// Copyright IBM Corp. 2017,2018. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT /* global describe,it */ /* jshint expr:true */ 'use strict'; require('should'); const DateString = require('../lib/date-string'); const fmt = require('util').format; const inspect = require('util').inspect; const os = require('os'); describe('DateString', function() { describe('constructor', function() { it('should support a valid date string', function() { const theDate = '2015-01-01'; const date = new DateString(theDate); date.should.not.eql(null); date.when.should.eql(theDate); date.toString().should.eql(theDate); }); testValidInput('should allow date with time', '2015-01-01 02:00:00'); testValidInput('should allow full UTC datetime', '2015-06-30T20:00:00.000Z'); testValidInput('should allow date with UTC offset', '2015-01-01 20:00:00 GMT-5'); testInvalidInput('should throw on non-date string', 'notadate', 'Invalid date'); testInvalidInput('should throw on incorrect date-like value', '2015-01-01 25:00:00', 'Invalid date'); testInvalidInput('should throw on non-string input', 20150101, 'Input must be a string'); testInvalidInput('should throw on null input', null, 'Input must be a string'); it('should update internal date on set', function() { const date = new DateString('2015-01-01'); date.when = '2016-01-01'; date.when.should.eql('2016-01-01'); const d = new Date('2016-01-01'); // The internal date representation should also be updated! date._date.toString().should.eql(d.toString()); }); it('should return custom inspect output', function() { const date = new DateString('2015-01-01'); const result = inspect(date); result.should.not.eql(null); result.should.eql(fmt('DateString ' + inspect({ when: date.when, _date: date._date, }))); }); it('should return JSON output', function() { const date = new DateString('2015-01-01'); const result = date.toJSON(); result.should.eql(JSON.stringify({when: date.when})); }); function testValidInput(msg, val) { it(msg, function() { const theDate = new DateString(val); theDate.when.should.eql(val); const d = new Date(val); theDate._date.toString().should.eql(d.toString()); }); } function testInvalidInput(msg, val, err) { it(msg, () => { const fn = () => { const theDate = new DateString(val); }; fn.should.throw(err); }); } }); });