/** * Module dependencies */ var ModelBuilder = require('./model-builder.js').ModelBuilder; var jutil = require('./jutil'); var ModelBaseClass = require('./model.js'); var DataAccessObject = require('./dao.js'); var List = require('./list.js'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var async = require('async'); var existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync; /** * Export public API */ exports.DataSource = DataSource; /** * Helpers */ var slice = Array.prototype.slice; /** * DataSource - adapter-specific classes factory. * * All classes in single schema shares same adapter type and * one database connection * * @param name - type of schema adapter (mysql, mongoose, sequelize, redis) * @param settings - any database-specific settings which we need to * establish connection (of course it depends on specific adapter) * * - host * - port * - username * - password * - database * - debug {Boolean} = false * * @example DataSource creation, waiting for connection callback * ``` * var schema = new DataSource('mysql', { database: 'myapp_test' }); * schema.define(...); * schema.on('connected', function () { * // work with database * }); * ``` */ function DataSource(name, settings) { if (!(this instanceof DataSource)) { return new DataSource(name, settings); } ModelBuilder.call(this, arguments); this.setup(name, settings); // default DataAccessObject this.DataAccessObject = this.constructor.DataAccessObject; this.DataAccessObject.call(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(DataSource, ModelBuilder); // allow child classes to supply a data access object DataSource.DataAccessObject = DataAccessObject; // Copy over statics for (var m in ModelBuilder) { if (!DataSource.hasOwnProperty(m) && 'super_' !== m) { DataSource[m] = ModelBuilder[m]; } } DataSource.prototype.setup = function(name, settings) { var schema = this; // just save everything we get this.name = name; this.settings = settings; // Disconnected by default this.connected = false; this.connecting = false; if (name) { // and initialize schema using adapter // this is only one initialization entry point of adapter // this module should define `adapter` member of `this` (schema) var adapter; if (typeof name === 'object') { adapter = name; this.name = adapter.name; } else if (name.match(/^\//)) { // try absolute path adapter = require(name); } else if (existsSync(__dirname + '/adapters/' + name + '.js')) { // try built-in adapter adapter = require('./adapters/' + name); } else { // try foreign adapter try { adapter = require('jugglingdb-' + name); } catch (e) { return console.log('\nWARNING: JugglingDB adapter "' + name + '" is not installed,\nso your models would not work, to fix run:\n\n npm install jugglingdb-' + name, '\n'); } } } if (adapter) { adapter.initialize(this, function () { // we have an adaper now? if (!this.adapter) { throw new Error('Adapter is not defined correctly: it should create `adapter` member of schema'); } this.adapter.log = function (query, start) { schema.log(query, start); }; this.adapter.logger = function (query) { var t1 = Date.now(); var log = this.log; return function (q) { log(q || query, t1); }; }; this.connected = true; this.emit('connected'); }.bind(this)); } schema.connect = function(cb) { var schema = this; if(schema.connected) { if (cb) { process.nextTick(cb); } return; } schema.connecting = true; if (schema.adapter.connect) { schema.adapter.connect(function(err) { if (!err) { schema.connected = true; schema.connecting = false; schema.emit('connected'); } if (cb) { cb(err); } }); } else { if (cb) { process.nextTick(cb); } } }; } /** * Define class * * @param {String} className * @param {Object} properties - hash of class properties in format * `{property: Type, property2: Type2, ...}` * or * `{property: {type: Type}, property2: {type: Type2}, ...}` * @param {Object} settings - other configuration of class * @return newly created class * * @example simple case * ``` * var User = schema.define('User', { * email: String, * password: String, * birthDate: Date, * activated: Boolean * }); * ``` * @example more advanced case * ``` * var User = schema.define('User', { * email: { type: String, limit: 150, index: true }, * password: { type: String, limit: 50 }, * birthDate: Date, * registrationDate: {type: Date, default: function () { return new Date }}, * activated: { type: Boolean, default: false } * }); * ``` */ DataSource.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, settings) { var args = slice.call(arguments); if (!className) throw new Error('Class name required'); if (args.length == 1) properties = {}, args.push(properties); if (args.length == 2) settings = {}, args.push(settings); properties = properties || {}; settings = settings || {}; var NewClass = ModelBuilder.prototype.define.call(this, className, properties, settings); // add data access objects this.mixin(NewClass); if(this.adapter) { // pass control to adapter this.adapter.define({ model: NewClass, properties: properties, settings: settings }); } return NewClass; }; /** * Mixin DataAccessObject methods. */ DataSource.prototype.mixin = function (ModelCtor) { // inherit DataAccessObject methods jutil.mixin(ModelCtor, this.DataAccessObject); } /** * Attach an existing model to a data source. */ DataSource.prototype.attach = function (ModelCtor) { var properties = ModelCtor.schema.definitions[ModelCtor.modelName].properties; var settings = ModelCtor.schema.definitions[ModelCtor.modelName].settings; var className = ModelCtor.modelName; this.mixin(ModelCtor); if(this.adapter) { // pass control to adapter this.adapter.define({ model: ModelCtor, properties: properties, settings: settings }); } // redefine the schema hiddenProperty(ModelCtor, 'schema', this); // add to def this.definitions[className] = { properties: properties, settings: settings }; this.models[className] = ModelCtor; return this; } /** * Define single property named `prop` on `model` * * @param {String} model - name of model * @param {String} prop - name of propery * @param {Object} params - property settings */ DataSource.prototype.defineProperty = function (model, prop, params) { ModelBuilder.prototype.defineProperty.call(this, model, prop, params); if (this.adapter.defineProperty) { this.adapter.defineProperty(model, prop, params); } }; /** * Drop each model table and re-create. * This method make sense only for sql adapters. * * @warning All data will be lost! Use autoupdate if you need your data. */ DataSource.prototype.automigrate = function (cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.automigrate) { this.adapter.automigrate(cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } }; /** * Update existing database tables. * This method make sense only for sql adapters. */ DataSource.prototype.autoupdate = function (cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.autoupdate) { this.adapter.autoupdate(cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } }; /** * Discover existing database tables. * This method returns an array of model objects, including {type, name, onwer} * * @param options An object that contains the following settings: * all: true - Discovering all models, false - Discovering the models owned by the current user * views: true - Including views, false - only tables * limit: The page size * offset: The starting index */ DataSource.prototype.discoverModels = function (options, cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.discoverModels) { this.adapter.discoverModels(options, cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } }; /** * Discover properties for a given model. * @param owner The owner * @param table The table/view name * @param cb Callback * The method return an array of properties, including {owner, tableName, columnName, dataType, dataLength, nullable} */ DataSource.prototype.discoverModelProperties = function (owner, table, cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.discoverModelProperties) { this.adapter.discoverModelProperties(owner, table, cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } }; /** * Discover primary keys for a given owner/table * * Each primary key column description has the following columns: * owner String => table schema (may be null) * tableName String => table name * columnName String => column name * keySeq Number => sequence number within primary key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the primary key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the primary key). * pkName String => primary key name (may be null) * * @param owner The owner, default to current user * @param table The table name * @param cb Callback */ DataSource.prototype.discoverPrimaryKeys= function(owner, table, cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.discoverPrimaryKeys) { this.adapter.discoverPrimaryKeys(owner, table, cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } } /** * Discover foreign keys for a given owner/table * * fkOwner String => foreign key table schema (may be null) * fkName String => foreign key name (may be null) * fkTableName String => foreign key table name * fkColumnName String => foreign key column name * keySeq short => sequence number within a foreign key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the foreign key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the foreign key). * pkOwner String => primary key table schema being imported (may be null) * pkName String => primary key name (may be null) * pkTableName String => primary key table name being imported * pkColumnName String => primary key column name being imported * * @param owner * @param table * @param cb */ DataSource.prototype.discoverForeignKeys= function(owner, table, cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.discoverForeignKeys) { this.adapter.discoverForeignKeys(owner, table, cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } } function capitalize(str) { if (!str) { return str; } return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ((str.length > 1) ? str.slice(1).toLowerCase() : ''); } function fromDBName(dbName, camelCase) { if (!dbName) { return dbName; } var parts = dbName.split(/-|_/); parts[0] = camelCase ? parts[0].toLowerCase() : capitalize(parts[0]); for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { parts[i] = capitalize(parts[i]); } return parts.join(''); } /** * Discover schema from a given table/view * @param owner * @param table * @param cb */ DataSource.prototype.discoverSchema = function (owner, table, cb) { var dataSourceName = this.name || this.adapter.name; async.parallel( [ this.discoverModelProperties.bind(this, owner, table), this.discoverPrimaryKeys.bind(this, owner, table), this.discoverForeignKeys.bind(this, owner, table) ], function (err, results) { if (err) { cb && cb(err); return; } var columns = results[0]; var primaryKeys = results[1]; var pks = {}, fks = {}; primaryKeys.forEach(function(pk) { pks[pk.columnName] = pk.keySeq; }); // console.log(pks); var foreignKeys = results[2]; foreignKeys.forEach(function(fk) { fks[fk.fkColumnName] = { keySeq: fk.keySeq, owner: fk.pkOwner, tableName: fk.pkTableName, columnName: fk.pkColumnName }; }); // console.log(fks); if (!columns) { cb && cb(); return; } var schema = { name: fromDBName(table, false), options: { idInjection: false // DO NOT add id property }, properties: { } }; schema.options[dataSourceName] = { schema: owner, table: table }; columns.forEach(function (item) { var i = item; var propName = fromDBName(item.columnName, true); schema.properties[propName] = { type: item.type, required: (item.nullable === 'N'), length: item.dataLength }; if(pks[item.columnName]) { schema.properties[propName].id = pks[item.columnName]; } schema.properties[propName][dataSourceName] = { columnName: i.columnName, dataType: i.dataType, dataLength: i.dataLength, nullable: i.nullable }; }); cb && cb(null, schema); }); } /** * Check whether migrations needed * This method make sense only for sql adapters. */ DataSource.prototype.isActual = function (cb) { this.freeze(); if (this.adapter.isActual) { this.adapter.isActual(cb); } else if (cb) { cb(null, true); } }; /** * Log benchmarked message. Do not redefine this method, if you need to grab * chema logs, use `schema.on('log', ...)` emitter event * * @private used by adapters */ DataSource.prototype.log = function (sql, t) { this.emit('log', sql, t); }; /** * Freeze schema. Behavior depends on adapter */ DataSource.prototype.freeze = function freeze() { if (this.adapter.freezeSchema) { this.adapter.freezeSchema(); } } /** * Return table name for specified `modelName` * @param {String} modelName */ DataSource.prototype.tableName = function (modelName) { var settings = this.definitions[modelName].settings; if(settings[this.adapter.name]) { return settings[this.adapter.name].table || modelName; } else { return modelName; } }; /** * Return column name for specified modelName and propertyName * @param modelName * @param propertyName * @returns {String} columnName */ DataSource.prototype.columnName = function (modelName, propertyName) { if(!propertyName) { return propertyName; } var property = this.definitions[modelName].properties[propertyName]; if(property && property[this.adapter.name]) { return property[this.adapter.name].columnName || propertyName; } else { return propertyName; } }; /** * Return column metadata for specified modelName and propertyName * @param modelName * @param propertyName * @returns {Object} column metadata */ DataSource.prototype.columnMetadata = function (modelName, propertyName) { if(!propertyName) { return propertyName; } var property = this.definitions[modelName].properties[propertyName]; if(property && property[this.adapter.name]) { return property[this.adapter.name]; } else { return null; } }; /** * Return column names for specified modelName * @param modelName * @returns {[String]} column names */ DataSource.prototype.columnNames = function (modelName) { var props = this.definitions[modelName].properties; var cols = []; for(var p in props) { if(props[p][this.adapter.name]) { cols.push(props[p][this.adapter.name].columnName || p); } else { cols.push(p); } } return cols; }; /** * Find the ID column name * @param modelName * @returns {String} columnName for ID */ DataSource.prototype.idColumnName = function(modelName) { return this.columnName(modelName, this.idName(modelName)); } /** * Find the ID property name * @param modelName * @returns {String} property for ID */ DataSource.prototype.idName = function(modelName) { var props = this.definitions[modelName].properties; for(var key in props) { if(props[key].id) { return key; } } return null; } /** * Find the ID property names sorted by the index * @param modelName * @returns {[String]} property names for IDs */ DataSource.prototype.idNames = function (modelName) { var ids = []; var props = this.definitions[modelName].properties; for (var key in props) { if (props[key].id && props[key].id > 0) { ids.push({name: key, id: props[key].id}); } } ids.sort(function (a, b) { return a.key - b.key; }); var names = ids.map(function (id) { return id.name; }); return names; } /** * Define foreign key * @param {String} className * @param {String} key - name of key field */ DataSource.prototype.defineForeignKey = function defineForeignKey(className, key, foreignClassName) { // quit if key already defined if (this.definitions[className].properties[key]) return; if (this.adapter.defineForeignKey) { var cb = function (err, keyType) { if (err) throw err; this.definitions[className].properties[key] = {type: keyType}; }.bind(this); switch (this.adapter.defineForeignKey.length) { case 4: this.adapter.defineForeignKey(className, key, foreignClassName, cb); break; default: case 3: this.adapter.defineForeignKey(className, key, cb); break; } } else { this.definitions[className].properties[key] = {type: Number}; } this.models[className].registerProperty(key); }; /** * Close database connection */ DataSource.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect(cb) { if (typeof this.adapter.disconnect === 'function') { this.connected = false; this.adapter.disconnect(cb); } else if (cb) { cb(); } }; DataSource.prototype.copyModel = function copyModel(Master) { var schema = this; var className = Master.modelName; var md = Master.schema.definitions[className]; var Slave = function SlaveModel() { Master.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); this.schema = schema; }; util.inherits(Slave, Master); Slave.__proto__ = Master; hiddenProperty(Slave, 'schema', schema); hiddenProperty(Slave, 'modelName', className); hiddenProperty(Slave, 'relations', Master.relations); if (!(className in schema.models)) { // store class in model pool schema.models[className] = Slave; schema.definitions[className] = { properties: md.properties, settings: md.settings }; if (!schema.isTransaction) { schema.adapter.define({ model: Slave, properties: md.properties, settings: md.settings }); } } return Slave; }; DataSource.prototype.transaction = function() { var schema = this; var transaction = new EventEmitter; transaction.isTransaction = true; transaction.origin = schema; transaction.name = schema.name; transaction.settings = schema.settings; transaction.connected = false; transaction.connecting = false; transaction.adapter = schema.adapter.transaction(); // create blank models pool transaction.models = {}; transaction.definitions = {}; for (var i in schema.models) { schema.copyModel.call(transaction, schema.models[i]); } transaction.connect = schema.connect; transaction.exec = function(cb) { transaction.adapter.exec(cb); }; return transaction; }; /** * Define hidden property */ function hiddenProperty(where, property, value) { Object.defineProperty(where, property, { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: value }); } /** * Define readonly property on object * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} key * @param {Mixed} value */ function defineReadonlyProp(obj, key, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: value }); }