// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // This test written in mocha+should.js 'use strict'; /* global getSchema:false, connectorCapabilities:false */ const async = require('async'); const bdd = require('./helpers/bdd-if'); const should = require('./init.js'); const uid = require('./helpers/uid-generator'); let db, Person; const ValidationError = require('..').ValidationError; const UUID_REGEXP = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i; const throwingSetter = (value) => { if (!value) return; // no-op throw new Error('Intentional error triggered from a property setter'); }; describe('manipulation', function() { before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); Person = db.define('Person', { name: String, gender: String, married: Boolean, age: {type: Number, index: true}, dob: Date, createdAt: {type: Date, default: Date}, throwingSetter: {type: String, default: null}, }, {forceId: true, strict: true}); Person.setter.throwingSetter = throwingSetter; db.automigrate(['Person'], done); }); // A simplified implementation of LoopBack's User model // to reproduce problems related to properties with dynamic setters // For the purpose of the tests, we use a counter instead of a hash fn. let StubUser; let stubPasswordCounter; before(function setupStubUserModel(done) { StubUser = db.createModel('StubUser', {password: String}, {forceId: true}); StubUser.setter.password = function(plain) { if (plain.length === 0) throw new Error('password cannot be empty'); let hashed = false; if (!plain) return; const pos = plain.indexOf('-'); if (pos !== -1) { const head = plain.substr(0, pos); const tail = plain.substr(pos + 1, plain.length); hashed = head.toUpperCase() === tail; } if (hashed) return; this.$password = plain + '-' + plain.toUpperCase(); }; db.automigrate('StubUser', done); }); beforeEach(function resetStubPasswordCounter() { stubPasswordCounter = 0; }); describe('create', function() { before(function(done) { Person.destroyAll(done); }); describe('forceId', function() { let TestForceId; before(function(done) { TestForceId = db.define('TestForceId'); db.automigrate('TestForceId', done); }); it('it defaults to forceId:true for generated id property', function(done) { TestForceId.create({id: 1}, function(err, t) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.match(/can\'t be set/); done(); }); }); }); it('should create instance', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Anatoliy'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p); p.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); Person.findById(p.id, function(err, person) { if (err) return done(err); person.id.should.eql(p.id); person.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); done(); }); }); }); it('should create instance (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.create({name: 'Anatoliy'}) .then(function(p) { p.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); should.exist(p); return Person.findById(p.id) .then(function(person) { person.id.should.eql(p.id); person.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should return rejected promise when model initialization failed', async () => { await Person.create({name: 'Sad Fail', age: 25, throwingSetter: 'something'}).should .be.rejectedWith('Intentional error triggered from a property setter'); }); it('should instantiate an object', function(done) { const p = new Person({name: 'Anatoliy'}); p.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; p.save(function(err, inst) { if (err) return done(err); inst.isNewRecord().should.be.false; inst.should.equal(p); done(); }); }); it('should instantiate an object (promise variant)', function(done) { const p = new Person({name: 'Anatoliy'}); p.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; p.save() .then(function(inst) { inst.isNewRecord().should.be.false; inst.should.equal(p); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should not return instance of object', function(done) { const person = Person.create(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p.id); if (person) person.should.not.be.an.instanceOf(Person); done(); }); }); it('should not allow user-defined value for the id of object - create', function(done) { Person.create({id: 123456}, function(err, p) { err.should.be.instanceof(ValidationError); err.statusCode.should.equal(422); err.details.messages.id.should.eql(['can\'t be set']); p.should.be.instanceof(Person); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('should not allow user-defined value for the id of object - create (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.create({id: 123456}) .then(function(p) { done(new Error('Person.create should have failed.')); }, function(err) { err.should.be.instanceof(ValidationError); err.statusCode.should.equal(422); err.details.messages.id.should.eql(['can\'t be set']); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should not allow user-defined value for the id of object - save', function(done) { const p = new Person({id: 123456}); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; p.save(function(err, inst) { err.should.be.instanceof(ValidationError); err.statusCode.should.equal(422); err.details.messages.id.should.eql(['can\'t be set']); inst.isNewRecord().should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('should not allow user-defined value for the id of object - save (promise variant)', function(done) { const p = new Person({id: 123456}); p.isNewRecord().should.be.true; p.save() .then(function(inst) { done(new Error('save should have failed.')); }, function(err) { err.should.be.instanceof(ValidationError); err.statusCode.should.equal(422); err.details.messages.id.should.eql(['can\'t be set']); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should work when called without callback', function(done) { Person.afterCreate = function(next) { this.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); this.name.should.equal('Nickolay'); should.exist(this.id); Person.afterCreate = null; next(); setTimeout(done, 10); }; Person.create({name: 'Nickolay'}); }); it('should create instance with blank data', function(done) { Person.create(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p); should.not.exists(p.name); Person.findById(p.id, function(err, person) { if (err) return done(err); person.id.should.eql(p.id); should.not.exists(person.name); done(); }); }); }); it('should create instance with blank data (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.create() .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); should.not.exists(p.name); return Person.findById(p.id) .then(function(person) { person.id.should.eql(p.id); should.not.exists(person.name); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should work when called with no data and callback', function(done) { Person.afterCreate = function(next) { this.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); should.not.exist(this.name); should.exist(this.id); Person.afterCreate = null; next(); setTimeout(done, 30); }; Person.create(); }); it('should create batch of objects', function(done) { const batch = [ {name: 'Shaltay'}, {name: 'Boltay'}, {}, ]; const res = Person.create(batch, function(e, ps) { if (res) res.should.not.be.instanceOf(Array); should.not.exist(e); should.exist(ps); ps.should.be.instanceOf(Array); ps.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); Person.validatesPresenceOf('name'); Person.create(batch, function(errors, persons) { delete Person.validations; should.exist(errors); errors.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); should.not.exist(errors[0]); should.not.exist(errors[1]); should.exist(errors[2]); should.exist(persons); persons.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); persons[0].errors.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); it('should create batch of objects (promise variant)', function(done) { const batch = [ {name: 'ShaltayPromise'}, {name: 'BoltayPromise'}, {}, ]; Person.create(batch).then(function(ps) { should.exist(ps); ps.should.be.instanceOf(Array); ps.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); Person.validatesPresenceOf('name'); Person.create(batch, function(errors, persons) { delete Person.validations; should.exist(errors); errors.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); should.not.exist(errors[0]); should.not.exist(errors[1]); should.exist(errors[2]); should.exist(persons); persons.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); persons[0].errors.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); it('should create batch of objects with beforeCreate', function(done) { Person.beforeCreate = function(next, data) { if (data && data.name === 'A') { return next(null, {id: 'a', name: 'A'}); } else { return next(); } }; const batch = [ {name: 'A'}, {name: 'B'}, undefined, ]; Person.create(batch, function(e, ps) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(ps); ps.should.be.instanceOf(Array); ps.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); ps[0].should.be.eql({id: 'a', name: 'A'}); done(); }); }); it('should preserve properties with "undefined" value', function(done) { Person.create( {name: 'a-name', gender: undefined}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.toObject().should.have.properties({ id: created.id, name: 'a-name', gender: undefined, }); Person.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); const result = found.toObject(); result.should.containEql({ id: created.id, name: 'a-name', }); // The gender can be null from a RDB should.equal(result.gender, null); done(); }); }, ); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.refuseDuplicateInsert !== false, 'should refuse to create ' + 'object with duplicate id', function(done) { // NOTE(bajtos) We cannot reuse Person model here, // `settings.forceId` aborts the CREATE request at the validation step. const Product = db.define('ProductTest', {name: String}, {forceId: false}); db.automigrate('ProductTest', function(err) { if (err) return done(err); Product.create({name: 'a-name'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); Product.create({id: p.id, name: 'duplicate'}, function(err, result) { if (!err) { return done(new Error('Create should have rejected duplicate id.')); } err.message.should.match(/duplicate/i); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('save', function() { it('should save new object', function(done) { const p = new Person; should.not.exist(p.id); p.save(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p.id); done(); }); }); it('should save new object (promise variant)', function(done) { const p = new Person; should.not.exist(p.id); p.save() .then(function() { should.exist(p.id); done(); }) .catch(done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should save existing object', function(done) { // Cloudant could not guarantee findOne always return the same item Person.findOne(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.name = 'Hans'; p.save(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); p.name.should.equal('Hans'); Person.findOne(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.name.should.equal('Hans'); done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should save existing object (promise variant)', function(done) { // Cloudant could not guarantee findOne always return the same item Person.findOne() .then(function(p) { p.name = 'Fritz'; return p.save() .then(function() { return Person.findOne() .then(function(p) { p.name.should.equal('Fritz'); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should save invalid object (skipping validation)', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.isValid = function(done) { process.nextTick(done); return false; }; p.name = 'Nana'; p.save(function(err) { should.exist(err); p.save({validate: false}, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should save invalid object (skipping validation - promise variant)', function(done) { Person.findOne() .then(function(p) { p.isValid = function(done) { process.nextTick(done); return false; }; p.name = 'Nana'; return p.save() .then(function(d) { done(new Error('save should have failed.')); }, function(err) { should.exist(err); p.save({validate: false}) .then(function(d) { should.exist(d); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should save throw error on validation', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.isValid = function(cb) { cb(false); return false; }; (function() { p.save({ 'throws': true, }); }).should.throw(ValidationError); done(); }); }); it('should preserve properties with dynamic setters', function(done) { // This test reproduces a problem discovered by LoopBack unit-test // "User.hasPassword() should match a password after it is changed" StubUser.create({password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.password.should.equal('foo-FOO'); created.password = 'bar'; created.save(function(err, saved) { if (err) return done(err); created.id.should.eql(saved.id); saved.password.should.equal('bar-BAR'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); created.id.should.eql(found.id); found.password.should.equal('bar-BAR'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('updateAttributes', function() { let person; before(function(done) { Person.destroyAll(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); Person.create({name: 'Mary', age: 15}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); person = p; done(); }); }); }); it('should have updated password hashed with updateAttribute', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.updateAttribute('password', 'test', function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.password.should.equal('test-TEST'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); found.password.should.equal('test-TEST'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should reject created StubUser with empty password', function(done) { StubUser.create({email: 'b@example.com', password: ''}, function(err, createdUser) { (err.message).should.match(/password cannot be empty/); done(); }); }); it('should reject updated empty password with updateAttribute', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'abc123'}, function(err, createdUser) { if (err) return done(err); createdUser.updateAttribute('password', '', function(err, updatedUser) { (err.message).should.match(/password cannot be empty/); done(); }); }); }); it('should update one attribute', function(done) { person.updateAttribute('name', 'Paul Graham', function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); Person.all(function(e, ps) { if (e) return done(e); ps.should.have.lengthOf(1); ps.pop().name.should.equal('Paul Graham'); done(); }); }); }); it('should update one attribute (promise variant)', function(done) { person.updateAttribute('name', 'Teddy Graham') .then(function(p) { return Person.all() .then(function(ps) { ps.should.have.lengthOf(1); ps.pop().name.should.equal('Teddy Graham'); done(); }); }).catch(done); }); it('should ignore undefined values on updateAttributes', function(done) { person.updateAttributes({'name': 'John', age: undefined}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); Person.findById(p.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.name.should.equal('John'); p.age.should.equal(15); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false, 'should discard undefined values before strict validation', function(done) { Person.definition.settings.strict = true; Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.updateAttributes({name: 'John', unknownVar: undefined}, function(err, p) { // if uknownVar was defined, it would return validationError if (err) return done(err); person.id.should.eql(p.id); Person.findById(p.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.name.should.equal('John'); p.should.not.have.property('unknownVar'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow unknown attributes when strict: false', function(done) { Person.definition.settings.strict = false; Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.updateAttributes({name: 'John', foo: 'bar'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.have.property('foo'); done(); }); }); }); it('should remove unknown attributes when strict: filter', function(done) { Person.definition.settings.strict = 'filter'; Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.updateAttributes({name: 'John', foo: 'bar'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.not.have.property('foo'); done(); }); }); }); // Prior to version 3.0 `strict: true` used to silently remove unknown properties, // now return validationError upon unknown properties it('should return error on unknown attributes when strict: true', function(done) { // Using {foo: 'bar'} only causes dependent test failures due to the // stripping of object properties when in strict mode (ie. {foo: 'bar'} // changes to '{}' and breaks other tests Person.definition.settings.strict = true; Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.updateAttributes({name: 'John', foo: 'bar'}, function(err, p) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.message.should.containEql('`foo` is not defined in the model'); p.should.not.have.property('foo'); Person.findById(p.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.should.not.have.property('foo'); done(); }); }); }); }); // strict: throw is deprecated, use strict: true instead // which returns Validation Error for unknown properties it('should fallback to strict:true when using strict: throw', function(done) { Person.definition.settings.strict = 'throw'; Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.updateAttributes({foo: 'bar'}, function(err, p) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.message.should.containEql('`foo` is not defined in the model'); Person.findById(person.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.should.not.have.property('foo'); done(); }); }); }); }); // strict: validate is deprecated, use strict: true instead // behavior remains the same as before, because validate is now default behavior it('should fallback to strict:true when using strict:validate', function(done) { Person.definition.settings.strict = 'validate'; Person.findById(person.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.updateAttributes({foo: 'bar'}, function(err, p) { should.exist(err); err.name.should.equal('ValidationError'); err.message.should.containEql('`foo` is not defined in the model'); Person.findById(person.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.should.not.have.property('foo'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow same id value on updateAttributes', function(done) { person.updateAttributes({id: person.id, name: 'John'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); Person.findById(p.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.name.should.equal('John'); p.age.should.equal(15); done(); }); }); }); it('should allow same stringified id value on updateAttributes', function(done) { let pid = person.id; if (typeof person.id === 'object' || typeof person.id === 'number') { // For example MongoDB ObjectId pid = person.id.toString(); } person.updateAttributes({id: pid, name: 'John'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); Person.findById(p.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.name.should.equal('John'); p.age.should.equal(15); done(); }); }); }); it('should fail if an id value is to be changed on updateAttributes', function(done) { person.updateAttributes({id: person.id + 1, name: 'John'}, function(err, p) { should.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('has an alias "patchAttributes"', function(done) { person.updateAttributes.should.equal(person.patchAttributes); done(); }); it('should allow model instance on updateAttributes', function(done) { person.updateAttributes(new Person({'name': 'John', age: undefined}), function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); Person.findById(p.id, function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.name.should.equal('John'); p.age.should.equal(15); done(); }); }); }); it('should allow model instance on updateAttributes (promise variant)', function(done) { person.updateAttributes(new Person({'name': 'Jane', age: undefined})) .then(function(p) { return Person.findById(p.id) .then(function(p) { p.name.should.equal('Jane'); p.age.should.equal(15); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should raises on connector error', function(done) { const fakeConnector = { updateAttributes: function(model, id, data, options, cb) { cb(new Error('Database Error')); }, }; person.getConnector = function() { return fakeConnector; }; person.updateAttributes({name: 'John'}, function(err, p) { should.exist(err); done(); }); }); }); describe('updateOrCreate', function() { let Post, Todo; before('prepare "Post" and "Todo" models', function(done) { Post = db.define('Post', { title: {type: String, id: true}, content: {type: String}, }); Todo = db.define('Todo', { content: String, }); // Here `Person` model overrides the one outside 'updataOrCreate' // with forceId: false. Related test cleanup see issue: // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1317 Person = db.define('Person', { name: String, gender: String, married: Boolean, age: {type: Number, index: true}, dob: Date, createdAt: {type: Date, default: Date}, }, {forceId: false}); db.automigrate(['Post', 'Todo', 'Person'], done); }); beforeEach(function deleteModelsInstances(done) { Todo.deleteAll(done); }); it('has an alias "patchOrCreate"', function() { StubUser.updateOrCreate.should.equal(StubUser.patchOrCreate); }); it('creates a model when one does not exist', function(done) { Todo.updateOrCreate({content: 'a'}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); Todo.findById(data.id, function(err, todo) { should.exist(todo); should.exist(todo.content); todo.content.should.equal('a'); done(); }); }); }); it('updates a model if it exists', function(done) { Todo.create({content: 'a'}, function(err, todo) { Todo.updateOrCreate({id: todo.id, content: 'b'}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(data); should.exist(data.id); data.id.should.eql(todo.id); should.exist(data.content); data.content.should.equal('b'); done(); }); }); }); it('should reject updated empty password with updateOrCreate', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'abc123'}, function(err, createdUser) { if (err) return done(err); StubUser.updateOrCreate({id: createdUser.id, 'password': ''}, function(err, updatedUser) { (err.message).should.match(/password cannot be empty/); done(); }); }); }); it('throws error for queries with array input', function(done) { Todo.updateOrCreate([{content: 'a'}], function(err, data) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.containEql('bulk'); should.not.exist(data); done(); }); }); it('should preserve properties with dynamic setters on create', function(done) { StubUser.updateOrCreate({password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.password.should.equal('foo-FOO'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); found.password.should.equal('foo-FOO'); done(); }); }); }); it('should preserve properties with dynamic setters on update', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); const data = {id: created.id, password: 'bar'}; StubUser.updateOrCreate(data, function(err, updated) { if (err) return done(err); updated.password.should.equal('bar-BAR'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); found.password.should.equal('bar-BAR'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should preserve properties with "undefined" value', function(done) { Person.create( {name: 'a-name', gender: undefined}, function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); const result = instance.toObject(); result.id.should.eql(instance.id); should.equal(result.name, 'a-name'); should.equal(result.gender, undefined); Person.updateOrCreate( {id: instance.id, name: 'updated name'}, function(err, updated) { if (err) return done(err); const result = updated.toObject(); result.id.should.eql(instance.id); should.equal(result.name, 'updated name'); should.equal(result.gender, null); done(); }, ); }, ); }); it('updates specific instances when PK is not an auto-generated id', function(done) { // skip the test if the connector is mssql // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-connector-mssql/pull/92#r72853474 const dsName = Post.dataSource.name; if (dsName === 'mssql') return done(); Post.create([ {title: 'postA', content: 'contentA'}, {title: 'postB', content: 'contentB'}, ], function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); Post.updateOrCreate({ title: 'postA', content: 'newContent', }, function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); const result = instance.toObject(); result.should.have.properties({ title: 'postA', content: 'newContent', }); Post.find(function(err, posts) { if (err) return done(err); posts.should.have.length(2); posts[0].title.should.equal('postA'); posts[0].content.should.equal('newContent'); posts[1].title.should.equal('postB'); posts[1].content.should.equal('contentB'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should allow save() of the created instance', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 999; Person.updateOrCreate( {id: unknownId, name: 'a-name'}, function(err, inst) { if (err) return done(err); inst.save(done); }, ); }); it('preserves empty values from the database', async () => { // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1692 // Initially, all Players were always active, no property was needed const Player = db.define('Player', {name: String}); await db.automigrate('Player'); const created = await Player.create({name: 'Pen'}); // Later on, we decide to introduce `active` property Player.defineProperty('active', { type: Boolean, default: false, }); await db.autoupdate('Player'); // And updateOrCreate an existing record const found = await Player.updateOrCreate({id: created.id, name: 'updated'}); should(found.toObject().active).be.oneOf([ undefined, // databases supporting `undefined` value null, // databases representing `undefined` as `null` ]); }); }); bdd.describeIf(connectorCapabilities.supportForceId !== false, 'updateOrCreate when forceId is true', function() { let Post; before(function definePostModel(done) { const ds = getSchema(); Post = ds.define('Post', { title: {type: String, length: 255}, content: {type: String}, }, {forceId: true}); ds.automigrate('Post', done); }); it('fails when id does not exist in db & validate is true', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 123; const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.updateOrCreate(post, {validate: true}, (err) => { should(err).have.property('statusCode', 404); done(); }); }); it('fails when id does not exist in db & validate is false', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 123; const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.updateOrCreate(post, {validate: false}, (err) => { should(err).have.property('statusCode', 404); done(); }); }); it('fails when id does not exist in db & validate is false when using updateAttributes', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 123; const post = new Post({id: unknownId}); post.updateAttributes({title: 'updated title', content: 'AAA'}, {validate: false}, (err) => { should(err).have.property('statusCode', 404); done(); }); }); it('works on create if the request does not include an id', function(done) { const post = {title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.updateOrCreate(post, (err, p) => { if (err) return done(err); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); done(); }); }); it('works on update if the request includes an existing id in db', function(done) { Post.create({title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}, (err, post) => { if (err) return done(err); post = post.toObject(); delete post.content; post.title = 'b'; Post.updateOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.equal(post.id); p.title.should.equal('b'); done(); }); }); }); }); const hasReplaceById = connectorCapabilities.cloudantCompatible !== false && !!getSchema().connector.replaceById; if (!hasReplaceById) { describe.skip('replaceById - not implemented', function() {}); } else { describe('replaceOrCreate', function() { let Post, unknownId; before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 123; Post = db.define('Post', { title: {type: String, length: 255, index: true}, content: {type: String}, comments: [String], }, {forceId: false}); db.automigrate('Post', done); }); it('works without options on create (promise variant)', function(done) { const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceOrCreate(post) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Post); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); return Post.findById(p.id) .then(function(p) { p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.id.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(p.title); p.content.should.equal(p.content); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works with options on create (promise variant)', function(done) { const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, {validate: false}) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Post); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); return Post.findById(p.id) .then(function(p) { p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.id.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(p.title); p.content.should.equal(p.content); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works without options on update (promise variant)', function(done) { const post = {title: 'a', content: 'AAA', comments: ['Comment1']}; Post.create(post) .then(function(created) { created = created.toObject(); delete created.comments; delete created.content; created.title = 'b'; return Post.replaceOrCreate(created) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Post); p.id.should.eql(created.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); p.should.have.property('comments').be.oneOf(null, undefined); return Post.findById(created.id) .then(function(p) { p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); should.not.exist(p.content); should.not.exist(p.comments); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works with options on update (promise variant)', function(done) { const post = {title: 'a', content: 'AAA', comments: ['Comment1']}; Post.create(post) .then(function(created) { created = created.toObject(); delete created.comments; delete created.content; created.title = 'b'; return Post.replaceOrCreate(created, {validate: false}) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Post); p.id.should.eql(created.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); p.should.have.property('comments').be.oneOf(null, undefined); return Post.findById(created.id) .then(function(p) { p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); should.not.exist(p.content); should.not.exist(p.comments); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works without options on update (callback variant)', function(done) { Post.create({title: 'a', content: 'AAA', comments: ['Comment1']}, function(err, post) { if (err) return done(err); post = post.toObject(); delete post.comments; delete post.content; post.title = 'b'; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); p.should.have.property('comments').be.oneOf(null, undefined); Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); should.not.exist(p.content); should.not.exist(p.comments); done(); }); }); }); }); it('works with options on update (callback variant)', function(done) { Post.create({title: 'a', content: 'AAA', comments: ['Comment1']}, {validate: false}, function(err, post) { if (err) return done(err); post = post.toObject(); delete post.comments; delete post.content; post.title = 'b'; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); p.should.have.property('comments').be.oneOf(null, undefined); Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal('b'); should.not.exist(p.content); should.not.exist(p.comments); done(); }); }); }); }); it('works without options on create (callback variant)', function(done) { const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); Post.findById(p.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); done(); }); }); }); it('works with options on create (callback variant)', function(done) { const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, {validate: false}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); Post.findById(p.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); done(); }); }); }); }); } bdd.describeIf(hasReplaceById && connectorCapabilities.supportForceId !== false, 'replaceOrCreate ' + 'when forceId is true', function() { let Post, unknownId; before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 123; Post = db.define('Post', { title: {type: String, length: 255}, content: {type: String}, }, {forceId: true}); db.automigrate('Post', done); }); it('fails when id does not exist in db', function(done) { const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { err.statusCode.should.equal(404); done(); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('works on create if the request does not include an id', function(done) { const post = {title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.title.should.equal(post.title); p.content.should.equal(post.content); done(); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('works on update if the request includes an existing id in db', function(done) { Post.create({title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}, function(err, post) { if (err) return done(err); post = post.toObject(); delete post.content; post.title = 'b'; Post.replaceOrCreate(post, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.id.should.eql(post.id); done(); }); }); }); }); if (!hasReplaceById) { describe.skip('replaceAttributes/replaceById - not implemented', function() {}); } else { describe('replaceAttributes', function() { let postInstance; let Post; const ds = getSchema(); before(function(done) { Post = ds.define('Post', { title: {type: String, length: 255, index: true}, content: {type: String}, comments: [String], }); ds.automigrate('Post', done); }); beforeEach(function(done) { // TODO(bajtos) add API to lib/observer - remove observers for all hooks Post._observers = {}; Post.destroyAll(function() { Post.create({title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); postInstance = p; done(); }); }); }); it('should have updated password hashed with replaceAttributes', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.replaceAttributes({password: 'test'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.password.should.equal('test-TEST'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); found.password.should.equal('test-TEST'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should reject updated empty password with replaceAttributes', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'abc123'}, function(err, createdUser) { if (err) return done(err); createdUser.replaceAttributes({'password': ''}, function(err, updatedUser) { (err.message).should.match(/password cannot be empty/); done(); }); }); }); it('should ignore PK if it is set for `instance`' + 'in `before save` operation hook', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); changePostIdInHook('before save'); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); data.id.should.eql(postInstance.id); Post.find(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p[0].id.should.eql(postInstance.id); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should set cannotOverwritePKInBeforeSaveHook flag, if `instance` in' + '`before save` operation hook is set, so we report a warning just once', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); changePostIdInHook('before save'); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); Post._warned.cannotOverwritePKInBeforeSaveHook.should.equal(true); data.id.should.eql(postInstance.id); done(); }); }); }); it('should ignore PK if it is set for `data`' + 'in `loaded` operation hook', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); changePostIdInHook('loaded'); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, function(err, data) { data.id.should.eql(postInstance.id); if (err) return done(err); // clear observers to make sure `loaded` // hook does not affect `find()` method Post.clearObservers('loaded'); Post.find(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p[0].id.should.eql(postInstance.id); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should set cannotOverwritePKInLoadedHook flag, if `instance` in' + '`before save` operation hook is set, so we report a warning just once', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); changePostIdInHook('loaded'); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); Post._warned.cannotOverwritePKInLoadedHook.should.equal(true); data.id.should.eql(postInstance.id); done(); }); }); }); it('works without options(promise variant)', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id) .then(function(p) { p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Post); p.title.should.equal('b'); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); return Post.findById(postInstance.id) .then(function(p) { p.title.should.equal('b'); should.not.exist(p.content); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works with options(promise variant)', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id) .then(function(p) { p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, {validate: false}) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Post); p.title.should.equal('b'); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); return Post.findById(postInstance.id) .then(function(p) { p.title.should.equal('b'); should.not.exist(p.content); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should fail when changing id', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 999; Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b', id: unknownId}, function(err, p) { should.exist(err); const expectedErrMsg = 'id property (id) cannot be updated from ' + postInstance.id + ' to ' + unknownId; err.message.should.equal(expectedErrMsg); done(); }); }); }); it('works without options(callback variant)', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); p.title.should.equal('b'); done(); }); }); }); it('works with options(callback variant)', function(done) { Post.findById(postInstance.id, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.replaceAttributes({title: 'b'}, {validate: false}, function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.should.have.property('content').be.oneOf(null, undefined); p.title.should.equal('b'); done(); }); }); }); function changePostIdInHook(operationHook) { Post.observe(operationHook, function(ctx, next) { (ctx.data || ctx.instance).id = 99; next(); }); } }); } bdd.describeIf(hasReplaceById, 'replaceById', function() { let Post; before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); Post = db.define('Post', { title: {type: String, length: 255}, content: {type: String}, throwingSetter: {type: String, default: null}, }, {forceId: true}); Post.setter.throwingSetter = throwingSetter; db.automigrate('Post', done); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportForceId !== false, 'fails when id does not exist in db ' + 'using replaceById', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 123; const post = {id: unknownId, title: 'a', content: 'AAA'}; Post.replaceById(post.id, post, function(err, p) { err.statusCode.should.equal(404); done(); }); }); it('correctly coerces the PK value', async () => { const created = await Post.create({ title: 'a title', content: 'a content', }); // Emulate what happens when model instance is received by REST API clients const data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(created)); // Modify some of the data data.title = 'Draft'; // Call replaceById to modify the database record await Post.replaceById(data.id, data); // Verify what has been stored const found = await Post.findById(data.id); found.toObject().should.eql({ id: created.id, title: 'Draft', content: 'a content', throwingSetter: null, }); // Verify that no warnings were triggered Object.keys(Post._warned).should.be.empty(); }); it('should return rejected promise when model initialization failed', async () => { const firstNotFailedPost = await Post.create({title: 'Sad Post'}); // no property with failing setter await Post.replaceById(firstNotFailedPost.id, { title: 'Sad Post', throwingSetter: 'somethingElse', }).should.be.rejectedWith('Intentional error triggered from a property setter'); }); }); describe('findOrCreate', function() { it('should create a record with if new', function(done) { Person.findOrCreate({name: 'Zed', gender: 'male'}, function(err, p, created) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.name.should.equal('Zed'); p.gender.should.equal('male'); created.should.equal(true); done(); }); }); it('should find a record if exists', function(done) { Person.findOrCreate( {where: {name: 'Zed'}}, {name: 'Zed', gender: 'male'}, function(err, p, created) { if (err) return done(err); should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.name.should.equal('Zed'); p.gender.should.equal('male'); created.should.equal(false); done(); }, ); }); it('should create a record with if new (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.findOrCreate({name: 'Jed', gender: 'male'}) .then(function(res) { should.exist(res); res.should.be.instanceOf(Array); res.should.have.lengthOf(2); const p = res[0]; const created = res[1]; p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.name.should.equal('Jed'); p.gender.should.equal('male'); created.should.equal(true); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should find a record if exists (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.findOrCreate( {where: {name: 'Jed'}}, {name: 'Jed', gender: 'male'}, ) .then(function(res) { res.should.be.instanceOf(Array); res.should.have.lengthOf(2); const p = res[0]; const created = res[1]; p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.name.should.equal('Jed'); p.gender.should.equal('male'); created.should.equal(false); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('preserves empty values from the database', async () => { // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1692 // Initially, all Players were always active, no property was needed const Player = db.define('Player', {name: String}); await db.automigrate('Player'); const created = await Player.create({name: 'Pen'}); // Later on, we decide to introduce `active` property Player.defineProperty('active', { type: Boolean, default: false, }); await db.autoupdate('Player'); // And findOrCreate an existing record const [found] = await Player.findOrCreate({id: created.id}, {name: 'updated'}); should(found.toObject().active).be.oneOf([ undefined, // databases supporting `undefined` value null, // databases representing `undefined` as `null` ]); }); }); describe('destroy', function() { it('should destroy record', function(done) { Person.create(function(err, p) { if (err) return done(err); p.destroy(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); Person.exists(p.id, function(err, ex) { if (err) return done(err); ex.should.not.be.ok; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should destroy record (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.create() .then(function(p) { return p.destroy() .then(function() { return Person.exists(p.id) .then(function(ex) { ex.should.not.be.ok; done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('should destroy all records', function(done) { Person.destroyAll(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); Person.all(function(err, posts) { if (err) return done(err); posts.should.have.lengthOf(0); Person.count(function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.eql(0); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should destroy all records (promise variant)', function(done) { Person.create() .then(function() { return Person.destroyAll() .then(function() { return Person.all() .then(function(ps) { ps.should.have.lengthOf(0); return Person.count() .then(function(count) { count.should.eql(0); done(); }); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); // TODO: implement destroy with filtered set it('should destroy filtered set of records'); }); bdd.describeIf(connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false && connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId !== false, 'deleteAll/destroyAll', function() { beforeEach(function clearOldData(done) { Person.deleteAll(done); }); beforeEach(function createTestData(done) { Person.create([{ name: 'John', }, { name: 'Jane', }], function(err, data) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it('should be defined as function', function() { Person.deleteAll.should.be.a.Function; Person.destroyAll.should.be.a.Function; }); it('should only delete instances that satisfy the where condition', function(done) { Person.deleteAll({name: 'John'}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); info.should.have.property('count', 1); Person.find({where: {name: 'John'}}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); data.should.have.length(0); Person.find({where: {name: 'Jane'}}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); data.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should report zero deleted instances when no matches are found', function(done) { Person.deleteAll({name: 'does-not-match'}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); info.should.have.property('count', 0); Person.count(function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.equal(2); done(); }); }); }); it('should delete all instances when the where condition is not provided', function(done) { Person.deleteAll(function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); info.should.have.property('count', 2); Person.count(function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.equal(0); done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.describeIf(connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount === false && connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId === false, 'deleteAll/destroyAll case 2', function() { let idJohn, idJane; beforeEach(function clearOldData(done) { Person.deleteAll(done); }); beforeEach(function createTestData(done) { Person.create([{ name: 'John', }, { name: 'Jane', }], function(err, data) { should.not.exist(err); data.forEach(function(person) { if (person.name === 'John') idJohn = person.id; if (person.name === 'Jane') idJane = person.id; }); should.exist(idJohn); should.exist(idJane); done(); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should be defined as function', function() { Person.deleteAll.should.be.a.Function; Person.destroyAll.should.be.a.Function; }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should only delete instances that satisfy the where condition', function(done) { Person.deleteAll({id: idJohn}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); should.not.exist(info.count); Person.find({where: {name: 'John'}}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); should.not.exist(data.count); data.should.have.length(0); Person.find({where: {name: 'Jane'}}, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); data.should.have.length(1); done(); }); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should report zero deleted instances when no matches are found', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 1234567890; Person.deleteAll({id: unknownId}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); should.not.exist(info.count); Person.count(function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.equal(2); done(); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-identical-title it('should delete all instances when the where condition is not provided', function(done) { Person.deleteAll(function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); should.not.exist(info.count); Person.count(function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); count.should.equal(0); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('deleteById', function() { beforeEach(givenSomePeople); afterEach(function() { Person.settings.strictDelete = false; }); it('should allow deleteById(id) - success', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(e, p) { Person.deleteById(p.id, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 1); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } done(); }); }); }); it('should allow deleteById(id) - fail', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 9999; Person.settings.strictDelete = false; Person.deleteById(unknownId, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 0); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } done(); }); }); it('should allow deleteById(id) - fail with error', function(done) { const unknownId = uid.fromConnector(db) || 9999; const errMsg = 'No instance with id ' + unknownId.toString() + ' found for Person'; Person.settings.strictDelete = true; Person.deleteById(unknownId, function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal(errMsg); err.should.have.property('code', 'NOT_FOUND'); err.should.have.property('statusCode', 404); done(); }); }); }); describe('prototype.delete', function() { beforeEach(givenSomePeople); afterEach(function() { Person.settings.strictDelete = false; }); it('should allow delete(id) - success', function(done) { Person.findOne(function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.delete(function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 1); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } done(); }); }); }); it('should allow delete(id) - fail', function(done) { Person.settings.strictDelete = false; Person.findOne(function(e, p) { if (e) return done(e); p.delete(function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 1); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } p.delete(function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 0); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.supportStrictDelete !== false, 'should allow delete(id) - ' + 'fail with error', function(done) { Person.settings.strictDelete = true; Person.findOne(function(err, u) { if (err) return done(err); u.delete(function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); info.should.have.property('count', 1); u.delete(function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal('No instance with id ' + u.id + ' found for Person'); err.should.have.property('code', 'NOT_FOUND'); err.should.have.property('statusCode', 404); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('initialize', function() { it('should initialize object properly', function() { const hw = 'Hello word', now = Date.now(), person = new Person({name: hw}); person.name.should.equal(hw); person.name = 'Goodbye, Lenin'; (person.createdAt >= now).should.be.true; person.isNewRecord().should.be.true; }); describe('Date $now function (type: Date)', function() { let CustomModel; before(function(done) { CustomModel = db.define('CustomModel1', { createdAt: {type: Date, default: '$now'}, }); db.automigrate('CustomModel1', done); }); it('should report current date as default value for date property', function(done) { const now = Date.now(); CustomModel.create(function(err, model) { should.not.exists(err); model.createdAt.should.be.instanceOf(Date); (model.createdAt >= now).should.be.true; }); done(); }); }); describe('Date $now function (type: String)', function() { let CustomModel; before(function(done) { CustomModel = db.define('CustomModel2', { now: {type: String, default: '$now'}, }); db.automigrate('CustomModel2', done); }); it('should report \'$now\' as default value for string property', function(done) { CustomModel.create(function(err, model) { if (err) return done(err); model.now.should.be.instanceOf(String); model.now.should.equal('$now'); }); done(); }); }); describe('now defaultFn', function() { let CustomModel; before(function(done) { CustomModel = db.define('CustomModel3', { now: {type: Date, defaultFn: 'now'}, }); db.automigrate('CustomModel3', done); }); it('should generate current time when "defaultFn" is "now"', function(done) { const now = Date.now(); CustomModel.create(function(err, model) { if (err) return done(err); model.now.should.be.instanceOf(Date); model.now.should.be.within(now, now + 200); done(); }); }); }); describe('guid defaultFn', function() { let CustomModel; before(function(done) { CustomModel = db.define('CustomModel4', { guid: {type: String, defaultFn: 'guid'}, }); db.automigrate('CustomModel4', done); }); it('should generate a new id when "defaultFn" is "guid"', function(done) { CustomModel.create(function(err, model) { if (err) return done(err); model.guid.should.match(UUID_REGEXP); done(); }); }); }); describe('uuid defaultFn', function() { let CustomModel; before(function(done) { CustomModel = db.define('CustomModel5', { guid: {type: String, defaultFn: 'uuid'}, }); db.automigrate('CustomModel5', done); }); it('should generate a new id when "defaultfn" is "uuid"', function(done) { CustomModel.create(function(err, model) { if (err) return done(err); model.guid.should.match(UUID_REGEXP); done(); }); }); }); describe('uuidv4 defaultFn', function() { let CustomModel; before(function(done) { CustomModel = db.define('CustomModel5', { guid: {type: String, defaultFn: 'uuidv4'}, }); db.automigrate('CustomModel5', done); }); it('should generate a new id when "defaultfn" is "uuidv4"', function(done) { CustomModel.create(function(err, model) { should.not.exists(err); model.guid.should.match(UUID_REGEXP); done(); }); }); }); describe('shortid defaultFn', function() { let ModelWithShortId; before(createModelWithShortId); it('should generate a new id when "defaultFn" is "shortid"', function(done) { const SHORTID_REGEXP = /^[0-9a-z_\-]{7,14}$/i; ModelWithShortId.create(function(err, modelWithShortId) { if (err) return done(err); modelWithShortId.shortid.should.match(SHORTID_REGEXP); done(); }); }); function createModelWithShortId(cb) { ModelWithShortId = db.define('ModelWithShortId', { shortid: {type: String, defaultFn: 'shortid'}, }); db.automigrate('ModelWithShortId', cb); } }); // it('should work when constructor called as function', function() { // var p = Person({name: 'John Resig'}); // p.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); // p.name.should.equal('John Resig'); // }); }); describe('property value coercion', function() { it('should coerce boolean types properly', function() { let p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: 'false'}); p1.married.should.equal(false); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: 'true'}); p1.married.should.equal(true); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: '1'}); p1.married.should.equal(true); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: '0'}); p1.married.should.equal(false); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: true}); p1.married.should.equal(true); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: false}); p1.married.should.equal(false); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: 'null'}); p1.married.should.equal(true); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: ''}); p1.married.should.equal(false); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: 'X'}); p1.married.should.equal(true); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: 0}); p1.married.should.equal(false); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: 1}); p1.married.should.equal(true); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: null}); p1.should.have.property('married', null); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', married: undefined}); p1.should.have.property('married', undefined); }); it('should coerce date types properly', function() { let p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: '2/1/2015'}); p1.dob.should.eql(new Date('2/1/2015')); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: '2/1/2015'}); p1.dob.should.eql(new Date('2/1/2015')); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: '12'}); p1.dob.should.eql(new Date('12')); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: 12}); p1.dob.should.eql(new Date(12)); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: null}); p1.should.have.property('dob', null); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: undefined}); p1.should.have.property('dob', undefined); p1 = new Person({name: 'John', dob: 'X'}); p1.should.have.property('dob'); p1.dob.toString().should.be.eql('Invalid Date'); }); }); describe('update/updateAll', function() { let idBrett, idCarla, idDonna, idFrank, idGrace, idHarry; let filterBrett, filterHarry; beforeEach(function clearOldData(done) { db = getSchema(); Person.destroyAll(done); }); beforeEach(function createTestData(done) { Person.create([{ name: 'Brett Boe', age: 19, }, { name: 'Carla Coe', age: 20, }, { name: 'Donna Doe', age: 21, }, { name: 'Frank Foe', age: 22, }, { name: 'Grace Goe', age: 23, }], function(err, data) { should.not.exist(err); data.forEach(function(person) { if (person.name === 'Brett Boe') idBrett = person.id; if (person.name === 'Carla Coe') idCarla = person.id; if (person.name === 'Donna Doe') idDonna = person.id; if (person.name === 'Frank Foe') idFrank = person.id; if (person.name === 'Grace Goe') idGrace = person.id; }); should.exist(idBrett); should.exist(idCarla); should.exist(idDonna); should.exist(idFrank); should.exist(idGrace); done(); }); }); it('should be defined as a function', function() { Person.update.should.be.a.Function; Person.updateAll.should.be.a.Function; }); it('should not update instances that do not satisfy the where condition', function(done) { idHarry = uid.fromConnector(db) || undefined; const filter = connectorCapabilities.updateWithOtherThanId === false ? {id: idHarry} : {name: 'Harry Hoe'}; Person.update(filter, {name: 'Marta Moe'}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 0); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } Person.find({where: {name: 'Harry Hoe'}}, function(err, people) { if (err) return done(err); people.should.be.empty; done(); }); }); }); it('should only update instances that satisfy the where condition', function(done) { const filter = connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId === false ? {id: idBrett} : {name: 'Brett Boe'}; Person.update(filter, {name: 'Harry Hoe'}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); if (connectorCapabilities.reportDeletedCount !== false) { info.should.have.property('count', 1); } else { should.not.exist(info.count); } Person.find({where: {age: 19}}, function(err, people) { if (err) return done(err); people.should.have.length(1); people[0].name.should.equal('Harry Hoe'); done(); }); }); }); it('should reject updated empty password with updateAll', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'abc123'}, function(err, createdUser) { if (err) return done(err); StubUser.updateAll({where: {id: createdUser.id}}, {'password': ''}, function(err, updatedUser) { (err.message).should.match(/password cannot be empty/); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.updateWithoutId !== false, 'should update all instances when the where condition is not provided', function(done) { filterHarry = connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId === false ? {id: idHarry} : {name: 'Harry Hoe'}; filterBrett = connectorCapabilities.deleteWithOtherThanId === false ? {id: idBrett} : {name: 'Brett Boe'}; Person.update(filterHarry, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); info.should.have.property('count', 5); Person.find({where: filterBrett}, function(err, people) { if (err) return done(err); people.should.be.empty(); Person.find({where: filterHarry}, function(err, people) { if (err) return done(err); people.should.have.length(5); done(); }); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.ignoreUndefinedConditionValue !== false, 'should ignore where ' + 'conditions with undefined values', function(done) { Person.update(filterBrett, {name: undefined, gender: 'male'}, function(err, info) { if (err) return done(err); info.should.have.property('count', 1); Person.find({where: filterBrett}, function(err, people) { if (err) return done(err); people.should.have.length(1); people[0].name.should.equal('Brett Boe'); done(); }); }); }); it('should not coerce invalid values provided in where conditions', function(done) { Person.update({name: 'Brett Boe'}, {dob: 'notadate'}, function(err) { should.exist(err); err.message.should.equal('Invalid date: notadate'); done(); }); }); }); describe('upsertWithWhere', function() { let ds, Person; before('prepare "Person" model', function(done) { ds = getSchema(); Person = ds.define('Person', { id: {type: Number, id: true}, name: {type: String}, city: {type: String}, }); ds.automigrate('Person', done); }); it('has an alias "patchOrCreateWithWhere"', function() { StubUser.upsertWithWhere.should.equal(StubUser.patchOrCreateWithWhere); }); it('should preserve properties with dynamic setters on create', function(done) { StubUser.upsertWithWhere({password: 'foo'}, {password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); created.password.should.equal('foo-FOO'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); found.password.should.equal('foo-FOO'); done(); }); }); }); it('should preserve properties with dynamic setters on update', function(done) { StubUser.create({password: 'foo'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); const data = {password: 'bar'}; StubUser.upsertWithWhere({id: created.id}, data, function(err, updated) { if (err) return done(err); updated.password.should.equal('bar-BAR'); StubUser.findById(created.id, function(err, found) { if (err) return done(err); found.password.should.equal('bar-BAR'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should preserve properties with "undefined" value', function(done) { Person.create( {id: 10, name: 'Ritz', city: undefined}, function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); instance.toObject().should.have.properties({ id: 10, name: 'Ritz', city: undefined, }); Person.upsertWithWhere({id: 10}, {name: 'updated name'}, function(err, updated) { if (err) return done(err); const result = updated.toObject(); result.should.have.properties({ id: instance.id, name: 'updated name', }); should.equal(result.city, null); done(); }); }, ); }); it('should allow save() of the created instance', function(done) { Person.upsertWithWhere({id: 999}, // Todo @mountain: This seems a bug why in data object still I need to pass id? {id: 999, name: 'a-name'}, function(err, inst) { if (err) return done(err); inst.save(done); }); }); it('works without options on create (promise variant)', function(done) { const person = {id: 123, name: 'a', city: 'city a'}; Person.upsertWithWhere({id: 123}, person) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.id.should.eql(person.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal(person.name); p.city.should.equal(person.city); return Person.findById(p.id) .then(function(p) { p.id.should.eql(person.id); p.id.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal(person.name); p.city.should.equal(person.city); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works with options on create (promise variant)', function(done) { const person = {id: 234, name: 'b', city: 'city b'}; Person.upsertWithWhere({id: 234}, person, {validate: false}) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.id.should.eql(person.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal(person.name); p.city.should.equal(person.city); return Person.findById(p.id) .then(function(p) { p.id.should.eql(person.id); p.id.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal(person.name); p.city.should.equal(person.city); done(); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works without options on update (promise variant)', function(done) { const person = {id: 456, name: 'AAA', city: 'city AAA'}; Person.create(person) .then(function(created) { created = created.toObject(); delete created.city; created.name = 'BBB'; return Person.upsertWithWhere({id: 456}, created) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.id.should.eql(created.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal('BBB'); p.should.have.property('city', 'city AAA'); return Person.findById(created.id) .then(function(p) { p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal('BBB'); p.city.should.equal('city AAA'); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('works with options on update (promise variant)', function(done) { const person = {id: 789, name: 'CCC', city: 'city CCC'}; Person.create(person) .then(function(created) { created = created.toObject(); delete created.city; created.name = 'Carlton'; return Person.upsertWithWhere({id: 789}, created, {validate: false}) .then(function(p) { should.exist(p); p.should.be.instanceOf(Person); p.id.should.eql(created.id); p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal('Carlton'); p.should.have.property('city', 'city CCC'); return Person.findById(created.id) .then(function(p) { p.should.not.have.property('_id'); p.name.should.equal('Carlton'); p.city.should.equal('city CCC'); done(); }); }); }) .catch(done); }); it('fails the upsertWithWhere operation when data object is empty', function(done) { const options = {}; Person.upsertWithWhere({name: 'John Lennon'}, {}, options, function(err) { err.message.should.equal('data object cannot be empty!'); done(); }); }); it('creates a new record when no matching instance is found', function(done) { Person.upsertWithWhere({city: 'Florida'}, {name: 'Nick Carter', id: 1, city: 'Florida'}, function(err, created) { if (err) return done(err); Person.findById(1, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); data.id.should.equal(1); data.name.should.equal('Nick Carter'); data.city.should.equal('Florida'); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.atomicUpsertWithWhere !== true, 'fails the upsertWithWhere operation when multiple instances are ' + 'retrieved based on the filter criteria', function(done) { Person.create([ {id: '2', name: 'Howie', city: 'Florida'}, {id: '3', name: 'Kevin', city: 'Florida'}, ], function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); Person.upsertWithWhere({city: 'Florida'}, { id: '4', name: 'Brian', }, function(err) { err.message.should.equal('There are multiple instances found.' + 'Upsert Operation will not be performed!'); done(); }); }); }); bdd.itIf(connectorCapabilities.atomicUpsertWithWhere === true, 'upsertWithWhere update the first matching instance when multiple instances are ' + 'retrieved based on the filter criteria', async () => { // The first matching instance is determinate from specific connector implementation // For example for mongodb connector the sort parameter is used (default to _id asc) await Person.create([ {id: '4', name: 'Howie', city: 'Turin'}, {id: '3', name: 'Kevin', city: 'Turin'}, ]); await Person.upsertWithWhere({city: 'Turin'}, {name: 'Brian'}); const updatedInstance = await Person.findById('3'); should.exist(updatedInstance); updatedInstance.name.should.equal('Brian'); const notUpdatedInstance = await Person.findById('4'); should.exist(notUpdatedInstance); notUpdatedInstance.name.should.equal('Howie'); }); it('updates the record when one matching instance is found ' + 'based on the filter criteria', function(done) { Person.create([ {id: '5', name: 'Howie', city: 'Kentucky'}, ], function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); Person.upsertWithWhere({city: 'Kentucky'}, { name: 'Brian', }, {validate: false}, function(err, instance) { if (err) return done(err); Person.findById(5, function(err, data) { if (err) return done(err); should.equal(data.id, 5); data.name.should.equal('Brian'); data.city.should.equal('Kentucky'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('preserves empty values from the database', async () => { // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/1692 // Initially, all Players were always active, no property was needed const Player = db.define('Player', {name: String}); await db.automigrate('Player'); const created = await Player.create({name: 'Pen'}); // Later on, we decide to introduce `active` property Player.defineProperty('active', { type: Boolean, default: false, }); await db.autoupdate('Player'); // And upsertWithWhere an existing record const found = await Player.upsertWithWhere({id: created.id}, {name: 'updated'}); should(found.toObject().active).be.oneOf([ undefined, // databases supporting `undefined` value null, // databases representing `undefined` as `null` (e.g. SQL) ]); }); it('preserves custom type of auto-generated id property', async () => { // NOTE: This test is trying to reproduce the behavior observed // when using property defined as follows: // {type: 'string', generated: true, mongodb: {dataType: 'ObjectID'}} // We want to test that behavior for all connectors, which is tricky, // because not all connectors support autogenerated string PK values. const User = db.define('UserWithStringId', { id: { type: String, id: true, useDefaultIdType: false, // `useDefaultIdType` is applied only when `generated: true` generated: true, }, name: String, }, {forceId: false}); // disable `generated: true` because many SQL databases cannot // auto-generate string ids User.definition.properties.id.generated = false; User.definition.rawProperties.id.generated = false; await db.automigrate(User.modelName); const userId = 'custom user id'; const createdUser = await User.create({id: userId, name: 'testUser'}); // strict equality check createdUser.id.should.equal(userId); const foundUser = await User.findById(userId); // strict equality check foundUser.id.should.equal(userId); }); }); }); function givenSomePeople(done) { const beatles = [ {name: 'John Lennon', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'Paul McCartney', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'George Harrison', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'Ringo Starr', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'Pete Best', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'Stuart Sutcliffe', gender: 'male'}, ]; async.series([ Person.destroyAll.bind(Person), function(cb) { async.each(beatles, Person.create.bind(Person), cb); }, ], done); }