
1133 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright IBM Corp. 2011,2016. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
var Schema = require('../index').Schema;
var Text = Schema.Text;
var nbSchemaRequests = 0;
var batch;
var schemaName;
function it(name, cases) {
batch[schemaName][name] = cases;
function skip(name) {
delete batch[schemaName][name];
module.exports = function testSchema(exportCasesHere, dataSource) {
batch = exportCasesHere;
schemaName = dataSource.name;
if (dataSource.name.match(/^\/.*\/test\/\.\.$/)) {
schemaName = schemaName.split('/').slice(-3).shift();
var start;
batch['should connect to database'] = function(test) {
start = Date.now();
if (dataSource.connected) return test.done();
dataSource.on('connected', test.done);
dataSource.log = function(a) {
batch[schemaName] = {};
batch['all tests done'] = function(test) {
function allTestsDone() {
// dataSource.disconnect();
console.log('Test done in %dms\n', Date.now() - start);
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'it', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: it,
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'skip', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: skip,
function clearAndCreate(model, data, callback) {
var createdItems = [];
model.destroyAll(function() {
nextItem(null, null);
var itemIndex = 0;
function nextItem(err, lastItem) {
if (lastItem !== null) {
if (itemIndex >= data.length) {
model.create(data[itemIndex], nextItem);
function testOrm(dataSource) {
var requestsAreCounted = dataSource.name !== 'mongodb';
var Post, User, Passport, Log, Dog;
it('should define class', function(test) {
User = dataSource.define('User', {
name: { type: String, index: true },
email: { type: String, index: true },
bio: Text,
approved: Boolean,
joinedAt: Date,
age: Number,
passwd: { type: String, index: true },
Dog = dataSource.define('Dog', {
name: { type: String, limit: 64, allowNull: false },
Log = dataSource.define('Log', {
ownerId: { type: Number, allowNull: true },
name: { type: String, limit: 64, allowNull: false },
Log.belongsTo(Dog, { as: 'owner', foreignKey: 'ownerId' });
dataSource.extendModel('User', {
settings: { type: Schema.JSON },
extra: Object,
var newuser = new User({ settings: { hey: 'you' }});
Post = dataSource.define('Post', {
title: { type: String, length: 255, index: true },
subject: { type: String },
content: { type: Text },
date: { type: Date, default: function() {
return new Date;
}, index: true },
published: { type: Boolean, default: false, index: true },
likes: [],
related: [RelatedPost],
}, { table: 'posts' });
function RelatedPost() {
RelatedPost.prototype.someMethod = function() {
return this.parent;
Post.validateAsync('title', function(err, done) {
User.hasMany(Post, { as: 'posts', foreignKey: 'userId' });
// creates instance methods:
// user.posts(conds)
// user.posts.build(data) // like new Post({userId: user.id});
// user.posts.create(data) // build and save
// user.posts.find
// User.hasOne('latestPost', {model: Post, foreignKey: 'postId'});
// User.hasOne(Post, {as: 'latestPost', foreignKey: 'latestPostId'});
// creates instance methods:
// user.latestPost()
// user.latestPost.build(data)
// user.latestPost.create(data)
Post.belongsTo(User, { as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId' });
// creates instance methods:
// post.author(callback) -- getter when called with function
// post.author() -- sync getter when called without params
// post.author(user) -- setter when called with object
Passport = dataSource.define('Passport', {
number: String,
Passport.belongsTo(User, { as: 'owner', foreignKey: 'ownerId' });
User.hasMany(Passport, { as: 'passports', foreignKey: 'ownerId' });
var user = new User;
test.ok(User instanceof Function);
// class methods
test.ok(User.find instanceof Function);
test.ok(User.create instanceof Function);
// instance methods
test.ok(user.save instanceof Function);
dataSource.automigrate(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error while migrating');
} else {
it('should initialize object properly', function(test) {
var hw = 'Hello word',
now = Date.now(),
post = new Post({ title: hw }),
anotherPost = Post({ title: 'Resig style constructor' });
test.equal(post.title, hw);
test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('title'), 'property changed: title');
post.title = 'Goodbye, Lenin';
test.equal(post.title_was, hw);
test.strictEqual(post.published, false);
test.ok(post.date >= now);
test.ok(anotherPost instanceof Post);
test.ok(anotherPost.title, 'Resig style constructor');
it('should save object', function(test) {
var title = 'Initial title', title2 = 'Hello world',
date = new Date;
title: title,
date: date,
}, function(err, obj) {
test.ok(obj.id, 'Object id should present');
test.equals(obj.title, title);
// test.equals(obj.date, date);
obj.title = title2;
test.ok(obj.propertyChanged('title'), 'Title changed');
obj.save(function(err, obj) {
test.equal(obj.title, title2);
var p = new Post({ title: 1 });
p.title = 2;
p.save(function(err, obj) {
p.title = 3;
test.equal(p.title_was, 2);
p.save(function() {
test.equal(p.title_was, 3);
it('should create object with initial data', function(test) {
var title = 'Initial title',
date = new Date;
title: title,
date: date,
}, function(err, obj) {
test.equals(obj.title, title);
test.equals(obj.date, date);
Post.findById(obj.id, function() {
test.equal(obj.title, title);
test.equal(obj.date.toString(), date.toString());
it('should save only dataSource-defined field in database', function(test) {
Post.create({ title: '1602', nonSchemaField: 'some value' }, function(err, post) {
post.a = 1;
post.save(function() {
post.reload(function(err, psto) {
it('should not create new instances for the same object', function (test) {
var title = 'Initial title';
Post.create({ title: title }, function (err, post) {
test.ok(post.id, 'Object should have id');
test.equals(post.title, title);
Post.findById(post.id, function (err, foundPost) {
if (err) throw err;
test.equal(post.title, title);
test.strictEqual(post, foundPost);
it('should not re-instantiate object on saving', function(test) {
var title = 'Initial title';
var post = new Post({ title: title });
post.save(function(err, savedPost) {
test.strictEqual(post, savedPost);
it('should destroy object', function(test) {
Post.create(function(err, post) {
Post.exists(post.id, function(err, exists) {
test.ok(exists, 'Object exists');
post.destroy(function() {
Post.exists(post.id, function(err, exists) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.ok(!exists, 'Hey! ORM told me that object exists, but it ' +
'looks like it doesn\'t. Something went wrong...');
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, obj) {
test.equal(obj, null, 'Param obj should be null');
it('should handle virtual attributes', function(test) {
var salt = 's0m3s3cr3t5a1t';
User.setter.passwd = function(password) {
this._passwd = calcHash(password, salt);
function calcHash(pass, salt) {
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
return hash.digest('base64');
var u = new User;
u.passwd = 's3cr3t';
test.equal(u.passwd, calcHash('s3cr3t', salt));
// it('should serialize JSON type', function (test) {
// User.create({settings: {hello: 'world'}}, function (err, user) {
// test.ok(user.id);
// test.equal(user.settings.hello, 'world');
// User.find(user.id, function (err, u) {
// console.log(u.settings);
// test.equal(u.settings.hello, 'world');
// test.done();
// });
// });
// });
it('should update single attribute', function(test) {
Post.create({ title: 'title', content: 'content', published: true }, function(err, post) {
post.content = 'New content';
post.updateAttribute('title', 'New title', function() {
test.equal(post.title, 'New title');
test.equal(post.content, 'New content', 'dirty state saved');
post.reload(function(err, post) {
test.equal(post.title, 'New title');
test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('title'), 'title not changed');
test.equal(post.content, 'content', 'real value turned back');
test.ok(!post.propertyChanged('content'), 'content unchanged');
var countOfposts, countOfpostsFiltered;
it('should fetch collection', function(test) {
Post.all(function(err, posts) {
countOfposts = posts.length;
test.ok(countOfposts > 0);
test.ok(posts[0] instanceof Post);
countOfpostsFiltered = posts.filter(function(p) {
return p.title === 'title';
it('should find records filtered with multiple attributes', function(test) {
var d = new Date;
Post.create({ title: 'title', content: 'content', published: true, date: d }, function(err, post) {
Post.all({ where: { title: 'title', date: d, published: true }}, function(err, res) {
test.equals(res.length, 1, 'Filtering Posts returns one post');
if (
!dataSource.name.match(/redis/) &&
dataSource.name !== 'memory' &&
dataSource.name !== 'neo4j' &&
dataSource.name !== 'cradle'
it('relations key is working', function(test) {
test.ok(User.relations, 'Relations key should be defined');
test.ok(User.relations.posts, 'posts relation should exist on User');
test.equal(User.relations.posts.type, 'hasMany', 'Type of hasMany relation is hasMany');
test.equal(User.relations.posts.multiple, true, 'hasMany relations are multiple');
test.equal(User.relations.posts.keyFrom, 'id', 'keyFrom is primary key of model table');
test.equal(User.relations.posts.keyTo, 'userId', 'keyTo is foreign key of related model table');
test.ok(Post.relations, 'Relations key should be defined');
test.ok(Post.relations.author, 'author relation should exist on Post');
test.equal(Post.relations.author.type, 'belongsTo', 'Type of belongsTo relation is belongsTo');
test.equal(Post.relations.author.multiple, false, 'belongsTo relations are not multiple');
test.equal(Post.relations.author.keyFrom, 'userId', 'keyFrom is foreign key of model table');
test.equal(Post.relations.author.keyTo, 'id', 'keyTo is primary key of related model table');
it('should handle hasMany relationship', function(test) {
User.create(function(err, u) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
test.ok(u.posts, 'Method defined: posts');
test.ok(u.posts.build, 'Method defined: posts.build');
test.ok(u.posts.create, 'Method defined: posts.create');
u.posts.create(function(err, post) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
u.posts(function(err, posts) {
test.equal(posts.pop().id.toString(), post.id.toString());
it('should navigate variations of belongsTo regardless of column name', function(test) {
Dog.create({ name: 'theDog' }, function(err, obj) {
test.ok(obj instanceof Dog);
Log.create({ name: 'theLog', ownerId: obj.id }, function(err, obj) {
test.ok(obj instanceof Log);
obj.owner(function(err, obj) {
test.ok(!err, 'Should not have an error.'); // Before cba174b this would be 'Error: Permission denied'
if (err) {
console.log('Found: ' + err);
test.ok(obj, 'Should not find null or undefined.'); // Before cba174b this could be null or undefined.
test.ok(obj instanceof Dog, 'Should find a Dog.');
if (obj) { // Since test won't stop on fail, have to check before accessing obj.name.
test.ok(obj.name, 'Should have a name.');
if (obj && obj.name) {
test.equal(obj.name, 'theDog', 'The owner of theLog is theDog.');
it('hasMany should support additional conditions', function(test) {
User.create(function(e, u) {
u.posts.create({}, function(e, p) {
u.posts({ where: { id: p.id }}, function(e, posts) {
test.equal(posts.length, 1, 'There should be only 1 post.');
it('hasMany should be cached', function(test) {
//User.create(function (e, u) {
// u.posts.create({}, function (e, p) {
// find all posts for a user.
// Finding one post with an existing author associated
Post.all(function(err, posts) {
// We try to get the first post with a userId != NULL
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
var post = posts[i];
if (post.userId) {
// We could get the user with belongs to relationship but it is better if there is no interactions.
User.findById(post.userId, function(err, user) {
User.create(function(err, voidUser) {
Post.create({ userId: user.id }, function() {
// There can't be any concurrency because we are counting requests
// We are first testing cases when user has posts
user.posts(function(err, data) {
var nbInitialRequests = nbSchemaRequests;
user.posts(function(err, data2) {
test.equal(data.length, 2, 'There should be 2 posts.');
test.equal(data.length, data2.length, 'Posts should be the same, since we are loading on the same object.');
requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should not be any request because value is cached.');
if (dataSource.name === 'mongodb') { // for the moment mongodb doesn\'t support additional conditions on hasMany relations (see above)
} else {
user.posts({ where: { id: data[0].id }}, function(err, data) {
test.equal(data.length, 1, 'There should be only one post.');
requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests + 1, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should be one additional request since we added conditions.');
user.posts(function(err, data) {
test.equal(data.length, 2, 'Previous get shouldn\'t have changed cached value though, since there was additional conditions.');
requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests + 1, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should not be any request because value is cached.');
// We are now testing cases when user doesn't have any post
voidUser.posts(function(err, data) {
var nbInitialRequests = nbSchemaRequests;
voidUser.posts(function(err, data2) {
test.equal(data.length, 0, 'There shouldn\'t be any posts (1/2).');
test.equal(data2.length, 0, 'There shouldn\'t be any posts (2/2).');
requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should not be any request because value is cached.');
voidUser.posts(true, function(err, data3) {
test.equal(data3.length, 0, 'There shouldn\'t be any posts.');
requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests + 1, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should be one additional request since we forced refresh.');
// it('should handle hasOne relationship', function (test) {
// User.create(function (err, u) {
// if (err) return console.log(err);
// });
// });
it('should support scopes', function(test) {
var wait = 2;
test.ok(Post.scope, 'Scope supported');
Post.scope('published', { where: { published: true }});
test.ok(typeof Post.published === 'function');
test.ok(Post.published._scope.where.published === true);
var post = Post.published.build();
test.ok(post.published, 'Can build');
Post.published.create(function(err, psto) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
User.create(function(err, u) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
test.ok(typeof u.posts.published == 'function');
test.equal(u.posts.published._scope.where.userId, u.id);
function done() {
if (--wait === 0) test.done();
it('should return type of property', function(test) {
test.equal(Post.getPropertyType('title'), 'String');
test.equal(Post.getPropertyType('content'), 'Text');
var p = new Post;
test.equal(p.getPropertyType('title'), 'String');
test.equal(p.getPropertyType('content'), 'Text');
it('should handle ORDER clause', function(test) {
var titles = [
{ title: 'Title A', subject: 'B' },
{ title: 'Title Z', subject: 'A' },
{ title: 'Title M', subject: 'C' },
{ title: 'Title A', subject: 'A' },
{ title: 'Title B', subject: 'A' },
{ title: 'Title C', subject: 'D' },
var isRedis = Post.dataSource.name === 'redis';
var dates = isRedis ? [5, 9, 0, 17, 10, 9] : [
new Date(1000 * 5),
new Date(1000 * 9),
new Date(1000 * 0),
new Date(1000 * 17),
new Date(1000 * 10),
new Date(1000 * 9),
titles.forEach(function(t, i) {
Post.create({ title: t.title, subject: t.subject, date: dates[i] }, done);
var i = 0, tests = 0;
function done(err, obj) {
if (++i === titles.length) {
if (dataSource.name == 'mongoose') {
function compare(a, b) {
if (a.title < b.title) return -1;
if (a.title > b.title) return 1;
return 0;
// Post.dataSource.log = console.log;
function doStringTest() {
tests += 1;
Post.all({ order: 'title' }, function(err, posts) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.equal(posts.length, 6);
titles.sort(compare).forEach(function(t, i) {
if (posts[i]) test.equal(posts[i].title, t.title);
function doNumberTest() {
tests += 1;
Post.all({ order: 'date' }, function(err, posts) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.equal(posts.length, 6);
dates.sort(numerically).forEach(function(d, i) {
if (posts[i])
test.equal(posts[i].date.toString(), d.toString(), 'doNumberTest');
function doFilterAndSortTest() {
tests += 1;
Post.all({ where: { date: new Date(1000 * 9) }, order: 'title', limit: 3 }, function(err, posts) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.equal(posts.length, 2, 'Exactly 2 posts returned by query');
['Title C', 'Title Z'].forEach(function(t, i) {
if (posts[i]) {
test.equal(posts[i].title, t, 'doFilterAndSortTest');
function doFilterAndSortReverseTest() {
tests += 1;
Post.all({ where: { date: new Date(1000 * 9) }, order: 'title DESC', limit: 3 }, function(err, posts) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.equal(posts.length, 2, 'Exactly 2 posts returned by query');
['Title Z', 'Title C'].forEach(function(t, i) {
if (posts[i]) {
test.equal(posts[i].title, t, 'doFilterAndSortReverseTest');
function doMultipleSortTest() {
tests += 1;
Post.all({ order: 'title ASC, subject ASC' }, function(err, posts) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.equal(posts.length, 6);
test.equal(posts[0].title, 'Title A');
test.equal(posts[0].subject, 'A');
test.equal(posts[1].title, 'Title A');
test.equal(posts[1].subject, 'B');
test.equal(posts[5].title, 'Title Z');
function doMultipleReverseSortTest() {
tests += 1;
Post.all({ order: 'title ASC, subject DESC' }, function(err, posts) {
if (err) console.log(err);
test.equal(posts.length, 6);
test.equal(posts[0].title, 'Title A');
test.equal(posts[0].subject, 'B');
test.equal(posts[1].title, 'Title A');
test.equal(posts[1].subject, 'A');
test.equal(posts[5].title, 'Title Z');
var fin = 0;
function finished() {
if (++fin === tests) {
// TODO: do mixed test, do real dates tests, ensure that dates stored in UNIX timestamp format
function numerically(a, b) {
return a - b;
// if (
// !dataSource.name.match(/redis/) &&
// dataSource.name !== 'memory' &&
// dataSource.name !== 'neo4j' &&
// dataSource.name !== 'cradle' &&
// dataSource.name !== 'nano'
// )
// it('should allow advanced queying: lt, gt, lte, gte, between', function (test) {
// Post.destroyAll(function () {
// Post.create({date: new Date('Wed, 01 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Thu, 02 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Fri, 03 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Sat, 04 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Sun, 05 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Mon, 06 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Wed, 08 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// Post.create({date: new Date('Thu, 09 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}, done);
// });
// var posts = 9;
// function done() {
// if (--posts === 0) makeTest();
// }
// function makeTest() {
// // gt
// Post.all({where: {date: {gt: new Date('Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}}}, function (err, posts) {
// test.equal(posts.length, 2, 'gt');
// ok();
// });
// // gte
// Post.all({where: {date: {gte: new Date('Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}}}, function (err, posts) {
// test.equal(posts.length, 3, 'gte');
// ok();
// });
// // lte
// Post.all({where: {date: {lte: new Date('Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}}}, function (err, posts) {
// test.equal(posts.length, 7, 'lte');
// ok();
// });
// // lt
// Post.all({where: {date: {lt: new Date('Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')}}}, function (err, posts) {
// test.equal(posts.length, 6, 'lt');
// ok();
// });
// // between
// Post.all({where: {date: {between: [new Date('Tue, 05 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT'), new Date('Tue, 09 Feb 2012 13:56:12 GMT')]}}}, function (err, posts) {
// test.equal(posts.length, 5, 'between');
// ok();
// });
// }
// var tests = 5;
// function ok() {
// if (--tests === 0) test.done();
// }
// });
// if (
// dataSource.name === 'mysql' ||
// dataSource.name === 'postgres'
// )
// it('should allow IN or NOT IN', function (test) {
// User.destroyAll(function () {
// User.create({name: 'User A', age: 21}, done);
// User.create({name: 'User B', age: 22}, done);
// User.create({name: 'User C', age: 23}, done);
// User.create({name: 'User D', age: 24}, done);
// User.create({name: 'User E', age: 25}, done);
// });
// var users = 5;
// function done() {
// if (--users === 0) makeTest();
// }
// function makeTest() {
// // IN with empty array should return nothing
// User.all({where: {name: {inq: []}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 0, 'IN with empty array returns nothing');
// ok();
// });
// // NOT IN with empty array should return everything
// User.all({where: {name: {nin: []}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 5, 'NOT IN with empty array returns everything');
// ok();
// });
// // IN [User A] returns user with name = User A
// User.all({where: {name: {inq: ['User A']}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 1, 'IN searching one existing value returns 1 user');
// test.equal(users[0].name, 'User A', 'IN [User A] returns user with name = User A');
// ok();
// });
// // NOT IN [User A] returns users with name != User A
// User.all({where: {name: {nin: ['User A']}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 4, 'IN [User A] returns users with name != User A');
// ok();
// });
// // IN [User A, User B] returns users with name = User A OR name = User B
// User.all({where: {name: {inq: ['User A', 'User B']}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 2, 'IN searching two existing values returns 2 users');
// ok();
// });
// // NOT IN [User A, User B] returns users with name != User A AND name != User B
// User.all({where: {name: {nin: ['User A', 'User B']}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 3, 'NOT IN searching two existing values returns users with name != User A AND name != User B');
// ok();
// });
// // IN works with numbers too
// User.all({where: {age: {inq: [21, 22]}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 2, 'IN works with numbers too');
// ok();
// });
// // NOT IN works with numbers too
// User.all({where: {age: {nin: [21, 22]}}}, function (err, users) {
// test.equal(users.length, 3, 'NOT IN works with numbers too');
// ok();
// });
// }
// var tests = 8;
// function ok() {
// if (--tests === 0) test.done();
// }
// });
it('should handle order clause with direction', function(test) {
var wait = 0;
var emails = [
User.destroyAll(function() {
emails.forEach(function(email) {
wait += 1;
User.create({ email: email, name: 'Nick' }, done);
var tests = 2;
function done() {
process.nextTick(function() {
if (--wait === 0) {
function doSortTest() {
User.all({ order: 'email ASC', where: { name: 'Nick' }}, function(err, users) {
var _emails = emails.sort();
users.forEach(function(user, i) {
test.equal(_emails[i], user.email, 'ASC sorting');
function doReverseSortTest() {
User.all({ order: 'email DESC', where: { name: 'Nick' }}, function(err, users) {
var _emails = emails.sort().reverse();
users.forEach(function(user, i) {
test.equal(_emails[i], user.email, 'DESC sorting');
function testDone() {
if (--tests === 0) test.done();
it('should return id in find result even after updateAttributes', function(test) {
Post.create(function(err, post) {
var id = post.id;
test.ok(post.published === false);
post.updateAttributes({ title: 'hey', published: true }, function() {
Post.find(id, function(err, post) {
test.ok(!!post.published, 'Update boolean field');
it('should handle belongsTo correctly', function(test) {
var passport = new Passport({ ownerId: 16 });
// sync getter
test.equal(passport.owner(), 16);
// sync setter
test.equal(passport.owner(), 18);
it('should query one record', function(test) {
Post.findOne(function(err, post) {
test.ok(post && post.id);
Post.findOne({ where: { title: 'hey' }}, function(err, post) {
if (err) {
return test.done();
test.equal(post && post.constructor.modelName, 'Post');
test.equal(post && post.title, 'hey');
Post.findOne({ where: { title: 'not exists' }}, function(err, post) {
test.ok(post === null);
// if (
// !dataSource.name.match(/redis/) &&
// dataSource.name !== 'memory' &&
// dataSource.name !== 'neo4j' &&
// dataSource.name !== 'cradle' &&
// dataSource.name !== 'nano'
// )
// it('belongsTo should be cached', function (test) {
// User.findOne(function(err, user) {
// var passport = new Passport({ownerId: user.id});
// var passport2 = new Passport({ownerId: null});
// // There can't be any concurrency because we are counting requests
// // We are first testing cases when passport has an owner
// passport.owner(function(err, data) {
// var nbInitialRequests = nbSchemaRequests;
// passport.owner(function(err, data2) {
// test.equal(data.id, data2.id, 'The value should remain the same');
// requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should not be any request because value is cached.');
// // We are now testing cases when passport has not an owner
// passport2.owner(function(err, data) {
// var nbInitialRequests2 = nbSchemaRequests;
// passport2.owner(function(err, data2) {
// test.equal(data, null, 'The value should be null since there is no owner');
// test.equal(data, data2, 'The value should remain the same (null)');
// requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests2, nbSchemaRequests, 'There should not be any request because value is cached.');
// passport2.owner(user.id);
// passport2.owner(function(err, data3) {
// test.equal(data3.id, user.id, 'Owner should now be the user.');
// requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests2 + 1, nbSchemaRequests, 'If we changed owner id, there should be one more request.');
// passport2.owner(true, function(err, data4) {
// test.equal(data3.id, data3.id, 'The value should remain the same');
// requestsAreCounted && test.equal(nbInitialRequests2 + 2, nbSchemaRequests, 'If we forced refreshing, there should be one more request.');
// test.done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
if (dataSource.name !== 'mongoose' && dataSource.name !== 'neo4j')
it('should update or create record', function(test) {
var newData = {
id: 1,
title: 'New title (really new)',
content: 'Some example content (updated)',
Post.updateOrCreate(newData, function(err, updatedPost) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!updatedPost) throw Error('No post!');
if (dataSource.name !== 'mongodb') {
test.equal(newData.id, updatedPost.toObject().id);
test.equal(newData.title, updatedPost.toObject().title);
test.equal(newData.content, updatedPost.toObject().content);
Post.findById(updatedPost.id, function(err, post) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!post) throw Error('No post!');
if (dataSource.name !== 'mongodb') {
test.equal(newData.id, post.toObject().id);
test.equal(newData.title, post.toObject().title);
test.equal(newData.content, post.toObject().content);
Post.updateOrCreate({ id: 100001, title: 'hey' }, function(err, post) {
if (dataSource.name !== 'mongodb') test.equal(post.id, 100001);
test.equal(post.title, 'hey');
Post.findById(post.id, function(err, post) {
if (!post) throw Error('No post!');
it('should work with custom setters and getters', function(test) {
User.dataSource.defineForeignKey('User', 'passwd');
User.setter.passwd = function(pass) {
this._passwd = pass + 'salt';
var u = new User({ passwd: 'qwerty' });
test.equal(u.passwd, 'qwertysalt');
u.save(function(err, user) {
User.findById(user.id, function(err, user) {
test.ok(user !== u);
test.equal(user.passwd, 'qwertysalt');
User.all({ where: { passwd: 'qwertysalt' }}, function(err, users) {
test.ok(users[0] !== user);
test.equal(users[0].passwd, 'qwertysalt');
User.create({ passwd: 'asalat' }, function(err, usr) {
test.equal(usr.passwd, 'asalatsalt');
User.upsert({ passwd: 'heyman' }, function(err, us) {
test.equal(us.passwd, 'heymansalt');
User.findById(us.id, function(err, user) {
test.equal(user.passwd, 'heymansalt');
it('should work with typed and untyped nested collections', function(test) {
var post = new Post;
var like = post.likes.push({ foo: 'bar' });
test.equal(like.constructor.name, 'ListItem');
var related = post.related.push({ hello: 'world' });
post.save(function(err, p) {
test.equal(p.likes.nextid, 2);
p.likes.push({ second: 2 });
p.likes.push({ third: 3 });
p.save(function(err) {
Post.findById(p.id, function(err, pp) {
test.equal(pp.likes.length, 3);
test.equal(pp.likes.length, 2);
test.equal(pp.likes.length, 1);
pp.save(function() {
Post.findById(p.id, function(err, pp) {
test.equal(pp.likes.length, 1);
it('should find or create', function(test) {
var email = 'some email ' + Math.random();
User.findOrCreate({ where: { email: email }}, function(err, u, created) {
User.findOrCreate({ where: { email: email }}, { age: 21 }, function(err, u2, created) {
test.equals(u.id.toString(), u2.id.toString(), 'Same user ids');