/** * Module dependencies */ var util = require('util'); var jutil = require('./jutil'); var Validatable = require('./validatable').Validatable; var Hookable = require('./hookable').Hookable; var DEFAULT_CACHE_LIMIT = 1000; exports.AbstractClass = AbstractClass; jutil.inherits(AbstractClass, Validatable); jutil.inherits(AbstractClass, Hookable); /** * Abstract class - base class for all persist objects * provides **common API** to access any database adapter. * This class describes only abstract behavior layer, refer to `lib/adapters/*.js` * to learn more about specific adapter implementations * * `AbstractClass` mixes `Validatable` and `Hookable` classes methods * * @constructor * @param {Object} data - initial object data */ function AbstractClass(data) { this._initProperties(data, true); } AbstractClass.prototype._initProperties = function (data, applySetters) { var self = this; var ctor = this.constructor; var ds = ctor.schema.definitions[ctor.modelName]; var properties = ds.properties; data = data || {}; if (data.id) { defineReadonlyProp(this, 'id', data.id); } Object.defineProperty(this, 'cachedRelations', { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: {} }); Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (attr) { var _attr = '_' + attr, attr_was = attr + '_was'; // Hidden property to store currrent value Object.defineProperty(this, _attr, { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: isdef(data[attr]) ? data[attr] : (isdef(this[attr]) ? this[attr] : ( getDefault(attr) )) }); if (properties[attr].type.name === 'JSON' && this[_attr]) { try { this[_attr] = JSON.parse(this[_attr] + ''); } catch (e) { } } // Public setters and getters Object.defineProperty(this, attr, { get: function () { if (ctor.getter[attr]) { return ctor.getter[attr].call(this); } else { return this[_attr]; } }, set: function (value) { if (ctor.setter[attr]) { ctor.setter[attr].call(this, value); } else { this[_attr] = value; } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); if (data.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { if (applySetters && ctor.setter[attr]) { ctor.setter[attr].call(this, data[attr]); } // Getter for initial property Object.defineProperty(this, attr_was, { writable: true, value: this[_attr], configurable: true, enumerable: false }); } }.bind(this)); function getDefault(attr) { var def = properties[attr]['default']; if (isdef(def)) { if (typeof def === 'function') { return def(); } else { return def; } } else { return null; } } this.trigger("initialize"); } AbstractClass.setter = {}; AbstractClass.getter = {}; /** * @param {String} prop - property name * @param {Object} params - various property configuration */ AbstractClass.defineProperty = function (prop, params) { this.schema.defineProperty(this.modelName, prop, params); }; AbstractClass.whatTypeName = function (propName) { var ds = this.schema.definitions[this.modelName]; return ds.properties[propName] && ds.properties[propName].type.name; }; AbstractClass._forDB = function (data) { var res = {}; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (propName) { if (this.whatTypeName(propName) === 'JSON') { res[propName] = JSON.stringify(data[propName]); } else { res[propName] = data[propName]; } }.bind(this)); return res; }; AbstractClass.prototype.whatTypeName = function (propName) { return this.constructor.whatTypeName(propName); }; /** * Create new instance of Model class, saved in database * * @param data [optional] * @param callback(err, obj) * callback called with arguments: * * - err (null or Error) * - instance (null or Model) */ AbstractClass.create = function (data, callback) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; var modelName = this.modelName; if (typeof data === 'function') { callback = data; data = {}; } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = function () {}; } var obj = null; // if we come from save if (data instanceof AbstractClass && !data.id) { obj = data; data = obj.toObject(true); this.prototype._initProperties.call(obj, data, false); create(); } else { obj = new this(data); data = obj.toObject(true); // validation required obj.isValid(function (valid) { if (!valid) { callback(new Error('Validation error'), obj); } else { create(); } }); } function create() { obj.trigger('create', function (done) { var data = this.toObject(true); // Added this to fix the beforeCreate trigger not fire. // The fix is per issue #72 and the fix was found by by5739. this._adapter().create(modelName, this.constructor._forDB(data), function (err, id) { if (id) { defineReadonlyProp(obj, 'id', id); addToCache(this.constructor, obj); } done.call(this, function () { if (callback) { callback(err, obj); } }); }.bind(this)); }); } }; function stillConnecting(schema, obj, args) { if (schema.connected) return false; var method = args.callee; schema.on('connected', function () { method.apply(obj, [].slice.call(args)); }); return true; }; /** * Update or insert */ AbstractClass.upsert = AbstractClass.updateOrCreate = function upsert(data, callback) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; var Model = this; if (!data.id) return this.create(data, callback); if (this.schema.adapter.updateOrCreate) { var inst = new Model(data); this.schema.adapter.updateOrCreate(Model.modelName, inst.toObject(), function (err, data) { var obj; if (data) { inst._initProperties(data); obj = inst; } else { obj = null; } if (obj) { addToCache(Model, obj); } callback(err, obj); }); } else { this.find(data.id, function (err, inst) { if (err) return callback(err); if (inst) { inst.updateAttributes(data, callback); } else { var obj = new Model(data); obj.save(data, callback); } }); } }; /** * Check whether object exitst in database * * @param {id} id - identifier of object (primary key value) * @param {Function} cb - callbacl called with (err, exists: Bool) */ AbstractClass.exists = function exists(id, cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; if (id) { this.schema.adapter.exists(this.modelName, id, cb); } else { cb(new Error('Model::exists requires positive id argument')); } }; /** * Find object by id * * @param {id} id - primary key value * @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err, instance) */ AbstractClass.find = function find(id, cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; this.schema.adapter.find(this.modelName, id, function (err, data) { var obj = null; if (data) { var cached = getCached(this, data.id); if (cached) { obj = cached; substractDirtyAttributes(obj, data); // maybe just obj._initProperties(data); instead of this.prototype._initProperties.call(obj, data); } else { data.id = id; obj = new this(); obj._initProperties(data, false); addToCache(this, id); } } cb(err, obj); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Find all instances of Model, matched by query * make sure you have marked as `index: true` fields for filter or sort * * @param {Object} params (optional) * * - where: Object `{ key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}` * - order: String * - limit: Number * - skip: Number * * @param {Function} callback (required) called with arguments: * * - err (null or Error) * - Array of instances */ AbstractClass.all = function all(params, cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; if (arguments.length === 1) { cb = params; params = null; } var constr = this; this.schema.adapter.all(this.modelName, params, function (err, data) { var collection = null; if (data && data.map) { collection = data.map(function (d) { var obj = null; // do not create different instances for the same object var cached = getCached(constr, d.id); if (cached) { obj = cached; // keep dirty attributes untouthed (remove from dataset) substractDirtyAttributes(obj, d); // maybe just obj._initProperties(d); constr.prototype._initProperties.call(obj, d); } else { obj = new constr; obj._initProperties(d, false); if (obj.id) addToCache(constr, obj); } return obj; }); cb(err, collection); } }); }; /** * Find one record, same as `all`, limited by 1 and return object, not collection * * @param {Object} params - search conditions * @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err, instance) */ AbstractClass.findOne = function findOne(params, cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; if (typeof params === 'function') { cb = params; params = {}; } params.limit = 1; this.all(params, function (err, collection) { if (err || !collection || !collection.length > 0) return cb(err); cb(err, collection[0]); }); }; function substractDirtyAttributes(object, data) { Object.keys(object.toObject()).forEach(function (attr) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(attr) && object.propertyChanged(attr)) { delete data[attr]; } }); } /** * Destroy all records * @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err) */ AbstractClass.destroyAll = function destroyAll(cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; this.schema.adapter.destroyAll(this.modelName, function (err) { clearCache(this); cb(err); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Return count of matched records * * @param {Object} where - search conditions (optional) * @param {Function} cb - callback, called with (err, count) */ AbstractClass.count = function (where, cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.schema, this, arguments)) return; if (typeof where === 'function') { cb = where; where = null; } this.schema.adapter.count(this.modelName, cb, where); }; /** * Return string representation of class * * @override default toString method */ AbstractClass.toString = function () { return '[Model ' + this.modelName + ']'; }; /** * Save instance. When instance haven't id, create method called instead. * Triggers: validate, save, update | create * @param options {validate: true, throws: false} [optional] * @param callback(err, obj) */ AbstractClass.prototype.save = function (options, callback) { if (stillConnecting(this.constructor.schema, this, arguments)) return; if (typeof options == 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } callback = callback || function () {}; options = options || {}; if (!('validate' in options)) { options.validate = true; } if (!('throws' in options)) { options.throws = false; } if (options.validate) { this.isValid(function (valid) { if (valid) { save.call(this); } else { var err = new Error('Validation error'); // throws option is dangerous for async usage if (options.throws) { throw err; } callback(err, this); } }.bind(this)); } else { save.call(this); } function save() { this.trigger('save', function (saveDone) { var modelName = this.constructor.modelName; var data = this.toObject(true); var inst = this; if (inst.id) { inst.trigger('update', function (updateDone) { inst._adapter().save(modelName, inst.constructor._forDB(data), function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { inst._initProperties(data, false); } updateDone.call(inst, function () { saveDone.call(inst, function () { callback(err, inst); }); }); }); }, data); } else { inst.constructor.create(inst, function (err) { saveDone.call(inst, function () { callback(err, inst); }); }); } }); } }; AbstractClass.prototype.isNewRecord = function () { return !this.id; }; /** * Return adapter of current record * @private */ AbstractClass.prototype._adapter = function () { return this.constructor.schema.adapter; }; /** * Convert instance to Object * * @param {Boolean} onlySchema - restrict properties to schema only, default false * when onlySchema == true, only properties defined in schema returned, * otherwise all enumerable properties returned * @returns {Object} - canonical object representation (no getters and setters) */ AbstractClass.prototype.toObject = function (onlySchema) { var data = {}; var ds = this.constructor.schema.definitions[this.constructor.modelName]; var properties = ds.properties; // weird Object.keys(onlySchema ? properties : this).concat(['id']).forEach(function (property) { data[property] = this[property]; }.bind(this)); return data; }; /** * Delete object from persistence * * @triggers `destroy` hook (async) before and after destroying object */ AbstractClass.prototype.destroy = function (cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.constructor.schema, this, arguments)) return; this.trigger('destroy', function (destroyed) { this._adapter().destroy(this.constructor.modelName, this.id, function (err) { removeFromCache(this.constructor, this.id); destroyed(function () { if(cb) cb(err); }); }.bind(this)); }); }; /** * Update single attribute * * equals to `updateAttributes({name: value}, cb) * * @param {String} name - name of property * @param {Mixed} value - value of property * @param {Function} callback - callback called with (err, instance) */ AbstractClass.prototype.updateAttribute = function updateAttribute(name, value, callback) { var data = {}; data[name] = value; this.updateAttributes(data, callback); }; /** * Update set of attributes * * this method performs validation before updating * * @trigger `validation`, `save` and `update` hooks * @param {Object} data - data to update * @param {Function} callback - callback called with (err, instance) */ AbstractClass.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(data, cb) { if (stillConnecting(this.constructor.schema, this, arguments)) return; var inst = this; var model = this.constructor.modelName; // update instance's properties Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { inst[key] = data[key]; }); inst.isValid(function (valid) { if (!valid) { if (cb) { cb(new Error('Validation error')); } } else { update(); } }); function update() { inst.trigger('save', function (saveDone) { inst.trigger('update', function (done) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { data[key] = inst[key]; }); inst._adapter().updateAttributes(model, inst.id, inst.constructor._forDB(data), function (err) { if (!err) { inst._initProperties(data, false); /* Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { inst[key] = data[key]; Object.defineProperty(inst, key + '_was', { writable: false, configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: data[key] }); }); */ } done.call(inst, function () { saveDone.call(inst, function () { cb(err, inst); }); }); }); }, data); }); } }; AbstractClass.prototype.fromObject = function (obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { this[key] = obj[key]; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Checks is property changed based on current property and initial value * * @param {String} attr - property name * @return Boolean */ AbstractClass.prototype.propertyChanged = function propertyChanged(attr) { return this['_' + attr] !== this[attr + '_was']; }; /** * Reload object from persistence * * @requires `id` member of `object` to be able to call `find` * @param {Function} callback - called with (err, instance) arguments */ AbstractClass.prototype.reload = function reload(callback) { if (stillConnecting(this.constructor.schema, this, arguments)) return; var obj = getCached(this.constructor, this.id); if (obj) obj.reset(); this.constructor.find(this.id, callback); }; /** * Reset dirty attributes * * this method does not perform any database operation it just reset object to it's * initial state */ AbstractClass.prototype.reset = function () { var obj = this; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (k) { if (k !== 'id' && !obj.constructor.schema.definitions[obj.constructor.modelName].properties[k]) { delete obj[k]; } if (obj.propertyChanged(k)) { obj[k] = obj[k + '_was']; } }); }; /** * Declare hasMany relation * * @param {Class} anotherClass - class to has many * @param {Object} params - configuration {as:, foreignKey:} * @example `User.hasMany(Post, {as: 'posts', foreignKey: 'authorId'});` */ AbstractClass.hasMany = function hasMany(anotherClass, params) { var methodName = params.as; // or pluralize(anotherClass.modelName) var fk = params.foreignKey; // each instance of this class should have method named // pluralize(anotherClass.modelName) // which is actually just anotherClass.all({where: {thisModelNameId: this.id}}, cb); defineScope(this.prototype, anotherClass, methodName, function () { var x = {}; x[fk] = this.id; return {where: x}; }, { find: find, destroy: destroy }); // obviously, anotherClass should have attribute called `fk` anotherClass.schema.defineForeignKey(anotherClass.modelName, fk); function find(id, cb) { anotherClass.find(id, function (err, inst) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!inst) return cb(new Error('Not found')); if (inst[fk] == this.id) { cb(null, inst); } else { cb(new Error('Permission denied')); } }.bind(this)); } function destroy(id, cb) { this.find(id, function (err, inst) { if (err) return cb(err); if (inst) { inst.destroy(cb); } else { cb(new Error('Not found')); } }); } }; /** * Declare belongsTo relation * * @param {Class} anotherClass - class to belong * @param {Object} params - configuration {as: 'propertyName', foreignKey: 'keyName'} */ AbstractClass.belongsTo = function (anotherClass, params) { var methodName = params.as; var fk = params.foreignKey; this.schema.defineForeignKey(this.modelName, fk); this.prototype['__finders__'] = this.prototype['__finders__'] || {}; this.prototype['__finders__'][methodName] = function (id, cb) { anotherClass.find(id, function (err,inst) { if (err) return cb(err); if (inst[fk] === this.id) { cb(null, inst); } else { cb(new Error('Permission denied')); } }.bind(this)); }; this.prototype[methodName] = function (p) { if (p instanceof AbstractClass) { // acts as setter this[fk] = p.id; this.cachedRelations[methodName] = p; } else if (typeof p === 'function') { // acts as async getter this.__finders__[methodName](this[fk], p); return this[fk]; } else if (typeof p === 'undefined') { // acts as sync getter return this[fk]; } else { // setter this[fk] = p; } }; }; /** * Define scope * TODO: describe behavior and usage examples */ AbstractClass.scope = function (name, params) { defineScope(this, this, name, params); }; function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) { // collect meta info about scope if (!cls._scopeMeta) { cls._scopeMeta = {}; } // anly make sence to add scope in meta if base and target classes // are same if (cls === targetClass) { cls._scopeMeta[name] = params; } else { if (!targetClass._scopeMeta) { targetClass._scopeMeta = {}; } } Object.defineProperty(cls, name, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, get: function () { var f = function caller(cond, cb) { var actualCond; if (arguments.length === 1) { actualCond = {}; cb = cond; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { actualCond = cond; } else { throw new Error('Method only can be called with one or two arguments'); } return targetClass.all(mergeParams(actualCond, caller._scope), cb); }; f._scope = typeof params === 'function' ? params.call(this) : params; f.build = build; f.create = create; f.destroyAll = destroyAll; for (var i in methods) { f[i] = methods[i].bind(this); } // define sub-scopes Object.keys(targetClass._scopeMeta).forEach(function (name) { Object.defineProperty(f, name, { enumerable: false, get: function () { mergeParams(f._scope, targetClass._scopeMeta[name]); return f; } }); }.bind(this)); return f; } }); // and it should have create/build methods with binded thisModelNameId param function build(data) { data = data || {}; return new targetClass(mergeParams(this._scope, {where:data}).where); } function create(data, cb) { if (typeof data === 'function') { cb = data; data = {}; } this.build(data).save(cb); } /* Callback - The callback will be called after all elements are destroyed - For every destroy call which results in an error - If fetching the Elements on which destroyAll is called results in an error */ function destroyAll(cb) { targetClass.all(this._scope, function (err, data) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { (function loopOfDestruction (data) { if(data.length > 0) { data.shift().destroy(function(err) { if(err && cb) cb(err); loopOfDestruction(data); }); } else { if(cb) cb(); } }(data)); } }); } function mergeParams(base, update) { if (update.where) { base.where = merge(base.where, update.where); } // overwrite order if (update.order) { base.order = update.order; } return base; } } /** * Check whether `s` is not undefined * @param {Mixed} s * @return {Boolean} s is undefined */ function isdef(s) { var undef; return s !== undef; } /** * Merge `base` and `update` params * @param {Object} base - base object (updating this object) * @param {Object} update - object with new data to update base * @returns {Object} `base` */ function merge(base, update) { base = base || {}; if (update) { Object.keys(update).forEach(function (key) { base[key] = update[key]; }); } return base; } /** * Define readonly property on object * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} key * @param {Mixed} value */ function defineReadonlyProp(obj, key, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: value }); } /** * Add object to cache */ function addToCache(constr, obj) { return; touchCache(constr, obj.id); constr.cache[obj.id] = obj; } /** * Renew object position in LRU cache index */ function touchCache(constr, id) { var cacheLimit = constr.CACHE_LIMIT || DEFAULT_CACHE_LIMIT; var ind = constr.mru.indexOf(id); if (~ind) constr.mru.splice(ind, 1); if (constr.mru.length >= cacheLimit * 2) { for (var i = 0; i < cacheLimit;i += 1) { delete constr.cache[constr.mru[i]]; } constr.mru.splice(0, cacheLimit); } } /** * Retrieve cached object */ function getCached(constr, id) { if (id) touchCache(constr, id); return id && constr.cache[id]; } /** * Clear cache (fully) * * removes both cache and LRU index * * @param {Class} constr - class constructor */ function clearCache(constr) { constr.cache = {}; constr.mru = []; } /** * Remove object from cache * * @param {Class} constr * @param {id} id */ function removeFromCache(constr, id) { var ind = constr.mru.indexOf(id); if (!~ind) constr.mru.splice(ind, 1); delete constr.cache[id]; }