## About JugglingDB is cross-db ORM, providing **common interface** to access most popular database formats. Currently supported are: mysql, mongodb, redis, neo4j and js-memory-storage (yep, self-written engine for test-usage only). You can add your favorite database adapter, checkout one of the existing adapters to learn how, it's super-easy, I guarantee. ## Installation git clone git://github.com/1602/jugglingdb.git ## Usage ```javascript var Schema = require('./jugglingdb').Schema; var s = new Schema('redis'); // define models var Post = schema.define('Post', { title: { type: String, length: 255 }, content: { type: Schema.Text }, date: { type: Date, detault: Date.now }, published: { type: Boolean, default: false } }); // simplier way to describe model var User = schema.define('User', { name: String, bio: Schema.Text, approved: Boolean, joinedAt: Date, age: Number }); // setup relationships User.hasMany(Post, {as: 'posts', foreignKey: 'userId'}); // creates instance methods: // user.posts(conds) // user.buildPost(data) // like new Post({userId: user.id}); // user.createPost(data) // build and save Post.belongsTo(User, {as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId'}); // creates instance methods: // post.author(callback) -- getter when called with function // post.author() -- sync getter when called without params // post.author(user) -- setter when called with object s.automigrate(); // required only for mysql NOTE: it will drop User and Post tables // work with models: var user = new User; user.save(function (err) { var post = user.buildPost({title: 'Hello world'}); post.save(console.log); }); // Common API methods // just instantiate model new Post // save model (of course async) Post.create(cb); // all posts Post.all(cb) // all posts by user Post.all({userId: user.id}); // the same as prev user.posts(cb) // same as new Post({userId: user.id}); user.buildPost // save as Post.create({userId: user.id}, cb); user.createPost(cb) // find instance by id User.find(1, cb) // count instances User.count(cb) // destroy instance user.destroy(cb); // destroy all instances User.destroyAll(cb); ``` Read the tests for usage examples: ./test/common_test.js ## Your own database adapter To use custom adapter, pass it's package name as first argument to `Schema` constructor: mySchema = new Schema('couch-db-adapter', {host:.., port:...}); Make sure, your adapter can be required (just put it into ./node_modules): require('couch-db-adapter'); ## Running tests All tests are written using nodeunit: nodeunit test/common_test.js If you run this line, of course it will fall, because it requres different databases to be up and running, but you can use js-memory-engine out of box! Specify ONLY env var: ONLY=memory nodeunit test/common_test.js of course, if you have redis running, you can run ONLY=redis nodeunit test/common_test.js ## Package structure Now all common logic described in ./index.js, and database-specific stuff in ./lib/*.js. It's super-tiny, right? ## Project status This project was written in one weekend (1,2 oct 2011), and of course does not claim to be production-ready, but I plan to use this project as default ORM for RailwayJS in nearest future. So, if you are familiar with some database engines - please help me to improve adapter for that database. For example, I know, mysql implementation sucks now, 'cause I'm not digging too deep into SequelizeJS code, and I think it would be better to replace sequelize with something low-level in nearest future, such as `mysql` package from npm. ## Contributing If you have found a bug please write unit test, and make sure all other tests still pass before pushing code to repo. ## Roadmap ### Common: + transparent interface to APIs + validations + -before and -after hooks on save, update, destroy + default values + more relationships stuff + docs ### Databases: + riak + couchdb + low-level mysql + postgres + sqlite ## License MIT