// This test written in mocha+should.js var should = require('./init.js'); var db, Person; var ValidationError = require('..').ValidationError; describe('manipulation', function () { before(function (done) { db = getSchema(); Person = db.define('Person', { name: String, gender: String, married: Boolean, age: {type: Number, index: true}, dob: Date, createdAt: {type: Number, default: Date.now} }); db.automigrate(done); }); describe('create', function () { before(function (done) { Person.destroyAll(done); }); it('should create instance', function (done) { Person.create({name: 'Anatoliy'}, function (err, p) { p.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); should.not.exist(err); should.exist(p); Person.findById(p.id, function (err, person) { person.id.should.equal(p.id); person.name.should.equal('Anatoliy'); done(); }); }); }); it('should return instance of object', function (done) { var person = Person.create(function (err, p) { p.id.should.eql(person.id); done(); }); should.exist(person); person.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); should.not.exist(person.id); }); it('should work when called without callback', function (done) { Person.afterCreate = function (next) { this.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); this.name.should.equal('Nickolay'); should.exist(this.id); Person.afterCreate = null; next(); setTimeout(done, 10); }; Person.create({name: 'Nickolay'}); }); it('should create instance with blank data', function (done) { Person.create(function (err, p) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(p); should.not.exists(p.name); Person.findById(p.id, function (err, person) { person.id.should.equal(p.id); should.not.exists(person.name); done(); }); }); }); it('should work when called with no data and callback', function (done) { Person.afterCreate = function (next) { this.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); should.not.exist(this.name); should.exist(this.id); Person.afterCreate = null; next(); setTimeout(done, 30); }; Person.create(); }); it('should create batch of objects', function (done) { var batch = [ {name: 'Shaltay'}, {name: 'Boltay'}, {} ]; Person.create(batch,function (e, ps) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(ps); ps.should.be.instanceOf(Array); ps.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); Person.validatesPresenceOf('name'); Person.create(batch,function (errors, persons) { delete Person._validations; should.exist(errors); errors.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); should.not.exist(errors[0]); should.not.exist(errors[1]); should.exist(errors[2]); should.exist(persons); persons.should.have.lengthOf(batch.length); persons[0].errors.should.be.false; done(); }).should.be.instanceOf(Array); }).should.have.lengthOf(3); }); }); describe('save', function () { it('should save new object', function (done) { var p = new Person; p.save(function (err) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(p.id); done(); }); }); it('should save existing object', function (done) { Person.findOne(function (err, p) { should.not.exist(err); p.name = 'Hans'; p.propertyChanged('name').should.be.true; p.save(function (err) { should.not.exist(err); p.propertyChanged('name').should.be.false; Person.findOne(function (err, p) { should.not.exist(err); p.name.should.equal('Hans'); p.propertyChanged('name').should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should save invalid object (skipping validation)', function (done) { Person.findOne(function (err, p) { should.not.exist(err); p.isValid = function (done) { process.nextTick(done); return false; }; p.name = 'Nana'; p.save(function (err) { should.exist(err); p.propertyChanged('name').should.be.true; p.save({validate: false}, function (err) { should.not.exist(err); p.propertyChanged('name').should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should save throw error on validation', function () { Person.findOne(function (err, p) { should.not.exist(err); p.isValid = function (cb) { cb(false); return false; }; (function () { p.save({ 'throws': true }); }).should.throw(ValidationError); }); }); }); describe('updateAttributes', function () { var person; before(function (done) { Person.destroyAll(function () { person = Person.create(done); }); }); it('should update one attribute', function (done) { person.updateAttribute('name', 'Paul Graham', function (err, p) { should.not.exist(err); Person.all(function (e, ps) { should.not.exist(err); ps.should.have.lengthOf(1); ps.pop().name.should.equal('Paul Graham'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('destroy', function () { it('should destroy record', function (done) { Person.create(function (err, p) { p.destroy(function (err) { should.not.exist(err); Person.exists(p.id, function (err, ex) { ex.should.not.be.ok; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should destroy all records', function (done) { Person.destroyAll(function (err) { should.not.exist(err); Person.all(function (err, posts) { posts.should.have.lengthOf(0); Person.count(function (err, count) { count.should.eql(0); done(); }); }); }); }); // TODO: implement destroy with filtered set it('should destroy filtered set of records'); }); describe('initialize', function () { it('should initialize object properly', function () { var hw = 'Hello word', now = Date.now(), person = new Person({name: hw}); person.name.should.equal(hw); person.propertyChanged('name').should.be.false; person.name = 'Goodbye, Lenin'; person.name$was.should.equal(hw); person.propertyChanged('name').should.be.true; (person.createdAt >= now).should.be.true; person.isNewRecord().should.be.true; }); // it('should work when constructor called as function', function() { // var p = Person({name: 'John Resig'}); // p.should.be.an.instanceOf(Person); // p.name.should.equal('John Resig'); // }); }); });