
197 lines
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* Dependencies.
var assert = require('assert');
* Get a near filter from a given where object. For adapter use only.
exports.nearFilter = function nearFilter(where) {
var result = false;
if(where && typeof where === 'object') {
Object.keys(where).forEach(function (key) {
var ex = where[key];
if(ex && ex.near) {
result = {
near: ex.near,
maxDistance: ex.maxDistance,
key: key
return result;
* Filter a set of objects using the given `nearFilter`.
exports.filter = function (arr, filter) {
var origin = filter.near;
var max = filter.maxDistance > 0 ? filter.maxDistance : false;
var key = filter.key;
// create distance index
var distances = {};
var result = [];
arr.forEach(function (obj) {
var loc = obj[key];
// filter out objects without locations
if(!loc) return;
if(!(loc instanceof GeoPoint)) {
loc = GeoPoint(loc);
if(typeof loc.lat !== 'number') return;
if(typeof loc.lng !== 'number') return;
var d = GeoPoint.distanceBetween(origin, loc);
if(max && d > max) {
// dont add
} else {
distances[obj.id] = d;
loc.distance = d;
return result.sort(function (objA, objB) {
var a = objB[key];
var b = objB[key];
if(a && b) {
var da = distances[objA.id];
var db = distances[objB.id];
if(db === da) return 0;
return da > db ? 1 : -1;
} else {
return 0;
* Export the `GeoPoint` class.
exports.GeoPoint = GeoPoint;
function GeoPoint(data) {
if(!(this instanceof GeoPoint)) {
return new GeoPoint(data);
if(typeof data === 'string') {
data = data.split(/,\s*/);
assert(data.length === 2, 'must provide a string "lng,lat" creating a GeoPoint with a string');
if(Array.isArray(data)) {
data = {
lng: Number(data[0]),
lat: Number(data[1])
} else {
data.lng = Number(data.lng);
data.lat = Number(data.lat);
assert(typeof data === 'object', 'must provide a lat and lng object when creating a GeoPoint');
assert(typeof data.lat === 'number', 'lat must be a number when creating a GeoPoint');
assert(typeof data.lng === 'number', 'lng must be a number when creating a GeoPoint');
assert(data.lng <= 180, 'lng must be <= 180');
assert(data.lng >= -180, 'lng must be >= -180');
assert(data.lat <= 90, 'lat must be <= 90');
assert(data.lat >= -90, 'lat must be >= -90');
this.lat = data.lat;
this.lng = data.lng;
* Determine the spherical distance between two geo points.
GeoPoint.distanceBetween = function distanceBetween(a, b, options) {
if(!(a instanceof GeoPoint)) {
a = GeoPoint(a);
if(!(b instanceof GeoPoint)) {
b = GeoPoint(b);
var x1 = a.lat;
var y1 = a.lng;
var x2 = b.lat;
var y2 = b.lng;
return geoDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);
* Determine the spherical distance to the given point.
GeoPoint.prototype.distanceTo = function (point, options) {
return GeoPoint.distanceBetween(this, point, options);
* Simple serialization.
GeoPoint.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.lng + ',' + this.lat;
* Si
// ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
var PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
// factor to convert decimal degrees to radians
var DEG2RAD = 0.01745329252;
// factor to convert decimal degrees to radians
var RAD2DEG = 57.29577951308;
// radius of the earth
kilometers: 6370.99056,
meters: 6370990.56,
miles: 3958.75,
feet: 20902200,
radians: 1,
degrees: RAD2DEG
function geoDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) {
// Convert to radians
x1 = x1 * DEG2RAD;
y1 = y1 * DEG2RAD;
x2 = x2 * DEG2RAD;
y2 = y2 * DEG2RAD;
var a = Math.pow(Math.sin(( y2-y1 ) / 2.0 ), 2);
var b = Math.pow(Math.sin(( x2-x1 ) / 2.0 ), 2);
var c = Math.sqrt( a + Math.cos( y2 ) * Math.cos( y1 ) * b );
var type = (options && options.type) || 'miles';
return 2 * Math.asin( c ) * EARTH_RADIUS[type];