// Copyright IBM Corp. 2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; var should = require('./init.js'); var DataSource = require('../lib/datasource.js').DataSource; describe('DataSource', function() { it('reports helpful error when connector init throws', function() { var throwingConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-throwing', initialize: function(ds, cb) { throw new Error('expected test error'); }, }; (function() { // this is what LoopBack does return new DataSource({ name: 'dsname', connector: throwingConnector, }); }).should.throw(/loopback-connector-throwing/); }); it('reports helpful error when connector init via short name throws', function() { (function() { // this is what LoopBack does return new DataSource({ name: 'dsname', connector: 'throwing', }); }).should.throw(/expected test error/); }); it('reports helpful error when connector init via long name throws', function() { (function() { // this is what LoopBack does return new DataSource({ name: 'dsname', connector: 'loopback-connector-throwing', }); }).should.throw(/expected test error/); }); /** * new DataSource(dsName, settings) without settings.name */ it('should retain the name assigned to it', function() { var dataSource = new DataSource('myDataSource', { connector: 'memory', }); dataSource.name.should.equal('myDataSource'); }); /** * new DataSource(dsName, settings) */ it('should allow the name assigned to it to take precedence over the settings name', function() { var dataSource = new DataSource('myDataSource', { name: 'defaultDataSource', connector: 'memory', }); dataSource.name.should.equal('myDataSource'); }); /** * new DataSource(settings) with settings.name */ it('should retain the name from the settings if no name is assigned', function() { var dataSource = new DataSource({ name: 'defaultDataSource', connector: 'memory', }); dataSource.name.should.equal('defaultDataSource'); }); /** * new DataSource(undefined, settings) */ it('should retain the name from the settings if name is undefined', function() { var dataSource = new DataSource(undefined, { name: 'defaultDataSource', connector: 'memory', }); dataSource.name.should.equal('defaultDataSource'); }); /** * new DataSource(settings) without settings.name */ it('should use the connector name if no name is provided', function() { var dataSource = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory', }); dataSource.name.should.equal('memory'); }); /** * new DataSource(connectorInstance) */ it('should accept resolved connector', function() { var mockConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-mock', initialize: function(ds, cb) { ds.connector = mockConnector; return cb(null); }, }; var dataSource = new DataSource(mockConnector); dataSource.name.should.equal('loopback-connector-mock'); dataSource.connector.should.equal(mockConnector); }); /** * new DataSource(dsName, connectorInstance) */ it('should accept dsName and resolved connector', function() { var mockConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-mock', initialize: function(ds, cb) { ds.connector = mockConnector; return cb(null); }, }; var dataSource = new DataSource('myDataSource', mockConnector); dataSource.name.should.equal('myDataSource'); dataSource.connector.should.equal(mockConnector); }); /** * new DataSource(connectorInstance, settings) */ it('should accept resolved connector and settings', function() { var mockConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-mock', initialize: function(ds, cb) { ds.connector = mockConnector; return cb(null); }, }; var dataSource = new DataSource(mockConnector, {name: 'myDataSource'}); dataSource.name.should.equal('myDataSource'); dataSource.connector.should.equal(mockConnector); }); it('should set states correctly with eager connect', function(done) { var mockConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-mock', initialize: function(ds, cb) { ds.connector = mockConnector; this.connect(cb); }, connect: function(cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null); }); }, }; var dataSource = new DataSource(mockConnector); // DataSource is instantiated // connected: false, connecting: false, initialized: false dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); dataSource.initialized.should.be.false(); dataSource.on('initialized', function() { // DataSource is initialized with lazyConnect // connected: false, connecting: false, initialized: true dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); dataSource.initialized.should.be.true(); }); dataSource.on('connected', function() { // DataSource is now connected // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); }); // Call connect() in next tick so that we'll receive initialized event // first process.nextTick(function() { // At this point, the datasource is already connected by // connector's (mockConnector) initialize function dataSource.connect(function() { // DataSource is now connected // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); done(); }); // As the datasource is already connected, no connecting will happen // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); }); }); it('should set states correctly with deferred connect', function(done) { var mockConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-mock', initialize: function(ds, cb) { ds.connector = mockConnector; // Explicitly call back with false to denote connection is not ready process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, false); }); }, connect: function(cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null); }); }, }; var dataSource = new DataSource(mockConnector); // DataSource is instantiated // connected: false, connecting: false, initialized: false dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); dataSource.initialized.should.be.false(); dataSource.on('initialized', function() { // DataSource is initialized with lazyConnect // connected: false, connecting: false, initialized: true dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); dataSource.initialized.should.be.true(); }); dataSource.on('connected', function() { // DataSource is now connected // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); }); // Call connect() in next tick so that we'll receive initialized event // first process.nextTick(function() { dataSource.connect(function() { // DataSource is now connected // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); done(); }); // As the datasource is not connected, connecting will happen // connected: false, connecting: true dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.true(); }); }); it('should set states correctly with lazyConnect = true', function(done) { var mockConnector = { name: 'loopback-connector-mock', initialize: function(ds, cb) { ds.connector = mockConnector; process.nextTick(function() { cb(null); }); }, connect: function(cb) { process.nextTick(function() { cb(null); }); }, }; var dataSource = new DataSource(mockConnector, {lazyConnect: true}); // DataSource is instantiated // connected: false, connecting: false, initialized: false dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); dataSource.initialized.should.be.false(); dataSource.on('initialized', function() { // DataSource is initialized with lazyConnect // connected: false, connecting: false, initialized: true dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); dataSource.initialized.should.be.true(); }); dataSource.on('connected', function() { // DataSource is now connected // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); }); // Call connect() in next tick so that we'll receive initialized event // first process.nextTick(function() { dataSource.connect(function() { // DataSource is now connected // connected: true, connecting: false dataSource.connected.should.be.true(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.false(); done(); }); // DataSource is now connecting // connected: false, connecting: true dataSource.connected.should.be.false(); dataSource.connecting.should.be.true(); }); }); describe('deleteModelByName()', () => { it('removes the model from ModelBuilder registry', () => { const ds = new DataSource('ds', {connector: 'memory'}); ds.createModel('TestModel'); Object.keys(ds.modelBuilder.models) .should.containEql('TestModel'); Object.keys(ds.modelBuilder.definitions) .should.containEql('TestModel'); ds.deleteModelByName('TestModel'); Object.keys(ds.modelBuilder.models) .should.not.containEql('TestModel'); Object.keys(ds.modelBuilder.definitions) .should.not.containEql('TestModel'); }); it('removes the model from connector registry', () => { const ds = new DataSource('ds', {connector: 'memory'}); ds.createModel('TestModel'); Object.keys(ds.connector._models) .should.containEql('TestModel'); ds.deleteModelByName('TestModel'); Object.keys(ds.connector._models) .should.not.containEql('TestModel'); }); }); describe('execute', () => { let ds; beforeEach(() => ds = new DataSource('ds', {connector: 'memory'})); it('calls connnector to execute the command', async () => { let called = 'not called'; ds.connector.execute = function(command, args, options, callback) { called = {command, args, options}; callback(null, 'a-result'); }; const result = await ds.execute( 'command', ['arg1', 'arg2'], {'a-flag': 'a-value'} ); result.should.be.equal('a-result'); called.should.be.eql({ command: 'command', args: ['arg1', 'arg2'], options: {'a-flag': 'a-value'}, }); }); it('supports shorthand version (cmd)', async () => { let called = 'not called'; ds.connector.execute = function(command, args, options, callback) { called = {command, args, options}; callback(null, 'a-result'); }; const result = await ds.execute('command'); result.should.be.equal('a-result'); called.should.be.eql({ command: 'command', args: [], options: {}, }); }); it('supports shorthand version (cmd, args)', async () => { let called = 'not called'; ds.connector.execute = function(command, args, options, callback) { called = {command, args, options}; callback(null, 'a-result'); }; await ds.execute('command', ['arg1', 'arg2']); called.should.be.eql({ command: 'command', args: ['arg1', 'arg2'], options: {}, }); }); it('converts multiple callbacks arguments into a promise resolved with an array', async () => { ds.connector.execute = function(command, args, options, callback) { callback(null, 'result1', 'result2'); }; const result = await ds.execute('command'); result.should.eql(['result1', 'result2']); }); it('allows args as object', async () => { let called = 'not called'; ds.connector.execute = function(command, args, options, callback) { called = {command, args, options}; callback(); }; // See https://www.npmjs.com/package/loopback-connector-neo4j-graph const command = 'MATCH (u:User {email: {email}}) RETURN u'; await ds.execute(command, {email: 'alice@example.com'}); called.should.be.eql({ command, args: {email: 'alice@example.com'}, options: {}, }); }); it('throws NOT_IMPLEMENTED when no connector is provided', () => { ds.connector = undefined; return ds.execute('command').should.be.rejectedWith({ code: 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', }); }); it('throws NOT_IMPLEMENTED for connectors not implementing execute', () => { ds.connector.execute = undefined; return ds.execute('command').should.be.rejectedWith({ code: 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', }); }); }); });