
241 lines
6.8 KiB

var i8n = require('inflection');
var utils = require('./utils');
var defineCachedRelations = utils.defineCachedRelations;
* Module exports
exports.defineScope = defineScope;
* Define a scope to the class
* @param {Model} cls The class where the scope method is added
* @param {Model} targetClass The class that a query to run against
* @param {String} name The name of the scope
* @param {Object|Function} params The parameters object for the query or a function
* to return the query object
* @param methods An object of methods keyed by the method name to be bound to the class
function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
// collect meta info about scope
if (!cls._scopeMeta) {
cls._scopeMeta = {};
// only makes sence to add scope in meta if base and target classes
// are same
if (cls === targetClass) {
cls._scopeMeta[name] = params;
} else {
if (!targetClass._scopeMeta) {
targetClass._scopeMeta = {};
// Define a property for the scope
Object.defineProperty(cls, name, {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
* This defines a property for the scope. For example, user.accounts or
* User.vips. Please note the cls can be the model class or prototype of
* the model class.
* The property value is function. It can be used to query the scope,
* such as user.accounts(condOrRefresh, cb) or User.vips(cb). The value
* can also have child properties for create/build/delete. For example,
* user.accounts.create(act, cb).
get: function () {
var self = this;
var f = function caller(condOrRefresh, cb) {
var actualCond = {};
var actualRefresh = false;
var saveOnCache = true;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
cb = condOrRefresh;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'boolean') {
actualRefresh = condOrRefresh;
} else {
actualCond = condOrRefresh;
actualRefresh = true;
saveOnCache = false;
} else {
throw new Error('Method can be only called with one or two arguments');
if (!self.__cachedRelations || self.__cachedRelations[name] === undefined
|| actualRefresh) {
// It either doesn't hit the cache or reresh is required
var params = mergeParams(actualCond, caller._scope);
return targetClass.find(params, function (err, data) {
if (!err && saveOnCache) {
self.__cachedRelations[name] = data;
cb(err, data);
} else {
// Return from cache
cb(null, self.__cachedRelations[name]);
f._scope = typeof params === 'function' ? params.call(this) : params;
f._targetClass = targetClass.modelName;
if (f._scope.collect) {
f._targetClass = i8n.capitalize(f._scope.collect);
f.build = build;
f.create = create;
f.destroyAll = destroyAll;
for (var i in methods) {
f[i] = methods[i].bind(this);
// define sub-scopes
Object.keys(targetClass._scopeMeta).forEach(function (name) {
Object.defineProperty(f, name, {
enumerable: false,
get: function () {
mergeParams(f._scope, targetClass._scopeMeta[name]);
return f;
return f;
// Wrap the property into a function for remoting
var fn = function () {
// primaryObject.scopeName, such as user.accounts
var f = this[name];
// set receiver to be the scope property whose value is a function
f.apply(this[name], arguments);
fn.shared = true;
fn.http = {verb: 'get', path: '/' + name};
fn.accepts = {arg: 'filter', type: 'object'};
fn.description = 'Fetches ' + name;
fn.returns = {arg: name, type: 'array', root: true};
cls['__get__' + name] = fn;
var fn_create = function () {
var f = this[name].create;
f.apply(this[name], arguments);
fn_create.shared = true;
fn_create.http = {verb: 'post', path: '/' + name};
fn_create.accepts = {arg: 'data', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}};
fn_create.description = 'Creates ' + name;
fn_create.returns = {arg: 'data', type: 'object', root: true};
cls['__create__' + name] = fn_create;
var fn_delete = function () {
var f = this[name].destroyAll;
f.apply(this[name], arguments);
fn_delete.shared = true;
fn_delete.http = {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + name};
fn_delete.description = 'Deletes ' + name;
fn_delete.returns = {arg: 'data', type: 'object', root: true};
cls['__delete__' + name] = fn_delete;
// and it should have create/build methods with binded thisModelNameId param
function build(data) {
return new targetClass(mergeParams(this._scope, {where: data || {}}).where);
function create(data, cb) {
if (typeof data === 'function') {
cb = data;
data = {};
- The callback will be called after all elements are destroyed
- For every destroy call which results in an error
- If fetching the Elements on which destroyAll is called results in an error
function destroyAll(cb) {
targetClass.find(this._scope, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
(function loopOfDestruction(data) {
if (data.length > 0) {
data.shift().destroy(function (err) {
if (err && cb) cb(err);
} else {
if (cb) cb();
function mergeParams(base, update) {
base = base || {};
if (update.where) {
base.where = merge(base.where, update.where);
if (update.include) {
base.include = update.include;
if (update.collect) {
base.collect = update.collect;
// overwrite order
if (update.order) {
base.order = update.order;
if(update.limit !== undefined) {
base.limit = update.limit;
if(update.skip !== undefined) {
base.skip = update.skip;
if(update.offset !== undefined) {
base.offset = update.offset;
if(update.fields !== undefined) {
base.fields = update.fields;
return base;
* Merge `base` and `update` params
* @param {Object} base - base object (updating this object)
* @param {Object} update - object with new data to update base
* @returns {Object} `base`
function merge(base, update) {
base = base || {};
if (update) {
Object.keys(update).forEach(function (key) {
base[key] = update[key];
return base;