227 lines
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227 lines
5.8 KiB
* Describe context objects of operation hooks in comprehensive HTML table.
* Usage:
* $ node support/describe-operation-hooks.js > hooks.html
* $ open hooks.hml
var Promise = global.Promise = require('bluebird');
var DataSource = require('../').DataSource;
var Memory = require('../lib/connectors/memory').Memory;
var HOOK_NAMES = [
'before save', 'persist', 'after save',
'before delete', 'after delete'
var dataSources = [
var observedContexts = [];
var lastId = 0;
Promise.onPossiblyUnhandledRejection(function(err) {
console.error('POSSIBLY UNHANDLED REJECTION', err.stack);
var operations = [
function find(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.find({ where: { id: '1' } });
function count(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.count({ id: ds.existingInstance.id });
function create(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.create({ name: 'created' });
function findOrCreate_found(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.findOrCreate(
{ where: { name: ds.existingInstance.name } },
{ name: ds.existingInstance.name });
function findOrCreate_create(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.findOrCreate(
{ where: { name: 'new-record' } },
{ name: 'new-record' });
function updateOrCreate_create(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.updateOrCreate({ id: 'not-found', name: 'not found' });
function updateOrCreate_update(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.updateOrCreate(
{ id: ds.existingInstance.id, name: 'new name' });
function replaceOrCreate_create(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.replaceOrCreate({ id: 'not-found', name: 'not found' });
function replaceOrCreate_update(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.replaceOrCreate(
{ id: ds.existingInstance.id, name: 'new name' });
function replaceById(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.replaceById(
{ name: 'new name' });
function updateAll(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.updateAll({ name: 'searched' }, { name: 'updated' });
function prototypeSave(ds) {
ds.existingInstance.name = 'changed';
return ds.existingInstance.save();
function prototypeUpdateAttributes(ds) {
return ds.existingInstance.updateAttributes({ name: 'changed' });
function prototypeDelete(ds) {
return ds.existingInstance.delete();
function deleteAll(ds) {
return ds.TestModel.deleteAll({ name: ds.existingInstance.name });
var p = setupTestModels();
operations.forEach(function(op) {
p = p.then(runner(op));
p.then(report, function(err) { console.error(err.stack); });
function createOptimizedDataSource() {
var ds = new DataSource({ connector: Memory });
ds.name = 'Optimized';
return ds;
function createUnoptimizedDataSource() {
var ds = new DataSource({ connector: Memory });
ds.name = 'Unoptimized';
// disable optimized methods
ds.connector.updateOrCreate = false;
ds.connector.findOrCreate = false;
ds.connector.replaceOrCreate = false;
return ds;
function setupTestModels() {
dataSources.forEach(function setupOnDataSource(ds) {
var TestModel = ds.TestModel = ds.createModel('TestModel', {
id: { type: String, id: true, default: uid },
name: { type: String, required: true },
extra: { type: String, required: false }
return Promise.resolve();
function uid() {
lastId += 1;
return '' + lastId;
function runner(fn) {
return function() {
var res = Promise.resolve();
dataSources.forEach(function(ds) {
res = res.then(function() {
return resetStorage(ds);
}).then(function() {
operation: fn.name,
connector: ds.name,
hooks: {}
return fn(ds);
return res;
function resetStorage(ds) {
var TestModel = ds.TestModel;
HOOK_NAMES.forEach(function(hook) {
return TestModel.deleteAll()
.then(function() {
return TestModel.create({ name: 'first' })
.then(function(instance) {
// Look it up from DB so that default values are retrieved
return TestModel.findById(instance.id)
.then(function(instance) {
ds.existingInstance = instance;
return TestModel.create({ name: 'second' });
.then(function() {
HOOK_NAMES.forEach(function(hook) {
TestModel.observe(hook, function(ctx, next) {
var row = observedContexts[observedContexts.length-1];
row.hooks[hook] = Object.keys(ctx);
function report() {
console.log('td { font-family: "monospace": }');
console.log('td, th {');
console.log(' vertical-align: text-top;');
console.log(' padding: 0.5em;');
console.log(' border-bottom: 1px solid gray;');
// merge rows where Optimized and Unoptimized produce the same context
observedContexts.forEach(function(row, ix) {
if (!ix) return;
var last = observedContexts[ix-1];
if (row.operation != last.operation) return;
if (JSON.stringify(row.hooks) !== JSON.stringify(last.hooks)) return;
last.merge = true;
row.skip = true;
console.log('<!-- ==== BEGIN DATA ==== -->\n');
console.log('<table><thead><tr>\n <th></th>');
HOOK_NAMES.forEach(function(h) { console.log(' <th>' + h + '</th>'); });
observedContexts.forEach(function(row) {
if (row.skip) return;
var caption = row.operation;
if (!row.merge) caption += ' (' + row.connector + ')';
console.log('<tr><th>' + caption + '</th>');
HOOK_NAMES.forEach(function(h) {
var text = row.hooks[h] ? row.hooks[h].join('<br/>') : '';
console.log(' <td>' + text + '</td>');