// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

 * Operators for where clauses
export declare enum Operators {
   * Equal operator (=)
  eq = 'eq',
   * Not equal operator (!=)
  neq = 'neq',
   * Greater than operator (>)
  gt = 'gt',
   * Greater than or equal operator (>=)
  gte = 'gte',
   * Less than operator (<)
  lt = 'lt',
   * Less than or equal (<=)
  lte = 'lte',
   * IN operator. For example, `{type: {inq: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}`
  inq = 'inq',
   * Between operator. For example, `{age: {between: [18, 40]}}`
  between = 'between',
   * Exists operator
  exists = 'exists',
   * AND operator
  and = 'and',
   * OR operator
  or = 'or',

 * Matching criteria
export interface Condition {
  eq?: any;
  neq?: any;
  gt?: any;
  gte?: any;
  lt?: any;
  lte?: any;
  inq?: any[];
  between?: any[];
  exists?: boolean;
  and?: Where[];
  or?: Where[];

 * Where object
export interface Where {
  and?: Where[]; // AND
  or?: Where[]; // OR
  [property: string]: Condition | any;

 * Selection of fields
export interface Fields {
  [property: string]: boolean;

 * Inclusion of related items
export interface Inclusion {
  relation: string;
  scope?: Filter;

 * Query filter object
export interface Filter {
  where?: Where;
  fields?: string | string[] | Fields;
  order?: string | string[];
  limit?: number;
  skip?: number;
  offset?: number;
  include?: string | string[] | Inclusion[];