var safeRequire = require('../utils').safeRequire; /** * Module dependencies */ var redis = safeRequire('redis'); exports.initialize = function initializeSchema(schema, callback) { if (!redis) return; if (schema.settings.url) { var url = require('url'); var redisUrl = url.parse(schema.settings.url); var redisAuth = (redisUrl.auth || '').split(':'); = redisUrl.hostname; schema.settings.port = redisUrl.port; if (redisAuth.length == 2) { schema.settings.db = redisAuth[0]; schema.settings.password = redisAuth[1]; } } schema.client = redis.createClient( schema.settings.port,, schema.settings.options ); schema.client.auth(schema.settings.password); var callbackCalled = false; var database = schema.settings.hasOwnProperty('database') && schema.settings.database; schema.client.on('connect', function () { if (!callbackCalled && database === false) { callbackCalled = true; callback(); } else if (database !== false) { if (callbackCalled) { return; } else { callbackCalled = true; return, callback); } } }); var clientWrapper = new Client(schema.client); schema.adapter = new BridgeToRedis(clientWrapper); clientWrapper._adapter = schema.adapter; }; function Client(client) { this._client = client; } var commands = Object.keys(redis.Multi.prototype).filter(function (n) { return n.match(/^[a-z]/); }); commands.forEach(function (cmd) { Client.prototype[cmd] = function (args, callback) { var c = this._client, log; if (typeof args === 'string') { args = [args]; } if (!args) args = []; log = this._adapter.logger(cmd.toUpperCase() + ' ' + (a) { if (typeof a === 'object') return JSON.stringify(a); return a; }).join(' ')); args.push(function (err, res) { if (err) console.log(err); log(); if (callback) { callback(err, res); } }); c[cmd].apply(c, args); }; }); Client.prototype.multi = function (commands, callback) { if (commands.length === 0) return callback && callback(); if (commands.length === 1) { return this[commands[0].shift().toLowerCase()].call( this, commands[0], callback && function (e, r) { callback(e, [r]) }); } var log = this._adapter.logger('MULTI\n ' + (x) { return x.join(' '); }).join('\n ') + '\nEXEC'); this._client.multi(commands).exec(function (err, replies) { if (err) console.log(err); log(); callback && callback(err, replies); }); }; Client.prototype.transaction = function () { return new Transaction(this); }; function Transaction(client) { this._client = client; this._handlers = []; this._schedule = []; } = function (cb) { var t = this; var atLeastOneHandler = false; switch (this._schedule.length) { case 0: return cb(); case 1: return this._client[this._schedule[0].shift()].call( this._client, this._schedule[0], this._handlers[0] || cb); default: this._client.multi(this._schedule, function (err, replies) { if (err) return cb(err); replies.forEach(function (r, i) { if (t._handlers[i]) { atLeastOneHandler = true; t._handlers[i](err, r); } }); if (!atLeastOneHandler) cb(err); }); } }; commands.forEach(function (k) { Transaction.prototype[k] = function (args, cb) { if (typeof args === 'string') { args = [args]; } args.unshift(k); this._schedule.push(args); this._handlers.push(cb || false); }; }); function BridgeToRedis(client) { this._models = {}; this.client = client; this.indexes = {}; } BridgeToRedis.prototype.define = function (descr) { var m = descr.model.modelName; this._models[m] = descr; this.indexes[m] = {}; Object.keys( (prop) { if ([prop].index) { this.indexes[m][prop] =[prop].type; } }.bind(this)); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.defineForeignKey = function (model, key, cb) { this.indexes[model][key] = Number; cb(null, Number); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.forDb = function (model, data) { var p = this._models[model].properties; for (var i in data) { if (p[i] && p[i] === 'Date') { data[i] = data[i] && data[i].getTime ? data[i].getTime() : 0; } else if (p[i] && [ 'String', 'Text', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'Date' ].indexOf(p[i] === -1) { data[i] = JSON.stringify(data[i]); } } return data; }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.fromDb = function (model, data) { var p = this._models[model].properties; for (var i in data) { if (p[i] && p[i] === 'Date') { if (isNaN(parseInt(data[i]))) { data[i] = new Date(data[i]); } else { var ms = data[i]; data[i] = new Date(); data[i].setTime(ms); } } else if (p[i] && [ 'String', 'Text', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'Date' ].indexOf(p[i] === -1) { try { data[i] = JSON.parse(data[i]); } catch (e) {} } } return data; }; = function (model, data, callback) { data = this.forDb(model, data); deleteNulls(data); this.client.hgetall(model + ':' +, function (err, prevData) { if (err) return callback(err); this.client.hmset([model + ':' +, data], function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); this.updateIndexes(model,, data, callback, this.forDb(model, prevData)); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.updateIndexes = function (model, id, data, callback, prevData) { var p = this._models[model].properties; var i = this.indexes[model]; var schedule = []; if (!callback.removed) { schedule.push(['SADD', 's:' + model, id]); } Object.keys(i).forEach(function (key) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var val = data[key]; schedule.push([ 'SADD', 'i:' + model + ':' + key + ':' + val, id ]); } if (prevData && prevData[key] !== data[key]) { schedule.push([ 'SREM', 'i:' + model + ':' + key + ':' + prevData[key], id ]); } }); if (schedule.length) { this.client.multi(schedule, function (err) { callback(err, data); }); } else { callback(null); } }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.create = function (model, data, callback) { if ( return,, true); this.client.incr('id:' + model, function (err, id) {, id); }.bind(this)); function create(id, upsert) { = id;, data, function (err) { if (callback) { callback(err, id); } }); // push the id to the list of user ids for sorting this.client.sadd(['s:' + model,]); } }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.updateOrCreate = function (model, data, callback) { if (! { return this.create(model, data, callback); } var client = this.client;, data, function (error, obj) { var key = 'id:' + model; client.get(key, function (err, id) { if (!id || > parseInt(id, 10)) { client.set([key,], ok); } else { ok(); } }); function ok() { callback(error, obj); } }); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.exists = function (model, id, callback) { this.client.exists(model + ':' + id, function (err, exists) { if (callback) { callback(err, exists); } }); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.find = function find(model, id, callback) { this.client.hgetall(model + ':' + id, function (err, data) { if (data && Object.keys(data).length > 0) { = id; } else { data = null; } callback(err, this.fromDb(model, data)); }.bind(this)); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.destroy = function destroy(model, id, callback) { var br = this; var tr = br.client.transaction(); br.client.hgetall(model + ':' + id, function (err, data) { if (err) return callback(err); tr.srem(['s:' + model, id]); tr.del(model + ':' + id); (err) { if (err) return callback(err); callback.removed = true; br.updateIndexes(model, id, {}, callback, data); }); }); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.possibleIndexes = function (model, filter) { if (!filter || Object.keys(filter.where || {}).length === 0) return false; var foundIndex = []; var noIndex = []; Object.keys(filter.where).forEach(function (key) { var i = this.indexes[model][key]; if (i) { var val = filter.where[key]; if ( === 'Date') { val = val && val.getTime ? val.getTime() : 0; } foundIndex.push('i:' + model + ':' + key + ':' + val); } else { noIndex.push(key); } }.bind(this)); return [foundIndex, noIndex]; }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.all = function all(model, filter, callback) { var ts =; var client = this.client; var cmd; var redis = this; var sortCmd = []; var props = this._models[model].properties; var allNumeric = true; var dest = 'temp' + ( * Math.random()); var innerSetUsed = false; var trans = this.client.transaction(); if (!filter) { filter = {order: 'id'}; } // WHERE if (filter.where) { var pi = this.possibleIndexes(model, filter); var indexes = pi[0]; var noIndexes = pi[1]; if (noIndexes.length) { throw new Error(model + ': no indexes found for ' + noIndexes.join(', ') + ' impossible to sort and filter using redis adapter'); } if (indexes && indexes.length) { innerSetUsed = true; if (indexes.length > 1) { trans.sinterstore(indexes); } else { dest = indexes[0]; } } else { throw new Error('No indexes for ' + filter.where); } } else { dest = 's:' + model; // no filtering, just sort/limit (if any) } // only counting? if (filter.getCount) { trans.scard(dest, callback); return; } // ORDER var reverse = false; if (!filter.order) { filter.order = 'id'; } var orders = filter.order; if (typeof filter.order === "string"){ orders = [filter.order]; } orders.forEach(function (key) { var m = key.match(/\s+(A|DE)SC$/i); if (m) { key = key.replace(/\s+(A|DE)SC/i, ''); if (m[1] === 'DE') reverse = true; } if (key !== 'id') { if (props[key] !== 'Number' && props[key] !== 'Date') { allNumeric = false; } } sortCmd.push("BY", model + ":*->" + key); }); // LIMIT if (filter.limit){ var offset = (filter.offset || 0), limit = filter.limit; sortCmd.push("LIMIT", offset, limit); } // we need ALPHA modifier when sorting string values // the only case it's not required - we sort numbers if (!allNumeric) { sortCmd.push('ALPHA'); } if (reverse) { sortCmd.push('DESC'); } sortCmd.unshift(dest); sortCmd.push("GET", "#"); cmd = "SORT " + sortCmd.join(" "); var ttt =; trans.sort(sortCmd, function (err, ids){ if (err) { return callback(err, []); } var sortedKeys = (i) { return model + ":" + i; }); handleKeys(err, sortedKeys); }); if (dest.match(/^temp/)) { trans.del(dest); }; function handleKeys(err, keys) { var t2 =; var query = (key) { return ['hgetall', key]; }); client.multi(query, function (err, replies) { callback(err, (replies || []).map(function (r) { return redis.fromDb(model, r); })); }); } return; function numerically(a, b) { return a[this[0]] - b[this[0]]; } function literally(a, b) { return a[this[0]] > b[this[0]]; } }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.destroyAll = function destroyAll(model, callback) { var br = this; this.client.multi([ ['KEYS', model + ':*'], ['KEYS', '*:' + model + ':*'] ], function (err, k) { br.client.del(k[0].concat(k[1]).concat('s:' + model), callback); }); }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.count = function count(model, callback, where) { if (where && Object.keys(where).length) { this.all(model, {where: where, getCount: true}, callback); } else { this.client.scard('s:' + model, callback); } }; BridgeToRedis.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttrs(model, id, data, cb) { = id;, data, cb); }; function deleteNulls(data) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { if (data[key] === null) delete data[key]; }); } BridgeToRedis.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect() { this.client.quit(); };