// Copyright IBM Corp. 2017. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; /* global getSchema:false */ const DataSource = require('..').DataSource; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const Connector = require('loopback-connector').Connector; const Transaction = require('loopback-connector').Transaction; const should = require('./init.js'); describe('Transactions on memory connector', function() { let db, tx; before(() => { db = getSchema(); db.define('Model'); }); it('returns an EventEmitter object', done => { tx = db.transaction(); tx.should.be.instanceOf(EventEmitter); done(); }); it('exposes and caches slave models', done => { testModelCaching(tx.models, db.models); done(); }); it('changes count when committing', done => { db.models.Model.count((err, count) => { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(count); count.should.equal(0); tx.models.Model.create(Array(1), () => { // Only called after tx.commit()! }); tx.commit(err => { should.not.exist(err); db.models.Model.count((err, count) => { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(count); count.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('Transactions on test connector without execute()', () => { let db, tx; before(() => { db = createDataSource(); }); beforeEach(resetState); it('resolves to an EventEmitter', done => { const promise = db.transaction(); promise.should.be.Promise(); promise.then(transaction => { should.exist(transaction); transaction.should.be.instanceof(EventEmitter); tx = transaction; done(); }, done); }); it('exposes and caches slave models', done => { testModelCaching(tx.models, db.models); done(); }); it('does not allow nesting of transactions', done => { (() => tx.transaction()).should.throw('Nesting transactions is not supported'); done(); }); it('calls commit() on the connector', done => { db.transaction().then(tx => { tx.commit(err => { callCount.should.deepEqual({commit: 1, rollback: 0, create: 0}); done(err); }); }, done); }); it('calls rollback() on the connector', done => { db.transaction().then(tx => { tx.rollback(err => { callCount.should.deepEqual({commit: 0, rollback: 1, create: 0}); done(err); }); }, done); }); }); describe('Transactions on test connector with execute()', () => { let db; before(() => { db = createDataSource(); }); beforeEach(resetState); it('passes models and calls commit() automatically', done => { db.transaction(models => { testModelCaching(models, db.models); return models.Model.create({}); }, err => { callCount.should.deepEqual({commit: 1, rollback: 0, create: 1}); transactionPassed.should.be.true(); done(err); }); }); it('calls rollback() automatically when throwing an error', done => { let error; db.transaction(models => { error = new Error('exception'); throw error; }, err => { error.should.equal(err); callCount.should.deepEqual({commit: 0, rollback: 1, create: 0}); done(); }); }); it('reports execution timeouts', done => { let timedOut = false; db.transaction(models => { setTimeout(() => { models.Model.create({}, function(err) { if (!timedOut) { done(new Error('Timeout was ineffective')); } else { should.exist(err); err.message.should.startWith('The transaction is not active:'); done(); } }); }, 50); }, { timeout: 25, }, err => { timedOut = true; should.exist(err); err.code.should.equal('TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT'); err.message.should.equal('Transaction is rolled back due to timeout'); callCount.should.deepEqual({commit: 0, rollback: 1, create: 0}); }); }); }); function createDataSource() { let db = new DataSource({ initialize: (dataSource, cb) => { dataSource.connector = new TestConnector(); cb(); }, }); db.define('Model'); return db; } function testModelCaching(txModels, dbModels) { should.exist(txModels); // Test models caching mechanism: // Model property should be a accessor with a getter first: const accessor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(txModels, 'Model'); should.exist(accessor); should.exist(accessor.get); accessor.get.should.be.Function(); const Model = txModels.Model; should.exist(Model); // After accessing it once, it should be a normal cached property: const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(txModels, 'Model'); should.exist(desc.value); Model.should.equal(txModels.Model); Model.prototype.should.be.instanceof(dbModels.Model); } let callCount; let transactionPassed; function resetState() { callCount = {commit: 0, rollback: 0, create: 0}; transactionPassed = false; } class TestConnector extends Connector { constructor() { super('test'); } beginTransaction(isolationLevel, cb) { this.currentTransaction = new Transaction(this, this); process.nextTick(() => cb(null, this.currentTransaction)); } commit(tx, cb) { callCount.commit++; cb(); } rollback(tx, cb) { callCount.rollback++; cb(); } create(model, data, options, cb) { callCount.create++; const transaction = options.transaction; const current = this.currentTransaction; transactionPassed = transaction && (current === transaction || current === transaction.connection); cb(); } }