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var assert = require('assert');
var express = require('express');
var merge = require('util')._extend;
var PhaseList = require('loopback-phase').PhaseList;
var debug = require('debug')('loopback:app');
var proto = {};
module.exports = function loopbackExpress() {
var app = express();
app.__expressLazyRouter = app.lazyrouter;
merge(app, proto);
return app;
* Register a middleware using a factory function and a JSON config.
* **Example**
* ```js
* app.middlewareFromConfig(compression, {
* enabled: true,
* phase: 'initial',
* params: {
* threshold: 128
* }
* });
* ```
* @param {function} factory The factory function creating a middleware handler.
* Typically a result of `require()` call, e.g. `require('compression')`.
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* @options {Object} config The configuration.
* @property {String} phase The phase to register the middelware in.
* @property {Boolean} [enabled] Whether the middleware is enabled.
* Default: `true`.
* @property {Array|*} [params] The arguments to pass to the factory
* function. Either an array of arguments,
* or the value of the first argument when the factory expects
* a single argument only.
* @returns {object} this (fluent API)
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* @header app.middlewareFromConfig(factory, config)
proto.middlewareFromConfig = function(factory, config) {
assert(typeof factory === 'function', '"factory" must be a function');
assert(typeof config === 'object', '"config" must be an object');
assert(typeof config.phase === 'string' && config.phase,
'"config.phase" must be a non-empty string');
if (config.enabled === false)
var params = config.params;
if (params === undefined) {
params = [];
} else if (!Array.isArray(params)) {
params = [params];
var handler = factory.apply(null, params);
this.middleware(config.phase, handler);
return this;
* Register (new) middleware phases.
* If all names are new, then the phases are added just before "routes" phase.
* Otherwise the provided list of names is merged with the existing phases
* in such way that the order of phases is preserved.
* **Examples**
* ```js
* // built-in phases:
* // initial, session, auth, parse, routes, files, final
* app.defineMiddlewarePhases('custom');
* // new list of phases
* // initial, session, auth, parse, custom, routes, files, final
* app.defineMiddlewarePhases([
* 'initial', 'postinit', 'preauth', 'routes', 'subapps'
* ]);
* // new list of phases
* // initial, postinit, preauth, session, auth, parse, custom,
* // routes, subapps, files, final
* ```
* @param {string|Array.<string>} nameOrArray A phase name or a list of phase
* names to add.
* @returns {object} this (fluent API)
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* @header app.defineMiddlewarePhases(nameOrArray)
proto.defineMiddlewarePhases = function(nameOrArray) {
if (Array.isArray(nameOrArray)) {
} else {
this._requestHandlingPhases.addBefore('routes', nameOrArray);
return this;
* Register a middleware handler to be executed in a given phase.
* @param {string} name The phase name, e.g. "init" or "routes".
* @param {function} handler The middleware handler, one of
* `function(req, res, next)` or
* `function(err, req, res, next)`
* @returns {object} this (fluent API)
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* @header app.middleware(name, handler)
proto.middleware = function(name, handler) {
assert(typeof name === 'string' && name, '"name" must be a non-empty string');
assert(typeof handler === 'function', '"handler" must be a function');
var fullName = name;
var handlerName = handler.name || '(anonymous)';
var hook = 'use';
var m = name.match(/^(.+):(before|after)$/);
if (m) {
name = m[1];
hook = m[2];
var phase = this._requestHandlingPhases.find(name);
if (!phase)
throw new Error('Unknown middleware phase ' + name);
var wrapper;
if (handler.length === 4) {
// handler is function(err, req, res, next)
debug('Add error handler %j to phase %j', handlerName, fullName);
wrapper = function errorHandler(ctx, next) {
if (ctx.err) {
var err = ctx.err;
ctx.err = undefined;
handler(err, ctx.req, ctx.res, storeErrorAndContinue(ctx, next));
} else {
} else {
// handler is function(req, res, next)
debug('Add middleware %j to phase %j', handlerName , fullName);
wrapper = function regularHandler(ctx, next) {
if (ctx.err) {
} else {
handler(ctx.req, ctx.res, storeErrorAndContinue(ctx, next));
return this;
function storeErrorAndContinue(ctx, next) {
return function(err) {
if (err) ctx.err = err;
// Install our custom PhaseList-based handler into the app
proto.lazyrouter = function() {
var self = this;
if (self._router) return;
// Storing the fn in another property of the router object
// allows us to call the method with the router as `this`
// without the need to use slow `call` or `apply`.
self._router.__expressHandle = self._router.handle;
self._requestHandlingPhases = new PhaseList();
'initial', 'session', 'auth', 'parse',
'routes', 'files', 'final'
// In order to pass error into express router, we have
// to pass it to a middleware executed from within the router.
// This is achieved by adding a phase-handler that wraps the error
// into `req` object and then a router-handler that unwraps the error
// and calls `next(err)`.
// It is important to register these two handlers at the very beginning,
// before any other handlers are added.
self.middleware('routes', function wrapError(err, req, res, next) {
req.__err = err;
self.use(function unwrapError(req, res, next) {
var err = req.__err;
req.__err = undefined;
self.middleware('routes', function runRootHandlers(req, res, next) {
self._router.__expressHandle(req, res, next);
// Overwrite the original handle() function provided by express,
// replace it with our implementation based on PhaseList
self._router.handle = function(req, res, next) {
var ctx = { req: req, res: res };
self._requestHandlingPhases.run(ctx, function(err) {
next(err || ctx.err);