// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const should = require('./init.js'); const List = require('../lib/list'); /** * Phone as a class */ class Phone { constructor(label, num) { this.label = label; this.num = num; } toJSON() { return { label: this.label, num: this.num, }; } } /** * Phone as a constructor function * @param {string} label * @param {number} num */ function PhoneCtor(label, num) { if (!(this instanceof PhoneCtor)) { return new PhoneCtor(label, num); } this.label = label; this.num = num; } describe('Does not break default Array functionality', function() { it('allows creating an empty length with a specified length', function() { const list = new List(4); list.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); list.length.should.be.eql(4); should.not.exist(list.itemType); list.toJSON().should.eql([undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]); }); }); describe('list of items typed by a class', function() { it('allows itemType to be a class', function() { const phones = givenPhones(); const list = new List(phones, Phone); list.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); list.toJSON().should.be.eql(phones); }); it('converts items of plain json to the itemType', function() { const phones = givenPhonesAsJSON(); const list = new List(phones, Phone); list[0].should.be.an.instanceOf(Phone); }); it('converts stringified items to the itemType', function() { const phones = givenPhonesAsJSON(); const list = new List(JSON.stringify(phones), Phone); list[0].should.be.an.instanceOf(Phone); }); it('converts items of plain json to the itemType with push', function() { const phones = givenPhonesAsJSON(); const list = new List([], Phone); list.push(phones[0]); list[0].should.be.an.instanceOf(Phone); }); }); describe('list of items typed by a ctor', function() { it('allows itemType to be a ctor', function() { const phones = givenPhonesWithCtor(); const list = new List(phones, PhoneCtor); list.should.be.an.instanceOf(Array); list.toJSON().should.be.eql(phones); }); it('converts items of plain json to the itemType', function() { const phones = givenPhonesAsJSON(); const list = new List(phones, PhoneCtor); list[0].should.be.an.instanceOf(PhoneCtor); }); it('converts stringified items to the itemType', function() { const phones = givenPhonesAsJSON(); const list = new List(JSON.stringify(phones), PhoneCtor); list[0].should.be.an.instanceOf(PhoneCtor); }); it('converts items of plain json to the itemType with push', function() { const phones = givenPhonesAsJSON(); const list = new List([], PhoneCtor); list.push(phones[0]); list[0].should.be.an.instanceOf(PhoneCtor); }); }); function givenPhones() { return [ new Phone('home', '111-222-3333'), new Phone('work', '111-222-5555'), ]; } function givenPhonesWithCtor() { return [ new PhoneCtor('home', '111-222-3333'), PhoneCtor('work', '111-222-5555'), ]; } function givenPhonesAsJSON() { return [ {label: 'home', num: '111-222-3333'}, {label: 'work', num: '111-222-5555'}, ]; }