/** * Module dependencies */ var i8n = require('inflection'); var ModelBaseClass = require('./model.js'); // var DataAccessObject = require('./dao.js'); var List = require('./list.js'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync; /** * Export public API */ exports.Schema = Schema; // exports.ModelBaseClass = ModelBaseClass; /** * Helpers */ var slice = Array.prototype.slice; Schema.Text = function Text() {}; Schema.JSON = function JSON() {}; Schema.Any = function Any() {}; Schema.types = {}; Schema.registerType = function (type) { this.types[type.name] = type; }; Schema.registerType(Schema.Text); Schema.registerType(Schema.JSON); Schema.registerType(Schema.Any); Schema.registerType(String); Schema.registerType(Number); Schema.registerType(Boolean); Schema.registerType(Date); Schema.registerType(Buffer); Schema.registerType(Array); /** * Schema - Data Model Definition */ function Schema() { // create blank models pool this.models = {}; this.definitions = {}; }; util.inherits(Schema, EventEmitter); /** * Define class * * @param {String} className * @param {Object} properties - hash of class properties in format * `{property: Type, property2: Type2, ...}` * or * `{property: {type: Type}, property2: {type: Type2}, ...}` * @param {Object} settings - other configuration of class * @return newly created class * * @example simple case * ``` * var User = schema.define('User', { * email: String, * password: String, * birthDate: Date, * activated: Boolean * }); * ``` * @example more advanced case * ``` * var User = schema.define('User', { * email: { type: String, limit: 150, index: true }, * password: { type: String, limit: 50 }, * birthDate: Date, * registrationDate: {type: Date, default: function () { return new Date }}, * activated: { type: Boolean, default: false } * }); * ``` */ Schema.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, settings) { var schema = this; var args = slice.call(arguments); if (!className) throw new Error('Class name required'); if (args.length == 1) properties = {}, args.push(properties); if (args.length == 2) settings = {}, args.push(settings); properties = properties || {}; settings = settings || {}; // every class can receive hash of data as optional param var ModelClass = function ModelConstructor(data, schema) { if (!(this instanceof ModelConstructor)) { return new ModelConstructor(data); } ModelBaseClass.call(this, data); hiddenProperty(this, 'schema', schema || this.constructor.schema); }; hiddenProperty(ModelClass, 'schema', schema); hiddenProperty(ModelClass, 'modelName', className); hiddenProperty(ModelClass, 'pluralModelName', i8n.pluralize(className)); hiddenProperty(ModelClass, 'relations', {}); // inherit ModelBaseClass methods for (var i in ModelBaseClass) { ModelClass[i] = ModelBaseClass[i]; } for (var j in ModelBaseClass.prototype) { ModelClass.prototype[j] = ModelBaseClass.prototype[j]; } ModelClass.getter = {}; ModelClass.setter = {}; standartize(properties, settings); // store class in model pool this.models[className] = ModelClass; this.definitions[className] = { properties: properties, settings: settings }; var idInjection = settings.idInjection; if(idInjection !== false) { idInjection = true; } for(var p in properties) { if(properties[p].id) { idInjection = false; ModelClass.prototype.__defineGetter__('id', function () { return this.__data[p]; }); break; } } // Add the id property if (idInjection) { ModelClass.prototype.__defineGetter__('id', function () { return this.__data.id; }); // Set up the id property properties.id = properties.id || { type: Number, id: 1 }; if (!properties.id.id) { properties.id.id = 1; } } ModelClass.forEachProperty = function (cb) { Object.keys(properties).forEach(cb); }; ModelClass.registerProperty = function (attr) { var DataType = properties[attr].type; if(!DataType) { console.error('Not found: ' + attr); } if (DataType instanceof Array) { DataType = List; } else if (DataType.name === 'Date') { var OrigDate = Date; DataType = function Date(arg) { return new OrigDate(arg); }; } else if (DataType.name === 'JSON' || DataType === JSON) { DataType = function JSON(s) { return s; }; } else if (DataType.name === 'Text' || DataType === Schema.Text) { DataType = function Text(s) { return s; }; } Object.defineProperty(ModelClass.prototype, attr, { get: function () { if (ModelClass.getter[attr]) { return ModelClass.getter[attr].call(this); } else { return this.__data[attr]; } }, set: function (value) { if (ModelClass.setter[attr]) { ModelClass.setter[attr].call(this, value); } else { if (value === null || value === undefined) { this.__data[attr] = value; } else { this.__data[attr] = DataType(value); } } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); ModelClass.prototype.__defineGetter__(attr + '_was', function () { return this.__dataWas[attr]; }); Object.defineProperty(ModelClass.prototype, '_' + attr, { get: function () { return this.__data[attr]; }, set: function (value) { this.__data[attr] = value; }, configurable: true, enumerable: false }); }; ModelClass.forEachProperty(ModelClass.registerProperty); return ModelClass; }; function standartize(properties, settings) { Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (key) { var v = properties[key]; if ( typeof v === 'function' || typeof v === 'object' && v && v.constructor.name === 'Array' ) { properties[key] = { type: v }; } }); // TODO: add timestamps fields // when present in settings: {timestamps: true} // or {timestamps: {created: 'created_at', updated: false}} // by default property names: createdAt, updatedAt } /** * Define single property named `prop` on `model` * * @param {String} model - name of model * @param {String} prop - name of propery * @param {Object} params - property settings */ Schema.prototype.defineProperty = function (model, prop, params) { this.definitions[model].properties[prop] = params; this.models[model].registerProperty(prop); }; /** * Extend existing model with bunch of properties * * @param {String} model - name of model * @param {Object} props - hash of properties * * Example: * * // Instead of doing this: * * // amend the content model with competition attributes * db.defineProperty('Content', 'competitionType', { type: String }); * db.defineProperty('Content', 'expiryDate', { type: Date, index: true }); * db.defineProperty('Content', 'isExpired', { type: Boolean, index: true }); * * // schema.extend allows to * // extend the content model with competition attributes * db.extendModel('Content', { * competitionType: String, * expiryDate: { type: Date, index: true }, * isExpired: { type: Boolean, index: true } * }); */ Schema.prototype.extendModel = function (model, props) { var t = this; standartize(props, {}); Object.keys(props).forEach(function (propName) { var definition = props[propName]; t.defineProperty(model, propName, definition); }); }; Schema.prototype.copyModel = function copyModel(Master) { var schema = this; var className = Master.modelName; var md = Master.schema.definitions[className]; var Slave = function SlaveModel() { Master.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); this.schema = schema; }; util.inherits(Slave, Master); Slave.__proto__ = Master; hiddenProperty(Slave, 'schema', schema); hiddenProperty(Slave, 'modelName', className); hiddenProperty(Slave, 'relations', Master.relations); if (!(className in schema.models)) { // store class in model pool schema.models[className] = Slave; schema.definitions[className] = { properties: md.properties, settings: md.settings }; } return Slave; }; /** * Define hidden property */ function hiddenProperty(where, property, value) { Object.defineProperty(where, property, { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: value }); } /** * Define readonly property on object * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} key * @param {Mixed} value */ function defineReadonlyProp(obj, key, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: value }); } exports.ADL = new Schema();