// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var i8n = require('inflection'); var utils = require('./utils'); var defineCachedRelations = utils.defineCachedRelations; var setScopeValuesFromWhere = utils.setScopeValuesFromWhere; var mergeQuery = utils.mergeQuery; var DefaultModelBaseClass = require('./model.js'); var collectTargetIds = utils.collectTargetIds; var idName = utils.idName; /** * Module exports */ exports.defineScope = defineScope; function ScopeDefinition(definition) { this.isStatic = definition.isStatic; this.modelFrom = definition.modelFrom; this.modelTo = definition.modelTo || definition.modelFrom; this.name = definition.name; this.params = definition.params; this.methods = definition.methods || {}; this.options = definition.options || {}; } ScopeDefinition.prototype.targetModel = function(receiver) { var modelTo; if (typeof this.options.modelTo === 'function') { modelTo = this.options.modelTo.call(this, receiver) || this.modelTo; } else { modelTo = this.modelTo; } if (!(modelTo.prototype instanceof DefaultModelBaseClass)) { var msg = 'Invalid target model for scope `'; msg += (this.isStatic ? this.modelFrom : this.modelFrom.constructor).modelName; msg += this.isStatic ? '.' : '.prototype.'; msg += this.name + '`.'; throw new Error(msg); } return modelTo; }; /*! * Find related model instances * @param {*} receiver The target model class/prototype * @param {Object|Function} scopeParams * @param {Boolean|Object} [condOrRefresh] true for refresh or object as a filter * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Function} cb * @returns {*} */ ScopeDefinition.prototype.related = function(receiver, scopeParams, condOrRefresh, options, cb) { var name = this.name; var self = receiver; var actualCond = {}; var actualRefresh = false; var saveOnCache = receiver instanceof DefaultModelBaseClass; if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'function' && options === undefined && cb === undefined) { // related(receiver, scopeParams, cb) cb = condOrRefresh; options = {}; condOrRefresh = undefined; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; if (condOrRefresh !== undefined) { if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'boolean') { actualRefresh = condOrRefresh; } else { actualCond = condOrRefresh; actualRefresh = true; saveOnCache = false; } } cb = cb || utils.createPromiseCallback(); if (!self.__cachedRelations || self.__cachedRelations[name] === undefined || actualRefresh) { // It either doesn't hit the cache or refresh is required var params = mergeQuery(actualCond, scopeParams, {nestedInclude: true}); var targetModel = this.targetModel(receiver); // If there is a through model // run another query to apply filter on relatedModel(targetModel) // see github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/166 var scopeOnRelatedModel = params.collect && params.include.scope !== null && typeof params.include.scope === 'object'; if (scopeOnRelatedModel) { var filter = params.include; // The filter applied on relatedModel var queryRelated = filter.scope; delete params.include.scope; }; targetModel.find(params, options, function(err, data) { if (!err && saveOnCache) { defineCachedRelations(self); self.__cachedRelations[name] = data; } if (scopeOnRelatedModel === true) { var relatedModel = targetModel.relations[filter.relation].modelTo; var IdKey = idName(relatedModel); var smartMerge = function(idCond, qWhere, idKey) { var merged = {}; var idsA = idCond[idKey].inq; var idsB = qWhere[idKey].inq ? qWhere[idKey].inq : [qWhere[idKey]]; var intersect = _.intersectionWith(idsA, idsB, _.isEqual); if (intersect.length === 1) merged[idKey] = intersect[0]; if (intersect.length > 1) merged[idKey] = {inq: intersect}; return merged; }; // Merge queryRelated filter and targetId filter var buildWhere = function() { var IdKeyCondition = {}; IdKeyCondition[IdKey] = collectTargetIds(data, IdKey); var mergedWhere = smartMerge(IdKeyCondition, queryRelated.where, IdKey); return mergedWhere; }; if (queryRelated.where !== undefined) { queryRelated.where = buildWhere(); } else { queryRelated.where = {}; queryRelated.where[IdKey] = collectTargetIds(data, IdKey); } relatedModel.find(queryRelated, cb); } else { cb(err, data); } }); } else { // Return from cache cb(null, self.__cachedRelations[name]); } return cb.promise; }; /** * Define a scope method * @param {String} name of the method * @param {Function} function to define */ ScopeDefinition.prototype.defineMethod = function(name, fn) { return this.methods[name] = fn; }; /** * Define a scope to the class * @param {Model} cls The class where the scope method is added * @param {Model} targetClass The class that a query to run against * @param {String} name The name of the scope * @param {Object|Function} params The parameters object for the query or a function * to return the query object * @param methods An object of methods keyed by the method name to be bound to the class */ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods, options) { // collect meta info about scope if (!cls._scopeMeta) { cls._scopeMeta = {}; } // only makes sense to add scope in meta if base and target classes // are same if (cls === targetClass) { cls._scopeMeta[name] = params; } else if (targetClass) { if (!targetClass._scopeMeta) { targetClass._scopeMeta = {}; } } options = options || {}; // Check if the cls is the class itself or its prototype var isStatic = (typeof cls === 'function') || options.isStatic || false; var definition = new ScopeDefinition({ isStatic: isStatic, modelFrom: cls, modelTo: targetClass, name: name, params: params, methods: methods, options: options, }); if (isStatic) { cls.scopes = cls.scopes || {}; cls.scopes[name] = definition; } else { cls.constructor.scopes = cls.constructor.scopes || {}; cls.constructor.scopes[name] = definition; } // Define a property for the scope Object.defineProperty(cls, name, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, /** * This defines a property for the scope. For example, user.accounts or * User.vips. Please note the cls can be the model class or prototype of * the model class. * * The property value is function. It can be used to query the scope, * such as user.accounts(condOrRefresh, cb) or User.vips(cb). The value * can also have child properties for create/build/delete. For example, * user.accounts.create(act, cb). * */ get: function() { var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this); var self = this; var f = function(condOrRefresh, options, cb) { if (arguments.length === 0) { if (typeof f.value === 'function') { return f.value(self); } else if (self.__cachedRelations) { return self.__cachedRelations[name]; } } else { if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'function' && options === undefined && cb === undefined) { // customer.orders(cb) cb = condOrRefresh; options = {}; condOrRefresh = undefined; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // customer.orders(condOrRefresh, cb); cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; // Check if there is a through model // see https://github.com/strongloop/loopback/issues/1076 if (f._scope.collect && condOrRefresh !== null && typeof condOrRefresh === 'object') { f._scope.include = { relation: f._scope.collect, scope: condOrRefresh, }; condOrRefresh = {}; } return definition.related(self, f._scope, condOrRefresh, options, cb); } }; f._receiver = this; f._scope = typeof definition.params === 'function' ? definition.params.call(self) : definition.params; f._targetClass = targetModel.modelName; if (f._scope.collect) { const rel = targetModel.relations[f._scope.collect]; f._targetClass = rel && rel.modelTo && rel.modelTo.modelName || i8n.camelize(f._scope.collect); } f.getAsync = function(condOrRefresh, options, cb) { if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'function' && options === undefined && cb === undefined) { // customer.orders.getAsync(cb) cb = condOrRefresh; options = {}; condOrRefresh = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // customer.orders.getAsync(condOrRefresh, cb); cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; return definition.related(self, f._scope, condOrRefresh, options, cb); }; f.build = build; f.create = create; f.updateAll = updateAll; f.destroyAll = destroyAll; f.findById = findById; f.findOne = findOne; f.count = count; for (var i in definition.methods) { f[i] = definition.methods[i].bind(self); } if (!targetClass) return f; // Define scope-chaining, such as // Station.scope('active', {where: {isActive: true}}); // Station.scope('subway', {where: {isUndeground: true}}); // Station.active.subway(cb); Object.keys(targetClass._scopeMeta).forEach(function(name) { Object.defineProperty(f, name, { enumerable: false, get: function() { mergeQuery(f._scope, targetModel._scopeMeta[name]); return f; }, }); }.bind(self)); return f; }, }); // Wrap the property into a function for remoting var fn = function() { // primaryObject.scopeName, such as user.accounts var f = this[name]; // set receiver to be the scope property whose value is a function f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__get__' + name] = fn; var fnCreate = function() { var f = this[name].create; f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__create__' + name] = fnCreate; var fnDelete = function() { var f = this[name].destroyAll; f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__delete__' + name] = fnDelete; var fnUpdate = function() { var f = this[name].updateAll; f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__update__' + name] = fnUpdate; var fnFindById = function(cb) { var f = this[name].findById; f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__findById__' + name] = fnFindById; var fnFindOne = function(cb) { var f = this[name].findOne; f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__findOne__' + name] = fnFindOne; var fnCount = function(cb) { var f = this[name].count; f.apply(this[name], arguments); }; cls['__count__' + name] = fnCount; // and it should have create/build methods with binded thisModelNameId param function build(data) { data = data || {}; // Find all fixed property values for the scope var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this._receiver); var where = (this._scope && this._scope.where) || {}; setScopeValuesFromWhere(data, where, targetModel); return new targetModel(data); } function create(data, options, cb) { if (typeof data === 'function' && options === undefined && cb === undefined) { // create(cb) cb = data; data = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // create(data, cb) cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; return this.build(data).save(options, cb); } /* Callback - The callback will be called after all elements are destroyed - For every destroy call which results in an error - If fetching the Elements on which destroyAll is called results in an error */ function destroyAll(where, options, cb) { if (typeof where === 'function') { // destroyAll(cb) cb = where; where = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // destroyAll(where, cb) cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this._receiver); var scoped = (this._scope && this._scope.where) || {}; var filter = mergeQuery({where: scoped}, {where: where || {}}); return targetModel.destroyAll(filter.where, options, cb); } function updateAll(where, data, options, cb) { if (typeof data === 'function' && options === undefined && cb === undefined) { // updateAll(data, cb) cb = data; data = where; where = {}; options = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // updateAll(where, data, cb) cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this._receiver); var scoped = (this._scope && this._scope.where) || {}; var filter = mergeQuery({where: scoped}, {where: where || {}}); return targetModel.updateAll(filter.where, data, options, cb); } function findById(id, filter, options, cb) { if (options === undefined && cb === undefined) { if (typeof filter === 'function') { // findById(id, cb) cb = filter; filter = {}; } } else if (cb === undefined) { if (typeof options === 'function') { // findById(id, query, cb) cb = options; options = {}; if (typeof filter === 'object' && !(filter.include || filter.fields)) { // If filter doesn't have include or fields, assuming it's options options = filter; filter = {}; } } } options = options || {}; filter = filter || {}; var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this._receiver); var idName = targetModel.definition.idName(); var query = {where: {}}; query.where[idName] = id; query = mergeQuery(query, filter); return this.findOne(query, options, cb); } function findOne(filter, options, cb) { if (typeof filter === 'function') { // findOne(cb) cb = filter; filter = {}; options = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // findOne(filter, cb) cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this._receiver); var scoped = (this._scope && this._scope.where) || {}; filter = mergeQuery({where: scoped}, filter || {}); return targetModel.findOne(filter, options, cb); } function count(where, options, cb) { if (typeof where === 'function') { // count(cb) cb = where; where = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function' && cb === undefined) { // count(where, cb) cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; var targetModel = definition.targetModel(this._receiver); var scoped = (this._scope && this._scope.where) || {}; var filter = mergeQuery({where: scoped}, {where: where || {}}); return targetModel.count(filter.where, options, cb); } return definition; }