var db, Book, Chapter, Author, Reader, should = require('should'); describe('relations', function() { before(function(done) { db = getSchema(); Book = db.define('Book', {name: String}); Chapter = db.define('Chapter', {name: {type: String, index: true}}); Author = db.define('Author', {name: String}); Reader = db.define('Reader', {name: String}); db.automigrate(function() { Book.destroyAll(function() { Chapter.destroyAll(function() { Author.destroyAll(function() { Reader.destroyAll(done); }); }); }); }); }); after(function() { db.disconnect(); }); describe('hasMany', function() { it('can be declared in different ways', function(done) { Book.hasMany(Chapter); Book.hasMany(Reader, {as: 'users'}); Book.hasMany(Author, {foreignKey: 'projectId'}); var b = new Book;;;; Object.keys((new Chapter).toObject()).should.include('bookId'); Object.keys((new Author).toObject()).should.include('projectId'); db.automigrate(done); }); it('can be declared in short form', function(done) { Author.hasMany('readers'); (new Author); Object.keys((new Reader).toObject()).should.include('authorId'); db.autoupdate(done); }); it('should build record on scope', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { var c =; c.bookId.should.equal(;; }); }); it('should create record on scope', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create(function(err, c) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(c); c.bookId.should.equal(; done(); }); }); }); it.skip('should fetch all scoped instances', function(done) { Book.create(function(err, book) { book.chapters.create({name: 'a'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'z'}, function() { book.chapters.create({name: 'c'}, function() { fetch(book); }); }); }); }); function fetch(book) { book.chapters(function(err, ch) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(ch); ch.should.have.lengthOf(3); book.chapters({order: 'name DESC'}, function(e, c) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(c); c.shift().name.should.equal('z'); c.pop().name.should.equal('a'); done(); }); }); } }); }); describe('belongsTo', function() { var List, Item, Fear, Mind; it('can be declared in different ways', function() { List = db.define('List', {name: String}); Item = db.define('Item', {name: String}); Fear = db.define('Fear'); Mind = db.define('Mind'); // syntax 1 (old) Item.belongsTo(List); Object.keys((new Item).toObject()).should.include('listId'); (new Item); // syntax 2 (new) Fear.belongsTo('mind'); Object.keys((new Fear).toObject()).should.include('mindId'); (new Fear); // (new Fear); }); it('can be used to query data', function(done) { List.hasMany('todos', {model: Item}); List.create(function(e, list) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(list); list.todos.create(function(err, todo) { todo.list(function(e, l) { should.not.exist(e); should.exist(l); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('hasAndBelongsToMany', function() { it('can be declared'); }); });