/** * Module deps */ var Validatable = require('./validatable').Validatable; var util = require('util'); var jutil = require('./jutil'); exports.AbstractClass = AbstractClass; jutil.inherits(AbstractClass, Validatable); /** * Abstract class constructor */ function AbstractClass(data) { var self = this; var ds = this.constructor.schema.definitions[this.constructor.modelName]; var properties = ds.properties; var settings = ds.setings; data = data || {}; if (data.id) { defineReadonlyProp(this, 'id', data.id); } Object.defineProperty(this, 'cachedRelations', { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: {} }); Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (attr) { var _attr = '_' + attr, attr_was = attr + '_was'; // Hidden property to store currrent value Object.defineProperty(this, _attr, { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: isdef(data[attr]) ? data[attr] : (isdef(this[attr]) ? this[attr] : null) }); // Public setters and getters Object.defineProperty(this, attr, { get: function () { return this[_attr]; }, set: function (value) { this[_attr] = value; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); // Getter for initial property Object.defineProperty(this, attr_was, { writable: true, value: data[attr], configurable: true, enumerable: false }); }.bind(this)); }; /** * @param data [optional] * @param callback(err, obj) */ AbstractClass.create = function (data) { var modelName = this.modelName; // define callback manually var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; if (arguments.length == 0 || data === callback) { data = {}; } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = function () {}; } var obj = null; // if we come from save if (data instanceof AbstractClass && !data.id) { obj = data; data = obj.toObject(); } else { obj = new this(data); // validation required if (!obj.isValid()) { return callback(new Error('Validation error'), obj); } } this.schema.adapter.create(modelName, data, function (err, id) { if (id) { defineReadonlyProp(obj, 'id', id); this.cache[id] = obj; } if (callback) { callback(err, obj); } }.bind(this)); }; AbstractClass.exists = function exists(id, cb) { this.schema.adapter.exists(this.modelName, id, cb); }; AbstractClass.find = function find(id, cb) { this.schema.adapter.find(this.modelName, id, function (err, data) { var obj = null; if (data) { if (this.cache[data.id]) { obj = this.cache[data.id]; this.call(obj, data); } else { obj = new this(data); this.cache[data.id] = obj; } } cb(err, obj); }.bind(this)); }; AbstractClass.all = function all(filter, cb) { if (arguments.length === 1) { cb = filter; filter = null; } var constr = this; this.schema.adapter.all(this.modelName, filter, function (err, data) { var collection = null; if (data && data.map) { collection = data.map(function (d) { var obj = null; if (constr.cache[d.id]) { obj = constr.cache[d.id]; constr.call(obj, d); } else { obj = new constr(d); constr.cache[d.id] = obj; } return obj; }); cb(err, collection); } }); }; AbstractClass.destroyAll = function destroyAll(cb) { this.schema.adapter.destroyAll(this.modelName, function (err) { if (!err) { Object.keys(this.cache).forEach(function (id) { delete this.cache[id]; }.bind(this)); } cb(err); }.bind(this)); }; AbstractClass.count = function (cb) { this.schema.adapter.count(this.modelName, cb); }; AbstractClass.toString = function () { return '[Model ' + this.modelName + ']'; } /** * @param options {validate: true, throws: false} [optional] * @param callback(err, obj) */ AbstractClass.prototype.save = function (options, callback) { if (typeof options == 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } if (!('validate' in options)) { options.validate = true; } if (!('throws' in options)) { options.throws = false; } if (options.validate && !this.isValid()) { var err = new Error('Validation error'); if (options.throws) { throw err; } return callback && callback(err); } var modelName = this.constructor.modelName; var data = this.toObject(); if (this.id) { this._adapter().save(modelName, data, function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { this.constructor.call(this, data); } if (callback) { callback(err, this); } }.bind(this)); } else { this.constructor.create(this, callback); } }; AbstractClass.prototype.isNewRecord = function () { return !this.id; }; AbstractClass.prototype._adapter = function () { return this.constructor.schema.adapter; }; AbstractClass.prototype.propertyChanged = function (name) { return this[name + '_was'] !== this['_' + name]; }; AbstractClass.prototype.toObject = function () { // blind faith: we only enumerate properties var data = {}; Object.keys(this).forEach(function (property) { data[property] = this[property]; }.bind(this)); return data; }; AbstractClass.prototype.destroy = function (cb) { this._adapter().destroy(this.constructor.modelName, this.id, function (err) { delete this.constructor.cache[this.id]; cb && cb(err); }.bind(this)); }; AbstractClass.prototype.updateAttribute = function (name, value, cb) { data = {}; data[name] = value; this.updateAttributes(data, cb); }; AbstractClass.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(data, cb) { var model = this.constructor.modelName; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { this[key] = data[key]; }.bind(this)); if (!this.isValid()) { var err = new Error('Validation error'); return cb && cb(err); } this._adapter().updateAttributes(model, this.id, data, function (err) { if (!err) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { this[key] = data[key]; Object.defineProperty(this, key + '_was', { writable: false, configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: data[key] }); }.bind(this)); } cb(err); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Checks is property changed based on current property and initial value * @param {attr} String - property name * @return Boolean */ AbstractClass.prototype.propertyChanged = function (attr) { return this['_' + attr] !== this[attr + '_was']; }; AbstractClass.prototype.reload = function (cb) { this.constructor.find(this.id, cb); }; // relations AbstractClass.hasMany = function (anotherClass, params) { var methodName = params.as; // or pluralize(anotherClass.modelName) var fk = params.foreignKey; // console.log(this.modelName, 'has many', anotherClass.modelName, 'as', params.as, 'queried by', params.foreignKey); // each instance of this class should have method named // pluralize(anotherClass.modelName) // which is actually just anotherClass.all({thisModelNameId: this.id}, cb); this.prototype[methodName] = function (cond, cb) { var actualCond; if (arguments.length === 1) { actualCond = {}; cb = cond; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { actualCond = cond; } else { throw new Error(anotherClass.modelName + ' only can be called with one or two arguments'); } actualCond[fk] = this.id; return anotherClass.all(actualCond, cb); }; // obviously, anotherClass should have attribute called `fk` anotherClass.schema.defineForeignKey(anotherClass.modelName, fk); // and it should have create/build methods with binded thisModelNameId param this.prototype['build' + anotherClass.modelName] = function (data) { data = data || {}; data[fk] = this.id; // trick! this.fk defined at runtime (when got it) // but we haven't instance here to schedule this action return new anotherClass(data); }; this.prototype['create' + anotherClass.modelName] = function (data, cb) { if (typeof data === 'function') { cb = data; data = {}; } this['build' + anotherClass.modelName](data).save(cb); }; }; AbstractClass.belongsTo = function (anotherClass, params) { var methodName = params.as; var fk = params.foreignKey; // anotherClass.schema.defineForeignKey(anotherClass.modelName, fk); this.prototype[methodName] = function (p, cb) { if (p instanceof AbstractClass) { // acts as setter this[fk] = p.id; this.cachedRelations[methodName] = p; } else if (typeof p === 'function') { // acts as async getter this.find(this[fk], function (err, obj) { if (err) return p(err); this.cachedRelations[methodName] = obj; }.bind(this)); } else if (!p) { // acts as sync getter return this.cachedRelations[methodName] || this[fk]; } } }; // helper methods // function isdef(s) { var undef; return s !== undef; } function merge(base, update) { Object.keys(update).forEach(function (key) { base[key] = update[key]; }); return base; } function defineReadonlyProp(obj, key, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: value }); }