var async = require('async'); var utils = require('./utils'); var isPlainObject = utils.isPlainObject; var defineCachedRelations = utils.defineCachedRelations; /*! * Normalize the include to be an array * @param include * @returns {*} */ function normalizeInclude(include) { if (typeof include === 'string') { return [include]; } else if (isPlainObject(include)) { // Build an array of key/value pairs var newInclude = []; var rel = include.rel || include.relation; if (typeof rel === 'string') { var obj = {}; obj[rel] = new IncludeScope(include.scope); newInclude.push(obj); } else { for (var key in include) { var obj = {}; obj[key] = include[key]; newInclude.push(obj); } } return newInclude; } else { return include; } } function IncludeScope(scope) { this._scope = utils.deepMerge({}, scope || {}); if (this._scope.include) { this._include = normalizeInclude(this._scope.include); delete this._scope.include; } else { this._include = null; } }; IncludeScope.prototype.conditions = function() { return utils.deepMerge({}, this._scope); }; IncludeScope.prototype.include = function() { return this._include; }; /*! * Include mixin for ./model.js */ module.exports = Inclusion; /** * Inclusion - Model mixin. * * @class */ function Inclusion() { } /** * Normalize includes - used in DataAccessObject * */ Inclusion.normalizeInclude = normalizeInclude; /** * Enables you to load relations of several objects and optimize numbers of requests. * * Examples: * * Load all users' posts with only one additional request: * `User.include(users, 'posts', function() {});` * Or * `User.include(users, ['posts'], function() {});` * * Load all users posts and passports with two additional requests: * `User.include(users, ['posts', 'passports'], function() {});` * * Load all passports owner (users), and all posts of each owner loaded: *```Passport.include(passports, {owner: 'posts'}, function() {}); *``` Passport.include(passports, {owner: ['posts', 'passports']}); *``` Passport.include(passports, {owner: [{posts: 'images'}, 'passports']}); * * @param {Array} objects Array of instances * @param {String|Object|Array} include Which relations to load. * @param {Function} cb Callback called when relations are loaded * */ Inclusion.include = function (objects, include, cb) { var self = this; if (!include || (Array.isArray(include) && include.length === 0) || (isPlainObject(include) && Object.keys(include).length === 0)) { // The objects are empty return process.nextTick(function() { cb && cb(null, objects); }); } include = normalizeInclude(include); async.each(include, function(item, callback) { processIncludeItem(objects, item, callback); }, function(err) { cb && cb(err, objects); }); function processIncludeItem(objs, include, cb) { var relations = self.relations; var relationName; var subInclude = null, scope = null; if (isPlainObject(include)) { relationName = Object.keys(include)[0]; if (include[relationName] instanceof IncludeScope) { scope = include[relationName]; subInclude = scope.include(); } else { subInclude = include[relationName]; } } else { relationName = include; subInclude = null; } var relation = relations[relationName]; if (!relation) { cb(new Error('Relation "' + relationName + '" is not defined for ' + self.modelName + ' model')); return; } // Just skip if inclusion is disabled if (relation.options.disableInclude) { cb(); return; } // Calling the relation method for each object async.each(objs, function (obj, callback) { if(relation.type === 'belongsTo') { // If the belongsTo relation doesn't have an owner if(obj[relation.keyFrom] === null || obj[relation.keyFrom] === undefined) { defineCachedRelations(obj); // Set to null if the owner doesn't exist obj.__cachedRelations[relationName] = null; if(obj === inst) { obj.__data[relationName] = null; } else { obj[relationName] = null; } return callback(); } } var inst = (obj instanceof self) ? obj : new self(obj); // Calling the relation method on the instance var related; // relation accessor function if (relation.multiple && scope) { var includeScope = {}; var filter = scope.conditions(); // make sure not to miss any fields for sub includes if (filter.fields && Array.isArray(subInclude) && relation.modelTo.relations) { includeScope.fields = []; subInclude.forEach(function(name) { var rel = relation.modelTo.relations[name]; if (rel && rel.type === 'belongsTo') { includeScope.fields.push(rel.keyFrom); } }); } utils.mergeQuery(filter, includeScope, {fields: false}); related = inst[relationName].bind(inst, filter); } else { related = inst[relationName].bind(inst); } related(function (err, result) { if (err) { return callback(err); } else { defineCachedRelations(obj); obj.__cachedRelations[relationName] = result; if(obj === inst) { obj.__data[relationName] = result; obj.setStrict(false); } else { obj[relationName] = result; } if (subInclude && result) { var subItems = relation.multiple ? result : [result]; // Recursively include the related models relation.modelTo.include(subItems, subInclude, callback); } else { callback(null, result); } } }); }, cb); } };