1906 lines
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1906 lines
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// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// This test written in mocha+should.js
var should = require('./init.js');
var assert = require('assert');
var async = require('async');
var jdb = require('../');
var ModelBuilder = jdb.ModelBuilder;
var DataSource = jdb.DataSource;
describe('ModelBuilder define model', function() {
it('should be able to define plain models', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
bio: ModelBuilder.Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: Date,
age: Number,
// define any custom method
User.prototype.getNameAndAge = function() {
return this.name + ', ' + this.age;
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20, xyz: false });
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
user.should.have.property('xyz', false);
user.should.have.property('bio', undefined);
done(null, User);
it('should not take unknown properties in strict mode', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: true });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('bio', undefined);
done(null, User);
it('should ignore non-predefined properties in strict mode', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: true });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe' });
user.age = 10;
user.bio = 'me';
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('bio', 'me');
// Non predefined property age should be ignored in strict mode if schemaOnly parameter is not false
user.toObject(false).should.have.property('age', 10);
// Predefined property bio should be kept in strict mode
user.toObject().should.have.property('bio', 'me');
user.toObject(true).should.have.property('bio', 'me');
user.toObject(false).should.have.property('bio', 'me');
done(null, User);
it('should throw when unknown properties are used if strict=throw', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: 'throw' });
try {
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
assert(false, 'The code should have thrown an error');
} catch (e) {
assert(true, 'The code is expected to throw an error');
done(null, User);
it('should be able to define open models', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {}, { strict: false });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
done(null, User);
it('should take non-predefined properties in non-strict mode', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: false });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe' });
user.age = 10;
user.bio = 'me';
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('bio', 'me');
// Non predefined property age should be kept in non-strict mode
user.toObject().should.have.property('age', 10);
user.toObject(true).should.have.property('age', 10);
user.toObject(false).should.have.property('age', 10);
// Predefined property bio should be kept
user.toObject().should.have.property('bio', 'me');
user.toObject(true).should.have.property('bio', 'me');
user.toObject(false).should.have.property('bio', 'me');
done(null, User);
it('should use false as the default value for strict', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {});
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
done(null, User);
it('should be able to define nesting models', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
// simplier way to describe model
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
bio: ModelBuilder.Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: Date,
age: Number,
address: {
street: String,
city: String,
state: String,
zipCode: String,
country: String,
emails: [
label: String,
email: String,
friends: [String],
// define any custom method
User.prototype.getNameAndAge = function() {
return this.name + ', ' + this.age;
modelBuilder.models.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('User', User);
var user = new User({
name: 'Joe', age: 20,
address: { street: '123 Main St', 'city': 'San Jose', state: 'CA' },
emails: [
{ label: 'work', email: 'xyz@sample.com' },
friends: ['Mary', 'John'],
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
user.should.have.property('bio', undefined);
user.address.should.have.property('city', 'San Jose');
user.address.should.have.property('state', 'CA');
user = user.toObject();
user.emails.should.have.property('length', 1);
user.emails[0].should.have.property('label', 'work');
user.emails[0].should.have.property('email', 'xyz@sample.com');
user.friends.should.have.property('length', 2);
assert.equal(user.friends[0], 'Mary');
assert.equal(user.friends[1], 'John');
done(null, User);
it('should be able to reference models by name before they are defined', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', { name: String, address: 'Address' });
var user;
try {
user = new User({ name: 'Joe', address: { street: '123 Main St', 'city': 'San Jose', state: 'CA' }});
assert(false, 'An exception should have been thrown');
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
var Address = modelBuilder.define('Address', {
street: String,
city: String,
state: String,
zipCode: String,
country: String,
user = new User({ name: 'Joe', address: { street: '123 Main St', 'city': 'San Jose', state: 'CA' }});
User.definition.properties.address.should.have.property('type', Address);
assert(user.name === 'Joe');
user.address.should.have.property('city', 'San Jose');
user.address.should.have.property('state', 'CA');
done(null, User);
it('should define an id property for composite ids', function() {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var Follow = modelBuilder.define('Follow', {
followerId: { type: String, id: 1 },
followeeId: { type: String, id: 2 },
followAt: Date,
var follow = new Follow({ followerId: 1, followeeId: 2 });
assert.deepEqual(follow.id, { followerId: 1, followeeId: 2 });
describe('DataSource ping', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
ds.settings.connectionTimeout = 50; // ms
ds.connector.connect = function(cb) {
// Mock up the long delay
setTimeout(cb, 100);
ds.connector.ping = function(cb) {
cb(new Error('bad connection 2'));
it('should report connection errors during ping', function(done) {
ds.ping(function(err) {
err.message.should.be.eql('bad connection 2');
it('should cancel invocation after timeout', function(done) {
ds.connected = false; // Force connect
var Post = ds.define('Post', {
title: { type: String, length: 255 },
Post.create(function(err) {
err.message.should.be.eql('Timeout in connecting after 50 ms');
describe('DataSource define model', function() {
it('should be able to define plain models', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
// define models
var Post = ds.define('Post', {
title: { type: String, length: 255 },
content: { type: ModelBuilder.Text },
date: { type: Date, default: function() {
return new Date();
} },
timestamp: { type: Number, default: Date.now },
published: { type: Boolean, default: false, index: true },
// simpler way to describe model
var User = ds.define('User', {
name: String,
bio: ModelBuilder.Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: { type: Date, default: Date },
age: Number,
var Group = ds.define('Group', { group: String });
// define any custom method
User.prototype.getNameAndAge = function() {
return this.name + ', ' + this.age;
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', group: 'G1' });
assert.equal(user.name, 'Joe');
assert.equal(user.group, 'G1');
assert(user.joinedAt instanceof Date);
// setup relationships
User.hasMany(Post, { as: 'posts', foreignKey: 'userId' });
Post.belongsTo(User, { as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId' });
var user2 = new User({ name: 'Smith' });
user2.save(function(err) {
var post = user2.posts.build({ title: 'Hello world' });
post.save(function(err, data) {
// console.log(err ? err : data);
Post.findOne({ where: { published: false }, order: 'date DESC' }, function(err, data) {
// console.log(data);
User.create({ name: 'Jeff' }, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
var post = data.posts.build({ title: 'My Post' });
User.create({ name: 'Ray' }, function(err, data) {
// console.log(data);
var Article = ds.define('Article', { title: String });
var Tag = ds.define('Tag', { name: String });
Article.create(function(e, article) {
article.tags.create({ name: 'popular' }, function(err, data) {
Article.findOne(function(e, article) {
article.tags(function(e, tags) {
// console.log(tags);
// should be able to attach a data source to an existing model
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var Color = modelBuilder.define('Color', {
name: String,
// attach
Color.create({ name: 'red' });
Color.create({ name: 'green' });
Color.create({ name: 'blue' });
Color.all(function(err, colors) {
it('should emit events during attach', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
var seq = 0;
var dataAccessConfigured = -1;
var dataSourceAttached = -1;
User.on('dataAccessConfigured', function(model) {
dataAccessConfigured = seq++;
User.on('dataSourceAttached', function(model) {
assert(User.dataSource instanceof DataSource);
dataSourceAttached = seq++;
assert.equal(dataAccessConfigured, 0);
assert.equal(dataSourceAttached, 1);
it('should not take unknown properties in strict mode', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: true });
User.create({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 }, function(err, user) {
assert(user.name === 'Joe');
assert(user.age === undefined);
assert(user.toObject().age === undefined);
assert(user.toObject(true).age === undefined);
assert(user.bio === undefined);
done(null, User);
it('should throw when unknown properties are used if strict=throw', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: 'throw' });
try {
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
assert(false, 'The code should have thrown an error');
} catch (e) {
assert(true, 'The code is expected to throw an error');
done(null, User);
describe('strict mode "validate"', function() {
it('should report validation error for unknown properties', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String }, { strict: 'validate' });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
var codes = user.errors && user.errors.codes || {};
it('should be able to define open models', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', {}, { strict: false });
User.create({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 }, function(err, user) {
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
User.findById(user.id, function(err, user) {
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
done(null, User);
it('should use false as the default value for strict', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', {});
User.create({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 }, function(err, user) {
user.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
done(null, User);
it('should use true as the default value for strict for relational DBs', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
ds.connector.relational = true; // HACK
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: true });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
assert(user.name === 'Joe');
assert(user.age === undefined);
assert(user.toObject().age === undefined);
assert(user.toObject(true).age === undefined);
assert(user.bio === undefined);
done(null, User);
it('should throw when unknown properties are used if strict=false for relational DBs', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
ds.connector.relational = true; // HACK
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: 'throw' });
try {
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 });
assert(false, 'The code should have thrown an error');
} catch (e) {
assert(true, 'The code is expected to throw an error');
done(null, User);
it('should change the property value for save if strict=false', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');// define models
var Post = ds.define('Post');
Post.create({ price: 900 }, function(err, post) {
assert.equal(post.price, 900);
post.price = 1000;
post.save(function(err, result) {
assert.equal(1000, result.price);
done(err, result);
it('supports instance level strict mode', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, { strict: true });
var user = new User({ name: 'Joe', age: 20 }, { strict: false });
user.should.have.property('__strict', false);
user.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
user.should.have.property('age', 20);
user.toObject().should.have.property('age', 20);
user.toObject(true).should.have.property('age', 20);
user.toObject(false).should.have.property('age', 20);
it('should update the instance with unknown properties', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');// define models
Post = ds.define('Post', {
title: { type: String, length: 255, index: true },
content: { type: String },
Post.create({ title: 'a', content: 'AAA' }, function(err, post) {
post.updateAttributes({ title: 'b', xyz: 'xyz' }, function(err, p) {
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) {
it('injects id by default', function(done) {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User = ds.define('User', {});
{ type: Number, id: 1, generated: true });
it('disables idInjection if the value is false', function(done) {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User1 = ds.define('User', {}, { idInjection: false });
it('updates generated id type by the connector', function(done) {
var builder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = builder.define('User', { id: { type: String, generated: true, id: true }});
{ type: String, id: 1, generated: true });
var ds = new DataSource('memory');// define models
{ type: Number, id: 1, generated: true });
it('should allow an explicit remoting path', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, {
http: { path: 'accounts' },
it('should allow an explicit remoting path with leading /', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, bio: String }, {
http: { path: '/accounts' },
describe('Load models with base', function() {
it('should set up base class via base option', function() {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String });
User.staticMethod = function staticMethod() {
User.prototype.instanceMethod = function instanceMethod() {
var Customer = ds.define('Customer', { vip: Boolean }, { base: 'User' });
assert(Customer.prototype instanceof User);
assert(Customer.staticMethod === User.staticMethod);
assert(Customer.prototype.instanceMethod === User.prototype.instanceMethod);
assert.equal(Customer.base, User);
assert.equal(Customer.base, Customer.super_);
try {
var Customer1 = ds.define('Customer1', { vip: Boolean }, { base: 'User1' });
} catch (e) {
it('should inherit properties from base option', function() {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String });
var Customer = ds.define('Customer', { vip: Boolean }, { base: 'User' });
Customer.definition.properties.name.should.have.property('type', String);
it('should inherit properties by clone from base option', function() {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String });
var Customer1 = ds.define('Customer1', { vip: Boolean }, { base: 'User' });
var Customer2 = ds.define('Customer2', { vip: Boolean }, { base: 'User' });
it('should revert properties from base model', function() {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User = ds.define('User', { username: String, email: String });
var Customer = ds.define('Customer',
{ name: String, username: null, email: false },
{ base: 'User' });
// username/email are now shielded
var c = new Customer({ name: 'John' });
c.should.have.property('username', undefined);
c.should.have.property('email', undefined);
c.should.have.property('name', 'John');
var u = new User({ username: 'X', email: 'x@y.com' });
u.should.have.property('username', 'X');
u.should.have.property('email', 'x@y.com');
it('should set up base class via parent arg', function() {
var ds = new ModelBuilder();
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String });
User.staticMethod = function staticMethod() {
User.prototype.instanceMethod = function instanceMethod() {
var Customer = ds.define('Customer', { vip: Boolean }, {}, User);
Customer.definition.properties.name.should.have.property('type', String);
assert(Customer.prototype instanceof User);
assert(Customer.staticMethod === User.staticMethod);
assert(Customer.prototype.instanceMethod === User.prototype.instanceMethod);
assert.equal(Customer.base, User);
assert.equal(Customer.base, Customer.super_);
describe('Models attached to a dataSource', function() {
var Post;
before(function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');// define models
Post = ds.define('Post', {
title: { type: String, length: 255, index: true },
content: { type: String },
comments: [String],
beforeEach(function(done) {
it('updateOrCreate should update the instance', function(done) {
Post.create({ title: 'a', content: 'AAA' }, function(err, post) {
post.title = 'b';
Post.updateOrCreate(post, function(err, p) {
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) {
it('updateOrCreate should update the instance without removing existing properties', function(done) {
Post.create({ title: 'a', content: 'AAA', comments: ['Comment1'] }, function(err, post) {
post = post.toObject();
delete post.title;
delete post.comments;
Post.updateOrCreate(post, function(err, p) {
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) {
it('updateOrCreate should create a new instance if it does not exist', function(done) {
var post = { id: 123, title: 'a', content: 'AAA' };
Post.updateOrCreate(post, function(err, p) {
Post.findById(p.id, function(err, p) {
it('save should update the instance with the same id', function(done) {
Post.create({ title: 'a', content: 'AAA' }, function(err, post) {
post.title = 'b';
post.save(function(err, p) {
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) {
it('save should update the instance without removing existing properties', function(done) {
Post.create({ title: 'a', content: 'AAA' }, function(err, post) {
delete post.title;
post.save(function(err, p) {
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, p) {
it('save should create a new instance if it does not exist', function(done) {
var post = new Post({ id: '123', title: 'a', content: 'AAA' });
post.save(post, function(err, p) {
Post.findById(p.id, function(err, p) {
describe('DataSource connector types', function() {
it('should return an array of types', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var types = ds.getTypes();
assert.deepEqual(types, ['db', 'nosql', 'memory']);
it('should test supported types by string', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var result = ds.supportTypes('db');
it('should test supported types by array', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var result = ds.supportTypes(['db', 'memory']);
it('should test unsupported types by string', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var result = ds.supportTypes('rdbms');
it('should test unsupported types by array', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var result = ds.supportTypes(['rdbms', 'memory']);
result = ds.supportTypes(['rdbms']);
describe('DataSource constructor', function() {
// Mocked require
var loader = function(name) {
if (name.indexOf('./connectors/') !== -1) {
// ./connectors/<name> doesn't exist
return null;
if (name === 'loopback-connector-abc') {
// Assume loopback-connector-abc doesn't exist
return null;
return {
name: name,
it('should resolve connector by path', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector(__dirname + '/../lib/connectors/memory');
it('should resolve connector by internal name', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('memory');
it('should try to resolve connector by module name starts with loopback-connector-', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('loopback-connector-xyz', loader);
it('should try to resolve connector by short module name with full name first', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('xyz', loader);
assert.equal(connector.connector.name, 'loopback-connector-xyz');
it('should try to resolve connector by short module name', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('abc', loader);
assert.equal(connector.connector.name, 'abc');
it('should try to resolve connector by short module name for known connectors', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('oracle', loader);
assert.equal(connector.connector.name, 'loopback-connector-oracle');
it('should try to resolve connector by full module name', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('loopback-xyz', loader);
it('should fail to resolve connector by module name starts with loopback-connector-', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('loopback-connector-xyz');
assert(connector.error.indexOf('loopback-connector-xyz') !== -1);
it('should fail to resolve connector by short module name', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('xyz');
assert(connector.error.indexOf('loopback-connector-xyz') !== -1);
it('should fail to resolve connector by full module name', function() {
var connector = DataSource._resolveConnector('loopback-xyz');
assert(connector.error.indexOf('loopback-connector-loopback-xyz') !== -1);
describe('Load models with relations', function() {
it('should set up relations', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Post = ds.define('Post', { userId: Number, content: String });
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String },
{ relations: { posts: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Post' }}}
it('should set up belongsTo relations', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String });
var Post = ds.define(
{ userId: Number, content: String },
{ relations: { user: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User' }}}
it('should set up referencesMany relations', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Post = ds.define('Post', { userId: Number, content: String });
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String },
{ relations: { posts: { type: 'referencesMany', model: 'Post' }}}
it('should set up embedsMany relations', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Post = ds.define('Post', { userId: Number, content: String });
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String },
{ relations: { posts: { type: 'embedsMany', model: 'Post' }}}
it('should set up polymorphic relations', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Author = ds.define('Author', { name: String }, { relations: {
pictures: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Picture', polymorphic: 'imageable' },
var Picture = ds.define('Picture', { name: String }, { relations: {
imageable: { type: 'belongsTo', polymorphic: true },
assert.deepEqual(Author.relations['pictures'].toJSON(), {
name: 'pictures',
type: 'hasMany',
modelFrom: 'Author',
keyFrom: 'id',
modelTo: 'Picture',
keyTo: 'imageableId',
multiple: true,
polymorphic: {
as: 'imageable',
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType',
assert.deepEqual(Picture.relations['imageable'].toJSON(), {
name: 'imageable',
type: 'belongsTo',
modelFrom: 'Picture',
keyFrom: 'imageableId',
modelTo: '<polymorphic>',
keyTo: 'id',
multiple: false,
polymorphic: {
as: 'imageable',
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType',
it('should set up foreign key with the correct type', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String, id: { type: String, id: true }}
var Post = ds.define(
{ content: String },
{ relations: { user: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User' }}}
var fk = Post.definition.properties['userId'];
assert(fk, 'The foreign key should be added');
assert(fk.type === String, 'The foreign key should be the same type as primary key');
assert(Post.relations['user'], 'User relation should be set');
it('should set up hasMany and belongsTo relations', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String },
relations: {
posts: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Post',
accounts: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Account',
var Post = ds.define(
{ userId: Number, content: String },
{ relations: { user: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User' }}}
var Account = ds.define(
{ userId: Number, type: String },
{ relations: { user: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User' }}}
assert.deepEqual(Post.relations['user'].toJSON(), {
name: 'user',
type: 'belongsTo',
modelFrom: 'Post',
keyFrom: 'userId',
modelTo: 'User',
keyTo: 'id',
multiple: false,
assert.deepEqual(User.relations['posts'].toJSON(), {
name: 'posts',
type: 'hasMany',
modelFrom: 'User',
keyFrom: 'id',
modelTo: 'Post',
keyTo: 'userId',
multiple: true,
assert.deepEqual(User.relations['accounts'].toJSON(), {
name: 'accounts',
type: 'hasMany',
modelFrom: 'User',
keyFrom: 'id',
modelTo: 'Account',
keyTo: 'userId',
multiple: true,
it('should throw if a relation is missing type', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Post = ds.define('Post', { userId: Number, content: String });
try {
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String },
{ relations: { posts: { model: 'Post' }}}
} catch (e) {
it('should throw if the relation type is invalid', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Post = ds.define('Post', { userId: Number, content: String });
try {
var User = ds.define(
{ name: String },
{ relations: { posts: { type: 'hasXYZ', model: 'Post' }}}
} catch (e) {
it('should handle hasMany through', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Physician = ds.createModel('Physician', {
name: String,
}, { relations: { patients: { model: 'Patient', type: 'hasMany', through: 'Appointment' }}});
var Patient = ds.createModel('Patient', {
name: String,
}, { relations: { physicians: { model: 'Physician', type: 'hasMany', through: 'Appointment' }}});
assert(!Physician.relations['patients']); // Appointment hasn't been resolved yet
assert(!Patient.relations['physicians']); // Appointment hasn't been resolved yet
var Appointment = ds.createModel('Appointment',
{ physicianId: Number, patientId: Number, appointmentDate: Date },
relations: {
patient: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'Patient',
physician: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'Physician',
it('should handle hasMany through options', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var Physician = ds.createModel('Physician',
{ name: String },
relations: {
patients: {
model: 'Patient',
type: 'hasMany',
foreignKey: 'leftId',
through: 'Appointment',
var Patient = ds.createModel('Patient',
{ name: String },
relations: {
physicians: {
model: 'Physician',
type: 'hasMany',
foreignKey: 'rightId',
through: 'Appointment',
var Appointment = ds.createModel('Appointment',
{ physicianId: Number, patientId: Number, appointmentDate: Date },
relations: {
patient: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'Patient',
physician: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'Physician',
assert(Physician.relations['patients'].keyTo === 'leftId');
assert(Patient.relations['physicians'].keyTo === 'rightId');
it('should set up relations after attach', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var Post = modelBuilder.define('Post', { userId: Number, content: String });
var User = modelBuilder.define(
{ name: String },
{ relations: { posts: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'Post' }}}
describe('Model with scopes', function() {
it('should create scopes', function(done) {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var User = ds.define('User', { name: String, vip: Boolean, age: Number },
{ scopes: { vips: { where: { vip: true }}, top5: { limit: 5, order: 'age' }}});
var users = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
users.push({ name: 'User' + i, vip: i % 3 === 0, age: 20 + i * 2 });
async.each(users, function(user, callback) {
User.create(user, callback);
}, function(err) {
User.vips(function(err, vips) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(vips.length, 4);
User.top5(function(err, top5) {
assert.equal(top5.length, 5);
describe('DataAccessObject', function() {
var ds, model, where, error;
before(function() {
ds = new DataSource('memory');
model = ds.createModel('M1', {
id: { type: String, id: true },
age: Number,
vip: Boolean,
date: Date,
location: 'GeoPoint',
scores: [Number],
beforeEach(function() {
error = null;
it('should be able to coerce where clause for string types', function() {
where = model._coerce({ id: 1 });
assert.deepEqual(where, { id: '1' });
where = model._coerce({ id: '1' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { id: '1' });
// Mockup MongoDB ObjectID
function ObjectID(id) {
this.id = id;
ObjectID.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.id;
where = model._coerce({ id: new ObjectID('1') });
assert.deepEqual(where, { id: '1' });
it('should be able to coerce where clause for number types', function() {
where = model._coerce({ age: '10' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: 10 });
where = model._coerce({ age: 10 });
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: 10 });
where = model._coerce({ age: { gt: 10 }});
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: { gt: 10 }});
where = model._coerce({ age: { gt: '10' }});
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: { gt: 10 }});
where = model._coerce({ age: { between: ['10', '20'] }});
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: { between: [10, 20] }});
it('should be able to coerce where clause for array types', function() {
where = model._coerce({ scores: ['10', '20'] });
assert.deepEqual(where, { scores: [10, 20] });
it('should be able to coerce where clause for date types', function() {
var d = new Date();
where = model._coerce({ date: d });
assert.deepEqual(where, { date: d });
where = model._coerce({ date: d.toISOString() });
assert.deepEqual(where, { date: d });
it('should be able to coerce where clause for boolean types', function() {
where = model._coerce({ vip: 'true' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: true });
where = model._coerce({ vip: true });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: true });
where = model._coerce({ vip: 'false' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: false });
where = model._coerce({ vip: false });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: false });
where = model._coerce({ vip: '1' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: true });
where = model._coerce({ vip: 0 });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: false });
where = model._coerce({ vip: '' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { vip: false });
it('should be able to coerce where clause with and operators', function() {
where = model._coerce({ and: [{ age: '10' }, { vip: 'true' }] });
assert.deepEqual(where, { and: [{ age: 10 }, { vip: true }] });
it('should be able to coerce where clause with or operators', function() {
where = model._coerce({ or: [{ age: '10' }, { vip: 'true' }] });
assert.deepEqual(where, { or: [{ age: 10 }, { vip: true }] });
it('should throw if the where property is not an object', function() {
try {
// The where clause has to be an object
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if the where property is an array', function() {
try {
// The where clause cannot be an array
{ vip: true },
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if the and operator does not take an array', function() {
try {
// The and operator only takes an array of objects
model._coerce({ and: { x: 1 }});
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if the or operator does not take an array', function() {
try {
// The or operator only takes an array of objects
model._coerce({ or: { x: 1 }});
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if the or operator does not take an array of objects', function() {
try {
// The or operator only takes an array of objects
model._coerce({ or: ['x'] });
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if filter property is not an object', function() {
var filter = null;
try {
// The filter clause has to be an object
filter = model._normalize('abc');
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if filter.limit property is not a number', function() {
try {
// The limit param must be a valid number
filter = model._normalize({ limit: 'x' });
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if filter.limit property is nagative', function() {
try {
// The limit param must be a valid number
filter = model._normalize({ limit: -1 });
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if filter.limit property is not an integer', function() {
try {
// The limit param must be a valid number
filter = model._normalize({ limit: 5.8 });
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if filter.offset property is not a number', function() {
try {
// The limit param must be a valid number
filter = model._normalize({ offset: 'x' });
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should throw if filter.skip property is not a number', function() {
try {
// The limit param must be a valid number
filter = model._normalize({ skip: '_' });
} catch (err) {
error = err;
assert(error, 'An error should have been thrown');
it('should normalize limit/offset/skip', function() {
filter = model._normalize({ limit: '10', skip: 5 });
assert.deepEqual(filter, { limit: 10, offset: 5, skip: 5 });
it('should set the default value for limit', function() {
filter = model._normalize({ skip: 5 });
assert.deepEqual(filter, { limit: 100, offset: 5, skip: 5 });
it('should apply settings for handling undefined', function() {
filter = model._normalize({ filter: { x: undefined }});
assert.deepEqual(filter, { filter: {}});
ds.settings.normalizeUndefinedInQuery = 'ignore';
filter = model._normalize({ filter: { x: undefined }});
assert.deepEqual(filter, { filter: {}}, 'Should ignore undefined');
ds.settings.normalizeUndefinedInQuery = 'nullify';
filter = model._normalize({ filter: { x: undefined }});
assert.deepEqual(filter, { filter: { x: null }}, 'Should nullify undefined');
ds.settings.normalizeUndefinedInQuery = 'throw';
(function() { model._normalize({ filter: { x: undefined }}); }).should.throw(/`undefined` in query/);
it('should skip GeoPoint', function() {
where = model._coerce({ location: { near: { lng: 10, lat: 20 }, maxDistance: 20 }});
assert.deepEqual(where, { location: { near: { lng: 10, lat: 20 }, maxDistance: 20 }});
it('should skip null values', function() {
where = model._coerce({ date: null });
assert.deepEqual(where, { date: null });
it('should skip undefined values', function() {
where = model._coerce({ date: undefined });
assert.deepEqual(where, { date: undefined });
it('should skip conversion if a simple property produces NaN for numbers',
function() {
where = model._coerce({ age: 'xyz' });
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: 'xyz' });
it('should skip conversion if an array property produces NaN for numbers',
function() {
where = model._coerce({ age: { inq: ['xyz', '12'] }});
assert.deepEqual(where, { age: { inq: ['xyz', 12] }});
// settings
it('should get settings in priority',
function() {
ds.settings.test = 'test';
assert.equal(model._getSetting('test'), ds.settings.test, 'Should get datasource setting');
ds.settings.test = undefined;
model.settings.test = 'test';
assert.equal(model._getSetting('test'), model.settings.test, 'Should get model settings');
ds.settings.test = 'willNotGet';
assert.notEqual(model._getSetting('test'), ds.settings.test, 'Should not get datasource setting');
describe('Load models from json', function() {
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs');
* Load LDL schemas from a json doc
* @param schemaFile The dataSource json file
* @returns A map of schemas keyed by name
function loadSchemasSync(schemaFile, dataSource) {
var modelBuilder, createModel;
// Set up the data source
if (!dataSource) {
modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
} else {
modelBuilder = dataSource.modelBuilder;
createModel = dataSource.createModel.bind(dataSource);
// Read the dataSource JSON file
var schemas = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(schemaFile));
return modelBuilder.buildModels(schemas, createModel);
it('should be able to define models from json', function() {
var models = loadSchemasSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test1-schemas.json'));
models.AnonymousModel_0.should.have.property('modelName', 'AnonymousModel_0');
var m1 = new models.AnonymousModel_0({ title: 'Test' });
m1.should.have.property('title', 'Test');
m1.should.have.property('author', 'Raymond');
models = loadSchemasSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test2-schemas.json'));
for (var s in models) {
var m = models[s];
assert(new m());
it('should be able to define models from json using dataSource', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
var models = loadSchemasSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test2-schemas.json'), ds);
assert.equal(models.Address.dataSource, ds);
it('should allow customization of default model base class', function() {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
bio: ModelBuilder.Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: Date,
age: Number,
modelBuilder.defaultModelBaseClass = User;
var Customer = modelBuilder.define('Customer', { customerId: { type: String, id: true }});
assert(Customer.prototype instanceof User);
it('should allow model base class', function() {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
bio: ModelBuilder.Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: Date,
age: Number,
var Customer = modelBuilder.define('Customer',
{ customerId: { type: String, id: true }}, {}, User);
assert(Customer.prototype instanceof User);
it('should be able to extend models', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
bio: ModelBuilder.Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: Date,
age: Number,
var Customer = User.extend('Customer', { customerId: { type: String, id: true }});
var customer = new Customer({ name: 'Joe', age: 20, customerId: 'c01' });
customer.should.be.type('object').and.have.property('name', 'Joe');
customer.should.have.property('name', 'Joe');
customer.should.have.property('age', 20);
customer.should.have.property('customerId', 'c01');
customer.should.have.property('bio', undefined);
// The properties are defined at prototype level
assert.equal(Object.keys(customer).filter(function(k) {
// Remove internal properties
return k.indexOf('__') === -1;
}).length, 0);
var count = 0;
for (var p in customer) {
if (p.indexOf('__') === 0) {
if (typeof customer[p] !== 'function') {
assert.equal(count, 7); // Please note there is an injected id from User prototype
assert.equal(Object.keys(customer.toObject()).filter(function(k) {
// Remove internal properties
return k.indexOf('__') === -1;
}).length, 6);
done(null, customer);
it('should be able to extend models with merged settings', function(done) {
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
var User = modelBuilder.define('User', {
name: String,
}, {
defaultPermission: 'ALLOW',
acls: [
principalType: 'ROLE',
principalId: '$everyone',
permission: 'ALLOW',
relations: {
posts: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Post',
var Customer = User.extend('Customer',
{ customerId: { type: String, id: true }},
defaultPermission: 'DENY',
acls: [
principalType: 'ROLE',
principalId: '$unauthenticated',
permission: 'DENY',
relations: {
orders: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Order',
assert.deepEqual(User.settings, {
defaultPermission: 'ALLOW',
acls: [
principalType: 'ROLE',
principalId: '$everyone',
permission: 'ALLOW',
relations: {
posts: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Post',
strict: false,
assert.deepEqual(Customer.settings, {
defaultPermission: 'DENY',
acls: [
principalType: 'ROLE',
principalId: '$everyone',
permission: 'ALLOW',
principalType: 'ROLE',
principalId: '$unauthenticated',
permission: 'DENY',
relations: {
posts: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Post',
orders: {
type: 'hasMany',
model: 'Order',
strict: false,
base: User,
describe('DataSource constructor', function() {
it('Takes url as the settings', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory://localhost/mydb?x=1');
assert.equal(ds.connector.name, 'memory');
it('Takes connector name', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('memory');
assert.equal(ds.connector.name, 'memory');
it('Takes settings object', function() {
var ds = new DataSource({ connector: 'memory' });
assert.equal(ds.connector.name, 'memory');
it('Takes settings object and name', function() {
var ds = new DataSource('x', { connector: 'memory' });
assert.equal(ds.connector.name, 'memory');
describe('ModelBuilder options.models', function() {
it('should inject model classes from models', function() {
var builder = new ModelBuilder();
var M1 = builder.define('M1');
var M2 = builder.define('M2', {}, { models: {
'M1': M1,
assert.equal(M2.M1, M1, 'M1 should be injected to M2');
it('should inject model classes by name in the models', function() {
var builder = new ModelBuilder();
var M1 = builder.define('M1');
var M2 = builder.define('M2', {}, { models: {
'M1': 'M1',
assert.equal(M2.M1, M1, 'M1 should be injected to M2');
it('should inject model classes by name in the models before the class is defined',
function() {
var builder = new ModelBuilder();
var M2 = builder.define('M2', {}, { models: {
'M1': 'M1',
assert(M2.M1, 'M1 should be injected to M2');
assert(M2.M1.settings.unresolved, 'M1 is still a proxy');
var M1 = builder.define('M1');
assert.equal(M2.M1, M1, 'M1 should be injected to M2');