598 lines
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598 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright IBM Corp. 2015,2016. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// This test written in mocha+should.js
var async = require('async');
var should = require('./init.js');
var db, User, options, ModelWithForceId, whereCount = 0;
var j = require('../');
var ValidationError = j.ValidationError;
var INITIAL_NAME = 'Bert';
var NEW_NAME = 'Ernie';
var INVALID_DATA = {name: null};
describe('optional-validation', function() {
before(function(done) {
db = getSchema();
ModelWithForceId = db.createModel(
{name: String},
{forceId: true});
User = db.define('User', {
seq: {type: Number, index: true},
name: {type: String, index: true, sort: true},
email: {type: String, index: true},
birthday: {type: Date, index: true},
role: {type: String, index: true},
order: {type: Number, index: true, sort: true},
vip: {type: Boolean},
}, {forceId: true, strict: true});
db.automigrate(['ModelWithForceId', 'User'], done);
beforeEach(function(done) {
User.destroyAll(function() {
delete User.validations;
function expectValidationError(done) {
return function(err, result) {
function expectCreateSuccess(data, done) {
if (done === undefined && typeof data === 'function') {
done = data;
data = {name: INITIAL_NAME};
return function(err, instance) {
if (err) return done(err);
if (data.name) {
instance.name.should.eql(data.name || INITIAL_NAME);
} else {
function expectChangeSuccess(data, done) {
if (done === undefined && typeof data === 'function') {
done = data;
data = {name: NEW_NAME};
return function(err, instance) {
if (err) return done(err);
if (data.name) {
instance.name.should.eql(data.name || NEW_NAME);
} else {
function createUserAndChangeName(name, cb) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: true}, function(err, d) {
d.name = name;
cb(err, d);
function createUser(cb) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: true}, cb);
function callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(name, options, cb) {
User.create({'name': 'Groover'}, function(err, user) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var data = {name: name};
data.id = user.id;
User.updateOrCreate(data, options, cb);
function getNewWhere() {
return {name: 'DoesNotExist' + (whereCount++)};
describe('forceId', function() {
context('replaceAttributes', function() {
it('should not fail if you do not pass the Primary key in data object',
function(done) {
ModelWithForceId.create({name: 'foo'}, function(err, created) {
if (err) return done(err);
created.replaceAttributes({name: 'bar'}, function(err, data) {
it('should fail if you pass the Primary key in data object',
function(done) {
ModelWithForceId.create({name: 'foo'}, function(err, created) {
if (err) return done(err);
created.replaceAttributes({name: 'bar', id: 999},
function(err, data) {
describe('no model setting', function() {
describe('method create', function() {
it('should throw on create with validate:true with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:false with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:true with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectCreateSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:false with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectCreateSuccess(done));
it('should throw on create with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(done));
describe('method findOrCreate', function() {
it('should throw on findOrCreate with validate:true with invalid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:false with invalid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, {validate: false},
expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:true with valid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:false with valid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, {validate: false},
it('should throw on findOrCreate with invalid data', function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with valid data', function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(done));
describe('method updateOrCreate on existing data', function() {
it('should throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:true with invalid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:false with invalid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, {validate: false},
expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:true with valid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:false with valid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, {validate: false},
// backwards compatible with validateUpsert
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with invalid data', function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with valid data', function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, expectChangeSuccess(done));
describe('method save', function() {
it('should throw on save with {validate:true} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: true}, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:false} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:true} with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: true}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:false} with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should throw on save(cb) with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
it('should NOT throw on save(cb) with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
describe('method updateAttributes', function() {
it('should throw on updateAttributes with {validate:true} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUser(function(err, d) {
d.updateAttributes(INVALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on updateAttributes with {validate:false} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUser(function(err, d) {
d.updateAttributes(INVALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on updateAttributes with {validate:true} with valid data', function(done) {
createUser(function(err, d) {
d.updateAttributes({'name': NEW_NAME}, {validate: true}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on updateAttributes with {validate:false} with valid data', function(done) {
createUser(function(err, d) {
d.updateAttributes({'name': NEW_NAME}, {validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should throw on updateAttributes(cb) with invalid data', function(done) {
createUser(function(err, d) {
d.updateAttributes(INVALID_DATA, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on updateAttributes(cb) with valid data', function(done) {
createUser(function(err, d) {
d.updateAttributes({'name': NEW_NAME}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
describe('model setting: automaticValidation: false', function() {
before(function(done) {
User.settings.automaticValidation = false;
describe('method create', function() {
it('should throw on create with validate:true with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:false with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:true with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectCreateSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:false with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectCreateSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on create with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(done));
describe('method findOrCreate', function() {
it('should throw on findOrCreate with validate:true with invalid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:false with invalid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, {validate: false},
expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:true with valid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:false with valid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, {validate: false},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with invalid data', function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA,
expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with valid data', function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(done));
describe('method updateOrCreate on existing data', function() {
it('should throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:true with invalid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:false with invalid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, {validate: false},
expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:true with valid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:false with valid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, {validate: false},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with invalid data', function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with valid data', function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, expectChangeSuccess(done));
describe('method save', function() {
it('should throw on save with {validate:true} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: true}, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:false} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:true} with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: true}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:false} with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on save(cb) with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save(expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on save(cb) with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
describe('model setting: automaticValidation: true', function() {
before(function(done) {
User.settings.automaticValidation = true;
describe('method create', function() {
it('should throw on create with validate:true with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:false with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:true with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: true}, expectCreateSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with validate:false with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, {validate: false}, expectCreateSuccess(done));
it('should throw on create with invalid data', function(done) {
User.create(INVALID_DATA, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on create with valid data', function(done) {
User.create(VALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(done));
describe('method findOrCreate', function() {
it('should throw on findOrCreate with validate:true with invalid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:false with invalid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, {validate: false},
expectCreateSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:true with valid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with validate:false with valid data',
function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, {validate: false},
it('should throw on findOrCreate with invalid data', function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), INVALID_DATA, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on findOrCreate with valid data', function(done) {
User.findOrCreate(getNewWhere(), VALID_DATA, expectCreateSuccess(done));
describe('method updateOrCreate on existing data', function() {
it('should throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:true with invalid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:false with invalid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, {validate: false},
expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:true with valid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, {validate: true},
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with validate:false with valid data',
function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, {validate: false},
it('should throw on updateOrCreate(id) with invalid data', function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(null, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on updateOrCreate(id) with valid data', function(done) {
callUpdateOrCreateWithExistingUserId(NEW_NAME, expectChangeSuccess(done));
describe('method save', function() {
it('should throw on save with {validate:true} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save(options, expectValidationError(done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:false} with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(INVALID_DATA, done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:true} with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: true}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should NOT throw on save with {validate:false} with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {
d.save({validate: false}, expectChangeSuccess(done));
it('should throw on save(cb) with invalid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(null, function(err, d) {
it('should NOT throw on save(cb) with valid data', function(done) {
createUserAndChangeName(NEW_NAME, function(err, d) {