// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // This test written in mocha+should.js 'use strict'; /* global getSchema:false, connectorCapabilities:false */ const assert = require('assert'); const bdd = require('./helpers/bdd-if'); const should = require('./init.js'); const uid = require('./helpers/uid-generator'); const jdb = require('../'); const DataSource = jdb.DataSource; const createPromiseCallback = require('../lib/utils.js').createPromiseCallback; let db, tmp, Book, Chapter, Author, Reader, Article, Employee; let Category, Job; let Picture, PictureLink; let Person, Address; let Link; const getTransientDataSource = function(settings) { return new DataSource('transient', settings, db.modelBuilder); }; const getMemoryDataSource = function(settings) { return new DataSource('memory', settings, db.modelBuilder); }; describe('relations', function() { before(function() { db = getSchema(); }); describe('hasMany', function() { before(function(done) { Book = db.define('Book', {name: String, type: String}); Chapter = db.define('Chapter', {name: {type: String, index: true}, bookType: String}); Author = db.define('Author', {name: String}); Reader = db.define('Reader', {name: String}); db.automigrate(['Book', 'Chapter', 'Author', 'Reader'], done); }); it('can be declared in different ways', function(done) { Book.hasMany(Chapter); Book.hasMany(Reader, {as: 'users'}); Book.hasMany(Author, {foreignKey: 'projectId'}); const b = new Book; b.chapters.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); b.users.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); b.authors.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); Object.keys((new Chapter).toObject()).should.containEql('bookId'); Object.keys((new Author).toObject()).should.containEql('projectId'); db.automigrate(['Book', 'Chapter', 'Author', 'Reader'], done); }); it('can be declared in short form', function(done) { Author = db.define('Author', {name: String}); Reader = db.define('Reader', {name: String}); Author.hasMany('readers'); (new Author).readers.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); Object.keys((new Reader).toObject()).should.containEql('authorId'); db.autoupdate(['Author', 'Reader'], done); }); describe('with scope', function() { before(function(done) { Book.hasMany(Chapter); done(); }); it('should build record on scope', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { const chaps = book.chapters; const c = chaps.build(); c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); c.save(done); }); }); it('should create record on scope', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create(function(err, c) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(c); c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); done(err); }); }); }); it('should not update FK', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'chapter 1'}, function(err, c) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(c); c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); c.name.should.eql('chapter 1'); book.chapters.updateById(c.id, {name: 'chapter 0', bookId: 10}, function(err, cc) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.startWith('Cannot override foreign key'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should create record on scope with promises', function(done) { Book.create() .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create() .then(function(c) { should.exist(c); c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should create a batch of records on scope', function(done) { const chapters = [ {name: 'a'}, {name: 'z'}, {name: 'c'}, ]; Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create(chapters, function(err, chs) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(chs); chs.should.have.lengthOf(chapters.length); chs.forEach(function(c) { c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); }); done(); }); }); }); it('should create a batch of records on scope with promises', function(done) { const chapters = [ {name: 'a'}, {name: 'z'}, {name: 'c'}, ]; Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create(chapters) .then(function(chs) { should.exist(chs); chs.should.have.lengthOf(chapters.length); chs.forEach(function(c) { c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); }); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should fetch all scoped instances', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(book); }); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters(function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const chapters = book.chapters(); chapters.should.eql(ch); book.chapters(function(e, c) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(c); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const acz = ['a', 'c', 'z']; acz.should.containEql(c[0].name); acz.should.containEql(c[1].name); acz.should.containEql(c[2].name); done(); }); }); } }); it('should fetch all scoped instances with promises', function(done) { Book.create() .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function() { return book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}); }) .then(function() { return book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(book); }); }).catch(done); function verify(book) { return book.chapters.find() .then(function(ch) { should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const chapters = book.chapters(); chapters.should.eql(ch); return book.chapters.find() .then(function(c) { should.exist(c); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const acz = ['a', 'c', 'z']; acz.should.containEql(c[0].name); acz.should.containEql(c[1].name); acz.should.containEql(c[2].name); done(); }); }); } }); it('should fetch all scoped instances with find() with callback and condition', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(book); }); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters(function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const chapters = book.chapters(); chapters.should.eql(ch); book.chapters.find(function(e, c) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(c); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const acz = ['a', 'c', 'z']; acz.should.containEql(c[0].name); acz.should.containEql(c[1].name); acz.should.containEql(c[2].name); done(); }); }); } }); it('should fetch all scoped instances with find() with callback and no condition', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(book); }); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters(function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); const chapters = book.chapters(); chapters.should.eql(ch); book.chapters.find(function(e, c) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(c); should.exist(c.length); c.should.have.lengthOf(3); const acz = ['a', 'c', 'z']; acz.should.containEql(c[0].name); acz.should.containEql(c[1].name); acz.should.containEql(c[2].name); done(); }); }); } }); it('should find scoped record', function(done) { let id; Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(book); }); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters.findById(id, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); done(); }); } }); it('should find scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Book.create() .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}); }) .then(function() { return book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(book); }); }).catch(done); function verify(book) { return book.chapters.findById(id) .then(function(ch) { should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); done(); }); } }); it('should count scoped records - all and filtered', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { book.chapters.create({name: 'b'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(book); }); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters.count(function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.equal(3); book.chapters.count({name: 'b'}, function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); } }); it('should count scoped records - all and filtered with promises', function(done) { Book.create() .then(function(book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function() { return book.chapters.create({name: 'b'}); }) .then(function() { return book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(book); }); }).catch(done); function verify(book) { return book.chapters.count() .then(function(count) { count.should.equal(3); return book.chapters.count({name: 'b'}); }) .then(function(count) { count.should.equal(1); done(); }); } }); it('should set targetClass on scope property', function() { should.equal(Book.prototype.chapters._targetClass, 'Chapter'); }); it('should update scoped record', function(done) { let id; Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; book.chapters.updateById(id, {name: 'aa'}, function(err, ch) { verify(book); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters.findById(id, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); ch.name.should.equal('aa'); done(); }); } }); it('should update scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Book.create() .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return book.chapters.updateById(id, {name: 'aa'}); }) .then(function(ch) { return verify(book); }); }) .catch(done); function verify(book) { return book.chapters.findById(id) .then(function(ch) { should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); ch.name.should.equal('aa'); done(); }); } }); it('should destroy scoped record', function(done) { let id; Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; book.chapters.destroy(id, function(err, ch) { verify(book); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters.findById(id, function(err, ch) { should.exist(err); done(); }); } }); it('should destroy scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Book.create() .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return book.chapters.destroy(id); }) .then(function(ch) { return verify(book); }); }) .catch(done); function verify(book) { return book.chapters.findById(id) .catch(function(err) { should.exist(err); done(); }); } }); it('should check existence of a scoped record', function(done) { let id; Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(book); }); }); }); }); function verify(book) { book.chapters.exists(id, function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); flag.should.be.eql(true); done(); }); } }); it('should check existence of a scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Book.create() .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}); }) .then(function() { return book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(book); }); }).catch(done); function verify(book) { return book.chapters.exists(id) .then(function(flag) { flag.should.be.eql(true); done(); }); } }); it('should check ignore related data on creation - array', function(done) { Book.create({chapters: []}, function(err, book) { if (err) return done(err); book.chapters.should.be.a.function; const obj = book.toObject(); should.not.exist(obj.chapters); done(); }); }); it('should check ignore related data on creation with promises - array', function(done) { Book.create({chapters: []}) .then(function(book) { book.chapters.should.be.a.function; const obj = book.toObject(); should.not.exist(obj.chapters); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should check ignore related data on creation - object', function(done) { Book.create({chapters: {}}, function(err, book) { if (err) return done(err); book.chapters.should.be.a.function; const obj = book.toObject(); should.not.exist(obj.chapters); done(); }); }); it('should check ignore related data on creation with promises - object', function(done) { Book.create({chapters: {}}) .then(function(book) { book.chapters.should.be.a.function; const obj = book.toObject(); should.not.exist(obj.chapters); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); }); describe('hasMany through', function() { let Physician, Patient, Appointment, Address; before(function(done) { Physician = db.define('Physician', {name: String}); Patient = db.define('Patient', {name: String, age: Number, realm: String, sequence: {type: Number, index: true}}); Appointment = db.define('Appointment', {date: {type: Date, default: function() { return new Date(); }}}); Address = db.define('Address', {name: String}); Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician); db.automigrate(['Physician', 'Patient', 'Appointment', 'Address'], done); }); it('should build record on scope', function(done) { Physician.create(function(err, physician) { const patient = physician.patients.build(); patient.physicianId.should.eql(physician.id); patient.save(done); }); }); it('should create record on scope', function(done) { Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create(function(err, patient) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(patient); Appointment.find({where: {physicianId: physician.id, patientId: patient.id}}, function(err, apps) { if (err) return done(err); apps.should.have.lengthOf(1); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should create record on scope with promises', function(done) { Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create() .then(function(patient) { should.exist(patient); return Appointment.find({where: {physicianId: physician.id, patientId: patient.id}}) .then(function(apps) { apps.should.have.lengthOf(1); done(); }); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should create multiple records on scope', function(done) { const async = require('async'); Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create([{}, {}], function(err, patients) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(patients); patients.should.have.lengthOf(2); function verifyPatient(patient, next) { Appointment.find({where: { physicianId: physician.id, patientId: patient.id, }}, function(err, apps) { if (err) return done(err); apps.should.have.lengthOf(1); next(); }); } async.forEach(patients, verifyPatient, done); }); }); }); it('should create multiple records on scope with promises', function(done) { const async = require('async'); Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create([{}, {}]) .then(function(patients) { should.exist(patients); patients.should.have.lengthOf(2); function verifyPatient(patient, next) { Appointment.find({where: { physicianId: physician.id, patientId: patient.id, }}) .then(function(apps) { apps.should.have.lengthOf(1); next(); }); } async.forEach(patients, verifyPatient, done); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should fetch all scoped instances', function(done) { Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function() { physician.patients.create({name: 'z'}, function() { physician.patients.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(physician); }); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients(function(err, ch) { const patients = physician.patients(); patients.should.eql(ch); if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); done(); }); } }); it('should fetch all scoped instances with promises', function(done) { Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function() { return physician.patients.create({name: 'z'}); }) .then(function() { return physician.patients.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(physician); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician) { return physician.patients.find() .then(function(ch) { const patients = physician.patients(); should.equal(patients, ch); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); done(); }); } }); describe('fetch scoped instances with paging filters', function() { let samplePatientId; let physician; beforeEach(createSampleData); context('with filter skip', function() { bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportPagination !== false, 'skips the first patient', function(done) { physician.patients({skip: 1, order: 'sequence'}, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(2); ch[0].name.should.eql('z'); ch[1].name.should.eql('c'); done(); }); }); }); context('with filter order', function() { it('orders the result by patient name', function(done) { const filter = connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false ? {order: 'name DESC'} : {}; physician.patients(filter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { ch[0].name.should.eql('z'); ch[1].name.should.eql('c'); ch[2].name.should.eql('a'); } else { const acz = ['a', 'c', 'z']; ch[0].name.should.be.oneOf(acz); ch[1].name.should.be.oneOf(acz); ch[2].name.should.be.oneOf(acz); } done(); }); }); }); context('with filter limit', function() { it('limits to 1 result', function(done) { physician.patients({limit: 1, order: 'sequence'}, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(1); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { ch[0].name.should.eql('a'); } else { ch[0].name.should.be.oneOf(['a', 'c', 'z']); } done(); }); }); }); context('with filter fields', function() { it('includes field \'name\' but not \'age\'', function(done) { const fieldsFilter = { fields: {name: true, age: false}, order: 'sequence', }; physician.patients(fieldsFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); should.exist(ch[0].name); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { ch[0].name.should.eql('a'); } else { ch[0].name.should.be.oneOf(['a', 'c', 'z']); } should.not.exist(ch[0].age); done(); }); }); }); context('with filter include', function() { it('returns physicians included in patient', function(done) { const includeFilter = {include: 'physicians'}; physician.patients(includeFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); should.exist(ch[0].physicians); done(); }); }); }); context('with filter where', function() { it('returns patient where id equal to samplePatientId', function(done) { const whereFilter = {where: {id: samplePatientId}}; physician.patients(whereFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(1); ch[0].id.should.eql(samplePatientId); done(); }); }); it('returns patient where name equal to samplePatient name', function(done) { const whereFilter = {where: {name: 'a'}}; physician.patients(whereFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(1); ch[0].name.should.eql('a'); done(); }); }); it('returns patients where id in an array', function(done) { const idArr = []; let whereFilter; physician.patients.create({name: 'b'}, function(err, p) { idArr.push(samplePatientId, p.id); whereFilter = {where: {id: {inq: idArr}}}; physician.patients(whereFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(2); if (typeof idArr[0] === 'object') { // mongodb returns `id` as an object idArr[0] = idArr[0].toString(); idArr[1] = idArr[1].toString(); idArr.indexOf(ch[0].id.toString()).should.not.equal(-1); idArr.indexOf(ch[1].id.toString()).should.not.equal(-1); } else { idArr.indexOf(ch[0].id).should.not.equal(-1); idArr.indexOf(ch[1].id).should.not.equal(-1); } done(); }); }); }); it('returns empty result when patientId does not belongs to physician', function(done) { Patient.create({name: 'x'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p); const wrongWhereFilter = {where: {id: p.id}}; physician.patients(wrongWhereFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(0); done(); }); }); }); }); context('findById with filter include', function() { it('returns patient where id equal to \'samplePatientId\'' + 'with included physicians', function(done) { const includeFilter = {include: 'physicians'}; physician.patients.findById(samplePatientId, includeFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(samplePatientId); should.exist(ch.physicians); done(); }); }); }); context('findById with filter fields', function() { it('returns patient where id equal to \'samplePatientId\'' + 'with field \'name\' but not \'age\'', function(done) { const fieldsFilter = {fields: {name: true, age: false}}; physician.patients.findById(samplePatientId, fieldsFilter, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); should.exist(ch.name); ch.name.should.eql('a'); should.not.exist(ch.age); done(); }); }); }); context('findById with include filter that contains string fields', function() { it('should accept string and convert it to array', function(done) { const includeFilter = {include: {relation: 'patients', scope: {fields: 'name'}}}; const physicianId = physician.id; Physician.findById(physicianId, includeFilter, function(err, result) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(result); result.id.should.eql(physicianId); should.exist(result.patients); result.patients().should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); should.exist(result.patients()[0]); should.exist(result.patients()[0].name); should.not.exist(result.patients()[0].age); done(); }); }); }); function createSampleData(done) { Physician.create(function(err, result) { result.patients.create({name: 'a', age: '10', sequence: 1}, function(err, p) { samplePatientId = p.id; result.patients.create({name: 'z', age: '20', sequence: 2}, function() { result.patients.create({name: 'c', sequence: 3}, function() { physician = result; done(); }); }); }); }); } }); describe('find over related model with options', function() { after(function() { Physician.clearObservers('access'); Patient.clearObservers('access'); }); before(function() { Physician.observe('access', beforeAccessFn); Patient.observe('access', beforeAccessFn); function beforeAccessFn(ctx, next) { ctx.query.where.realm = ctx.options.realm; next(); } }); it('should find be filtered from option', function(done) { let id; Physician.create(function(err, physician) { if (err) return done(err); physician.patients.create({name: 'a', realm: 'test'}, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); id = ch.id; physician.patients.create({name: 'z', realm: 'test'}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); physician.patients.create({name: 'c', realm: 'anotherRealm'}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); verify(physician); }); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients({order: 'name ASC'}, {realm: 'test'}, function(err, records) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(records); records.length.should.eql(2); const expected = ['a:test', 'z:test']; const actual = records.map(function(r) { return r.name + ':' + r.realm; }); actual.sort().should.eql(expected.sort()); done(); }); } }); }); it('should find scoped record', function(done) { let id; Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; physician.patients.create({name: 'z'}, function() { physician.patients.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(physician); }); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients.findById(id, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); done(); }); } }); it('should find scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return physician.patients.create({name: 'z'}); }) .then(function() { return physician.patients.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(physician); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician) { return physician.patients.findById(id, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); done(); }); } }); it('should allow to use include syntax on related data', function(done) { Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, patient) { Address.create({name: 'z'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); patient.address(address); patient.save(function() { verify(physician, address.id); }); }); }); }); function verify(physician, addressId) { physician.patients({include: 'address'}, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(1); ch[0].addressId.should.eql(addressId); const address = ch[0].address(); should.exist(address); address.should.be.an.instanceof(Address); address.name.should.equal('z'); done(); }); } }); it('should allow to use include syntax on related data with promises', function(done) { Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(patient) { return Address.create({name: 'z'}) .then(function(address) { patient.address(address); return patient.save() .then(function() { return verify(physician, address.id); }); }); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician, addressId) { return physician.patients.find({include: 'address'}) .then(function(ch) { should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(1); ch[0].addressId.toString().should.eql(addressId.toString()); const address = ch[0].address(); should.exist(address); address.should.be.an.instanceof(Address); address.name.should.equal('z'); done(); }); } }); it('should set targetClass on scope property', function() { should.equal(Physician.prototype.patients._targetClass, 'Patient'); }); it('should update scoped record', function(done) { let id; Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; physician.patients.updateById(id, {name: 'aa'}, function(err, ch) { verify(physician); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients.findById(id, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); ch.name.should.equal('aa'); done(); }); } }); it('should update scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return physician.patients.updateById(id, {name: 'aa'}) .then(function(ch) { return verify(physician); }); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician) { return physician.patients.findById(id) .then(function(ch) { should.exist(ch); ch.id.should.eql(id); ch.name.should.equal('aa'); done(); }); } }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should destroy scoped record', function(done) { let id; Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { id = ch.id; physician.patients.destroy(id, function(err, ch) { verify(physician); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients.findById(id, function(err, ch) { should.exist(err); done(); }); } }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should destroy scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return physician.patients.destroy(id) .then(function(ch) { return verify(physician); }); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician) { return physician.patients.findById(id) .then(function(ch) { should.not.exist(ch); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { should.exist(err); done(); }); } }); it('should check existence of a scoped record', function(done) { let id; Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, ch) { if (err) return done(err); id = ch.id; physician.patients.create({name: 'z'}, function() { physician.patients.create({name: 'c'}, function() { verify(physician); }); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients.exists(id, function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); flag.should.be.eql(true); done(); }); } }); it('should check existence of a scoped record with promises', function(done) { let id; Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(ch) { id = ch.id; return physician.patients.create({name: 'z'}); }) .then(function() { return physician.patients.create({name: 'c'}); }) .then(function() { return verify(physician); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician) { return physician.patients.exists(id) .then(function(flag) { flag.should.be.eql(true); done(); }); } }); it('should allow to add connection with instance', function(done) { Physician.create({name: 'ph1'}, function(e, physician) { Patient.create({name: 'pa1'}, function(e, patient) { physician.patients.add(patient, function(e, app) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(app); app.should.be.an.instanceOf(Appointment); app.physicianId.should.eql(physician.id); app.patientId.should.eql(patient.id); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow to add connection with instance with promises', function(done) { Physician.create({name: 'ph1'}) .then(function(physician) { return Patient.create({name: 'pa1'}) .then(function(patient) { return physician.patients.add(patient) .then(function(app) { should.exist(app); app.should.be.an.instanceOf(Appointment); app.physicianId.should.eql(physician.id); app.patientId.should.eql(patient.id); done(); }); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should allow to add connection with through data', function(done) { Physician.create({name: 'ph1'}, function(e, physician) { Patient.create({name: 'pa1'}, function(e, patient) { const now = Date.now(); physician.patients.add(patient, {date: new Date(now)}, function(e, app) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(app); app.should.be.an.instanceOf(Appointment); app.physicianId.should.eql(physician.id); app.patientId.should.eql(patient.id); app.patientId.should.eql(patient.id); app.date.getTime().should.equal(now); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow to add connection with through data with promises', function(done) { Physician.create({name: 'ph1'}) .then(function(physician) { return Patient.create({name: 'pa1'}) .then(function(patient) { const now = Date.now(); return physician.patients.add(patient, {date: new Date(now)}) .then(function(app) { should.exist(app); app.should.be.an.instanceOf(Appointment); app.physicianId.should.eql(physician.id); app.patientId.should.eql(patient.id); app.patientId.should.eql(patient.id); app.date.getTime().should.equal(now); done(); }); }); }).catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should allow to remove connection with instance', function(done) { let id; Physician.create(function(err, physician) { physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}, function(err, patient) { id = patient.id; physician.patients.remove(id, function(err, ch) { verify(physician); }); }); }); function verify(physician) { physician.patients.exists(id, function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); flag.should.be.eql(false); done(); }); } }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should allow to remove connection with instance with promises', function(done) { let id; Physician.create() .then(function(physician) { return physician.patients.create({name: 'a'}) .then(function(patient) { id = patient.id; return physician.patients.remove(id) .then(function(ch) { return verify(physician); }); }); }).catch(done); function verify(physician) { return physician.patients.exists(id) .then(function(flag) { flag.should.be.eql(false); done(); }); } }); beforeEach(function(done) { Appointment.destroyAll(function(err) { Physician.destroyAll(function(err) { Patient.destroyAll(done); }); }); }); }); describe('hasMany through - collect', function() { let Physician, Patient, Appointment, Address; let idPatient, idPhysician; beforeEach(function(done) { idPatient = uid.fromConnector(db) || 1234; idPhysician = uid.fromConnector(db) || 2345; Physician = db.define('Physician', {name: String}); Patient = db.define('Patient', {name: String}); Appointment = db.define('Appointment', {date: {type: Date, default: function() { return new Date(); }}}); Address = db.define('Address', {name: String}); db.automigrate(['Physician', 'Patient', 'Appointment', 'Address'], done); }); describe('with default options', function() { it('can determine the collect by modelTo\'s name as default', function() { Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment, as: 'yyy'}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient); const physician = new Physician({id: idPhysician}); const scope1 = physician.patients._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'patient'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'patient'); const patient = new Patient({id: idPatient}); const scope2 = patient.yyy._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'physician'); scope2.should.have.property('include', 'physician'); }); }); describe('when custom reverse belongsTo names for both sides', function() { it('can determine the collect via keyThrough', function() { Physician.hasMany(Patient, { through: Appointment, foreignKey: 'fooId', keyThrough: 'barId', }); Patient.hasMany(Physician, { through: Appointment, foreignKey: 'barId', keyThrough: 'fooId', as: 'yyy', }); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'foo'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient, {as: 'bar'}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); // jam. Appointment.belongsTo(Patient, {as: 'car'}); // jam. Should we complain in this case??? const physician = new Physician({id: idPhysician}); const scope1 = physician.patients._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'bar'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'bar'); const patient = new Patient({id: idPatient}); const scope2 = patient.yyy._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'foo'); scope2.should.have.property('include', 'foo'); }); it('can determine the collect via modelTo name', function() { Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment, as: 'yyy'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'foo', foreignKey: 'physicianId'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient, {as: 'bar', foreignKey: 'patientId'}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); // jam. const physician = new Physician({id: idPhysician}); const scope1 = physician.patients._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'bar'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'bar'); const patient = new Patient({id: idPatient}); const scope2 = patient.yyy._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'foo'); scope2.should.have.property('include', 'foo'); }); it('can determine the collect via modelTo name (with jams)', function() { Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment, as: 'yyy'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'foo', foreignKey: 'physicianId'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient, {as: 'bar', foreignKey: 'patientId'}); Patient.belongsTo(Address); // jam. Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'goo', foreignKey: 'physicianId'}); // jam. Should we complain in this case??? Appointment.belongsTo(Patient, {as: 'car', foreignKey: 'patientId'}); // jam. Should we complain in this case??? const physician = new Physician({id: idPhysician}); const scope1 = physician.patients._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'bar'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'bar'); const patient = new Patient({id: idPatient}); const scope2 = patient.yyy._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'foo'); // first matched relation scope2.should.have.property('include', 'foo'); // first matched relation }); }); describe('when custom reverse belongsTo name for one side only', function() { beforeEach(function() { Physician.hasMany(Patient, {as: 'xxx', through: Appointment, foreignKey: 'fooId'}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {as: 'yyy', through: Appointment, keyThrough: 'fooId'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'foo'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient); Patient.belongsTo(Address); // jam. Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'bar'}); // jam. Should we complain in this case??? }); it('can determine the collect via model name', function() { const physician = new Physician({id: idPhysician}); const scope1 = physician.xxx._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'patient'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'patient'); }); it('can determine the collect via keyThrough', function() { const patient = new Patient({id: idPatient}); const scope2 = patient.yyy._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'foo'); scope2.should.have.property('include', 'foo'); }); }); }); describe('hasMany through - customized relation name and foreign key', function() { let Physician, Patient, Appointment; beforeEach(function(done) { Physician = db.define('Physician', {name: String}); Patient = db.define('Patient', {name: String}); Appointment = db.define('Appointment', {date: {type: Date, defaultFn: 'now'}}); db.automigrate(['Physician', 'Patient', 'Appointment'], done); }); it('should use real target class', function() { Physician.hasMany(Patient, {through: Appointment, as: 'xxx', foreignKey: 'aaaId', keyThrough: 'bbbId'}); Patient.hasMany(Physician, {through: Appointment, as: 'yyy', foreignKey: 'bbbId', keyThrough: 'aaaId'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Physician, {as: 'aaa', foreignKey: 'aaaId'}); Appointment.belongsTo(Patient, {as: 'bbb', foreignKey: 'bbbId'}); const physician = new Physician({id: 1}); physician.xxx.should.have.property('_targetClass', 'Patient'); const patient = new Patient({id: 1}); patient.yyy.should.have.property('_targetClass', 'Physician'); }); }); describe('hasMany through bi-directional relations on the same model', function() { let User, Follow, Address; let idFollower, idFollowee; before(function(done) { idFollower = uid.fromConnector(db) || 3456; idFollowee = uid.fromConnector(db) || 4567; User = db.define('User', {name: String}); Follow = db.define('Follow', {date: {type: Date, default: function() { return new Date(); }}}); Address = db.define('Address', {name: String}); User.hasMany(User, { as: 'followers', foreignKey: 'followeeId', keyThrough: 'followerId', through: Follow, }); User.hasMany(User, { as: 'following', foreignKey: 'followerId', keyThrough: 'followeeId', through: Follow, }); User.belongsTo(Address); Follow.belongsTo(User, {as: 'follower'}); Follow.belongsTo(User, {as: 'followee'}); db.automigrate(['User', 'Follow'], done); }); it('should set foreignKeys of through model correctly in first relation', function(done) { const follower = new User({id: idFollower}); const followee = new User({id: idFollowee}); followee.followers.add(follower, function(err, throughInst) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(throughInst); throughInst.followerId.should.eql(follower.id); throughInst.followeeId.should.eql(followee.id); done(); }); }); it('should set foreignKeys of through model correctly in second relation', function(done) { const follower = new User({id: idFollower}); const followee = new User({id: idFollowee}); follower.following.add(followee, function(err, throughInst) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(throughInst); throughInst.followeeId.toString().should.eql(followee.id.toString()); throughInst.followerId.toString().should.eql(follower.id.toString()); done(); }); }); }); describe('hasMany through - between same models', function() { let User, Follow, Address; let idFollower, idFollowee; before(function(done) { idFollower = uid.fromConnector(db) || 3456; idFollowee = uid.fromConnector(db) || 4567; User = db.define('User', {name: String}); Follow = db.define('Follow', {date: {type: Date, default: function() { return new Date(); }}}); Address = db.define('Address', {name: String}); User.hasMany(User, { as: 'followers', foreignKey: 'followeeId', keyThrough: 'followerId', through: Follow, }); User.hasMany(User, { as: 'following', foreignKey: 'followerId', keyThrough: 'followeeId', through: Follow, }); User.belongsTo(Address); Follow.belongsTo(User, {as: 'follower'}); Follow.belongsTo(User, {as: 'followee'}); db.automigrate(['User', 'Follow', 'Address'], done); }); it('should set the keyThrough and the foreignKey', function(done) { const user = new User({id: idFollower}); const user2 = new User({id: idFollowee}); user.following.add(user2, function(err, f) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(f); f.followeeId.should.eql(user2.id); f.followerId.should.eql(user.id); done(); }); }); it('can determine the collect via keyThrough for each side', function() { const user = new User({id: idFollower}); const scope1 = user.followers._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'follower'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'follower'); const scope2 = user.following._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'followee'); scope2.should.have.property('include', 'followee'); }); }); describe('hasMany with properties', function() { before(function(done) { Book = db.define('Book', {name: String, type: String}); Chapter = db.define('Chapter', {name: {type: String, index: true}, bookType: String}); Book.hasMany(Chapter, {properties: {type: 'bookType'}}); db.automigrate(['Book', 'Chapter'], done); }); it('should create record on scope', function(done) { Book.create({type: 'fiction'}, function(err, book) { book.chapters.create(function(err, c) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(c); c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); c.bookType.should.equal('fiction'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create record on scope with promises', function(done) { Book.create({type: 'fiction'}) .then(function(book) { return book.chapters.create() .then(function(c) { should.exist(c); c.bookId.should.eql(book.id); c.bookType.should.equal('fiction'); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('hasMany with scope and properties', function() { it('can be declared with properties', function(done) { Category = db.define('Category', {name: String, jobType: String}); Job = db.define('Job', {name: String, type: String}); Category.hasMany(Job, { properties: function(inst, target) { if (!inst.jobType) return; // skip return {type: inst.jobType}; }, scope: function(inst, filter) { const m = this.properties(inst); // re-use properties if (m) return {where: m}; }, }); db.automigrate(['Category', 'Job'], done); }); it('should create record on scope', function(done) { Category.create(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobs.create({type: 'book'}, function(err, p) { should.not.exists(err); p.categoryId.should.eql(c.id); p.type.should.equal('book'); c.jobs.create({type: 'widget'}, function(err, p) { should.not.exists(err); p.categoryId.should.eql(c.id); p.type.should.equal('widget'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should create record on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.create() .then(function(c) { return c.jobs.create({type: 'book'}) .then(function(p) { p.categoryId.should.eql(c.id); p.type.should.equal('book'); return c.jobs.create({type: 'widget'}) .then(function(p) { p.categoryId.should.eql(c.id); p.type.should.equal('widget'); done(); }); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should find records on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobs(function(err, jobs) { should.not.exists(err); jobs.should.have.length(2); done(); }); }); }); it('should find records on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(c) { return c.jobs.find(); }) .then(function(jobs) { jobs.should.have.length(2); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should find record on scope - filtered', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobs({where: {type: 'book'}}, function(err, jobs) { should.not.exists(err); jobs.should.have.length(1); jobs[0].type.should.equal('book'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find record on scope with promises - filtered', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(c) { return c.jobs.find({where: {type: 'book'}}); }) .then(function(jobs) { jobs.should.have.length(1); jobs[0].type.should.equal('book'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); // So why not just do the above? In LoopBack, the context // that gets passed into a beforeRemote handler contains // a reference to the parent scope/instance: ctx.instance // in order to enforce a (dynamic scope) at runtime // a temporary property can be set in the beforeRemoting // handler. Optionally,properties dynamic properties can be declared. // // The code below simulates this. it('should create record on scope - properties', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobType = 'tool'; // temporary c.jobs.create(function(err, p) { p.categoryId.should.eql(c.id); p.type.should.equal('tool'); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find records on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobs(function(err, jobs) { should.not.exists(err); jobs.should.have.length(3); done(); }); }); }); it('should find record on scope - scoped', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobType = 'book'; // temporary, for scoping c.jobs(function(err, jobs) { should.not.exists(err); jobs.should.have.length(1); jobs[0].type.should.equal('book'); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find record on scope - scoped', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobType = 'tool'; // temporary, for scoping c.jobs(function(err, jobs) { should.not.exists(err); jobs.should.have.length(1); jobs[0].type.should.equal('tool'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find count of records on scope - scoped', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobType = 'tool'; // temporary, for scoping c.jobs.count(function(err, count) { should.not.exists(err); count.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should delete records on scope - scoped', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobType = 'tool'; // temporary, for scoping c.jobs.destroyAll(function(err, result) { done(err); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should find record on scope - verify', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, c) { should.not.exists(err); c.jobs(function(err, jobs) { should.not.exists(err); jobs.should.have.length(2); done(err); }); }); }); }); describe('relations validation', function() { let validationError; // define a mockup getRelationValidationMsg() method to log the validation error const logRelationValidationError = function(code, rType, rName) { validationError = {code, rType, rName}; }; it('rejects belongsTo relation if `model` is not provided', function() { try { const Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { author: { type: 'belongsTo', foreignKey: 'authorId'}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'BELONGS_TO_MISSING_MODEL', rType: 'belongsTo', rName: 'author'}); } }); it('rejects polymorphic belongsTo relation if `model` is provided', function() { try { const Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { imageable: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: true}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'POLYMORPHIC_BELONGS_TO_MODEL', rType: 'belongsTo', rName: 'imageable'}); } }); it('rejects polymorphic non belongsTo relation if `model` is not provided', function() { try { const Article = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: { type: 'hasMany', polymorphic: 'imageable'}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'POLYMORPHIC_NOT_BELONGS_TO_MISSING_MODEL', rType: 'hasMany', rName: 'pictures'}); } }); it('rejects polymorphic relation if `foreignKey` is provided but discriminator ' + 'is missing', function() { try { const Article = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: {foreignKey: 'imageableId'}}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'POLYMORPHIC_MISSING_DISCRIMINATOR', rType: 'hasMany', rName: 'pictures'}); } }); it('rejects polymorphic relation if `discriminator` is provided but foreignKey ' + 'is missing', function() { try { const Article = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: {discriminator: 'imageableType'}}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'POLYMORPHIC_MISSING_FOREIGN_KEY', rType: 'hasMany', rName: 'pictures'}); } }); it('rejects polymorphic relation if `polymorphic.as` is provided along ' + 'with custom foreignKey/discriminator', function() { try { const Article = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: { as: 'image', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'POLYMORPHIC_EXTRANEOUS_AS', rType: 'hasMany', rName: 'pictures'}); } }); it('rejects polymorphic relation if `polymorphic.selector` is provided along ' + 'with custom foreignKey/discriminator', function() { try { const Article = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: { selector: 'image', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }}, }}); should.not.exist(Picture, 'relation validation should have thrown'); } catch (err) { err.details.should.eql({ code: 'POLYMORPHIC_EXTRANEOUS_SELECTOR', rType: 'hasMany', rName: 'pictures'}); } }); it('warns on use of deprecated `polymorphic.as` keyword in polymorphic relation', function() { let message = 'deprecation not reported'; process.once('deprecation', function(err) { message = err.message; }); const Article = db.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: {type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: {as: 'imageable'}}, }}); message.should.match(/keyword `polymorphic.as` which will be DEPRECATED in LoopBack.next/); }); }); describe('polymorphic hasOne', function() { before(function(done) { Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}); Article = db.define('Article', {name: String}); Employee = db.define('Employee', {name: String}); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); it('can be declared using default polymorphic selector', function(done) { Article.hasOne(Picture, {as: 'packshot', polymorphic: 'imageable'}); Employee.hasOne(Picture, {as: 'mugshot', polymorphic: 'imageable'}); Picture.belongsTo('imageable', {polymorphic: true}); Article.relations['packshot'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'packshot', type: 'hasOne', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'imageableId', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'imageable', type: 'belongsTo', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'imageableId', modelTo: '<polymorphic>', keyTo: 'id', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - Article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 1'}, function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); article.packshot.create({name: 'Packshot'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(pic); pic.imageableId.should.eql(article.id); pic.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic relation with promises - article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 1'}) .then(function(article) { return article.packshot.create({name: 'Packshot'}) .then(function(pic) { should.exist(pic); pic.imageableId.should.eql(article.id); pic.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - reader', function(done) { Employee.create({name: 'Employee 1'}, function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); employee.mugshot.create({name: 'Mugshot'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(pic); pic.imageableId.should.eql(employee.id); pic.imageableType.should.equal('Employee'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.findOne(function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); article.packshot(function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); const packshot = article.packshot(); packshot.should.equal(pic); pic.name.should.equal('Packshot'); pic.imageableId.toString().should.eql(article.id.toString()); pic.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Employee.findOne(function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); employee.mugshot(function(err, mugshot) { if (err) return done(err); mugshot.name.should.equal('Mugshot'); mugshot.imageableId.toString().should.eql(employee.id.toString()); mugshot.imageableType.should.equal('Employee'); done(); }); }); }); it('should include polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.findOne({include: 'packshot'}, function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); const packshot = article.packshot(); should.exist(packshot); packshot.name.should.equal('Packshot'); done(); }); }); it('should find polymorphic relation with promises - employee', function(done) { Employee.findOne() .then(function(employee) { return employee.mugshot.get() .then(function(pic) { pic.name.should.equal('Mugshot'); pic.imageableId.toString().should.eql(employee.id.toString()); pic.imageableType.should.equal('Employee'); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should find inverse polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Packshot'}}, function(err, pic) { should.not.exists(err); pic.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.name.should.equal('Article 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should include inverse polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Packshot'}, include: 'imageable'}, function(err, pic) { should.not.exists(err); const imageable = pic.imageable(); should.exist(imageable); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.name.should.equal('Article 1'); done(); }); }); it('should find inverse polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Mugshot'}}, function(err, pic) { should.not.exists(err); pic.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Employee); imageable.name.should.equal('Employee 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('polymorphic hasOne with non standard ids', function() { before(function(done) { Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}); Article = db.define('Article', { username: {type: String, id: true, generated: true}, name: String, }); Employee = db.define('Employee', { username: {type: String, id: true, generated: true}, name: String, }); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); it('can be declared using custom foreignKey/discriminator', function(done) { Article.hasOne(Picture, { as: 'packshot', polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'oid', discriminator: 'type', }, }); Employee.hasOne(Picture, { as: 'mugshot', polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'oid', discriminator: 'type', }, }); Picture.belongsTo('imageable', { idName: 'username', polymorphic: { idType: Article.definition.properties.username.type, foreignKey: 'oid', discriminator: 'type', }, }); Article.relations['packshot'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'packshot', type: 'hasOne', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'username', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'oid', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'packshot', foreignKey: 'oid', discriminator: 'type', }, }); const imageableRel = Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON(); // assert idType independantly assert(typeof imageableRel.polymorphic.idType == 'function'); // backup idType and remove it temporarily from the relation // object to ease the test const idType = imageableRel.polymorphic.idType; delete imageableRel.polymorphic.idType; imageableRel.should.eql({ name: 'imageable', type: 'belongsTo', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'oid', modelTo: '<polymorphic>', keyTo: 'username', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'oid', discriminator: 'type', }, }); // restore idType for next tests imageableRel.polymorphic.idType = idType; db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 1'}, function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); article.packshot.create({name: 'Packshot'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(pic); pic.oid.toString().should.equal(article.username.toString()); pic.type.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic relation with promises - article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 1'}) .then(function(article) { return article.packshot.create({name: 'Packshot'}) .then(function(pic) { should.exist(pic); pic.oid.toString().should.equal(article.username.toString()); pic.type.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Employee.create({name: 'Employee 1'}, function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); employee.mugshot.create({name: 'Mugshot'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(pic); pic.oid.toString().should.equal(employee.username.toString()); pic.type.should.equal('Employee'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.findOne(function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); article.packshot(function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); const packshot = article.packshot(); packshot.should.equal(pic); pic.name.should.equal('Packshot'); pic.oid.toString().should.equal(article.username.toString()); pic.type.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Employee.findOne(function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); employee.mugshot(function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); pic.name.should.equal('Mugshot'); pic.oid.toString().should.equal(employee.username.toString()); pic.type.should.equal('Employee'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find inverse polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Packshot'}}, function(err, pic) { should.not.exists(err); pic.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.name.should.equal('Article 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find inverse polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Mugshot'}}, function(err, p) { should.not.exists(err); p.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Employee); imageable.name.should.equal('Employee 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should include polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Employee.findOne({include: 'mugshot'}, function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); const mugshot = employee.mugshot(); should.exist(mugshot); mugshot.name.should.equal('Mugshot'); done(); }); }); it('should include inverse polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Mugshot'}, include: 'imageable'}, function(err, pic) { should.not.exists(err); const imageable = pic.imageable(); should.exist(imageable); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Employee); imageable.name.should.equal('Employee 1'); done(); }); }); }); describe('polymorphic hasMany', function() { before(function(done) { Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}); Article = db.define('Article', {name: String}); Employee = db.define('Employee', {name: String}); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); it('can be declared with model JSON definition when related model is already attached', function(done) { const ds = new DataSource('memory'); // by defining Picture model before Article model we make sure Picture IS // already attached when defining Article. This way, datasource.defineRelations // WILL NOT use the async listener to call hasMany relation method const Picture = ds.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { imageable: {type: 'belongsTo', polymorphic: true}, }}); const Article = ds.define('Article', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: {type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: 'imageable'}, }}); assert(Article.relations['pictures']); assert.deepEqual(Article.relations['pictures'].toJSON(), { name: 'pictures', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'imageableId', multiple: true, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); assert(Picture.relations['imageable']); assert.deepEqual(Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON(), { name: 'imageable', type: 'belongsTo', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'imageableId', modelTo: '<polymorphic>', keyTo: 'id', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); done(); }); it('can be declared with model JSON definition when related model is not yet attached', function(done) { const ds = new DataSource('memory'); // by defining Author model before Picture model we make sure Picture IS NOT // already attached when defining Author. This way, datasource.defineRelations // WILL use the async listener to call hasMany relation method const Author = ds.define('Author', {name: String}, {relations: { pictures: {type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: 'imageable'}, }}); const Picture = ds.define('Picture', {name: String}, {relations: { imageable: {type: 'belongsTo', polymorphic: true}, }}); assert(Author.relations['pictures']); assert.deepEqual(Author.relations['pictures'].toJSON(), { name: 'pictures', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Author', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'imageableId', multiple: true, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); assert(Picture.relations['imageable']); assert.deepEqual(Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON(), { name: 'imageable', type: 'belongsTo', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'imageableId', modelTo: '<polymorphic>', keyTo: 'id', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); done(); }); it('can be declared using default polymorphic selector', function(done) { Article.hasMany(Picture, {polymorphic: 'imageable'}); Employee.hasMany(Picture, {polymorphic: { // alt syntax foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }}); Picture.belongsTo('imageable', {polymorphic: true}); Article.relations['pictures'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'pictures', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'imageableId', multiple: true, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'imageable', type: 'belongsTo', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'imageableId', modelTo: '<polymorphic>', keyTo: 'id', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }, }); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 1'}, function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); article.pictures.create({name: 'Article Pic'}, function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(pics); pics.imageableId.should.eql(article.id); pics.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Employee.create({name: 'Employee 1'}, function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); employee.pictures.create({name: 'Employee Pic'}, function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(pics); pics.imageableId.should.eql(employee.id); pics.imageableType.should.equal('Employee'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic items - article', function(done) { Article.findOne(function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); if (!article) return done(); article.pictures(function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); const pictures = article.pictures(); pictures.should.eql(pics); pics.should.have.length(1); pics[0].name.should.equal('Article Pic'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic items - employee', function(done) { Employee.findOne(function(err, employee) { should.not.exists(err); employee.pictures(function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.should.have.length(1); pics[0].name.should.equal('Employee Pic'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find the inverse of polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Article Pic'}}, function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); pics.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.name.should.equal('Article 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find the inverse of polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Employee Pic'}}, function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.imageableType.should.equal('Employee'); pics.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Employee); imageable.name.should.equal('Employee 1'); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should include the inverse of polymorphic relation', function(done) { Picture.find({include: 'imageable'}, function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.should.have.length(2); const actual = pics.map( function(pic) { return {imageName: pic.name, name: pic.imageable().name}; }, ); actual.should.containDeep([ {name: 'Article 1', imageName: 'Article Pic'}, {name: 'Employee 1', imageName: 'Employee Pic'}, ]); done(); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort === false, 'should include the inverse of polymorphic relation w/o adhocSort', function(done) { Picture.find({include: 'imageable'}, function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.should.have.length(2); const names = ['Article Pic', 'Employee Pic']; const imageables = ['Article 1', 'Employee 1']; names.should.containEql(pics[0].name); names.should.containEql(pics[1].name); imageables.should.containEql(pics[0].imageable().name); imageables.should.containEql(pics[1].imageable().name); done(); }); }); it('should assign a polymorphic relation', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 2'}, function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); const p = new Picture({name: 'Sample'}); p.imageable(article); // assign p.imageableId.should.eql(article.id); p.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); p.save(done); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find polymorphic items - article', function(done) { Article.findOne({where: {name: 'Article 2'}}, function(err, article) { should.not.exists(err); article.pictures(function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.should.have.length(1); pics[0].name.should.equal('Sample'); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find the inverse of polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Sample'}}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); p.imageable(function(err, imageable) { if (err) return done(err); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.name.should.equal('Article 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should include the inverse of polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Picture.findOne({where: {name: 'Sample'}, include: 'imageable'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); const imageable = p.imageable(); should.exist(imageable); imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.name.should.equal('Article 2'); done(); }); }); it('can be declared using custom foreignKey/discriminator', function(done) { Article.hasMany(Picture, {polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }}); Employee.hasMany(Picture, {polymorphic: { // alt syntax foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }}); Picture.belongsTo('imageable', {polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }}); Article.relations['pictures'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'pictures', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'imageId', multiple: true, polymorphic: { selector: 'pictures', foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }, }); Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'imageable', type: 'belongsTo', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'imageId', modelTo: '<polymorphic>', keyTo: 'id', multiple: false, polymorphic: { selector: 'imageable', foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }, }); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee'], done); }); }); describe('polymorphic hasAndBelongsToMany through', function() { let idArticle, idEmployee; before(function(done) { idArticle = uid.fromConnector(db) || 3456; idEmployee = uid.fromConnector(db) || 4567; Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}); Article = db.define('Article', {name: String}); Employee = db.define('Employee', {name: String}); PictureLink = db.define('PictureLink', {}); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee', 'PictureLink'], done); }); it('can be declared using default polymorphic selector', function(done) { Article.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable'}); Employee.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable'}); // Optionally, define inverse relations: Picture.hasMany(Article, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable', invert: true}); Picture.hasMany(Employee, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable', invert: true}); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee', 'PictureLink'], done); }); it('can determine the collect via modelTo name', function() { Article.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable'}); Employee.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable'}); // Optionally, define inverse relations: Picture.hasMany(Article, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable', invert: true}); Picture.hasMany(Employee, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable', invert: true}); const article = new Article({id: idArticle}); const scope1 = article.pictures._scope; scope1.should.have.property('collect', 'picture'); scope1.should.have.property('include', 'picture'); const employee = new Employee({id: idEmployee}); const scope2 = employee.pictures._scope; scope2.should.have.property('collect', 'picture'); scope2.should.have.property('include', 'picture'); const picture = new Picture({id: idArticle}); const scope3 = picture.articles._scope; scope3.should.have.property('collect', 'imageable'); scope3.should.have.property('include', 'imageable'); const scope4 = picture.employees._scope; scope4.should.have.property('collect', 'imageable'); scope4.should.have.property('include', 'imageable'); }); let article, employee; const pictures = []; it('should create polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 1'}, function(err, a) { if (err) return done(err); article = a; article.pictures.create({name: 'Article Pic 1'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); pictures.push(pic); article.pictures.create({name: 'Article Pic 2'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); pictures.push(pic); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic relation - employee', function(done) { Employee.create({name: 'Employee 1'}, function(err, r) { if (err) return done(err); employee = r; employee.pictures.create({name: 'Employee Pic 1'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); pictures.push(pic); done(); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic through model', function(done) { PictureLink.findOne(function(err, link) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { link.pictureId.should.eql(pictures[0].id); link.imageableId.should.eql(article.id); link.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); link.imageable(function(err, imageable) { imageable.should.be.instanceof(Article); imageable.id.should.eql(article.id); done(); }); } else { const picIds = pictures.map(pic => pic.id.toString()); picIds.should.containEql(link.pictureId.toString()); link.imageableType.should.be.oneOf('Article', 'Employee'); link.imageable(function(err, imageable) { imageable.id.should.be.oneOf(article.id, employee.id); done(); }); } }); }); it('should get polymorphic relation through model - article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { if (err) return done(err); article.name.should.equal('Article 1'); article.pictures(function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.should.have.length(2); const names = pics.map(p => p.name); const expected = ['Article Pic 1', 'Article Pic 2']; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { names.should.eql(expected); } else { names.should.containDeep(expected); } done(); }); }); }); it('should get polymorphic relation through model - employee', function(done) { Employee.findById(employee.id, function(err, employee) { if (err) return done(err); employee.name.should.equal('Employee 1'); employee.pictures(function(err, pics) { if (err) return done(err); pics.should.have.length(1); pics[0].name.should.equal('Employee Pic 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should include polymorphic items', function(done) { Article.find({include: 'pictures'}, function(err, articles) { articles.should.have.length(1); if (!articles) return done(); articles[0].pictures(function(err, pics) { pics.should.have.length(2); const names = pics.map(p => p.name); const expected = ['Article Pic 1', 'Article Pic 2']; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { names.should.eql(expected); } else { names.should.containDeep(expected); } done(); }); }); }); let anotherPicture; it('should add to a polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { Picture.create({name: 'Example'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); pictures.push(pic); anotherPicture = pic; article.pictures.add(pic, function(err, link) { link.should.be.instanceof(PictureLink); link.pictureId.should.eql(pic.id); link.imageableId.should.eql(article.id); link.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should create polymorphic through model', function(done) { if (!anotherPicture) return done(); PictureLink.findOne({where: {pictureId: anotherPicture.id, imageableType: 'Article'}}, function(err, link) { if (err) return done(err); link.pictureId.toString().should.eql(anotherPicture.id.toString()); link.imageableId.toString().should.eql(article.id.toString()); link.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); let anotherArticle, anotherEmployee; // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should add to a polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Article.create({name: 'Article 2'}, function(err, article) { if (err) return done(err); anotherArticle = article; if (!anotherPicture) return done(); article.pictures.add(anotherPicture.id, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should add to a polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { Employee.create({name: 'Employee 2'}, function(err, reader) { if (err) return done(err); anotherEmployee = reader; if (!anotherPicture) return done(); reader.pictures.add(anotherPicture.id, function(err, pic) { if (err) return done(err); done(); }); }); }); it('should get the inverse polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { if (!anotherPicture) return done(); Picture.findById(anotherPicture.id, function(err, pic) { pic.articles(function(err, articles) { articles.should.have.length(2); const names = articles.map(pic => pic.name); const expected = ['Article 1', 'Article 2']; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { names.should.eql(expected); } else { names.should.containDeep(expected); } done(); }); }); }); it('should get the inverse polymorphic relation - reader', function(done) { if (!anotherPicture) return done(); Picture.findById(anotherPicture.id, function(err, pic) { pic.employees(function(err, employees) { employees.should.have.length(1); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { employees[0].name.should.equal('Employee 2'); } else { const employeeNames = ['Employee 1', 'Employee 2']; employees[0].name.should.be.oneOf(employeeNames); } done(); }); }); }); it('should find polymorphic items - article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { article.pictures(function(err, pics) { pics.should.have.length(3); const names = pics.map(pic => pic.name); const expected = ['Article Pic 1', 'Article Pic 2', 'Example']; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { names.should.eql(expected); } else { names.should.containDeep(expected); } done(); }); }); }); it('should check if polymorphic relation exists - article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { article.pictures.exists(anotherPicture.id, function(err, exists) { exists.should.be.true; done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should remove from a polymorphic relation - article', function(done) { if (!article || !anotherPicture) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { article.pictures.remove(anotherPicture.id, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should find polymorphic items - article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { article.pictures(function(err, pics) { // If deleteWithOtherThanId is not implemented, the above test is skipped and // the remove did not take place. Thus +1. const expectedLength = connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false ? 2 : 3; pics.should.have.length(expectedLength); const names = pics.map(p => p.name); if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { names.should.eql(['Article Pic 1', 'Article Pic 2']); } else { names.should.containDeep(['Article Pic 1', 'Article Pic 2', 'Example']); } done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should check if polymorphic relation exists - article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { article.pictures.exists(7, function(err, exists) { exists.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic item through relation scope', function(done) { if (!anotherPicture) return done(); Picture.findById(anotherPicture.id, function(err, pic) { pic.articles.create({name: 'Article 3'}, function(err, prd) { if (err) return done(err); article = prd; should.equal(article.name, 'Article 3'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create polymorphic through model - new article', function(done) { if (!article || !anotherPicture) return done(); PictureLink.findOne({where: { pictureId: anotherPicture.id, imageableId: article.id, imageableType: 'Article', }}, function(err, link) { if (err) return done(err); link.pictureId.toString().should.eql(anotherPicture.id.toString()); link.imageableId.toString().should.eql(article.id.toString()); link.imageableType.should.equal('Article'); done(); }); }); it('should find polymorphic items - new article', function(done) { if (!article) return done(); Article.findById(article.id, function(err, article) { article.pictures(function(err, pics) { pics.should.have.length(1); pics[0].id.should.eql(anotherPicture.id); pics[0].name.should.equal('Example'); done(); }); }); }); it('should use author_pictures as modelThrough', function(done) { Article.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {throughTable: 'article_pictures'}); Article.relations['pictures'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'pictures', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'articleId', multiple: true, modelThrough: 'article_pictures', keyThrough: 'pictureId', }); done(); }); it('can be declared using custom foreignKey/discriminator', function(done) { Article.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }}); Employee.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }}); // Optionally, define inverse relations: Picture.hasMany(Article, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }, invert: true}); Picture.hasMany(Employee, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }, invert: true}); Article.relations['pictures'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'pictures', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Article', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Picture', keyTo: 'imageId', multiple: true, modelThrough: 'PictureLink', keyThrough: 'pictureId', polymorphic: { selector: 'pictures', foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', }, }); Picture.relations['articles'].toJSON().should.eql({ name: 'articles', type: 'hasMany', modelFrom: 'Picture', keyFrom: 'id', modelTo: 'Article', keyTo: 'pictureId', multiple: true, modelThrough: 'PictureLink', keyThrough: 'imageId', polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageId', discriminator: 'imageType', selector: 'articles', invert: true, }, }); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Article', 'Employee', 'PictureLink'], done); }); }); describe('belongsTo', function() { let List, Item, Fear, Mind; let listId, itemId; it('can be declared in different ways', function() { List = db.define('List', {name: String}); Item = db.define('Item', {name: String}); Fear = db.define('Fear'); Mind = db.define('Mind'); // syntax 1 (old) Item.belongsTo(List); Object.keys((new Item).toObject()).should.containEql('listId'); (new Item).list.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); // syntax 2 (new) Fear.belongsTo('mind', { methods: {check: function() { return true; }}, }); Object.keys((new Fear).toObject()).should.containEql('mindId'); (new Fear).mind.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); // (new Fear).mind.build().should.be.an.instanceOf(Mind); }); it('should setup a custom method on accessor', function() { const rel = Fear.relations['mind']; rel.defineMethod('other', function() { return true; }); }); it('should have setup a custom method on accessor', function() { const f = new Fear(); f.mind.check.should.be.a.function; f.mind.check().should.be.true; f.mind.other.should.be.a.function; f.mind.other().should.be.true; }); it('can be used to query data', function(done) { List.hasMany('todos', {model: Item}); db.automigrate(['List', 'Item', 'Fear', 'Mind'], function() { List.create({name: 'List 1'}, function(e, list) { listId = list.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(list); list.todos.create({name: 'Item 1'}, function(err, todo) { itemId = todo.id; todo.list(function(e, l) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(l); l.should.be.an.instanceOf(List); todo.list().id.should.eql(l.id); todo.list().name.should.equal('List 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('can be used to query data with get() with callback', function(done) { List.hasMany('todos', {model: Item}); db.automigrate(['List', 'Item', 'Fear', 'Find'], function() { List.create({name: 'List 1'}, function(e, list) { listId = list.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(list); list.todos.create({name: 'Item 1'}, function(err, todo) { itemId = todo.id; todo.list.get(function(e, l) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(l); l.should.be.an.instanceOf(List); todo.list().id.should.eql(l.id); todo.list().name.should.equal('List 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('can be used to query data with promises', function(done) { List.hasMany('todos', {model: Item}); db.automigrate(['List', 'Item', 'Fear', 'Find'], function() { List.create({name: 'List 1'}) .then(function(list) { listId = list.id; should.exist(list); return list.todos.create({name: 'Item 1'}); }) .then(function(todo) { itemId = todo.id; return todo.list.get() .then(function(l) { should.exist(l); l.should.be.an.instanceOf(List); todo.list().id.should.eql(l.id); todo.list().name.should.equal('List 1'); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); }); it('could accept objects when creating on scope', function(done) { List.create(function(e, list) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(list); Item.create({list: list}, function(err, item) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(item); should.exist(item.listId); item.listId.should.eql(list.id); item.__cachedRelations.list.should.equal(list); done(); }); }); }); it('should update related item on scope', function(done) { Item.findById(itemId, function(e, todo) { todo.list.update({name: 'List A'}, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(list); list.name.should.equal('List A'); done(); }); }); }); it('should not update related item FK on scope', function(done) { Item.findById(itemId, function(e, todo) { if (e) return done(e); todo.list.update({id: 10}, function(err, list) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.startWith('Cannot override foreign key'); done(); }); }); }); it('should get related item on scope', function(done) { Item.findById(itemId, function(e, todo) { todo.list(function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(list); list.name.should.equal('List A'); done(); }); }); }); it('should destroy related item on scope', function(done) { Item.findById(itemId, function(e, todo) { todo.list.destroy(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); done(); }); }); }); it('should get related item on scope - verify', function(done) { Item.findById(itemId, function(e, todo) { todo.list(function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err); should.not.exist(list); done(); }); }); }); it('should not have deleted related item', function(done) { List.findById(listId, function(e, list) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(list); done(); }); }); it('should allow to create belongsTo model in beforeCreate hook', function(done) { let mind; Fear.beforeCreate = function(next) { this.mind.create(function(err, m) { mind = m; if (err) next(err); else next(); }); }; Fear.create(function(err, fear) { should.not.exists(err); should.exists(fear); fear.mindId.should.eql(mind.id); should.exists(fear.mind()); done(); }); }); it('should allow to create belongsTo model in beforeCreate hook with promises', function(done) { let mind; Fear.beforeCreate = function(next) { this.mind.create() .then(function(m) { mind = m; next(); }).catch(next); }; Fear.create() .then(function(fear) { should.exists(fear); fear.mindId.should.eql(mind.id); should.exists(fear.mind()); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('belongsTo with scope', function() { let Person, Passport; it('can be declared with scope and properties', function(done) { Person = db.define('Person', {name: String, age: Number, passportNotes: String}); Passport = db.define('Passport', {name: String, notes: String}); Passport.belongsTo(Person, { properties: {notes: 'passportNotes'}, scope: {fields: {id: true, name: true}}, }); db.automigrate(['Person', 'Passport'], done); }); let personCreated; it('should create record on scope', function(done) { const p = new Passport({name: 'Passport', notes: 'Some notes...'}); p.person.create({name: 'Fred', age: 36}, function(err, person) { personCreated = person; p.personId.toString().should.eql(person.id.toString()); person.name.should.equal('Fred'); person.passportNotes.should.equal('Some notes...'); p.save(function(err, passport) { should.not.exists(err); done(); }); }); }); it('should find record on scope', function(done) { Passport.findOne(function(err, p) { p.personId.toString().should.eql(personCreated.id.toString()); p.person(function(err, person) { person.name.should.equal('Fred'); person.should.have.property('age', undefined); person.should.have.property('passportNotes', undefined); done(); }); }); }); it('should create record on scope with promises', function(done) { const p = new Passport({name: 'Passport', notes: 'Some notes...'}); p.person.create({name: 'Fred', age: 36}) .then(function(person) { p.personId.should.eql(person.id); person.name.should.equal('Fred'); person.passportNotes.should.equal('Some notes...'); return p.save(); }) .then(function(passport) { done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should find record on scope with promises', function(done) { Passport.findOne() .then(function(p) { if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { // We skip the check if adhocSort is not supported because // the first row returned may or may not be the same p.personId.should.eql(personCreated.id); } return p.person.get(); }) .then(function(person) { person.name.should.equal('Fred'); person.should.have.property('age', undefined); person.should.have.property('passportNotes', undefined); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); // Disable the tests until the issue in // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/pull/399 // is fixed describe.skip('belongsTo with embed', function() { let Person, Passport; it('can be declared with embed and properties', function(done) { Person = db.define('Person', {name: String, age: Number}); Passport = db.define('Passport', {name: String, notes: String}); Passport.belongsTo(Person, { properties: ['name'], options: {embedsProperties: true, invertProperties: true}, }); db.automigrate(['Person', 'Passport'], done); }); it('should create record with embedded data', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred', age: 36}, function(err, person) { const p = new Passport({name: 'Passport', notes: 'Some notes...'}); p.person(person); p.personId.should.eql(person.id); const data = p.toObject(true); data.person.id.should.eql(person.id); data.person.name.should.equal('Fred'); p.save(function(err) { should.not.exists(err); done(); }); }); }); it('should find record with embedded data', function(done) { Passport.findOne(function(err, p) { should.not.exists(err); const data = p.toObject(true); data.person.id.should.eql(p.personId); data.person.name.should.equal('Fred'); done(); }); }); it('should find record with embedded data with promises', function(done) { Passport.findOne() .then(function(p) { const data = p.toObject(true); data.person.id.should.eql(p.personId); data.person.name.should.equal('Fred'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('hasOne', function() { let Supplier, Account; let supplierId, accountId; before(function() { Supplier = db.define('Supplier', {name: String}); Account = db.define('Account', {accountNo: String, supplierName: String}); }); it('can be declared using hasOne method', function() { Supplier.hasOne(Account, { properties: {name: 'supplierName'}, methods: {check: function() { return true; }}, }); Object.keys((new Account()).toObject()).should.containEql('supplierId'); (new Supplier()).account.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); }); it('should setup a custom method on accessor', function() { const rel = Supplier.relations['account']; rel.defineMethod('other', function() { return true; }); }); it('should have setup a custom method on accessor', function() { const s = new Supplier(); s.account.check.should.be.a.function; s.account.check().should.be.true; s.account.other.should.be.a.function; s.account.other().should.be.true; }); it('can be used to query data', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Supplier', 'Account'], function() { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}, function(e, supplier) { supplierId = supplier.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01'}, function(err, account) { supplier.account(function(e, act) { accountId = act.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(act); act.should.be.an.instanceOf(Account); supplier.account().id.should.eql(act.id); act.supplierName.should.equal(supplier.name); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('can be used to query data with get() with callback', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Supplier', 'Account'], function() { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}, function(e, supplier) { supplierId = supplier.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01'}, function(err, account) { supplier.account.get(function(e, act) { accountId = act.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(act); act.should.be.an.instanceOf(Account); supplier.account().id.should.eql(act.id); act.supplierName.should.equal(supplier.name); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('can be used to query data with promises', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Supplier', 'Account'], function() { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}) .then(function(supplier) { supplierId = supplier.id; should.exist(supplier); return supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01'}) .then(function(account) { return supplier.account.get(); }) .then(function(act) { accountId = act.id; should.exist(act); act.should.be.an.instanceOf(Account); supplier.account().id.should.eql(act.id); act.supplierName.should.equal(supplier.name); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); }); it('should set targetClass on scope property', function() { should.equal(Supplier.prototype.account._targetClass, 'Account'); }); it('should update the related item on scope', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.update({supplierName: 'Supplier A'}, function(err, act) { should.not.exist(e); act.supplierName.should.equal('Supplier A'); done(); }); }); }); it('should not update the related item FK on scope', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(err, supplier) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.update({supplierName: 'Supplier A', supplierId: 10}, function(err, acct) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.containEql('Cannot override foreign key'); done(); }); }); }); it('should update the related item on scope with promises', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId) .then(function(supplier) { should.exist(supplier); return supplier.account.update({supplierName: 'Supplier B'}); }) .then(function(act) { act.supplierName.should.equal('Supplier B'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should error trying to change the foreign key in the update', function(done) { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 2'}, function(e, supplier) { const sid = supplier.id; Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.update({supplierName: 'Supplier A', supplierId: sid}, function(err, act) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.startWith('Cannot override foreign key'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should update the related item on scope with same foreign key', function(done) { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 2'}, function(err, supplier) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(err, supplier) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.update({supplierName: 'Supplier A', supplierId: supplierId}, function(err, act) { if (err) return done(err); act.supplierName.should.equal('Supplier A'); act.supplierId.toString().should.eql(supplierId.toString()); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should get the related item on scope', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account(function(err, act) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(act); act.supplierName.should.equal('Supplier A'); done(); }); }); }); it('should get the related item on scope with promises', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId) .then(function(supplier) { should.exist(supplier); return supplier.account.get(); }) .then(function(act) { should.exist(act); act.supplierName.should.equal('Supplier A'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should destroy the related item on scope', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.destroy(function(err) { should.not.exist(e); done(); }); }); }); it('should destroy the related item on scope with promises', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId) .then(function(supplier) { should.exist(supplier); return supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01'}) .then(function(account) { return supplier.account.destroy(); }) .then(function(err) { done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should get the related item on scope - verify', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account(function(err, act) { should.not.exist(e); should.not.exist(act); done(); }); }); }); it('should get the related item on scope with promises - verify', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId) .then(function(supplier) { should.exist(supplier); return supplier.account.get(); }) .then(function(act) { should.not.exist(act); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should have deleted related item', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); done(); }); }); }); describe('hasOne with scope', function() { let Supplier, Account; let supplierId, accountId; before(function() { Supplier = db.define('Supplier', {name: String}); Account = db.define('Account', {accountNo: String, supplierName: String, block: Boolean}); Supplier.hasOne(Account, {scope: {where: {block: false}}, properties: {name: 'supplierName'}}); }); it('can be used to query data', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Supplier', 'Account'], function() { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}, function(e, supplier) { supplierId = supplier.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01', block: false}, function(err, account) { supplier.account(function(e, act) { accountId = act.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(act); act.should.be.an.instanceOf(Account); should.exist(act.block); act.block.should.be.false; supplier.account().id.should.eql(act.id); act.supplierName.should.equal(supplier.name); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should include record that matches scope', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, {include: 'account'}, function(err, supplier) { should.exists(supplier.toJSON().account); supplier.account(function(err, account) { should.exists(account); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportUpdateWithoutId !== false, 'should not find record that does not match scope', function(done) { Account.updateAll({block: true}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(err, supplier) { supplier.account(function(err, account) { should.not.exists(account); done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportUpdateWithoutId !== false, 'should not include record that does not match scope', function(done) { Account.updateAll({block: true}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); Supplier.findById(supplierId, {include: 'account'}, function(err, supplier) { should.not.exists(supplier.toJSON().account); supplier.account(function(err, account) { should.not.exists(account); done(); }); }); }); }); it('can be used to query data with promises', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Supplier', 'Account'], function() { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}) .then(function(supplier) { supplierId = supplier.id; should.exist(supplier); return supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01', block: false}) .then(function(account) { return supplier.account.get(); }) .then(function(act) { accountId = act.id; should.exist(act); act.should.be.an.instanceOf(Account); should.exist(act.block); act.block.should.be.false; supplier.account().id.should.eql(act.id); act.supplierName.should.equal(supplier.name); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportUpdateWithoutId !== false, 'should find record that match scope with promises', function(done) { Account.updateAll({block: true}) .then(function() { return Supplier.findById(supplierId); }) .then(function(supplier) { return supplier.account.get(); }) .then(function(account) { should.not.exist(account); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { done(); }); }); }); describe('hasOne with non standard id', function() { let Supplier, Account; let supplierId, accountId; before(function() { Supplier = db.define('Supplier', { sid: { type: String, id: true, generated: true, }, name: String, }); Account = db.define('Account', { accid: { type: String, id: true, generated: false, }, supplierName: String, }); }); it('can be declared with non standard foreignKey', function() { Supplier.hasOne(Account, { properties: {name: 'supplierName'}, foreignKey: 'sid', }); Object.keys((new Account()).toObject()).should.containEql('sid'); (new Supplier()).account.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); }); it('can be used to query data', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Supplier', 'Account'], function() { Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}, function(e, supplier) { supplierId = supplier.sid; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.create({accid: 'a01'}, function(err, account) { supplier.account(function(e, act) { accountId = act.accid; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(act); act.should.be.an.instanceOf(Account); supplier.account().accid.should.eql(act.accid); act.supplierName.should.equal(supplier.name); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should destroy the related item on scope', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account.destroy(function(err) { should.not.exist(e); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should get the related item on scope - verify', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); supplier.account(function(err, act) { should.not.exist(e); should.not.exist(act); done(); }); }); }); it('should have deleted related item', function(done) { Supplier.findById(supplierId, function(e, supplier) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(supplier); done(); }); }); }); describe('hasOne with primaryKey different from model PK', function() { let CompanyBoard, Boss; let companyBoardId, bossId; before(function() { CompanyBoard = db.define('CompanyBoard', { membersNumber: Number, companyId: String, }); Boss = db.define('Boss', { id: {type: String, id: true, generated: false}, boardMembersNumber: Number, companyId: String, }); }); it('relation can be declared with primaryKey', function() { CompanyBoard.hasOne(Boss, { properties: {membersNumber: 'boardMembersNumber'}, primaryKey: 'companyId', foreignKey: 'companyId', }); Object.keys((new Boss()).toObject()).should.containEql('companyId'); (new CompanyBoard()).boss.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); }); it('can be used to query data', function(done) { db.automigrate(['CompanyBoard', 'Boss'], function() { CompanyBoard.create({membersNumber: 7, companyId: 'Company1'}, function(e, companyBoard) { companyBoardId = companyBoard.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(companyBoard); companyBoard.boss.create({id: 'bossa01'}, function(err, account) { companyBoard.boss(function(e, boss) { bossId = boss.id; should.not.exist(e); should.exist(boss); boss.should.be.an.instanceOf(Boss); companyBoard.boss().id.should.eql(boss.id); boss.boardMembersNumber.should.eql(companyBoard.membersNumber); boss.companyId.should.eql(companyBoard.companyId); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should destroy the related item on scope', function(done) { CompanyBoard.findById(companyBoardId, function(e, companyBoard) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(companyBoard); companyBoard.boss.destroy(function(err) { should.not.exist(e); done(); }); }); }); it('should get the related item on scope - verify', function(done) { CompanyBoard.findById(companyBoardId, function(e, companyBoard) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(companyBoard); companyBoard.boss(function(err, act) { should.not.exist(e); should.not.exist(act); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('hasMany with primaryKey different from model PK', function() { let Employee, Boss; const COMPANY_ID = 'Company1'; before(function() { Employee = db.define('Employee', {name: String, companyId: String}); Boss = db.define('Boss', {address: String, companyId: String}); }); it('relation can be declared with primaryKey', function() { Boss.hasMany(Employee, { primaryKey: 'companyId', foreignKey: 'companyId', }); (new Boss()).employees.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); }); it('can be used to query employees for boss', function() { return db.automigrate(['Employee', 'Boss']).then(function() { return Boss.create({address: 'testAddress', companyId: COMPANY_ID}) .then(function(boss) { should.exist(boss); should.exist(boss.employees); return boss.employees.create([{name: 'a01'}, {name: 'a02'}]) .then(function(employees) { should.exists(employees); return boss.employees(); }).then(function(employees) { const employee = employees[0]; should.exist(employee); employees.length.should.equal(2); employee.should.be.an.instanceOf(Employee); employee.companyId.should.eql(boss.companyId); return employees; }); }); }); }); it('can be used to query employees for boss2', function() { return db.automigrate(['Employee', 'Boss']).then(function() { return Boss.create({address: 'testAddress', companyId: COMPANY_ID}) .then(function(boss) { return Employee.create({name: 'a01', companyId: COMPANY_ID}) .then(function(employee) { should.exist(employee); return boss.employees.find(); }).then(function(employees) { should.exists(employees); employees.length.should.equal(1); }); }); }); }); }); describe('belongsTo with primaryKey different from model PK', function() { let Employee, Boss; const COMPANY_ID = 'Company1'; let bossId; before(function() { Employee = db.define('Employee', {name: String, companyId: String}); Boss = db.define('Boss', {address: String, companyId: String}); }); it('relation can be declared with primaryKey', function() { Employee.belongsTo(Boss, { primaryKey: 'companyId', foreignKey: 'companyId', }); (new Employee()).boss.should.be.an.instanceOf(Function); }); it('can be used to query data', function() { return db.automigrate(['Employee', 'Boss']).then(function() { return Boss.create({address: 'testAddress', companyId: COMPANY_ID}) .then(function(boss) { bossId = boss.id; return Employee.create({name: 'a', companyId: COMPANY_ID}); }) .then(function(employee) { should.exists(employee); return employee.boss.get(); }) .then(function(boss) { should.exists(boss); boss.id.should.eql(bossId); }); }); }); }); describe('hasAndBelongsToMany', function() { let Article, TagName, ArticleTag; it('can be declared', function(done) { Article = db.define('Article', {title: String}); TagName = db.define('TagName', {name: String, flag: String}); Article.hasAndBelongsToMany('tagNames'); ArticleTag = db.models.ArticleTagName; db.automigrate(['Article', 'TagName', 'ArticleTagName'], done); }); it('should allow to create instances on scope', function(done) { Article.create(function(e, article) { article.tagNames.create({name: 'popular'}, function(e, t) { t.should.be.an.instanceOf(TagName); ArticleTag.findOne(function(e, at) { should.exist(at); at.tagNameId.toString().should.eql(t.id.toString()); at.articleId.toString().should.eql(article.id.toString()); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow to fetch scoped instances', function(done) { Article.findOne(function(e, article) { article.tagNames(function(e, tags) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(tags); article.tagNames().should.eql(tags); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should destroy all related instances', function(done) { Article.create(function(err, article) { if (err) return done(err); article.tagNames.create({name: 'popular'}, function(err, t) { if (err) return done(err); article.tagNames.destroyAll(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); article.tagNames(true, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err); list.should.have.length(0); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should allow to add connection with instance', function(done) { Article.findOne(function(e, article) { TagName.create({name: 'awesome'}, function(e, tag) { article.tagNames.add(tag, function(e, at) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(at); at.should.be.an.instanceOf(ArticleTag); at.tagNameId.should.eql(tag.id); at.articleId.should.eql(article.id); done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should allow to remove connection with instance', function(done) { Article.findOne(function(e, article) { article.tagNames(function(e, tags) { const len = tags.length; tags.should.not.be.empty; article.tagNames.remove(tags[0], function(e) { should.not.exist(e); article.tagNames(true, function(e, tags) { tags.should.have.lengthOf(len - 1); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should allow to create instances on scope with promises', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Article', 'TagName', 'ArticleTagName'], function() { Article.create() .then(function(article) { return article.tagNames.create({name: 'popular'}) .then(function(t) { t.should.be.an.instanceOf(TagName); return ArticleTag.findOne() .then(function(at) { should.exist(at); at.tagNameId.toString().should.eql(t.id.toString()); at.articleId.toString().should.eql(article.id.toString()); done(); }); }); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should allow to fetch scoped instances with promises', function(done) { Article.findOne() .then(function(article) { return article.tagNames.find() .then(function(tags) { should.exist(tags); article.tagNames().should.eql(tags); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should allow to add connection with instance with promises', function(done) { Article.findOne() .then(function(article) { return TagName.create({name: 'awesome'}) .then(function(tag) { return article.tagNames.add(tag) .then(function(at) { should.exist(at); at.should.be.an.instanceOf(ArticleTag); at.tagNameId.should.eql(tag.id); at.articleId.should.eql(article.id); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'should allow to remove connection with instance with promises', function(done) { Article.findOne() .then(function(article) { return article.tagNames.find() .then(function(tags) { const len = tags.length; tags.should.not.be.empty; return article.tagNames.remove(tags[0]) .then(function() { return article.tagNames.find(); }) .then(function(tags) { tags.should.have.lengthOf(len - 1); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should set targetClass on scope property', function() { should.equal(Article.prototype.tagNames._targetClass, 'TagName'); }); it('should apply inclusion fields to the target model', function(done) { Article.create({title: 'a1'}, function(e, article) { should.not.exist(e); article.tagNames.create({name: 't1', flag: '1'}, function(e, t) { should.not.exist(e); Article.find({ where: {id: article.id}, include: {relation: 'tagNames', scope: {fields: ['name']}}}, function(e, articles) { should.not.exist(e); articles.should.have.property('length', 1); const a = articles[0].toJSON(); a.should.have.property('title', 'a1'); a.should.have.property('tagNames'); a.tagNames.should.have.property('length', 1); const n = a.tagNames[0]; n.should.have.property('name', 't1'); n.should.have.property('flag', undefined); n.id.should.eql(t.id); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should apply inclusion where to the target model', function(done) { Article.create({title: 'a2'}, function(e, article) { should.not.exist(e); article.tagNames.create({name: 't2', flag: '2'}, function(e, t2) { should.not.exist(e); article.tagNames.create({name: 't3', flag: '3'}, function(e, t3) { Article.find({ where: {id: article.id}, include: {relation: 'tagNames', scope: {where: {flag: '2'}}}}, function(e, articles) { should.not.exist(e); articles.should.have.property('length', 1); const a = articles[0].toJSON(); a.should.have.property('title', 'a2'); a.should.have.property('tagNames'); a.tagNames.should.have.property('length', 1); const n = a.tagNames[0]; n.should.have.property('name', 't2'); n.should.have.property('flag', '2'); n.id.should.eql(t2.id); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('embedsOne', function() { let person; let Passport; let Other; before(function() { tmp = getTransientDataSource(); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Passport = tmp.define('Passport', {name: {type: 'string', required: true}}, {idInjection: false}); Address = tmp.define('Address', {street: String}, {idInjection: false}); Other = db.define('Other', {name: String}); Person.embedsOne(Passport, { default: {name: 'Anonymous'}, // a bit contrived methods: {check: function() { return true; }}, options: { property: { postgresql: { columnName: 'passport_item', }, }, }, }); }); it('can be declared using embedsOne method', function(done) { Person.embedsOne(Address); // all by default db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('should have setup a property and accessor', function() { const p = new Person(); p.passport.should.be.an.object; // because of default p.passportItem.should.be.a.function; p.passportItem.create.should.be.a.function; p.passportItem.build.should.be.a.function; p.passportItem.destroy.should.be.a.function; }); it('respects property options on the embedded property', function() { Person.definition.properties.passport.should.have.property('postgresql'); Person.definition.properties.passport.postgresql.should.eql({columnName: 'passport_item'}); }); it('should setup a custom method on accessor', function() { const rel = Person.relations['passportItem']; rel.defineMethod('other', function() { return true; }); }); it('should have setup a custom method on accessor', function() { const p = new Person(); p.passportItem.check.should.be.a.function; p.passportItem.check().should.be.true; p.passportItem.other.should.be.a.function; p.passportItem.other().should.be.true; }); it('should behave properly without default or being set', function(done) { const p = new Person(); should.not.exist(p.address); const a = p.addressItem(); should.not.exist(a); Person.create({}, function(err, p) { should.not.exist(p.address); const a = p.addressItem(); should.not.exist(a); done(); }); }); it('should return an instance with default values', function() { const p = new Person(); p.passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Anonymous'}); p.passportItem().should.equal(p.passport); p.passportItem(function(err, passport) { should.not.exist(err); passport.should.equal(p.passport); }); }); it('should embed a model instance', function() { const p = new Person(); p.passportItem(new Passport({name: 'Fred'})); p.passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Fred'}); p.passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); }); it('should not embed an invalid model type', function() { const p = new Person(); p.passportItem(new Other()); p.passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Anonymous'}); p.passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); }); let personId; it('should create an embedded item on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); personId = p.id; p.passportItem.create({name: 'Fredric'}, function(err, passport) { if (err) return done(err); p.passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Fredric'}); p.passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); done(); }); }); }); it('should get an embedded item on scope', function(done) { Person.findById(personId, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); const passport = p.passportItem(); passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Fredric'}); passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); passport.should.equal(p.passport); passport.should.equal(p.passportItem.value()); done(); }); }); it('should validate an embedded item on scope - on creation', function(done) { const p = new Person({name: 'Fred'}); p.passportItem.create({}, function(err, passport) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.messages.name.should.eql(['can\'t be blank']); done(); }); }); it('should validate an embedded item on scope - on update', function(done) { Person.findById(personId, function(err, p) { const passport = p.passportItem(); passport.name = null; p.save(function(err) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.messages.passportItem .should.eql(['is invalid: `name` can\'t be blank']); done(); }); }); }); it('should update an embedded item on scope', function(done) { Person.findById(personId, function(err, p) { p.passportItem.update({name: 'Freddy'}, function(err, passport) { if (err) return done(err); passport = p.passportItem(); passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Freddy'}); passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); passport.should.equal(p.passport); done(); }); }); }); it('should get an embedded item on scope - verify', function(done) { Person.findById(personId, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); const passport = p.passportItem(); passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Freddy'}); done(); }); }); it('should destroy an embedded item on scope', function(done) { Person.findById(personId, function(err, p) { p.passportItem.destroy(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); should.equal(p.passport, null); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should get an embedded item on scope - verify', function(done) { Person.findById(personId, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); should.equal(p.passport, null); done(); }); }); it('should save an unsaved model', function(done) { const p = new Person({name: 'Fred'}); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; p.passportItem.create({name: 'Fredric'}, function(err, passport) { if (err) return done(err); p.passport.should.equal(passport); p.isNewRecord().should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('should create an embedded item on scope with promises', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}) .then(function(p) { personId = p.id; p.passportItem.create({name: 'Fredric'}) .then(function(passport) { p.passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Fredric'}); p.passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should get an embedded item on scope with promises', function(done) { Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { const passport = p.passportItem(); passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Fredric'}); passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); passport.should.equal(p.passport); passport.should.equal(p.passportItem.value()); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should validate an embedded item on scope with promises - on creation', function(done) { const p = new Person({name: 'Fred'}); p.passportItem.create({}) .then(function(passport) { should.not.exist(passport); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.messages.name.should.eql(['can\'t be blank']); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should validate an embedded item on scope with promises - on update', function(done) { Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { const passport = p.passportItem(); passport.name = null; return p.save() .then(function(p) { should.not.exist(p); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.messages.passportItem .should.eql(['is invalid: `name` can\'t be blank']); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should update an embedded item on scope with promises', function(done) { Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { return p.passportItem.update({name: 'Jason'}) .then(function(passport) { passport = p.passportItem(); passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Jason'}); passport.should.be.an.instanceOf(Passport); passport.should.equal(p.passport); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should get an embedded item on scope with promises - verify', function(done) { Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { const passport = p.passportItem(); passport.toObject().should.eql({name: 'Jason'}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should destroy an embedded item on scope with promises', function(done) { Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { return p.passportItem.destroy() .then(function() { should.equal(p.passport, null); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should get an embedded item on scope with promises - verify', function(done) { Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { should.equal(p.passport, null); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should also save changes when directly saving the embedded model', function(done) { // Passport should normally have an id for the direct save to work. For now override the check const originalHasPK = Passport.definition.hasPK; Passport.definition.hasPK = function() { return true; }; Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { return p.passportItem.create({name: 'Mitsos'}); }) .then(function(passport) { passport.name = 'Jim'; return passport.save(); }) .then(function() { return Person.findById(personId); }) .then(function(person) { person.passportItem().toObject().should.eql({name: 'Jim'}); // restore original hasPk Passport.definition.hasPK = originalHasPK; done(); }) .catch(function(err) { Passport.definition.hasPK = originalHasPK; done(err); }); }); it('should delete the embedded document and also update parent', function(done) { const originalHasPK = Passport.definition.hasPK; Passport.definition.hasPK = function() { return true; }; Person.findById(personId) .then(function(p) { return p.passportItem().destroy(); }) .then(function() { return Person.findById(personId); }) .then(function(person) { person.should.have.property('passport', null); done(); }) .catch(function(err) { Passport.definition.hasPK = originalHasPK; done(err); }); }); }); describe('embedsOne - persisted model', function() { // This test spefically uses the Memory connector // in order to test the use of the auto-generated // id, in the sequence of the related model. let Passport, Person; before(function() { db = getMemoryDataSource(); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Passport = db.define('Passport', {name: {type: 'string', required: true}}); }); it('can be declared using embedsOne method', function(done) { Person.embedsOne(Passport, { options: {persistent: true}, }); db.automigrate(['Person', 'Passport'], done); }); it('should create an item - to offset id', function(done) { Passport.create({name: 'Wilma'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.equal(1); p.name.should.equal('Wilma'); done(); }); }); it('should create an embedded item on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.passportItem.create({name: 'Fredric'}, function(err, passport) { if (err) return done(err); p.passport.id.should.eql(2); p.passport.name.should.equal('Fredric'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create an embedded item on scope with promises', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Barney'}) .then(function(p) { return p.passportItem.create({name: 'Barnabus'}) .then(function(passport) { p.passport.id.should.eql(3); p.passport.name.should.equal('Barnabus'); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('embedsOne - generated id', function() { let Passport; before(function() { tmp = getTransientDataSource(); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Passport = tmp.define('Passport', { id: {type: 'string', id: true, generated: true}, name: {type: 'string', required: true}, }); }); it('can be declared using embedsOne method', function(done) { Person.embedsOne(Passport); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('should create an embedded item on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.passportItem.create({name: 'Fredric'}, function(err, passport) { if (err) return done(err); passport.id.should.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/); p.passport.name.should.equal('Fredric'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany', function() { let address1, address2; before(function(done) { tmp = getTransientDataSource({defaultIdType: Number}); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Address = tmp.define('Address', {street: String}); Address.validatesPresenceOf('street'); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { Person.embedsMany(Address, { options: { property: { postgresql: { dataType: 'json', }, }, }, }); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('should have setup embedded accessor/scope', function() { const p = new Person({name: 'Fred'}); p.addresses.should.be.an.array; p.addresses.should.have.length(0); p.addressList.should.be.a.function; p.addressList.findById.should.be.a.function; p.addressList.updateById.should.be.a.function; p.addressList.destroy.should.be.a.function; p.addressList.exists.should.be.a.function; p.addressList.create.should.be.a.function; p.addressList.build.should.be.a.function; }); it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 1'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address1 = address; should.exist(address1.id); address1.street.should.equal('Street 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('respects property options on the embedded property', function() { Person.definition.properties.addresses.should.have.property('postgresql'); Person.definition.properties.addresses.postgresql.should.eql({dataType: 'json'}); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 2'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address2 = address; should.exist(address2.id); address2.street.should.equal('Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should return embedded items from scope', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList(function(err, addresses) { if (err) return done(err); const list = p.addressList(); list.should.equal(addresses); list.should.equal(p.addresses); p.addressList.value().should.equal(list); addresses.should.have.length(2); addresses[0].id.should.eql(address1.id); addresses[0].street.should.equal('Street 1'); addresses[1].id.should.eql(address2.id); addresses[1].street.should.equal('Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should filter embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList({where: {street: 'Street 2'}}, function(err, addresses) { if (err) return done(err); addresses.should.have.length(1); addresses[0].id.should.eql(address2.id); addresses[0].street.should.equal('Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should validate embedded items', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({}, function(err, address) { should.exist(err); should.not.exist(address); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.codes.street.should.eql(['presence']); done(); }); }); }); it('should find embedded items by id', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.findById(address2.id, function(err, address) { address.should.be.instanceof(Address); address.id.should.eql(address2.id); address.street.should.equal('Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should check if item exists', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.exists(address2.id, function(err, exists) { if (err) return done(err); exists.should.be.true; done(); }); }); }); it('should update embedded items by id', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.updateById(address2.id, {street: 'New Street'}, function(err, address) { address.should.be.instanceof(Address); address.id.should.eql(address2.id); address.street.should.equal('New Street'); done(); }); }); }); it('should validate the update of embedded items', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.updateById(address2.id, {street: null}, function(err, address) { err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.codes.street.should.eql(['presence']); done(); }); }); }); it('should find embedded items by id - verify', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.findById(address2.id, function(err, address) { address.should.be.instanceof(Address); address.id.should.eql(address2.id); address.street.should.equal('New Street'); done(); }); }); }); it('should have accessors: at, get, set', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.at(0).id.should.eql(address1.id); p.addressList.get(address1.id).id.should.eql(address1.id); p.addressList.set(address1.id, {street: 'Changed 1'}); p.addresses[0].street.should.equal('Changed 1'); p.addressList.at(1).id.should.eql(address2.id); p.addressList.get(address2.id).id.should.eql(address2.id); p.addressList.set(address2.id, {street: 'Changed 2'}); p.addresses[1].street.should.equal('Changed 2'); done(); }); }); it('should remove embedded items by id', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(2); p.addressList.destroy(address1.id, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); p.addresses.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); it('should have removed embedded items - verify', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); it('should pass options when removed by id', function(done) { const verifyOptions = function(ctx, next) { if (!ctx.options || !ctx.options.verify) { return next(new Error('options or options.verify is missing')); } return next(); }; Person.observe('before save', verifyOptions); Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'options 1'}, {verify: true}, function(err, address) { if (err) { Person.clearObservers('before save'); return done(err); } p.addressList.destroy(address.id, {verify: true}, function(err) { if (err) { Person.clearObservers('before save'); return done(err); } Person.findById(p.id, function(err, verify) { if (err) { Person.clearObservers('before save'); return done(err); } verify.addresses.should.have.length(1); Person.clearObservers('before save'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should pass options when removed by where', function(done) { const verifyOptions = function(ctx, next) { if (!ctx.options || !ctx.options.verify) { return next(new Error('options or options.verify is missing')); } return next(); }; Person.observe('before save', verifyOptions); Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'options 2'}, {verify: true}, function(err, address) { if (err) { Person.clearObservers('before save'); return done(err); } p.addressList.destroyAll({street: 'options 2'}, {verify: true}, function(err) { if (err) { Person.clearObservers('before save'); return done(err); } Person.findById(p.id, function(err, verify) { if (err) { Person.clearObservers('before save'); return done(err); } verify.addresses.should.have.length(1); Person.clearObservers('before save'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 3'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.street.should.equal('Street 3'); done(); }); }); }); it('should remove embedded items - filtered', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(2); p.addressList.destroyAll({street: 'Street 3'}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); p.addresses.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); it('should remove all embedded items', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(1); p.addressList.destroyAll(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); p.addresses.should.have.length(0); done(); }); }); }); it('should have removed all embedded items - verify', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(0); done(); }); }); it('should save an unsaved model', function(done) { const p = new Person({name: 'Fred'}); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 4'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.street.should.equal('Street 4'); p.isNewRecord().should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany - omit default value for embedded item', function() { before(function(done) { tmp = getTransientDataSource({defaultIdType: Number}); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Address = tmp.define('Address', {street: String}); Address.validatesPresenceOf('street'); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { Person.embedsMany(Address, { options: { omitDefaultEmbeddedItem: true, property: { postgresql: { dataType: 'json', }, }, }, }); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('should not set default value for embedded item', function() { const p = new Person({name: 'Fred'}); p.should.have.property('addresses', undefined); }); it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 1'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(address.id); address.street.should.equal('Street 1'); p.addresses.should.be.array; p.addresses.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); it('should build embedded items', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(1); p.addressList.build({id: 'home', street: 'Home'}); p.addressList.build({id: 'work', street: 'Work'}); p.addresses.should.have.length(3); done(); }); }); it('should not create embedded from attributes - relation name', function(done) { const addresses = [ {id: 'home', street: 'Home Street'}, {id: 'work', street: 'Work Street'}, ]; Person.create({name: 'Wilma', addressList: addresses}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.have.property('addresses', undefined); done(); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany - numeric ids + forceId', function() { before(function(done) { tmp = getTransientDataSource(); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Address = tmp.define('Address', { id: {type: Number, id: true}, street: String, }); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { Person.embedsMany(Address, {options: {forceId: true}}); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 1'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.id.should.equal(1); p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 2'}, function(err, address) { address.id.should.equal(2); p.addressList.create({id: 12345, street: 'Street 3'}, function(err, address) { address.id.should.equal(3); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany - explicit ids', function() { before(function(done) { tmp = getTransientDataSource(); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Address = tmp.define('Address', {street: String}, {forceId: false}); Address.validatesPresenceOf('street'); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { Person.embedsMany(Address); db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({id: 'home', street: 'Street 1'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); p.addressList.create({id: 'work', street: 'Work Street 2'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.id.should.equal('work'); address.street.should.equal('Work Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should find embedded items by id', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.findById('work', function(err, address) { address.should.be.instanceof(Address); address.id.should.equal('work'); address.street.should.equal('Work Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should check for duplicate ids', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({id: 'home', street: 'Invalid'}, function(err, addresses) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.codes.addresses.should.eql(['uniqueness']); done(); }); }); }); it('should update embedded items by id', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addressList.updateById('home', {street: 'New Street'}, function(err, address) { address.should.be.instanceof(Address); address.id.should.equal('home'); address.street.should.equal('New Street'); done(); }); }); }); it('should remove embedded items by id', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(2); p.addressList.destroy('home', function(err) { if (err) return done(err); p.addresses.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); it('should have embedded items - verify', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { p.addresses.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); it('should validate all embedded items', function(done) { const addresses = []; addresses.push({id: 'home', street: 'Home Street'}); addresses.push({id: 'work', street: ''}); Person.create({name: 'Wilma', addresses: addresses}, function(err, p) { err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.messages.addresses.should.eql([ 'contains invalid item: `work` (`street` can\'t be blank)', ]); done(); }); }); it('should build embedded items', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Wilma'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.build({id: 'home', street: 'Home'}); p.addressList.build({id: 'work', street: 'Work'}); p.addresses.should.have.length(2); p.save(function(err, p) { done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should have embedded items - verify', function(done) { Person.findOne({where: {name: 'Wilma'}}, function(err, p) { p.name.should.equal('Wilma'); p.addresses.should.have.length(2); p.addresses[0].id.should.equal('home'); p.addresses[0].street.should.equal('Home'); p.addresses[1].id.should.equal('work'); p.addresses[1].street.should.equal('Work'); done(); }); }); it('should have accessors: at, get, set', function(done) { Person.findOne({where: {name: 'Wilma'}}, function(err, p) { p.name.should.equal('Wilma'); p.addresses.should.have.length(2); p.addressList.at(0).id.should.equal('home'); p.addressList.get('home').id.should.equal('home'); p.addressList.set('home', {id: 'den'}).id.should.equal('den'); p.addressList.at(1).id.should.equal('work'); p.addressList.get('work').id.should.equal('work'); p.addressList.set('work', {id: 'factory'}).id.should.equal('factory'); done(); }); }); it('should create embedded from attributes - property name', function(done) { const addresses = [ {id: 'home', street: 'Home Street'}, {id: 'work', street: 'Work Street'}, ]; Person.create({name: 'Wilma', addresses: addresses}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.addressList.at(0).id.should.equal('home'); p.addressList.at(1).id.should.equal('work'); done(); }); }); it('should not create embedded from attributes - relation name', function(done) { const addresses = [ {id: 'home', street: 'Home Street'}, {id: 'work', street: 'Work Street'}, ]; Person.create({name: 'Wilma', addressList: addresses}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.addresses.should.have.length(0); done(); }); }); it('should create embedded items with auto-generated id', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Wilma'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Home Street 1'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.id.should.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/); address.street.should.equal('Home Street 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany - persisted model', function() { let address0, address1, address2; let person; // This test spefically uses the Memory connector // in order to test the use of the auto-generated // id, in the sequence of the related model. before(function(done) { db = getMemoryDataSource(); Person = db.define('Person', {name: String}); Address = db.define('Address', {street: String}); Address.validatesPresenceOf('street'); db.automigrate(['Person', 'Address'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { // to save related model itself, set // persistent: true Person.embedsMany(Address, { scope: {order: 'street'}, options: {persistent: true}, }); db.automigrate(['Person', 'Address'], done); }); it('should create individual items (0)', function(done) { Address.create({street: 'Street 0'}, function(err, inst) { inst.id.should.equal(1); // offset sequence address0 = inst; done(); }); }); it('should create individual items (1)', function(done) { Address.create({street: 'Street 1'}, function(err, inst) { inst.id.should.equal(2); address1 = inst; done(); }); }); it('should create individual items (2)', function(done) { Address.create({street: 'Street 2'}, function(err, inst) { inst.id.should.equal(3); address2 = inst; done(); }); }); it('should create individual items (3)', function(done) { Address.create({street: 'Street 3'}, function(err, inst) { inst.id.should.equal(4); // offset sequence done(); }); }); it('should add embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Fred'}, function(err, p) { person = p; p.addressList.create(address1.toObject(), function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.id.should.eql(2); address.street.should.equal('Street 1'); p.addressList.create(address2.toObject(), function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.id.should.eql(3); address.street.should.equal('Street 2'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should create embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({street: 'Street 4'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.id.should.equal(5); // in Address sequence, correct offset address.street.should.equal('Street 4'); done(); }); }); }); it('should have embedded items on scope', function(done) { Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { p.addressList(function(err, addresses) { if (err) return done(err); addresses.should.have.length(3); addresses[0].street.should.equal('Street 1'); addresses[1].street.should.equal('Street 2'); addresses[2].street.should.equal('Street 4'); done(); }); }); }); it('should validate embedded items on scope - id', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Wilma'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({id: null, street: 'Street 1'}, function(err, address) { if (err) return done(err); address.street.should.equal('Street 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should validate embedded items on scope - street', function(done) { const newId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 1234; Person.create({name: 'Wilma'}, function(err, p) { p.addressList.create({id: newId}, function(err, address) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.codes.street.should.eql(['presence']); let expected = 'The `Address` instance is not valid. '; expected += 'Details: `street` can\'t be blank (value: undefined).'; err.message.should.equal(expected); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany - relations, scope and properties', function() { let category, job1, job2, job3; before(function() { Category = db.define('Category', {name: String}); Job = db.define('Job', {name: String}); Link = db.define('Link', {name: String, notes: String}, {forceId: false}); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { Category.embedsMany(Link, { as: 'items', // rename scope: {include: 'job'}, // always include options: {belongsTo: 'job'}, // optional, for add()/remove() }); Link.belongsTo(Job, { foreignKey: 'id', // re-use the actual job id properties: {id: 'id', name: 'name'}, // denormalize, transfer id options: {invertProperties: true}, }); db.automigrate(['Category', 'Job', 'Link'], function() { Job.create({name: 'Job 0'}, done); // offset ids for tests }); }); it('should setup related items', function(done) { Job.create({name: 'Job 1'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); job1 = p; Job.create({name: 'Job 2'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); job2 = p; Job.create({name: 'Job 3'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); job3 = p; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should associate items on scope', function(done) { Category.create({name: 'Category A'}, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); let link = cat.items.build(); link.job(job1); link = cat.items.build(); link.job(job2); cat.save(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); let job = cat.items.at(0); job.should.be.instanceof(Link); job.should.not.have.property('jobId'); job.id.should.eql(job1.id); job.name.should.equal(job1.name); job = cat.items.at(1); job.id.should.eql(job2.id); job.name.should.equal(job2.name); done(); }); }); }); it('should include related items on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(2); // denormalized properties: cat.items.at(0).should.be.instanceof(Link); cat.items.at(0).id.should.eql(job1.id); cat.items.at(0).name.should.equal(job1.name); cat.items.at(1).id.should.eql(job2.id); cat.items.at(1).name.should.equal(job2.name); // lazy-loaded relations should.not.exist(cat.items.at(0).job()); should.not.exist(cat.items.at(1).job()); cat.items(function(err, items) { if (err) return done(err); cat.items.at(0).job().should.be.instanceof(Job); cat.items.at(1).job().should.be.instanceof(Job); cat.items.at(1).job().name.should.equal('Job 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should remove embedded items by id', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(2); cat.items.destroy(job1.id, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(1); cat.items.at(0).id.should.eql(job2.id); cat.items.at(0).name.should.equal(job2.name); // lazy-loaded relations should.not.exist(cat.items.at(0).job()); cat.items(function(err, items) { if (err) return done(err); cat.items.at(0).job().should.be.instanceof(Job); cat.items.at(0).job().name.should.equal('Job 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should add related items to scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(1); cat.items.add(job3, function(err, link) { if (err) return done(err); link.should.be.instanceof(Link); link.id.should.eql(job3.id); link.name.should.equal('Job 3'); cat.links.should.have.length(2); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find items on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(2); cat.items.at(0).should.be.instanceof(Link); cat.items.at(0).id.should.eql(job2.id); cat.items.at(0).name.should.equal(job2.name); cat.items.at(1).id.should.eql(job3.id); cat.items.at(1).name.should.equal(job3.name); done(); }); }); it('should remove embedded items by reference id', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(2); cat.items.remove(job2.id, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); it('should have removed embedded items by reference id', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); let jobId; it('should create items on scope', function(done) { Category.create({name: 'Category B'}, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); category = cat; const link = cat.items.build({notes: 'Some notes...'}); link.job.create({name: 'Job 1'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); jobId = p.id; cat.links[0].id.should.eql(p.id); cat.links[0].name.should.equal('Job 1'); // denormalized cat.links[0].notes.should.equal('Some notes...'); cat.items.at(0).should.equal(cat.links[0]); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find items on scope', function(done) { Category.findById(category.id, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.name.should.equal('Category B'); cat.links.toObject().should.eql([ {id: jobId, name: 'Job 1', notes: 'Some notes...'}, ]); cat.items.at(0).should.equal(cat.links[0]); cat.items(function(err, items) { // alternative access if (err) return done(err); items.should.be.an.array; items.should.have.length(1); items[0].job(function(err, p) { p.name.should.equal('Job 1'); // actual value done(); }); }); }); }); it('should update items on scope - and save parent', function(done) { Category.findById(category.id, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); const link = cat.items.at(0); // use 'updateById' instead as a replacement as it is one of the embedsMany methods, // that works with all connectors. `updateAttributes` does not recognize the query done on // the Category Model, resulting with an error in three connectors: mssql, oracle, postgresql cat.items.updateById(link.id, {notes: 'Updated notes...'}, function(err, link) { if (err) return done(err); link.notes.should.equal('Updated notes...'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope - verify update', function(done) { Category.findById(category.id, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.name.should.equal('Category B'); cat.links.toObject().should.eql([ {id: jobId, name: 'Job 1', notes: 'Updated notes...'}, ]); done(); }); }); it('should remove items from scope - and save parent', function(done) { Category.findById(category.id, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.items.at(0).destroy(function(err, link) { if (err) return done(err); cat.links.should.have.lengthOf(0); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope - verify destroy', function(done) { Category.findById(category.id, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.name.should.equal('Category B'); cat.links.should.have.lengthOf(0); done(); }); }); }); describe('embedsMany - polymorphic relations', function() { let person1, person2; before(function(done) { tmp = getTransientDataSource(); Book = db.define('Book', {name: String}); Author = db.define('Author', {name: String}); Reader = db.define('Reader', {name: String}); Link = tmp.define('Link', { id: {type: Number, id: true}, name: String, notes: String, }); // generic model Link.validatesPresenceOf('linkedId'); Link.validatesPresenceOf('linkedType'); db.automigrate(['Book', 'Author', 'Reader'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { const idType = db.connector.getDefaultIdType(); Book.embedsMany(Link, {as: 'people', polymorphic: 'linked', scope: {include: 'linked'}, }); Link.belongsTo('linked', { polymorphic: {idType: idType}, // native type properties: {name: 'name'}, // denormalized options: {invertProperties: true}, }); db.automigrate(['Book', 'Author', 'Reader'], done); }); it('should setup related items', function(done) { Author.create({name: 'Author 1'}, function(err, p) { person1 = p; Reader.create({name: 'Reader 1'}, function(err, p) { person2 = p; done(); }); }); }); it('should create items on scope', function(done) { Book.create({name: 'Book'}, function(err, book) { let link = book.people.build({notes: 'Something ...'}); link.linked(person1); link = book.people.build(); link.linked(person2); book.save(function(err, book) { if (err) return done(err); let link = book.people.at(0); link.should.be.instanceof(Link); link.id.should.equal(1); link.linkedId.should.eql(person1.id); link.linkedType.should.equal('Author'); link.name.should.equal('Author 1'); link = book.people.at(1); link.should.be.instanceof(Link); link.id.should.equal(2); link.linkedId.should.eql(person2.id); link.linkedType.should.equal('Reader'); link.name.should.equal('Reader 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should include related items on scope', function(done) { Book.findOne(function(err, book) { book.links.should.have.length(2); let link = book.people.at(0); link.should.be.instanceof(Link); link.id.should.eql(1); link.linkedId.should.eql(person1.id); link.linkedType.should.equal('Author'); link.notes.should.equal('Something ...'); link = book.people.at(1); link.should.be.instanceof(Link); link.id.should.eql(2); link.linkedId.should.eql(person2.id); link.linkedType.should.equal('Reader'); // lazy-loaded relations should.not.exist(book.people.at(0).linked()); should.not.exist(book.people.at(1).linked()); book.people(function(err, people) { people[0].linked().should.be.instanceof(Author); people[0].linked().name.should.equal('Author 1'); people[1].linked().should.be.instanceof(Reader); people[1].linked().name.should.equal('Reader 1'); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportInclude === true, 'should include nested related items on scope', function(done) { // There's some date duplication going on, so it might // make sense to override toObject on a case-by-case basis // to sort this out (delete links, keep people). // In loopback, an afterRemote filter could do this as well. Book.find({include: 'people'}, function(err, books) { const obj = books[0].toObject(); obj.should.have.property('links'); obj.should.have.property('people'); obj.links.should.have.length(2); obj.links[0].name.should.be.oneOf('Author 1', 'Reader 1'); obj.links[1].name.should.be.oneOf('Author 1', 'Reader 1'); obj.people.should.have.length(2); obj.people[0].name.should.equal('Author 1'); obj.people[0].notes.should.equal('Something ...'); obj.people[0].linked.name.should.equal('Author 1'); obj.people[1].linked.name.should.equal('Reader 1'); done(); }); }); }); describe('referencesMany', function() { let job1, job2, job3; before(function(done) { Category = db.define('Category', {name: String}); Job = db.define('Job', {name: String}); db.automigrate(['Job', 'Category'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { const reverse = function(cb) { cb = cb || createPromiseCallback(); const modelInstance = this.modelInstance; const fk = this.definition.keyFrom; const ids = modelInstance[fk] || []; modelInstance.updateAttribute(fk, ids.reverse(), function(err, inst) { cb(err, inst[fk] || []); }); return cb.promise; }; reverse.shared = true; // remoting reverse.http = {verb: 'put', path: '/jobs/reverse'}; Category.referencesMany(Job, {scopeMethods: { reverse: reverse, }}); Category.prototype['__reverse__jobs'].should.be.a.function; should.exist(Category.prototype['__reverse__jobs'].shared); Category.prototype['__reverse__jobs'].http.should.eql(reverse.http); db.automigrate(['Job', 'Category'], done); }); it('should setup test records', function(done) { Job.create({name: 'Job 1'}, function(err, p) { job1 = p; Job.create({name: 'Job 3'}, function(err, p) { job3 = p; done(); }); }); }); it('should create record on scope', function(done) { Category.create({name: 'Category A'}, function(err, cat) { cat.jobIds.should.be.an.array; cat.jobIds.should.have.length(0); cat.jobs.create({name: 'Job 2'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(p.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2'); job2 = p; done(); }); }); }); it('should not allow duplicate record on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobIds = [job2.id, job2.id]; cat.save(function(err, p) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.codes.jobs.should.eql(['uniqueness']); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(job2.id); cat.jobs(function(err, jobs) { if (err) return done(err); const p = jobs[0]; p.id.should.eql(job2.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope - findById', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(job2.id); cat.jobs.findById(job2.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.be.instanceof(Job); p.id.should.eql(job2.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2'); done(); }); }); }); it('should check if a record exists on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.exists(job2.id, function(err, exists) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(exists); done(); }); }); }); it('should update a record on scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { const attrs = {name: 'Job 2 - edit'}; cat.jobs.updateById(job2.id, attrs, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.name.should.equal(attrs.name); done(); }); }); }); it('should get a record by index - at', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.at(0, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.be.instanceof(Job); p.id.should.eql(job2.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2 - edit'); done(); }); }); }); it('should add a record to scope - object', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.add(job1, function(err, prod) { if (err) return done(err); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(job2.id); cat.jobIds[1].should.eql(job1.id); prod.id.should.eql(job1.id); prod.should.have.property('name'); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should add a record to scope - object', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.add(job3.id, function(err, prod) { if (err) return done(err); const expected = [job2.id, job1.id, job3.id]; cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(expected[0]); cat.jobIds[1].should.eql(expected[1]); cat.jobIds[2].should.eql(expected[2]); prod.id.should.eql(job3.id); prod.should.have.property('name'); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find items on scope - findById', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.findById(job3.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(job3.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 3'); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope - filter', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { const filter = {where: {name: 'Job 1'}}; cat.jobs(filter, function(err, jobs) { if (err) return done(err); jobs.should.have.length(1); const p = jobs[0]; p.id.should.eql(job1.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 1'); done(); }); }); }); it('should remove items from scope', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.remove(job1.id, function(err, ids) { if (err) return done(err); const expected = [job2.id, job3.id]; cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(expected[0]); cat.jobIds[1].should.eql(expected[1]); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(ids[0]); cat.jobIds[1].should.eql(ids[1]); done(); }); }); }); it('should find items on scope - verify', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { const expected = [job2.id, job3.id]; cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(expected[0]); cat.jobIds[1].should.eql(expected[1]); cat.jobs(function(err, jobs) { if (err) return done(err); jobs.should.have.length(2); jobs[0].id.should.eql(job2.id); jobs[1].id.should.eql(job3.id); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should find items on scope and ordered them by name DESC', function(done) { Category.find(function(err, categories) { categories.should.have.length(1); categories[0].jobs({order: 'name DESC'}, function(err, jobs) { if (err) return done(err); jobs.should.have.length(2); jobs[0].id.should.eql(job3.id); jobs[1].id.should.eql(job2.id); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should allow custom scope methods - reverse', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.reverse(function(err, ids) { const expected = [job3.id, job2.id]; ids.toArray().should.eql(expected); cat.jobIds.toArray().should.eql(expected); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort === false, 'should allow custom scope methods - reverse', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.reverse(function(err, ids) { const expected = [job3.id, job2.id]; ids[0].should.be.oneOf(expected); ids[1].should.be.oneOf(expected); cat.jobIds[0].should.be.oneOf(expected); cat.jobIds[1].should.be.oneOf(expected); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportInclude === true, 'should include related items from scope', function(done) { Category.find({include: 'jobs'}, function(err, categories) { categories.should.have.length(1); const cat = categories[0].toObject(); cat.name.should.equal('Category A'); cat.jobs.should.have.length(2); cat.jobs[0].id.should.eql(job3.id); cat.jobs[1].id.should.eql(job2.id); done(); }); }); it('should destroy items from scope - destroyById', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.destroy(job2.id, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(job3.id); Job.exists(job2.id, function(err, exists) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(exists); exists.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find items on scope - verify', function(done) { Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(job3.id); cat.jobs(function(err, jobs) { if (err) return done(err); jobs.should.have.length(1); jobs[0].id.should.eql(job3.id); done(); }); }); }); it('should setup test records with promises', function(done) { db.automigrate(['Job', 'Category'], function() { return Job.create({name: 'Job 1'}) .then(function(p) { job1 = p; return Job.create({name: 'Job 3'}); }) .then(function(p) { job3 = p; done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should create record on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.create({name: 'Category A'}) .then(function(cat) { cat.jobIds.should.be.an.array; cat.jobIds.should.have.length(0); return cat.jobs.create({name: 'Job 2'}) .then(function(p) { cat.jobIds.should.have.length(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(p.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2'); job2 = p; done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should not allow duplicate record on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { cat.jobIds = [job2.id, job2.id]; return cat.save(); }) .then( function(p) { done(new Error('save() should have failed')); }, function(err) { err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.details.codes.jobs.should.eql(['uniqueness']); done(); }, ); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should find items on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { cat.jobIds.toArray().should.eql([job2.id]); return cat.jobs.find(); }) .then(function(jobs) { const p = jobs[0]; p.id.should.eql(job2.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort === false, 'should find items on scope with promises', function(done) { const theExpectedIds = [job1.id, job2.id, job3.id]; const theExpectedNames = ['Job 1', 'Job 2', 'Job 3']; Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { cat.jobIds[0].should.be.oneOf(theExpectedIds); return cat.jobs.find(); }) .then(function(jobs) { const p = jobs[0]; p.id.should.be.oneOf(theExpectedIds); p.name.should.be.oneOf(theExpectedNames); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should find items on scope with promises - findById', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(1); cat.jobIds[0].should.eql(job2.id); return cat.jobs.findById(job2.id); }) .then(function(p) { p.should.be.instanceof(Job); p.id.should.eql(job2.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should check if a record exists on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.exists(job2.id) .then(function(exists) { should.exist(exists); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should update a record on scope with promises', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { const attrs = {name: 'Job 2 - edit'}; return cat.jobs.updateById(job2.id, attrs) .then(function(p) { p.name.should.equal(attrs.name); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should get a record by index with promises - at', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.at(0); }) .then(function(p) { p.should.be.instanceof(Job); p.id.should.eql(job2.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 2 - edit'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should add a record to scope with promises - object', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.add(job1) .then(function(prod) { const expected = [job2.id, job1.id]; cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(expected.length); cat.jobIds.should.containDeep(expected); prod.id.should.eql(job1.id); prod.should.have.property('name'); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should add a record to scope with promises - object', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.add(job3.id) .then(function(prod) { const expected = [job2.id, job1.id, job3.id]; cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(expected.length); cat.jobIds.should.containDeep(expected); prod.id.should.eql(job3.id); prod.should.have.property('name'); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find items on scope with promises - findById', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.findById(job3.id); }) .then(function(p) { p.id.should.eql(job3.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 3'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should find items on scope with promises - filter', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { const filter = {where: {name: 'Job 1'}}; return cat.jobs.find(filter); }) .then(function(jobs) { jobs.should.have.length(1); const p = jobs[0]; p.id.should.eql(job1.id); p.name.should.equal('Job 1'); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should remove items from scope with promises', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.remove(job1.id) .then(function(ids) { const expected = [job2.id, job3.id]; cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(expected.length); cat.jobIds.should.containDeep(expected); cat.jobIds.should.eql(ids); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should find items on scope with promises - verify', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { const expected = [job2.id, job3.id]; cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(expected.length); cat.jobIds.should.containDeep(expected); return cat.jobs.find(); }) .then(function(jobs) { jobs.should.have.length(2); jobs[0].id.should.eql(job2.id); jobs[1].id.should.eql(job3.id); done(); }) .catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should find items on scope and ordered them by name DESC', function(done) { Category.find() .then(function(categories) { categories.should.have.length(1); return categories[0].jobs.find({order: 'name DESC'}); }) .then(function(jobs) { jobs.should.have.length(2); jobs[0].id.should.eql(job3.id); jobs[1].id.should.eql(job2.id); done(); }) .catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false, 'should allow custom scope methods with promises - reverse', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.reverse() .then(function(ids) { const expected = [job3.id, job2.id]; ids.toArray().should.eql(expected); cat.jobIds.toArray().should.eql(expected); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.adhocSort === true && connectorCapabilities.supportInclude === true, 'should include related items from scope with promises', function(done) { Category.find({include: 'jobs'}) .then(function(categories) { categories.should.have.length(1); const cat = categories[0].toObject(); cat.name.should.equal('Category A'); cat.jobs.should.have.length(2); cat.jobs[0].id.should.eql(job3.id); cat.jobs[1].id.should.eql(job2.id); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should destroy items from scope with promises - destroyById', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.destroy(job2.id) .then(function() { const expected = [job3.id]; if (connectorCapabilities.adhocSort !== false) { cat.jobIds.toArray().should.eql(expected); } else { cat.jobIds.toArray().should.containDeep(expected); } return Job.exists(job2.id); }) .then(function(exists) { should.exist(exists); exists.should.be.false; done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should find items on scope with promises - verify', function(done) { Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { const expected = [job3.id]; cat.jobIds.should.have.lengthOf(expected.length); cat.jobIds.should.containDeep(expected); return cat.jobs.find(); }) .then(function(jobs) { jobs.should.have.length(1); jobs[0].id.should.eql(job3.id); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); describe('custom relation/scope methods', function() { let categoryId; before(function(done) { Category = db.define('Category', {name: String}); Job = db.define('Job', {name: String}); db.automigrate(['Job', 'Category'], done); }); it('can be declared', function(done) { const relation = Category.hasMany(Job); const summarize = function(cb) { cb = cb || createPromiseCallback(); const modelInstance = this.modelInstance; this.fetch(function(err, items) { if (err) return cb(err, []); const summary = items.map(function(item) { const obj = item.toObject(); obj.categoryName = modelInstance.name; return obj; }); cb(null, summary); }); return cb.promise; }; summarize.shared = true; // remoting summarize.http = {verb: 'get', path: '/jobs/summary'}; relation.defineMethod('summarize', summarize); Category.prototype['__summarize__jobs'].should.be.a.function; should.exist(Category.prototype['__summarize__jobs'].shared); Category.prototype['__summarize__jobs'].http.should.eql(summarize.http); db.automigrate(['Job', 'Category'], done); }); it('should setup test records', function(done) { Category.create({name: 'Category A'}, function(err, cat) { categoryId = cat.id; cat.jobs.create({name: 'Job 1'}, function(err, p) { cat.jobs.create({name: 'Job 2'}, function(err, p) { done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow custom scope methods - summarize', function(done) { const categoryIdStr = categoryId.toString(); const expected = [ {name: 'Job 1', categoryId: categoryIdStr, categoryName: 'Category A'}, {name: 'Job 2', categoryId: categoryIdStr, categoryName: 'Category A'}, ]; Category.findOne(function(err, cat) { cat.jobs.summarize(function(err, summary) { if (err) return done(err); const result = summary.map(function(item) { delete item.id; item.categoryId = item.categoryId.toString(); return item; }); // order-independent match result.should.containDeep(expected); expected.should.containDeep(result); done(); }); }); }); it('should allow custom scope methods with promises - summarize', function(done) { const categoryIdStr = categoryId.toString(); const expected = [ {name: 'Job 1', categoryId: categoryIdStr, categoryName: 'Category A'}, {name: 'Job 2', categoryId: categoryIdStr, categoryName: 'Category A'}, ]; Category.findOne() .then(function(cat) { return cat.jobs.summarize(); }) .then(function(summary) { const result = summary.map(function(item) { delete item.id; item.categoryId = item.categoryId.toString(); return item; }); // order-independent match result.should.containDeep(expected); expected.should.containDeep(result); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); describe('relation names', function() { it('throws error when a relation name is `trigger`', function() { Chapter = db.define('Chapter', {name: String}); (function() { db.define( 'Book', {name: String}, { relations: { trigger: { model: 'Chapter', type: 'hasMany', }, }, }, ); }).should.throw('Invalid relation name: trigger'); }); }); describe('polymorphic hasMany - revert', function() { before(function(done) { Picture = db.define('Picture', {name: String}); Author = db.define('Author', {name: String}); PictureLink = db.define('PictureLink', {}); Author.hasMany(Picture, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable', invert: true}); Picture.hasMany(Author, {through: PictureLink, polymorphic: 'imageable'}); db.automigrate(['Picture', 'Author', 'PictureLink'], done); }); it('should properly query through an inverted relationship', function(done) { Author.create({name: 'Steve'}, function(err, author) { if (err) { return done(err); } author.pictures.create({name: 'Steve pic 1'}, function(err, pic) { if (err) { return done(err); } Author.findOne({include: 'pictures'}, function(err, author) { if (err) { return done(err); } author.pictures().length.should.eql(1); author.pictures()[0].name.should.eql('Steve pic 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); });