
440 lines
12 KiB

* Module dependencies
var Client = require('pg').Client;
var Hash = require('hashish');
exports.initialize = function initializeSchema(schema, callback) {
var s = schema.settings;
schema.client = new Client(s.url ? s.url : {
host: s.host || 'localhost',
port: s.port || 5432,
user: s.username,
password: s.password,
database: s.database,
debug: s.debug
schema.adapter = new PG(schema.client);
throw err;
function PG(client) {
this._models = {};
this.client = client;
PG.prototype.define = function (descr) {
this._models[descr.model.modelName] = descr;
PG.prototype.query = function (sql, callback) {
var time = Date.now();
var log = this.log;
this.client.query(sql, function (err, data) {
log(sql, time);
callback(err, data ? Hash(data.rows) : null);
PG.prototype.save = function (model, data, callback) {
var sql = 'UPDATE "' + model + '" SET ' + this.toFields(model, data) +
' WHERE "id" = ' + data.id;
this.query(sql, function (err) {
* Must invoke callback(err, id)
PG.prototype.create = function (model, data, callback) {
var fields = this.toFields(model, data,true);
var sql = 'INSERT INTO "' + model + '"';
if (fields) {
sql += ' ' + fields;
} else {
sql += ' VALUES ()';
sql += ' RETURNING id';
this.query(sql, function (err, info) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(err, info && info.items[0] && info.items[0].id);
PG.prototype.toFields = function (model, data, forCreate) {
var fields = [];
var props = this._models[model].properties;
var columns = [];
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
if (props[key]) {
columns.push('"' + key + '"');
fields.push(this.toDatabase(props[key], data[key]));
return '(' + columns.join(',') + ') VALUES ('+fields.join(',')+')';
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
if (props[key]) {
fields.push('"' + key + '" = ' + this.toDatabase(props[key], data[key]));
return fields.join(',');
function dateToPostgres(val) {
return [
fz(val.getUTCMonth() + 1),
].join('-') + ' ' + [
function fz(v) {
return v < 10 ? '0' + v : v;
PG.prototype.toDatabase = function (prop, val) {
if (val === null) return 'NULL';
if (prop.type.name === 'Number') return val;
if (prop.type.name === 'Date') {
if (!val) return 'NULL';
if (!val.toUTCString) {
val = new Date(val);
return escape(dateToPostgres(val));
return escape(val.toString());
PG.prototype.fromDatabase = function (model, data) {
if (!data) return null;
var props = this._models[model].properties;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
var val = data[key];
if (props[key]) {
// if (props[key])
data[key] = val;
return data;
PG.prototype.exists = function (model, id, callback) {
var sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM "' + model + '" WHERE "id" = ' + id + ' LIMIT 1';
this.query(sql, function (err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, data.items.length === 1);
PG.prototype.find = function find(model, id, callback) {
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM "' + model + '" WHERE "id" = ' + id + ' LIMIT 1';
this.query(sql, function (err, data) {
if (data && data.items && data.items.length === 1) {
data.items[0].id = id;
} else {
data = { items: [null] };
callback(err, this.fromDatabase(model, data.items[0]));
PG.prototype.destroy = function destroy(model, id, callback) {
var sql = 'DELETE FROM "' + model + '" WHERE "id" = ' + id;
this.query(sql, function (err) {
// TODO: hook up where, order, limit and offset conditions
PG.prototype.all = function all(model, filter, callback) {
this.query('SELECT * FROM "' + model + '"' + this.toFilter(model, filter), function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, []);
callback(err, filter && filter.where ? data.items.filter(applyFilter(filter)) : data.items);
PG.prototype.toFilter = function (model, filter) {
if (filter && typeof filter.where === 'function') {
return filter();
if (!filter) return '';
var props = this._models[model].properties;
var out = '';
if (filter.where) {
var fields = [];
Object.keys(filter.where).forEach(function (key) {
if (filter.where[key] && filter.where[key].constructor.name === 'RegExp') {
if (props[key]) {
var filterValue = this.toDatabase(props[key], filter.where[key]);
if (filterValue === 'NULL') {
fields.push('"' + key + '" IS ' + filterValue);
} else {
fields.push('"' + key + '" = ' + filterValue);
if (fields.length) {
out += ' WHERE ' + fields.join(' AND ');
if (filter.order) {
out += ' ORDER BY ' + filter.order;
if (filter.limit) {
out += ' LIMIT ' + filter.limit + ' ' + (filter.offset || '');
return out;
function applyFilter(filter) {
if (typeof filter.where === 'function') {
return filter;
var keys = Object.keys(filter.where);
return function (obj) {
var pass = true;
keys.forEach(function (key) {
if (!test(filter.where[key], obj[key])) {
pass = false;
return pass;
function test(example, value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && example && example.constructor.name === 'RegExp') {
return value.match(example);
// not strict equality
return example == value;
PG.prototype.destroyAll = function destroyAll(model, callback) {
this.query('DELETE FROM "' + model + '"', function (err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, []);
PG.prototype.count = function count(model, callback, where) {
var self = this;
var props = this._models[model].properties;
this.query('SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM "' + model + '"' + buildWhere(where), function (err, res) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(err, res && res.items[0] && res.items[0].cnt);
function buildWhere(conds) {
var cs = [];
Object.keys(conds || {}).forEach(function (key) {
if (conds[key] === null) {
cs.push(key + ' IS NULL');
} else {
cs.push(key + ' = ' + self.toDatabase(props[key], conds[key]));
return cs.length ? ' WHERE ' + cs.join(' AND ') : '';
PG.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttrs(model, id, data, cb) {
data.id = id;
this.save(model, data, cb);
PG.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect() {
PG.prototype.automigrate = function (cb) {
var self = this;
var wait = 0;
Object.keys(this._models).forEach(function (model) {
wait += 1;
self.dropTable(model, function () {
self.createTable(model, function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err);
function done() {
if (--wait === 0 && cb) {
PG.prototype.autoupdate = function (cb) {
var self = this;
var wait = 0;
Object.keys(this._models).forEach(function (model) {
wait += 1;
self.query('SELECT column_name as Field, udt_name as Type, is_nullable as Null, column_default as Default FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = \''+model+'\'', function (err, fields) {
self.alterTable(model, fields, done);
function done(err) {
if (err) {
if (--wait === 0 && cb) {
PG.prototype.alterTable = function (model, actualFields, done) {
var self = this;
var m = this._models[model];
var propNames = Object.keys(m.properties);
var sql = [];
// change/add new fields
propNames.forEach(function (propName) {
var found;
actualFields.forEach(function (f) {
if (f.Field === propName) {
found = f;
if (found) {
actualize(propName, found);
} else {
sql.push('ADD COLUMN "' + propName + '" ' + self.propertySettingsSQL(model, propName));
// drop columns
actualFields.forEach(function (f) {
var notFound = !~propNames.indexOf(f.Field);
if (f.Field === 'id') return;
if (notFound || !m.properties[f.Field]) {
sql.push('DROP COLUMN "' + f.Field + '"');
if (sql.length) {
this.query('ALTER TABLE "' + model + '" ' + sql.join(',\n'), done);
} else {
function actualize(propName, oldSettings) {
var newSettings = m.properties[propName];
if (newSettings && changed(newSettings, oldSettings)) {
sql.push('CHANGE COLUMN "' + propName + '" "' + propName + '" ' + self.propertySettingsSQL(model, propName));
function changed(newSettings, oldSettings) {
if (oldSettings.Null === 'YES' && (newSettings.allowNull === false || newSettings.null === false)) return true;
if (oldSettings.Null === 'NO' && !(newSettings.allowNull === false || newSettings.null === false)) return true;
if (oldSettings.Type.toUpperCase() !== datatype(newSettings)) return true;
return false;
PG.prototype.dropTable = function (model, cb) {
this.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' + model + '"', cb);
PG.prototype.createTable = function (model, cb) {
this.query('CREATE TABLE "' + model +
'" (\n ' + this.propertiesSQL(model) + '\n)', cb);
PG.prototype.propertiesSQL = function (model) {
var self = this;
Object.keys(this._models[model].properties).forEach(function (prop) {
sql.push('"' + prop + '" ' + self.propertySettingsSQL(model, prop));
return sql.join(',\n ');
PG.prototype.propertySettingsSQL = function (model, prop) {
var p = this._models[model].properties[prop];
return datatype(p) + ' ' +
(p.allowNull === false || p['null'] === false ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL');
function escape(val) {
if (val === undefined || val === null) {
return 'NULL';
switch (typeof val) {
case 'boolean': return (val) ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'number': return val+'';
if (typeof val === 'object') {
val = (typeof val.toISOString === 'function')
? val.toISOString()
: val.toString();
val = val.replace(/[\0\n\r\b\t\\\'\"\x1a]/g, function(s) {
switch(s) {
case "\0": return "\\0";
case "\n": return "\\n";
case "\r": return "\\r";
case "\b": return "\\b";
case "\t": return "\\t";
case "\x1a": return "\\Z";
default: return "\\"+s;
return "'"+val+"'";
function datatype(p) {
switch (p.type.name) {
case 'String':
return 'VARCHAR(' + (p.limit || 255) + ')';
case 'Text':
return 'TEXT';
case 'Number':
return 'INTEGER';
case 'Date':
return 'TIMESTAMP';
case 'Boolean':
return 'BOOLEAN';