// This test written in mocha+should.js var should = require('./init.js'); var db, User, Post, Passport, City, Street, Building, Assembly, Part; describe('include', function () { before(setup); it('should fetch belongsTo relation', function (done) { Passport.find({include: 'owner'}, function (err, passports) { passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function (p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property p.should.have.property('owner'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output p.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); var owner = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(owner); } else { should.exist(owner); owner.id.should.equal(p.ownerId); } }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch hasMany relation', function (done) { User.find({include: 'posts'}, function (err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function (u) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property u.should.have.property('posts'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output u.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); u.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); u.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function (p) { p.userId.should.equal(u.id); }); }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch Passport - Owner - Posts', function (done) { Passport.find({include: {owner: 'posts'}}, function (err, passports) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passports); passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function (p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property p.should.have.property('owner'); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output p.toJSON().should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); var user = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(user); } else { should.exist(user); user.id.should.equal(p.ownerId); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function (pp) { pp.userId.should.equal(user.id); }); } }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch Passports - User - Posts - User', function (done) { Passport.find({ include: {owner: {posts: 'author'}} }, function (err, passports) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(passports); passports.length.should.be.ok; passports.forEach(function (p) { p.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('owner'); var user = p.__cachedRelations.owner; if (!p.ownerId) { should.not.exist(user); } else { should.exist(user); user.id.should.equal(p.ownerId); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function (pp) { pp.userId.should.equal(user.id); pp.should.have.property('author'); pp.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('author'); var author = pp.__cachedRelations.author; author.id.should.equal(user.id); }); } }); done(); }); }); it('should fetch User - Posts AND Passports', function (done) { User.find({include: ['posts', 'passports']}, function (err, users) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(users); users.length.should.be.ok; users.forEach(function (user) { // The relation should be promoted as the 'owner' property user.should.have.property('posts'); user.should.have.property('passports'); var userObj = user.toJSON(); userObj.should.have.property('posts'); userObj.should.have.property('passports'); userObj.posts.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); userObj.passports.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); // The __cachedRelations should be removed from json output userObj.should.not.have.property('__cachedRelations'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('posts'); user.__cachedRelations.should.have.property('passports'); user.__cachedRelations.posts.forEach(function (p) { p.userId.should.equal(user.id); }); user.__cachedRelations.passports.forEach(function (pp) { pp.ownerId.should.equal(user.id); }); }); done(); }); }); it('should support hasAndBelongsToMany', function (done) { Assembly.destroyAll(function(err) { Part.destroyAll(function(err) { Assembly.relations.parts.modelThrough.destroyAll(function(err) { Assembly.create({name: 'car'}, function (err, assembly) { Part.create({partNumber: 'engine'}, function (err, part) { assembly.parts.add(part, function (err, data) { assembly.parts(function (err, parts) { should.not.exist(err); should.exists(parts); parts.length.should.equal(1); parts[0].partNumber.should.equal('engine'); // Create a part assembly.parts.create({partNumber: 'door'}, function (err, part4) { Assembly.find({include: 'parts'}, function (err, assemblies) { assemblies.length.should.equal(1); assemblies[0].parts.length.should.equal(2); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); function setup(done) { db = getSchema(); City = db.define('City'); Street = db.define('Street'); Building = db.define('Building'); User = db.define('User', { name: String, age: Number }); Passport = db.define('Passport', { number: String }); Post = db.define('Post', { title: String }); Passport.belongsTo('owner', {model: User}); User.hasMany('passports', {foreignKey: 'ownerId'}); User.hasMany('posts', {foreignKey: 'userId'}); Post.belongsTo('author', {model: User, foreignKey: 'userId'}); Assembly = db.define('Assembly', { name: String }); Part = db.define('Part', { partNumber: String }); Assembly.hasAndBelongsToMany(Part); Part.hasAndBelongsToMany(Assembly); db.automigrate(function () { var createdUsers = []; var createdPassports = []; var createdPosts = []; createUsers(); function createUsers() { clearAndCreate( User, [ {name: 'User A', age: 21}, {name: 'User B', age: 22}, {name: 'User C', age: 23}, {name: 'User D', age: 24}, {name: 'User E', age: 25} ], function (items) { createdUsers = items; createPassports(); } ); } function createPassports() { clearAndCreate( Passport, [ {number: '1', ownerId: createdUsers[0].id}, {number: '2', ownerId: createdUsers[1].id}, {number: '3'} ], function (items) { createdPassports = items; createPosts(); } ); } function createPosts() { clearAndCreate( Post, [ {title: 'Post A', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {title: 'Post B', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {title: 'Post C', userId: createdUsers[0].id}, {title: 'Post D', userId: createdUsers[1].id}, {title: 'Post E'} ], function (items) { createdPosts = items; done(); } ); } }); } function clearAndCreate(model, data, callback) { var createdItems = []; model.destroyAll(function () { nextItem(null, null); }); var itemIndex = 0; function nextItem(err, lastItem) { if (lastItem !== null) { createdItems.push(lastItem); } if (itemIndex >= data.length) { callback(createdItems); return; } model.create(data[itemIndex], nextItem); itemIndex++; } }