// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; var should = require('./init.js'); var utils = require('../lib/utils'); var ObjectID = require('bson').ObjectID; var fieldsToArray = utils.fieldsToArray; var sanitizeQuery = utils.sanitizeQuery; var deepMerge = utils.deepMerge; var rankArrayElements = utils.rankArrayElements; var mergeIncludes = utils.mergeIncludes; var sortObjectsByIds = utils.sortObjectsByIds; var uniq = utils.uniq; describe('util.fieldsToArray', function() { function sample(fields, excludeUnknown) { var properties = ['foo', 'bar', 'bat', 'baz']; return { expect: function(arr) { should.deepEqual(fieldsToArray(fields, properties, excludeUnknown), arr); }, }; } it('Turn objects and strings into an array of fields' + ' to include when finding models', function() { sample(false).expect(undefined); sample(null).expect(undefined); sample({}).expect(undefined); sample('foo').expect(['foo']); sample(['foo']).expect(['foo']); sample({'foo': 1}).expect(['foo']); sample({'bat': true}).expect(['bat']); sample({'bat': 0}).expect(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); sample({'bat': false}).expect(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); }); it('should exclude unknown properties', function() { sample(false, true).expect(undefined); sample(null, true).expect(undefined); sample({}, true).expect(undefined); sample('foo', true).expect(['foo']); sample(['foo', 'unknown'], true).expect(['foo']); sample({'foo': 1, unknown: 1}, true).expect(['foo']); sample({'bat': true, unknown: true}, true).expect(['bat']); sample({'bat': 0}, true).expect(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); sample({'bat': false}, true).expect(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); sample({'other': false}, true).expect(['foo', 'bar', 'bat', 'baz']); }); }); describe('util.sanitizeQuery', function() { it('Remove undefined values from the query object', function() { var q1 = {where: {x: 1, y: undefined}}; should.deepEqual(sanitizeQuery(q1), {where: {x: 1}}); var q2 = {where: {x: 1, y: 2}}; should.deepEqual(sanitizeQuery(q2), {where: {x: 1, y: 2}}); var q3 = {where: {x: 1, y: {in: [2, undefined]}}}; should.deepEqual(sanitizeQuery(q3), {where: {x: 1, y: {in: [2]}}}); should.equal(sanitizeQuery(null), null); should.equal(sanitizeQuery(undefined), undefined); should.equal(sanitizeQuery('x'), 'x'); var date = new Date(); var q4 = {where: {x: 1, y: date}}; should.deepEqual(sanitizeQuery(q4), {where: {x: 1, y: date}}); // test handling of undefined var q5 = {where: {x: 1, y: undefined}}; should.deepEqual(sanitizeQuery(q5, 'nullify'), {where: {x: 1, y: null}}); q5 = {where: {x: 1, y: undefined}}; should.deepEqual(sanitizeQuery(q5, {normalizeUndefinedInQuery: 'nullify'}), {where: {x: 1, y: null}}); var q6 = {where: {x: 1, y: undefined}}; (function() { sanitizeQuery(q6, 'throw'); }).should.throw(/`undefined` in query/); }); it('Report errors for circular or deep query objects', function() { var q7 = {where: {x: 1}}; q7.where.y = q7; (function() { sanitizeQuery(q7); }).should.throw( /The query object is circular/ ); var q8 = {where: {and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{x: 1}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}}; (function() { sanitizeQuery(q8); }).should.throw( /The query object exceeds maximum depth 12/ ); var q9 = {where: {and: [{and: [{and: [{and: [{x: 1}]}]}]}]}}; (function() { sanitizeQuery(q8, {maxDepth: 4}); }).should.throw( /The query object exceeds maximum depth 4/ ); }); it('Removed prohibited properties in query objects', function() { var q1 = {where: {secret: 'guess'}}; sanitizeQuery(q1, {prohibitedKeys: ['secret']}); q1.where.should.eql({}); var q2 = {and: [{secret: 'guess'}, {x: 1}]}; sanitizeQuery(q2, {prohibitedKeys: ['secret']}); q2.should.eql({and: [{}, {x: 1}]}); }); }); describe('util.parseSettings', function() { it('Parse a full url into a settings object', function() { var url = 'mongodb://x:y@localhost:27017/mydb?w=2'; var settings = utils.parseSettings(url); should.equal(settings.hostname, 'localhost'); should.equal(settings.port, 27017); should.equal(settings.host, 'localhost'); should.equal(settings.user, 'x'); should.equal(settings.password, 'y'); should.equal(settings.database, 'mydb'); should.equal(settings.connector, 'mongodb'); should.equal(settings.w, '2'); should.equal(settings.url, 'mongodb://x:y@localhost:27017/mydb?w=2'); }); it('Parse a url without auth into a settings object', function() { var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb/abc?w=2'; var settings = utils.parseSettings(url); should.equal(settings.hostname, 'localhost'); should.equal(settings.port, 27017); should.equal(settings.host, 'localhost'); should.equal(settings.user, undefined); should.equal(settings.password, undefined); should.equal(settings.database, 'mydb'); should.equal(settings.connector, 'mongodb'); should.equal(settings.w, '2'); should.equal(settings.url, 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb/abc?w=2'); }); it('Parse a url with complex query into a settings object', function() { var url = 'mysql://[a]=1&x[b]=2&engine=InnoDB'; var settings = utils.parseSettings(url); should.equal(settings.hostname, ''); should.equal(settings.port, 3306); should.equal(settings.host, ''); should.equal(settings.user, undefined); should.equal(settings.password, undefined); should.equal(settings.database, 'mydb'); should.equal(settings.connector, 'mysql'); should.equal(settings.x.a, '1'); should.equal(settings.x.b, '2'); should.equal(settings.engine, 'InnoDB'); should.equal(settings.url, 'mysql://[a]=1&x[b]=2&engine=InnoDB'); }); it('Parse a Memory url without auth into a settings object', function() { var url = 'memory://?x=1'; var settings = utils.parseSettings(url); should.equal(settings.hostname, ''); should.equal(settings.user, undefined); should.equal(settings.password, undefined); should.equal(settings.database, undefined); should.equal(settings.connector, 'memory'); should.equal(settings.x, '1'); should.equal(settings.url, 'memory://?x=1'); }); }); describe('util.deepMerge', function() { it('should deep merge objects', function() { var extras = {base: 'User', relations: {accessTokens: {model: 'accessToken', type: 'hasMany', foreignKey: 'userId'}, account: {model: 'account', type: 'belongsTo'}}, acls: [ {accessType: '*', permission: 'DENY', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone'}, {accessType: '*', permission: 'ALLOW', principalType: 'ROLE', property: 'login', principalId: '$everyone'}, {permission: 'ALLOW', property: 'findById', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$owner'}, ]}; var base = {strict: false, acls: [ {principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'ALLOW', property: 'create'}, {principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$owner', permission: 'ALLOW', property: 'removeById'}, ], maxTTL: 31556926, ttl: 1209600}; var merged = deepMerge(base, extras); var expected = {strict: false, acls: [ {principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'ALLOW', property: 'create'}, {principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$owner', permission: 'ALLOW', property: 'removeById'}, {accessType: '*', permission: 'DENY', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone'}, {accessType: '*', permission: 'ALLOW', principalType: 'ROLE', property: 'login', principalId: '$everyone'}, {permission: 'ALLOW', property: 'findById', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$owner'}, ], maxTTL: 31556926, ttl: 1209600, base: 'User', relations: {accessTokens: {model: 'accessToken', type: 'hasMany', foreignKey: 'userId'}, account: {model: 'account', type: 'belongsTo'}}}; should.deepEqual(merged, expected, 'Merged objects should match the expectation'); }); }); describe('util.rankArrayElements', function() { it('should add property \'__rank\' to array elements of type object {}', function() { var acls = [ {accessType: '*', permission: 'DENY', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone'}, ]; var rankedAcls = rankArrayElements(acls, 2); should.equal(rankedAcls[0].__rank, 2); }); it('should not replace existing \'__rank\' property of array elements', function() { var acls = [ {accessType: '*', permission: 'DENY', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', __rank: 1, }, ]; var rankedAcls = rankArrayElements(acls, 2); should.equal(rankedAcls[0].__rank, 1); }); }); describe('util.sortObjectsByIds', function() { var items = [ {id: 1, name: 'a'}, {id: 2, name: 'b'}, {id: 3, name: 'c'}, {id: 4, name: 'd'}, {id: 5, name: 'e'}, {id: 6, name: 'f'}, ]; it('should sort', function() { var sorted = sortObjectsByIds('id', [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], items); var names = sorted.map(function(u) { return u.name; }); should.deepEqual(names, ['f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a']); }); it('should sort - partial ids', function() { var sorted = sortObjectsByIds('id', [5, 3, 2], items); var names = sorted.map(function(u) { return u.name; }); should.deepEqual(names, ['e', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'd', 'f']); }); it('should sort - strict', function() { var sorted = sortObjectsByIds('id', [5, 3, 2], items, true); var names = sorted.map(function(u) { return u.name; }); should.deepEqual(names, ['e', 'c', 'b']); }); }); describe('util.mergeIncludes', function() { function checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude) { var mergedInclude = mergeIncludes(baseInclude, updateInclude); should.deepEqual(mergedInclude, expectedInclude, 'Merged include should match the expectation'); } it('Merge string values to object', function() { var baseInclude = 'relation1'; var updateInclude = 'relation2'; var expectedInclude = [ {relation2: true}, {relation1: true}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge string & array values to object', function() { var baseInclude = 'relation1'; var updateInclude = ['relation2']; var expectedInclude = [ {relation2: true}, {relation1: true}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge string & object values to object', function() { var baseInclude = ['relation1']; var updateInclude = {relation2: 'relation2Include'}; var expectedInclude = [ {relation2: 'relation2Include'}, {relation1: true}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge array & array values to object', function() { var baseInclude = ['relation1']; var updateInclude = ['relation2']; var expectedInclude = [ {relation2: true}, {relation1: true}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge array & object values to object', function() { var baseInclude = ['relation1']; var updateInclude = {relation2: 'relation2Include'}; var expectedInclude = [ {relation2: 'relation2Include'}, {relation1: true}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge object & object values to object', function() { var baseInclude = {relation1: 'relation1Include'}; var updateInclude = {relation2: 'relation2Include'}; var expectedInclude = [ {relation2: 'relation2Include'}, {relation1: 'relation1Include'}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Override property collision with update value', function() { var baseInclude = {relation1: 'baseValue'}; var updateInclude = {relation1: 'updateValue'}; var expectedInclude = [ {relation1: 'updateValue'}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge string includes & include with relation syntax properly', function() { var baseInclude = 'relation1'; var updateInclude = {relation: 'relation1'}; var expectedInclude = [ {relation: 'relation1'}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge string includes & include with scope properly', function() { var baseInclude = 'relation1'; var updateInclude = { relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}, }; var expectedInclude = [ {relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}}, ]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge includes with and without relation syntax properly', function() { // w & w/o relation syntax - no collision var baseInclude = ['relation2']; var updateInclude = { relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}, }; var expectedInclude = [{ relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}, }, {relation2: true}]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); // w & w/o relation syntax - collision baseInclude = ['relation1']; updateInclude = {relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}}; expectedInclude = [{relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}}]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); // w & w/o relation syntax - collision baseInclude = {relation: 'relation1', scope: {include: 'relation2'}}; updateInclude = ['relation1']; expectedInclude = [{relation1: true}]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); it('Merge includes with mixture of strings, arrays & objects properly', function() { var baseInclude = ['relation1', {relation2: true}, {relation: 'relation3', scope: {where: {id: 'some id'}}}, {relation: 'relation5', scope: {where: {id: 'some id'}}}, ]; var updateInclude = ['relation4', {relation3: true}, {relation: 'relation2', scope: {where: {id: 'some id'}}}]; var expectedInclude = [{relation4: true}, {relation3: true}, {relation: 'relation2', scope: {where: {id: 'some id'}}}, {relation1: true}, {relation: 'relation5', scope: {where: {id: 'some id'}}}]; checkInputOutput(baseInclude, updateInclude, expectedInclude); }); }); describe('util.uniq', function() { it('should dedupe an array with duplicate number entries', function() { var a = [1, 2, 1, 3]; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql([1, 2, 3]); }); it('should dedupe an array with duplicate string entries', function() { var a = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a']; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql(['a', 'b']); }); it('should dedupe an array with duplicate bson entries', function() { var idOne = new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c62'); var idTwo = new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c63'); var a = [idOne, idTwo, new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c62'), new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c62')]; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql([idOne, idTwo]); }); it('should dedupe an array without duplicate number entries', function() { var a = [1, 3, 2]; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql([1, 3, 2]); }); it('should dedupe an array without duplicate string entries', function() { var a = ['a', 'c', 'b']; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql(['a', 'c', 'b']); }); it('should dedupe an array without duplicate bson entries', function() { var idOne = new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c62'); var idTwo = new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c63'); var idThree = new ObjectID('59f9ec5dc7d59a00042f7c64'); var a = [idOne, idTwo, idThree]; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql([idOne, idTwo, idThree]); }); it('should allow null/undefined array', function() { var a = null; var b = uniq(a); b.should.eql([]); }); it('should report error for non-array arg', function() { var a = '1'; try { var b = uniq(a); throw new Error('The test should have thrown an error'); } catch (err) { err.should.be.instanceof(Error); } }); }); describe('util.toRegExp', function() { var invalidDataTypes; var validDataTypes; before(function() { invalidDataTypes = [0, true, {}, [], Function, null]; validDataTypes = ['string', /^regex/, new RegExp(/^regex/)]; }); it('should not accept invalid data types', function() { invalidDataTypes.forEach(function(invalid) { utils.toRegExp(invalid).should.be.an.Error; }); }); it('should accept valid data types', function() { validDataTypes.forEach(function(valid) { utils.toRegExp(valid).should.not.be.an.Error; }); }); context('with a regex string', function() { it('should return a RegExp object when no regex flags are provided', function() { utils.toRegExp('^regex$').should.be.an.instanceOf(RegExp); }); it('should throw an error when invalid regex flags are provided', function() { utils.toRegExp('^regex$/abc').should.be.an.Error; }); it('should return a RegExp object when valid flags are provided', function() { utils.toRegExp('regex/igm').should.be.an.instanceOf(RegExp); }); }); context('with a regex literal', function() { it('should return a RegExp object', function() { utils.toRegExp(/^regex$/igm).should.be.an.instanceOf(RegExp); }); }); context('with a regex object', function() { it('should return a RegExp object', function() { utils.toRegExp(new RegExp('^regex$', 'igm')).should.be.an.instanceOf(RegExp); }); }); }); describe('util.hasRegExpFlags', function() { context('with a regex string', function() { it('should be true when the regex has invalid flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags('^regex$/abc').should.be.ok; }); it('should be true when the regex has valid flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags('^regex$/igm').should.be.ok; }); it('should be false when the regex has no flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags('^regex$').should.not.be.ok; utils.hasRegExpFlags('^regex$/').should.not.be.ok; }); }); context('with a regex literal', function() { it('should be true when the regex has valid flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags(/^regex$/igm).should.be.ok; }); it('should be false when the regex has no flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags(/^regex$/).should.not.be.ok; }); }); context('with a regex object', function() { it('should be true when the regex has valid flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags(new RegExp(/^regex$/igm)).should.be.ok; }); it('should be false when the regex has no flags', function() { utils.hasRegExpFlags(new RegExp(/^regex$/)).should.not.be.ok; }); }); }); describe('util.idsHaveDuplicates', function() { context('with string IDs', function() { it('should be true with a duplicate present', function() { utils.idsHaveDuplicates(['a', 'b', 'a']).should.be.ok; }); it('should be false when no duplicates are present', function() { utils.idsHaveDuplicates(['a', 'b', 'c']).should.not.be.ok; }); }); context('with numeric IDs', function() { it('should be true with a duplicate present', function() { utils.idsHaveDuplicates([1, 2, 1]).should.be.ok; }); it('should be false when no duplicates are present', function() { utils.idsHaveDuplicates([1, 2, 3]).should.not.be.ok; }); }); context('with complex IDs', function() { it('should be true with a duplicate present', function() { utils.idsHaveDuplicates(['a', 'b', 'a'].map(id => ({id}))).should.be.ok; }); it('should be false when no duplicates are present', function() { utils.idsHaveDuplicates(['a', 'b', 'c'].map(id => ({id}))).should.not.be.ok; }); }); });