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2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Module Dependencies.
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
var Model = require('./model');
var RemoteObjects = require('strong-remoting');
var DataAccess = require('loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/dao');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Extends Model with basic query and CRUD support.
2014-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00
* **Change Event**
* Listen for model changes using the `change` event.
* ```js
* MyDataModel.on('changed', function(obj) {
* console.log(obj) // => the changed model
* });
* ```
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* @class DataModel
* @param {Object} data
2014-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00
* @param {Number} data.id The default id property
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
var DataModel = module.exports = Model.extend('DataModel');
* Setup the `DataModel` constructor.
DataModel.setup = function setupDataModel() {
2014-05-03 03:04:06 +00:00
// call Model.setup first
var DataModel = this;
var typeName = this.modelName;
// setup a remoting type converter for this model
RemoteObjects.convert(typeName, function(val) {
return val ? new DataModel(val) : val;
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Configure the remoting attributes for a given function
* @param {Function} fn The function
* @param {Object} options The options
* @private
function setRemoting(fn, options) {
options = options || {};
for (var opt in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(opt)) {
fn[opt] = options[opt];
fn.shared = true;
// allow connectors to override the function by marking as delegate
fn._delegate = true;
* Throw an error telling the user that the method is not available and why.
function throwNotAttached(modelName, methodName) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot call ' + modelName + '.'+ methodName + '().'
+ ' The ' + methodName + ' method has not been setup.'
+ ' The DataModel has not been correctly attached to a DataSource!'
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Convert null callbacks to 404 error objects.
* @param {HttpContext} ctx
* @param {Function} cb
function convertNullToNotFoundError(ctx, cb) {
if (ctx.result !== null) return cb();
var modelName = ctx.method.sharedClass.name;
var id = ctx.getArgByName('id');
var msg = 'Unkown "' + modelName + '" id "' + id + '".';
var error = new Error(msg);
error.statusCode = error.status = 404;
* Create new instance of Model class, saved in database
* @param data [optional]
* @param callback(err, obj)
* callback called with arguments:
* - err (null or Error)
* - instance (null or Model)
DataModel.create = function (data, callback) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'create');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Update or insert a model instance
* @param {Object} data The model instance data
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function
DataModel.upsert = DataModel.updateOrCreate = function upsert(data, callback) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'updateOrCreate');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Find one record, same as `find`, limited by 1 and return object, not collection,
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* if not found, create using data provided as second argument
* @param {Object} query - search conditions: {where: {test: 'me'}}.
* @param {Object} data - object to create.
* @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err, instance)
DataModel.findOrCreate = function findOrCreate(query, data, callback) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'findOrCreate');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Check whether a model instance exists in database
* @param {id} id - identifier of object (primary key value)
* @param {Function} cb - callbacl called with (err, exists: Bool)
DataModel.exists = function exists(id, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'exists');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Find object by id
* @param {*} id - primary key value
* @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err, instance)
DataModel.findById = function find(id, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'find');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Find all instances of Model, matched by query
* make sure you have marked as `index: true` fields for filter or sort
* @param {Object} params (optional)
* - where: Object `{ key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}`
* - include: String, Object or Array. See DataModel.include documentation.
* - order: String
* - limit: Number
* - skip: Number
* @param {Function} callback (required) called with arguments:
* - err (null or Error)
* - Array of instances
DataModel.find = function find(params, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'find');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Find one record, same as `all`, limited by 1 and return object, not collection
* @param {Object} params - search conditions: {where: {test: 'me'}}
* @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err, instance)
DataModel.findOne = function findOne(params, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'findOne');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Destroy all matching records
* @param {Object} [where] An object that defines the criteria
* @param {Function} [cb] - callback called with (err)
DataModel.remove =
DataModel.deleteAll =
DataModel.destroyAll = function destroyAll(where, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'destroyAll');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
// disable remoting by default
DataModel.destroyAll.shared = false;
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Destroy a record by id
* @param {*} id The id value
* @param {Function} cb - callback called with (err)
DataModel.removeById =
DataModel.deleteById =
DataModel.destroyById = function deleteById(id, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'deleteById');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Return count of matched records
* @param {Object} where - search conditions (optional)
* @param {Function} cb - callback, called with (err, count)
DataModel.count = function (where, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'count');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Save instance. When instance haven't id, create method called instead.
* Triggers: validate, save, update | create
* @param options {validate: true, throws: false} [optional]
* @param callback(err, obj)
DataModel.prototype.save = function (options, callback) {
throwNotAttached(this.constructor.modelName, 'save');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
DataModel.prototype.save._delegate = true;
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Determine if the data model is new.
* @returns {Boolean}
DataModel.prototype.isNewRecord = function () {
throwNotAttached(this.constructor.modelName, 'isNewRecord');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Delete object from persistence
* @triggers `destroy` hook (async) before and after destroying object
DataModel.prototype.remove =
DataModel.prototype.delete =
DataModel.prototype.destroy = function (cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.constructor.modelName, 'destroy');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
DataModel.prototype.destroy._delegate = true;
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Update single attribute
* equals to `updateAttributes({name: value}, cb)
* @param {String} name - name of property
* @param {Mixed} value - value of property
* @param {Function} callback - callback called with (err, instance)
DataModel.prototype.updateAttribute = function updateAttribute(name, value, callback) {
throwNotAttached(this.constructor.modelName, 'updateAttribute');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Update set of attributes
* this method performs validation before updating
* @trigger `validation`, `save` and `update` hooks
* @param {Object} data - data to update
* @param {Function} callback - callback called with (err, instance)
DataModel.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(data, cb) {
throwNotAttached(this.modelName, 'updateAttributes');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Reload object from persistence
* @requires `id` member of `object` to be able to call `find`
* @param {Function} callback - called with (err, instance) arguments
DataModel.prototype.reload = function reload(callback) {
throwNotAttached(this.constructor.modelName, 'reload');
2014-02-20 01:09:36 +00:00
* Set the correct `id` property for the `DataModel`. If a `Connector` defines
* a `setId` method it will be used. Otherwise the default lookup is used. You
* should override this method to handle complex ids.
* @param {*} val The `id` value. Will be converted to the type the id property
* specifies.
DataModel.prototype.setId = function(val) {
var ds = this.getDataSource();
this[this.getIdName()] = val;
* Get the `id` value for the `DataModel`.
* @returns {*} The `id` value
DataModel.prototype.getId = function() {
var data = this.toObject();
if(!data) return;
return data[this.getIdName()];
* Get the id property name of the constructor.
* @returns {String} The `id` property name
DataModel.prototype.getIdName = function() {
return this.constructor.getIdName();
* Get the id property name of the constructor.
* @returns {String} The `id` property name
DataModel.getIdName = function() {
var Model = this;
var ds = Model.getDataSource();
if(ds.idName) {
return ds.idName(Model.modelName);
} else {
return 'id';
DataModel.setupRemoting = function() {
var DataModel = this;
var typeName = DataModel.modelName;
setRemoting(DataModel.create, {
description: 'Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', description: 'Model instance data', http: {source: 'body'}},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/'}
setRemoting(DataModel.upsert, {
description: 'Update an existing model instance or insert a new one into the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', description: 'Model instance data', http: {source: 'body'}},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'put', path: '/'}
setRemoting(DataModel.exists, {
description: 'Check whether a model instance exists in the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'id', type: 'any', description: 'Model id', required: true},
returns: {arg: 'exists', type: 'boolean'},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/:id/exists'}
setRemoting(DataModel.findById, {
description: 'Find a model instance by id from the data source',
accepts: {
arg: 'id', type: 'any', description: 'Model id', required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/:id'},
rest: {after: convertNullToNotFoundError}
setRemoting(DataModel.find, {
description: 'Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: 'Filter defining fields, where, orderBy, offset, and limit'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: [typeName], root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/'}
setRemoting(DataModel.findOne, {
description: 'Find first instance of the model matched by filter from the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: 'Filter defining fields, where, orderBy, offset, and limit'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/findOne'}
setRemoting(DataModel.destroyAll, {
description: 'Delete all matching records',
accepts: {arg: 'where', type: 'object', description: 'filter.where object'},
http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/'}
setRemoting(DataModel.deleteById, {
description: 'Delete a model instance by id from the data source',
2014-05-03 03:04:06 +00:00
accepts: {arg: 'id', type: 'any', description: 'Model id', required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}},
http: {verb: 'del', path: '/:id'}
setRemoting(DataModel.count, {
description: 'Count instances of the model matched by where from the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'where', type: 'object', description: 'Criteria to match model instances'},
returns: {arg: 'count', type: 'number'},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/count'}
setRemoting(DataModel.prototype.updateAttributes, {
description: 'Update attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}, description: 'An object of model property name/value pairs'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'put', path: '/'}