// Copyright IBM Corp. 2011,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT /* if (!process.env.TRAVIS) { var semicov = require('semicov'); semicov.init('lib', 'LoopbackData'); process.on('exit', semicov.report); } */ var group_name = false, EXT_EXP; function it(should, test_case) { check_external_exports(); if (group_name) { EXT_EXP[group_name][should] = test_case; } else { EXT_EXP[should] = test_case; } } global.it = it; function context(name, tests) { check_external_exports(); EXT_EXP[name] = {}; group_name = name; tests({ before: function(f) { it('setUp', f); }, after: function(f) { it('tearDown', f); }, }); group_name = false; } global.context = context; exports.init = function init(external_exports) { EXT_EXP = external_exports; if (external_exports.done) { external_exports.done(); } }; function check_external_exports() { if (!EXT_EXP) throw new Error( 'Before run this, please ensure that ' + 'require("spec_helper").init(exports); called'); }