posts(); posts.length.should.equal(1); post = posts[0]; post.title.should.equal('Post A'); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type post.userId.should.eql(createdPosts[0].userId); post.id.should.eql(createdPosts[0].id); } else { user.name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); const knownUserIds = []; createdUsers.forEach(function(u) { knownUserIds.push(u.id.toString()); }); user.id.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); posts = user.posts(); if (posts && posts.length > 0) { post = posts[0]; post.title.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); post.userId.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); const knownPostIds = []; createdPosts.forEach(function(p) { knownPostIds.push(p.id); }); post.id.should.be.oneOf(knownPostIds); } } done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` with `limit`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { limit: 1, }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); user.posts().length.should.belowOrEqual(1); done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` with `skip`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { skip: 1, // will be ignored }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const ids = user.posts().map(function(p) { return p.id; }); if (ids.length > 0) { const knownPosts = []; createdPosts.forEach(function(p) { if (p.id) knownPosts.push(p.id); }); ids.forEach(function(id) { if (id) id.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); }); } done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` with `offset`', function(done) { User.findOne({ include: { relation: 'posts', scope: { offset: 1, // will be ignored }, }, }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const ids = user.posts().map(function(p) { return p.id; }); if (ids.length > 0) { const knownPosts = []; createdPosts.forEach(function(p) { if (p.id) knownPosts.push(p.id); }); ids.forEach(function(id) { if (id) id.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); }); } done(); }); }); it('works when using `where` without `limit`, `skip` or `offset`', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const posts = user.posts(); const ids = posts.map(function(p) { return p.id; }); if (ids.length > 0) { const knownPosts = []; createdPosts.forEach(function(p) { if (p.id) knownPosts.push(p.id); }); ids.forEach(function(id) { if (id) id.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); }); } done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title context('pagination', function() { it('works with the default page size (0) and `inqlimit` is exceeded', function(done) { // inqLimit modifies page size in the impl (there is no way to modify // page size directly as it is hardcoded (once we decouple the func, // we can use ctor injection to pass in whatever page size we want). // // --superkhau Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit = 2; User.find({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(5); delete Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit; done(); }); }); it('works when page size is set to 0', function(done) { Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit = 0; User.find({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); users.length.should.equal(5); delete Post.dataSource.settings.inqLimit; done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title context('relations', function() { // WARNING // The code paths for in this suite of tests were verified manually due to // the tight coupling of the `findWithForeignKeys` in `include.js`. // // TODO // Decouple the utility functions into their own modules and export each // function individually to allow for unit testing via DI. // // --superkhau it('works when hasOne is called', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'profile'}}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); const knownUserIds = []; const knownProfileIds = []; createdUsers.forEach(function(u) { // FIXME user.id below might be string, so knownUserIds should match knownUserIds.push(u.id.toString()); }); createdProfiles.forEach(function(p) { // knownProfileIds.push(p.id ? p.id.toString() : ''); knownProfileIds.push(p.id); }); if (user) { user.name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type user.id.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); const profile = user.profile(); if (profile) { profile.profileName.should.be.oneOf(knownProfiles); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type if (profile.userId) profile.userId.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); profile.id.should.be.oneOf(knownProfileIds); } } done(); }); }); it('works when hasMany is called', function(done) { User.findOne({include: {relation: 'posts'}}, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(); const knownUserIds = []; createdUsers.forEach(function(u) { knownUserIds.push(u.id); }); user.name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); // eql instead of equal because mongo uses object id type user.id.should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); user.posts().length.should.be.belowOrEqual(3); done(); }); }); it('works when hasManyThrough is called', function(done) { const Physician = db.define('Physician', {name: String}); const Patient = db.define('Patient', {name: String}); const Appointment = db.define('Appointment', { date: { type: Date, default: function() { return new Date(); }, }, }); const Address = db.define('Address', {name: String}); Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician); db.automigrate(['Physician', 'Patient', 'Appointment', 'Address'], function() { Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, patient) { Address.create({name: 'z'}, function(err, address) { patient.address(address); patient.save(function() { physician.patients({include: 'address'}, function(err, patients) { if (err) return done(err); patients.should.have.length(1); const p = patients[0]; p.name.should.equal('a'); p.addressId.should.eql(patient.addressId); p.address().id.should.eql(address.id); p.address().name.should.equal('z'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('works when belongsTo is called', function(done) { Profile.findOne({include: 'user'}, function(err, profile) { if (err) return done(err); if (!profile) return done(); // not every user has progile const knownUserIds = []; const knownProfileIds = []; createdUsers.forEach(function(u) { knownUserIds.push(u.id.toString()); }); createdProfiles.forEach(function(p) { if (p.id) knownProfileIds.push(p.id.toString()); }); if (profile) { profile.profileName.should.be.oneOf(knownProfiles); if (profile.userId) profile.userId.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); if (profile.id) profile.id.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownProfileIds); const user = profile.user(); if (user) { user.name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); user.id.toString().should.be.oneOf(knownUserIds); } } done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should fetch Users with include scope on Posts - belongsTo', function(done) { Post.find({include: {relation: 'author', scope: {fields: ['name']}}}, function(err, posts) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(posts); posts.length.should.equal(5); const author = posts[0].author(); author.name.should.equal('User A'); author.should.have.property('id'); author.should.have.property('age', undefined); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort === false, 'should fetch Users with include scope on Posts - belongsTo - no sort', function(done) { Post.find({include: {relation: 'author', scope: {fields: ['name']}}}, function(err, posts) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(posts); posts.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(5); const author = posts[0].author(); if (author) { author.name.should.be.oneOf('User A', 'User B', 'User C', 'User D', 'User E'); author.should.have.property('id'); author.should.have.property('age', undefined); } done(); }); }); it('should fetch Users with include scope on Posts - hasMany', function(done) { User.find({ include: {relation: 'posts', scope: { order: 'title DESC', }}, }, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.equal(5); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { users[0].name.should.equal('User A'); users[1].name.should.equal('User B'); let posts = users[0].posts(); posts.should.be.an.array; posts.should.have.length(3); posts[0].title.should.equal('Post C'); posts[1].title.should.equal('Post B'); posts[2].title.should.equal('Post A'); posts = users[1].posts(); posts.should.be.an.array; posts.should.have.length(1); posts[0].title.should.equal('Post D'); } else { users.forEach(function(u) { u.name.should.be.oneOf(knownUsers); const posts = u.posts(); if (posts) { posts.should.be.an.array; posts.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(3); posts.forEach(function(p) { p.title.should.be.oneOf(knownPosts); }); } }); } done(); }); }); it('should fetch User - Posts AND Passports', function(done) { User.find({include: ['posts', 'passports']}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function(user) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property user.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('passports'); const userObj = user.toJSON(); userObj.should.have.property('posts'); userObj.should.have.property('passports'); userObj.posts.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); userObj.passports.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output userObj.should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('passports'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(p) { // FIXME there are cases that p.userId is string p.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); user.__cachedRelations.passports.forEach(function(pp) { // FIXME there are cases that p.ownerId is string pp.ownerId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch User - Posts AND Passports in relation syntax', function(done) { User.find({include: [ {relation: 'posts', scope: { where: {title: 'Post A'}, }}, 'passports', ]}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function(user) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property user.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('passports'); const userObj = user.toJSON(); userObj.should.have.property('posts'); userObj.should.have.property('passports'); userObj.posts.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); userObj.passports.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output userObj.should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('passports'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(p) { // FIXME there are cases that p.userId is string p.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); p.title.should.be.equal('Post A'); }); user.__cachedRelations.passports.forEach(function(pp) { // FIXME there are cases that p.ownerId is string pp.ownerId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); }); done(); }); }); it('should not fetch User - AccessTokens', function(done) { User.find({include: ['accesstokens']}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function(user) { const userObj = user.toJSON(); userObj.should.not.have.property('accesstokens'); }); done(); }); }); it('should support hasAndBelongsToMany', function(done) { Assembly.create({name: 'car'}, function(err, assembly) { Part.create({partNumber: 'engine'}, function(err, part) { assembly.parts.add(part, function(err, data) { assembly.parts(function(err, parts) { should.not.exist(err); should.exists(parts); parts.length.should.equal(1); parts[0].partNumber.should.equal('engine'); // Create a part assembly.parts.create({partNumber: 'door'}, function(err, part4) { Assembly.find({include: 'parts'}, function(err, assemblies) { assemblies.length.should.equal(1); assemblies[0].parts().length.should.equal(2); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should fetch User - Profile (HasOne)', function(done) { User.find({include: ['profile']}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; let usersWithProfile = 0; users.forEach(function(user) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property user.should.have.property('profile'); const userObj = user.toJSON(); const profile = user.profile(); if (profile) { profile.should.be.an.instanceOf(Profile); usersWithProfile++; } else { (profile === null).should.be.true; } // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output userObj.should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('profile'); if (user.__cachedRelations.profile) { // FIXME there are cases that profile.userId is string user.__cachedRelations.profile.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); usersWithProfile++; } }); usersWithProfile.should.equal(2 * 2); done(); }); }); it('should not throw on fetch User if include is boolean equals true', function(done) { User.find({include: true}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(users); users.should.not.be.empty(); done(); }); }); it('should not throw on fetch User if include is number', function(done) { User.find({include: 1}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(users); users.should.not.be.empty(); done(); }); }); it('should not throw on fetch User if include is symbol', function(done) { User.find({include: Symbol('include')}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(users); users.should.not.be.empty(); done(); }); }); it('should not throw on fetch User if include is function', function(done) { const include = () => {}; User.find({include}, function(err, users) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(users); users.should.not.be.empty(); done(); }); }); // Not implemented correctly, see: loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/166 // fixed by DB optimization it('should support include scope on hasAndBelongsToMany', function(done) { Assembly.find({include: {relation: 'parts', scope: { where: {partNumber: 'engine'}, }}}, function(err, assemblies) { assemblies.length.should.equal(1); const parts = assemblies[0].parts(); parts.should.have.length(1); parts[0].partNumber.should.equal('engine'); done(); }); }); it('should save related items separately', function(done) { User.find({ include: 'posts', }) .then(function(users) { const posts = users[0].posts(); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { posts.should.have.length(3); } else { if (posts) posts.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(3); } return users[0].save(); }) .then(function(updatedUser) { return User.findById(updatedUser.id, { include: 'posts', }); }) .then(function(user) { const posts = user.posts(); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { posts.should.have.length(3); } else { if (posts) posts.length.should.be.belowOrEqual(3); } }) .then(done) .catch(done); }); describe('performance', function() { let all; beforeEach(function() { this.called = 0; const self = this; all = db.connector.all; db.connector.all = function(model, filter, options, cb) { self.called++; return all.apply(db.connector, arguments); }; }); afterEach(function() { db.connector.all = all; }); const nDBCalls = connectorCapabilities.supportTwoOrMoreInq !== false ? 2 : 4; it('including belongsTo should make only ' + nDBCalls + ' db calls', function(done) { const self = this; Passport.find({include: 'owner'}, function(err, passports) { passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function(p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property p.should.have.property('owner'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output p.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); const owner = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(owner); } else { should.exist(owner); owner.id.should.eql(p.ownerId); } }); self.called.should.eql(nDBCalls); done(); }); }); it('including hasManyThrough should make only 3 db calls', function(done) { const self = this; Assembly.create([{name: 'sedan'}, {name: 'hatchback'}, {name: 'SUV'}], function(err, assemblies) { Part.create([{partNumber: 'engine'}, {partNumber: 'bootspace'}, {partNumber: 'silencer'}], function(err, parts) { async.each(parts, function(part, next) { async.each(assemblies, function(assembly, next) { if (assembly.name === 'SUV') { return next(); } if (assembly.name === 'hatchback' && part.partNumber === 'bootspace') { return next(); } assembly.parts.add(part, function(err, data) { next(); }); }, next); }, function(err) { const autos = connectorCapabilities.supportTwoOrMoreInq !== false ? ['sedan', 'hatchback', 'SUV'] : ['sedan']; const resultLength = connectorCapabilities.supportTwoOrMoreInq !== false ? 3 : 1; const dbCalls = connectorCapabilities.supportTwoOrMoreInq !== false ? 3 : 5; self.called = 0; Assembly.find({ where: { name: { inq: autos, }, }, include: 'parts', }, function(err, result) { should.not.exist(err); should.exists(result); result.length.should.equal(resultLength); // Please note the order of assemblies is random const assemblies = {}; result.forEach(function(r) { assemblies[r.name] = r; }); if (autos.indexOf('sedan') >= 0) assemblies.sedan.parts().should.have.length(3); if (autos.indexOf('hatchback') >= 0) assemblies.hatchback.parts().should.have.length(2); if (autos.indexOf('SUV') >= 0) assemblies.SUV.parts().should.have.length(0); self.called.should.eql(dbCalls); done(); }); }); }); }); }); const dbCalls = connectorCapabilities.supportTwoOrMoreInq !== false ? 3 : 11; it('including hasMany should make only ' + dbCalls + ' db calls', function(done) { const self = this; User.find({include: ['posts', 'passports']}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function(user) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property user.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('passports'); const userObj = user.toJSON(); userObj.should.have.property('posts'); userObj.should.have.property('passports'); userObj.posts.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); userObj.passports.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output userObj.should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('passports'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(p) { // FIXME p.userId is string in some cases. if (p.userId) p.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); user.__cachedRelations.passports.forEach(function(pp) { // FIXME pp.owerId is string in some cases. if (pp.owerId) pp.ownerId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); }); self.called.should.eql(dbCalls); done(); }); }); it('should not make n+1 db calls in relation syntax', function(done) { const self = this; User.find({include: [{relation: 'posts', scope: { where: {title: 'Post A'}, }}, 'passports']}, function(err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function(user) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property user.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('passports'); const userObj = user.toJSON(); userObj.should.have.property('posts'); userObj.should.have.property('passports'); userObj.posts.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); userObj.passports.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output userObj.should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('passports'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function(p) { // FIXME p.userId is string in some cases. p.userId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); p.title.should.be.equal('Post A'); }); user.__cachedRelations.passports.forEach(function(pp) { // FIXME p.userId is string in some cases. pp.ownerId.toString().should.eql(user.id.toString()); }); }); self.called.should.eql(dbCalls); done(); }); }); }); it('should support disableInclude for hasAndBelongsToMany', function() { const Patient = db.define('Patient', {name: String}); const Doctor = db.define('Doctor', {name: String}); const DoctorPatient = db.define('DoctorPatient'); Doctor.hasAndBelongsToMany('patients', { model: 'Patient', options: {disableInclude: true}, }); let doctor; return db.automigrate(['Patient', 'Doctor', 'DoctorPatient']).then(function() { return Doctor.create({name: 'Who'}); }).then(function(inst) { doctor = inst; return doctor.patients.create({name: 'Lazarus'}); }).then(function() { return Doctor.find({include: ['patients']}); }).then(function(list) { list.should.have.length(1); list[0].toJSON().should.not.have.property('patients'); }); }); }); let createdUsers = []; let createdPassports = []; let createdProfiles = []; let createdPosts = []; function setup(done) { db = getSchema(); City = db.define('City'); Street = db.define('Street'); Building = db.define('Building'); User = db.define('User', { name: String, age: Number, }); Profile = db.define('Profile', { profileName: String, }); AccessToken = db.define('AccessToken', { token: String, }); Passport = db.define('Passport', { number: String, expirationDate: Date, }); Post = db.define('Post', { title: {type: String, index: true}, }); Passport.belongsTo('owner', {model: User}); User.hasMany('passports', {foreignKey: 'ownerId'}); User.hasMany('posts', {foreignKey: 'userId'}); User.hasMany('accesstokens', { foreignKey: 'userId', options: {disableInclude: true}, }); Profile.belongsTo('user', {model: User}); User.hasOne('profile', {foreignKey: 'userId'}); Post.belongsTo('author', {model: User, foreignKey: 'userId'}); Assembly = db.define('Assembly', { name: String, }); Part = db.define('Part', { partNumber: String, }); Assembly.hasAndBelongsToMany(Part); Part.hasAndBelongsToMany(Assembly); db.automigrate(function() { createUsers(); function createUsers() { clearAndCreate( User, [ {name: 'User A', age: 21}, {name: 'User B', age: 22}, {name: 'User C', age: 23}, {name: 'User D', age: 24}, {name: 'User E', age: 25}, ], function(items) { createdUsers = items; createPassports(); createAccessTokens(); } ); } function createAccessTokens() { clearAndCreate( AccessToken, [ {token: '1', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {token: '2', userId: createdUsers[1].id}, ], function(items) {} ); } function createPassports() { clearAndCreate( Passport, [ {number: '1', ownerId: createdUsers[0].id}, {number: '2', ownerId: createdUsers[1].id}, {number: '3'}, {number: '4', ownerId: createdUsers[2].id}, ], function(items) { createdPassports = items; createPosts(); } ); } function createProfiles() { clearAndCreate( Profile, [ {profileName: 'Profile A', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {profileName: 'Profile B', userId: createdUsers[1].id}, {profileName: 'Profile Z'}, ], function(items) { createdProfiles = items; done(); } ); } function createPosts() { clearAndCreate( Post, [ {title: 'Post A', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {title: 'Post B', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {title: 'Post C', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {title: 'Post D', userId: createdUsers[1].id}, {title: 'Post E'}, ], function(items) { createdPosts = items; createProfiles(); } ); } }); } function clearAndCreate(model, data, callback) { const createdItems = []; model.destroyAll(function() { nextItem(null, null); }); let itemIndex = 0; function nextItem(err, lastItem) { if (lastItem !== null) { createdItems.push(lastItem); } if (itemIndex >= data.length) { callback(createdItems); return; } model.create(data[itemIndex], nextItem); itemIndex++; } } describe('Model instance with included relation .toJSON()', function() { let db, ChallengerModel, GameParticipationModel, ResultModel; before(function(done) { db = new DataSource({connector: 'memory'}); ChallengerModel = db.createModel('Challenger', { name: String, }, { relations: { gameParticipations: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'GameParticipation', foreignKey: '', }, }, }); GameParticipationModel = db.createModel('GameParticipation', { date: Date, }, { relations: { challenger: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'Challenger', foreignKey: '', }, results: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Result', foreignKey: '', }, }, }); ResultModel = db.createModel('Result', { points: Number, }, { relations: { gameParticipation: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'GameParticipation', foreignKey: '', }, }, }); async.waterfall([ createChallengers, createGameParticipations, createResults], function(err) { done(err); }); }); function createChallengers(callback) { ChallengerModel.create([{name: 'challenger1'}, {name: 'challenger2'}], callback); } function createGameParticipations(challengers, callback) { GameParticipationModel.create([ {challengerId: challengers[0].id, date: Date.now()}, {challengerId: challengers[0].id, date: Date.now()}, ], callback); } function createResults(gameParticipations, callback) { ResultModel.create([ {gameParticipationId: gameParticipations[0].id, points: 10}, {gameParticipationId: gameParticipations[0].id, points: 20}, ], callback); } it('should recursively serialize objects', function(done) { const filter = {include: {gameParticipations: 'results'}}; ChallengerModel.find(filter, function(err, challengers) { const levelOneInclusion = challengers[0].toJSON().gameParticipations[0]; assert(levelOneInclusion.__data === undefined, '.__data of a level 1 inclusion is undefined.'); const levelTwoInclusion = challengers[0].toJSON().gameParticipations[0].results[0]; assert(levelTwoInclusion.__data === undefined, '__data of a level 2 inclusion is undefined.'); done(); }); }); });