You can expose a Model's instance and static methods to clients. A remote method must accept a callback with the conventional `fn(err, result, ...)` signature.
| accepts | No | Describes the remote method's arguments; See <ahref="#argdesc">Argument description</a>. The `callback` argument is assumed; do not specify. |
| returns | No | Describes the remote method's callback arguments; See <ahref="#argdesc">Argument description</a>. The `err` argument is assumed; do not specify. |
| http | No | HTTP routing information: <ul><li>**http.path**: path (relative to the model) at which the method is exposed. May be a path fragment (for example, `/:myArg`) that will be populated by an arg of the same name in the `accepts` description. For example, the `stats` method above will be at the whole path `/products/stats`.</li><li>**http.verb**: HTTP method (verb) from which the method is available (one of: get, post, put, del, or all).</li></ul>
The arguments description defines either a single argument as an object or an ordered set of arguments as an array. Each individual argument has keys for:
console.log(ctx.methodString, 'was invoked remotely'); // was invoked remotely
Other wildcard examples
// run before any static method eg. User.find
User.beforeRemote('*', ...);
// run before any instance method eg.
User.beforeRemote('prototype.*', ...);
// prevent password hashes from being sent to clients
User.afterRemote('**', function (ctx, user, next) {
if(ctx.result) {
if(Array.isArray(ctx.result)) {
ctx.result.forEach(function (result) {
result.password = undefined;
} else {
ctx.result.password = undefined;
### Context
Remote hooks are provided with a Context `ctx` object which contains transport specific data (eg. for http: `req` and `res`). The `ctx` object also has a set of consistent apis across transports.
The `accessToken` of the user calling the method remotely. **Note:** this is undefined if the remote method is not invoked by a logged in user (or other principal).