var Schema = require('../index').Schema; var Text = Schema.Text; require('./spec_helper').init(exports); var schemas = { /* riak: {}, */ sequelize: { database: 'sequ-test', username: 'root' }, mysql: { database: 'sequ-test', username: 'root' }, neo4j: { url: 'http://localhost:7474/' }, // mongoose: { url: 'mongodb://localhost/test' }, mongoose: { database: 'test' }, redis: {}, memory: {} }; var specificTest = getSpecificTests(); Object.keys(schemas).forEach(function (schemaName) { if (process.env.ONLY && process.env.ONLY !== schemaName) return; context(schemaName, function () { var schema = new Schema(schemaName, schemas[schemaName]); testOrm(schema); if (specificTest[schemaName]) specificTest[schemaName](schema); }); }); function testOrm(schema) { var Post, User; var start =; it('should define class', function (test) { User = schema.define('User', { name: String, bio: Text, approved: Boolean, joinedAt: Date, age: Number }); Post = schema.define('Post', { title: { type: String, length: 255, index: true }, content: { type: Text }, date: { type: Date, default: }, published: { type: Boolean, default: false } }); Post.validateAsync('title', function (err, done) { process.nextTick(done); }); User.hasMany(Post, {as: 'posts', foreignKey: 'userId'}); // creates instance methods: // user.posts(conds) // // like new Post({userId:}); // user.posts.create(data) // build and save // user.posts.find Post.belongsTo(User, {as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId'}); // creates instance methods: // -- getter when called with function // -- sync getter when called without params // -- setter when called with object var user = new User; test.ok(User instanceof Function); // class methods test.ok(User.find instanceof Function); test.ok(User.create instanceof Function); // instance methods test.ok( instanceof Function); schema.automigrate(function (err) { if (err) { console.log('Error while migrating'); console.log(err); } else { test.done(); } }); }); it('should initialize object properly', function (test) { var hw = 'Hello word', now =, post = new Post({title: hw}); test.equal(post.title, hw); test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('title')); post.title = 'Goodbye, Lenin'; test.equal(post.title_was, hw); test.ok(post.propertyChanged('title')); test.strictEqual(post.published, false); test.ok( >= now); test.ok(post.isNewRecord()); test.done(); }); it('should be expoted to JSON', function (test) { test.equal(JSON.stringify(new Post({id: 1, title: 'hello, json', date: 1})), '{"id":1,"title":"hello, json","content":null,"date":1,"published":false,"userId":null}'); test.done(); }); it('should create object', function (test) { Post.create(function (err, post) { if (err) throw err; test.ok(; test.ok(!post.title, 'Title is blank'); Post.exists(, function (err, exists) { if (err) throw err; test.ok(exists); test.done(); }); }); }); it('should save object', function (test) { var title = 'Initial title', title2 = 'Hello world', date = new Date; Post.create({ title: title, date: date }, function (err, obj) { test.ok(, 'Object id should present'); test.equals(obj.title, title); // test.equals(, date); obj.title = title2; test.ok(obj.propertyChanged('title'), 'Title changed'); (err, obj) { test.equal(obj.title, title2); test.ok(!obj.propertyChanged('title')); test.done(); }); }); }); it('should create object with initial data', function (test) { var title = 'Initial title', date = new Date; Post.create({ title: title, date: date }, function (err, obj) { test.ok(; test.equals(obj.title, title); test.equals(, date); Post.find(, function () { test.equal(obj.title, title); test.equal(, date.toString()); test.done(); }); }); }); it('should not create new instances for the same object', function (test) { var title = 'Initial title'; Post.create({ title: title }, function (err, post) { test.ok(, 'Object should have id'); test.equals(post.title, title); Post.find(, function (err, foundPost) { if (err) throw err; test.equal(post.title, title); test.strictEqual(post, foundPost); test.done(); }); }); }); it('should not re-instantiate object on saving', function (test) { var title = 'Initial title'; var post = new Post({title: title}); (err, savedPost) { test.strictEqual(post, savedPost); test.done(); }); }); it('should destroy object', function (test) { Post.create(function (err, post) { Post.exists(, function (err, exists) { test.ok(exists, 'Object exists'); post.destroy(function () { Post.exists(, function (err, exists) { if (err) console.log(err); test.ok(!exists, 'Hey! ORM told me that object exists, but it looks like it doesn\'t. Something went wrong...'); Post.find(, function (err, obj) { test.equal(obj, null, 'Param obj should be null'); test.done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should update single attribute', function (test) { Post.create({title: 'title', content: 'content', published: true}, function (err, post) { post.content = 'New content'; post.updateAttribute('title', 'New title', function () { test.equal(post.title, 'New title'); test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('title')); test.equal(post.content, 'New content'); test.ok(post.propertyChanged('content')); post.reload(function () { test.equal(post.title, 'New title'); test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('title')); test.equal(post.content, 'content'); test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('content')); test.done(); }); }); }); }); var countOfposts; it('should fetch collection', function (test) { Post.all(function (err, posts) { countOfposts = posts.length; test.ok(countOfposts > 0); test.ok(posts[0] instanceof Post); test.done(); }); }); it('should fetch count of records in collection', function (test) { Post.count(function (err, count) { test.equal(countOfposts, count); test.done(); }); }); it('should find filtered set of records', function (test) { var wait = 3; // exact match with string Post.all({where: {title: 'New title'}}, function (err, res) { var pass = true; res.forEach(function (r) { if (r.title != 'New title') pass = false; }); test.ok(res.length > 0); test.ok(pass, 'Exact match with string'); done(); }); // matching null Post.all({where: {title: null}}, function (err, res) { var pass = true; res.forEach(function (r) { if (r.title != null) pass = false; }); test.ok(res.length > 0); test.ok(pass, 'Matching null'); done(); }); // matching regexp Post.all({where: {title: /hello/i}}, function (err, res) { var pass = true; res.forEach(function (r) { if (!r.title || !r.title.match(/hello/i)) pass = false; }); test.ok(res.length > 0); test.ok(pass, 'Matching regexp'); done(); }); function done() { if (--wait === 0) { test.done(); } } }); it('should handle hasMany relationship', function (test) { User.create(function (err, u) { if (err) return console.log(err); test.ok(u.posts, 'Method defined: posts'); test.ok(, 'Method defined:'); test.ok(u.posts.create, 'Method defined: posts.create'); u.posts.create(function (err, post) { if (err) return console.log(err); // test.ok(,; u.posts(function (err, posts) { test.strictEqual(posts.pop(), post); test.done(); }); }); }); }); it('should support scopes', function (test) { var wait = 2; test.ok(Post.scope, 'Scope supported'); Post.scope('published', {where: {published: true}}); test.ok(typeof Post.published === 'function'); test.ok(Post.published._scope.published = true); var post =; test.ok(post.published, 'Can build'); test.ok(post.isNewRecord()); Post.published.create(function (err, psto) { if (err) return console.log(err); test.ok(psto.published); test.ok(!psto.isNewRecord()); done(); }); User.create(function (err, u) { if (err) return console.log(err); test.ok(typeof u.posts.published == 'function'); test.ok(u.posts.published._scope.where.published); test.equal(u.posts.published._scope.where.userId,; done(); }); function done() { if (--wait === 0) test.done(); }; }); it('should destroy all records', function (test) { Post.destroyAll(function (err) { if (err) { console.log('Error in destroyAll'); throw err; } Post.all(function (err, posts) { test.equal(posts.length, 0); Post.count(function (err, count) { test.equal(count, 0); test.done(); process.nextTick(allTestsDone); }); }); }); }); function allTestsDone() { schema.disconnect(); console.log('Test done in %dms\n', - start); } } function getSpecificTests() { var sp = {}; sp['neo4j'] = function (schema) { it('should create methods for searching by index', function (test) { var Post = schema.models['Post']; test.ok(typeof Post.findByTitle === 'function'); Post.create({title: 'Catcher in the rye'}, function (err, post) { if (err) return console.log(err); test.ok(!post.isNewRecord()); Post.findByTitle('Catcher in the rye', function (err, foundPost) { if (err) return console.log(err); if (foundPost) { test.equal(,; test.done(); } }); }); }); }; return sp; }