// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2018. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; require('should'); const GeoPoint = require('../lib/geo').GeoPoint; const nearFilter = require('../lib/geo').nearFilter; const geoFilter = require('../lib/geo').filter; const DELTA = 0.0000001; describe('GeoPoint', function() { describe('constructor', function() { it('should support a valid array', function() { const point = new GeoPoint([-34, 150]); point.lat.should.equal(-34); point.lng.should.equal(150); }); it('should support a valid object', function() { const point = new GeoPoint({lat: -34, lng: 150}); point.lat.should.equal(-34); point.lng.should.equal(150); }); it('should support valid string geo coordinates', function() { const point = new GeoPoint('-34,150'); point.lat.should.equal(-34); point.lng.should.equal(150); }); it('should support coordinates as inline parameters', function() { const point = new GeoPoint(-34, 150); point.lat.should.equal(-34); point.lng.should.equal(150); }); it('should reject invalid parameters', function() { /* jshint -W024 */ let fn = function() { new GeoPoint('150,-34'); }; fn.should.throw(); fn = function() { new GeoPoint('invalid_string'); }; fn.should.throw(); fn = function() { new GeoPoint([150, -34]); }; fn.should.throw(); fn = function() { new GeoPoint({ lat: 150, lng: null, }); }; fn.should.throw(); fn = function() { new GeoPoint(150, -34); }; fn.should.throw(); fn = function() { new GeoPoint(); }; fn.should.throw(); }); }); describe('toString()', function() { it('should return a string in the form "lat,lng"', function() { const point = new GeoPoint({lat: -34, lng: 150}); point.toString().should.equal('-34,150'); }); }); describe('distance calculation between two points', function() { const here = new GeoPoint({lat: 40.77492964101182, lng: -73.90950187151662}); const there = new GeoPoint({lat: 40.7753227, lng: -73.909217}); it('should return value in miles by default', function() { const distance = GeoPoint.distanceBetween(here, there); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(0.03097916611592679, DELTA); }); it('should return value using specified unit', function() { /* Supported units: * - `radians` * - `kilometers` * - `meters` * - `miles` * - `feet` * - `degrees` */ let distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'radians'}); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(0.000007825491914348416, DELTA); distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'kilometers'}); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(0.04985613511367009, DELTA); distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'meters'}); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(49.856135113670085, DELTA); distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'miles'}); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(0.03097916611592679, DELTA); distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'feet'}); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(163.56999709209347, DELTA); distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'degrees'}); distance.should.be.a.Number; distance.should.be.approximately(0.0004483676593058972, DELTA); }); }); describe('nearFilter()', function() { it('should return a filter includes minDistance if where contains minDistance option', function() { const where = { location: { near: { lat: 40.77492964101182, lng: -73.90950187151662, }, minDistance: 100, }, }; const filter = nearFilter(where); filter[0].key.should.equal('location'); filter[0].should.have.properties({ key: 'location', near: { lat: 40.77492964101182, lng: -73.90950187151662, }, minDistance: 100, }); }); }); describe('filter()', function() { it('should be able to filter geo points via minDistance', function() { const points = [{ location: { lat: 30.283552, lng: 120.126048, }, }, { location: { lat: 30.380307, lng: 119.979445, }, }, { location: { lat: 30.229896, lng: 119.744592, }, }, { location: { lat: 30.250863, lng: 120.129498, }, }, { location: { lat: 31.244209, lng: 121.483687, }, }]; const filter = [{ key: 'location', near: { lat: 30.278562, lng: 120.139846, }, unit: 'meters', minDistance: 10000, }]; const results = geoFilter(points, filter); results.length.should.be.equal(3); }); }); });