// This test written in mocha+should.js var should = require('./init.js'); var db, Model; describe('datatypes', function () { before(function (done) { db = getSchema(); Nested = db.define('Nested', {}); Model = db.define('Model', { str: String, date: Date, num: Number, bool: Boolean, list: {type: [String]}, arr: Array, nested: Nested }); db.automigrate(['Model'], done); }); it('should return 400 when property of type array is set to string value', function (done) { var myModel = db.define('myModel', { list: { type: ['object'] } }); (function(){ myModel.create({ list: 'This string will crash the server' }); }).should.throw({ statusCode: 400 }); done(); }); it('should return 400 when property of type array is set to object value', function (done) { var myModel = db.define('myModel', { list: { type: ['object'] } }); (function(){ myModel.create({ list: { key: 'This string will crash the server' } }); }).should.throw({ statusCode: 400 }); done(); }); it('should keep types when get read data from db', function (done) { var d = new Date; var id; Model.create({ str: 'hello', date: d, num: '3', bool: 1, list: ['test'], arr: [1, 'str'] }, function (err, m) { should.not.exists(err); should.exist(m && m.id); should(m.str).be.type('string'); should(m.num).be.type('number'); should(m.bool).be.type('boolean'); m.list[0].should.be.equal('test'); m.arr[0].should.be.equal(1); m.arr[1].should.be.equal('str'); m.date.should.be.an.instanceOf(Date); m.date.toString().should.equal(d.toString()) id = m.id; testFind(testAll); }); function testFind(next) { Model.findById(id, function (err, m) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(m); should(m.str).be.type('string'); should(m.num).be.type('number'); should(m.bool).be.type('boolean'); m.list[0].should.be.equal('test'); m.arr[0].should.be.equal(1); m.arr[1].should.be.equal('str'); m.date.should.be.an.instanceOf(Date); m.date.toString().should.equal(d.toString(), 'Time must match'); next(); }); } function testAll() { Model.findOne(function (err, m) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(m); should(m.str).be.type('string'); should(m.num).be.type('number'); should(m.bool).be.type('boolean'); done(); }); } }); it('should respect data types when updating attributes', function (done) { var d = new Date, id; Model.create({ str: 'hello', date: d, num: '3', bool: 1}, function(err, m) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(m && m.id); // sanity check initial types should(m.str).be.type('string'); should(m.num).be.type('number'); should(m.bool).be.type('boolean'); id = m.id; testDataInDB(function () { testUpdate(function() { testDataInDB(done); }); }); }); function testUpdate(done) { Model.findById(id, function(err, m) { should.not.exist(err); // update using updateAttributes m.updateAttributes({ id: m.id, num: '10' }, function (err, m) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); } function testDataInDB(done) { // verify that the value stored in the db is still an object function cb(err, data) { should.exist(data); should(data.num).be.type('number'); done(); } if (db.connector.find.length === 4) { db.connector.find(Model.modelName, id, {}, cb); } else { db.connector.find(Model.modelName, id, cb); } } }); it('should not coerce nested objects into ModelConstructor types', function() { var coerced = Model._coerce({ nested: { foo: 'bar' } }); coerced.nested.constructor.name.should.equal('Object'); }); it('rejects array value converted to NaN for a required property', function(done) { db = getSchema(); Model = db.define('RequiredNumber', { num: { type: Number, required: true } }); db.automigrate(['Model'], function () { Model.create({ num: [1,2,3] }, function(err, inst) { should.exist(err); err.should.have.property('name').equal('ValidationError'); done(); }); }); }); describe('model option persistUndefinedAsNull', function() { var TestModel, isStrict; before(function(done) { TestModel = db.define( 'TestModel', { desc: { type: String, required: false }, stars: { type: Number, required: false } }, { persistUndefinedAsNull: true }); isStrict = TestModel.definition.settings.strict; db.automigrate(['TestModel'], done); }); it('should set missing optional properties to null', function(done) { TestModel.create({ name: 'a-test-name' }, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.should.have.property('desc', null); created.should.have.property('stars', null); TestModel.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); created.should.have.property('desc', null); created.should.have.property('stars', null); done(); }); }); }); it('should convert property value undefined to null', function(done) { if (isStrict) { // SQL-based connectors don't support dynamic properties delete EXPECTED.extra; } var data ={ desc: undefined, extra: undefined }; TestModel.create(data, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.should.have.property('desc', null); created.should.have.property('stars', null); TestModel.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); created.should.have.property('desc', null); created.should.have.property('stars', null); done(); }); }); }); it('should convert undefined to null in the setter', function() { var inst = new TestModel(); inst.desc = undefined; inst.should.have.property('desc', null); inst.toObject().should.have.property('desc', null); }); it('should use null in unsetAttribute()', function() { var inst = new TestModel(); inst.unsetAttribute('stars'); inst.should.have.property('stars', null); inst.toObject().should.have.property('stars', null); }); // TODO: There is a bug for this; please refer to https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-connector-redis/issues/9 it.skip('should convert undefined to null on save', function(done) { if (isStrict) { // SQL-based connectors don't support dynamic properties delete EXPECTED.extra; delete EXPECTED.dx; } TestModel.create({}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.desc = undefined; // Note: this is may be a no-op created.unsetAttribute('stars'); created.extra = undefined; created.__data.dx = undefined; created.save(function(err, saved) { if (err) return done(err); saved.should.have.property('extra', null); saved.should.have.property('dx', null); function cb(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(found[0]); found[0].should.have.properties(EXPECTED); done(); } if (TestModel.dataSource.connector.all.length === 4) { TestModel.dataSource.connector.all( TestModel.modelName, {where: {id: created.id}}, {}, cb ); } else { TestModel.dataSource.connector.all( TestModel.modelName, {where: {id: created.id}}, cb ); } }); }); }); it('should convert undefined to null in toObject()', function() { var inst = new TestModel(); inst.desc = undefined; // Note: this may be a no-op inst.unsetAttribute('stars'); inst.extra = undefined; inst.__data.dx = undefined; var result = inst.toObject(false); result.should.have.property('desc', null); result.should.have.property('stars', null); result.should.have.property('extra', null); result.should.have.property('dx', null); }); }); });