// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var deprecated = require('depd')('loopback-datasource-juggler'); /*! * Module exports */ module.exports = Hookable; /* * Hooks object. * @class Hookable */ function Hookable() { } /** * List of hooks available */ Hookable.afterInitialize = null; Hookable.beforeValidate = null; Hookable.afterValidate = null; Hookable.beforeSave = null; Hookable.afterSave = null; Hookable.beforeCreate = null; Hookable.afterCreate = null; Hookable.beforeUpdate = null; Hookable.afterUpdate = null; Hookable.beforeDestroy = null; Hookable.afterDestroy = null; // TODO: Evaluate https://github.com/bnoguchi/hooks-js/ Hookable.prototype.trigger = function trigger(actionName, work, data, callback) { var capitalizedName = capitalize(actionName); var beforeHook = this.constructor["before" + capitalizedName] || this.constructor["pre" + capitalizedName]; var afterHook = this.constructor["after" + capitalizedName] || this.constructor["post" + capitalizedName]; if (actionName === 'validate') { beforeHook = beforeHook || this.constructor.beforeValidation; afterHook = afterHook || this.constructor.afterValidation; } var inst = this; if (actionName !== 'initialize') { if (beforeHook) deprecateHook(inst.constructor, ['before', 'pre'], capitalizedName); if (afterHook) deprecateHook(inst.constructor, ['after', 'post'], capitalizedName); } // we only call "before" hook when we have actual action (work) to perform if (work) { if (beforeHook) { // before hook should be called on instance with two parameters: next and data beforeHook.call(inst, function () { // Check arguments to next(err, result) if (arguments.length) { return callback && callback.apply(null, arguments); } // No err & result is present, proceed with the real work // actual action also have one param: callback work.call(inst, next); }, data); } else { work.call(inst, next); } } else { next(); } function next(done) { if (afterHook) { afterHook.call(inst, done); } else if (done) { done.call(this); } } }; function capitalize(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } function deprecateHook(ctor, prefixes, capitalizedName) { var candidateNames = prefixes.map(function(p) { return p + capitalizedName; }); if (capitalizedName === 'Validate') candidateNames.push(prefixes[0] + 'Validation'); var hookName = candidateNames.filter(function(hook) { return !!ctor[hook]; })[0]; if (!hookName) return; // just to be sure, this should never happen if (ctor.modelName) hookName = ctor.modelName + '.' + hookName; deprecated('Model hook "' + hookName + '" is deprecated, ' + 'use Operation hooks instead. ' + 'http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Operation+hooks'); }