261 lines
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261 lines
7.3 KiB
exports.initialize = function initializeSchema(schema, callback) {
schema.adapter = new Memory();
function Memory(m) {
if (m) {
this.isTransaction = true;
this.cache = m.cache;
this.ids = m.ids;
this._models = m._models;
} else {
this.isTransaction = false;
// use asteroid cache, otherwise state will be reset during configuration
this.cache = process.__asteroidCache.memoryStore || (process.__asteroidCache.memoryStore = {});
this.ids = {};
this._models = {};
Memory.prototype.connect = function(callback) {
if (this.isTransaction) {
this.onTransactionExec = callback;
} else {
Memory.prototype.define = function defineModel(descr) {
var m = descr.model.modelName;
this._models[m] = descr;
// allow reuse of data
this.cache[m] = this.cache[m] || {};
this.ids[m] = 1;
Memory.prototype.create = function create(model, data, callback) {
var id = data.id || this.ids[model]++;
data.id = id;
this.cache[model][id] = JSON.stringify(data);
process.nextTick(function() {
callback(null, id);
Memory.prototype.updateOrCreate = function (model, data, callback) {
var mem = this;
this.exists(model, data.id, function (err, exists) {
if (exists) {
mem.save(model, data, callback);
} else {
mem.create(model, data, function (err, id) {
data.id = id;
callback(err, data);
Memory.prototype.save = function save(model, data, callback) {
this.cache[model][data.id] = JSON.stringify(data);
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(null, data);
Memory.prototype.exists = function exists(model, id, callback) {
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(null, this.cache[model].hasOwnProperty(id));
Memory.prototype.find = function find(model, id, callback) {
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(null, id in this.cache[model] && this.fromDb(model, this.cache[model][id]));
Memory.prototype.destroy = function destroy(model, id, callback) {
delete this.cache[model][id];
Memory.prototype.fromDb = function(model, data) {
if (!data) return null;
data = JSON.parse(data);
var props = this._models[model].properties;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
var val = data[key];
if (typeof val === 'undefined' || val === null) {
if (props[key]) {
switch(props[key].type.name) {
case 'Date':
val = new Date(val.toString().replace(/GMT.*$/, 'GMT'));
case 'Boolean':
val = new Boolean(val);
data[key] = val;
return data;
Memory.prototype.all = function all(model, filter, callback) {
var self = this;
var nodes = [];
var data = this.cache[model];
var keys = Object.keys(data);
var scanned = 0;
while(scanned < keys.length) {
nodes.push(this.fromDb(model, data[keys[scanned]]));
if (filter) {
// do we need some sorting?
if (filter.order) {
var props = this._models[model].properties;
var orders = filter.order;
if (typeof filter.order === "string") {
orders = [filter.order];
orders.forEach(function (key, i) {
var reverse = 1;
var m = key.match(/\s+(A|DE)SC$/i);
if (m) {
key = key.replace(/\s+(A|DE)SC/i, '');
if (m[1].toLowerCase() === 'de') reverse = -1;
orders[i] = {"key": key, "reverse": reverse};
nodes = nodes.sort(sorting.bind(orders));
// do we need some filtration?
if (filter.where) {
nodes = nodes ? nodes.filter(applyFilter(filter)) : nodes;
// skip
if(filter.skip) {
nodes = nodes.slice(filter.skip, nodes.length);
if(filter.limit) {
nodes = nodes.slice(0, filter.limit);
process.nextTick(function () {
if (filter && filter.include) {
self._models[model].model.include(nodes, filter.include, callback);
} else {
callback(null, nodes);
function sorting(a, b) {
for (var i=0, l=this.length; i<l; i++) {
if (a[this[i].key] > b[this[i].key]) {
return 1*this[i].reverse;
} else if (a[this[i].key] < b[this[i].key]) {
return -1*this[i].reverse;
return 0;
function applyFilter(filter) {
if (typeof filter.where === 'function') {
return filter.where;
var keys = Object.keys(filter.where);
return function (obj) {
var pass = true;
keys.forEach(function (key) {
if (!test(filter.where[key], obj[key])) {
pass = false;
return pass;
function test(example, value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && example && example.constructor.name === 'RegExp') {
return value.match(example);
if (typeof example === 'undefined') return undefined;
if (typeof value === 'undefined') return undefined;
if (typeof example === 'object') {
if (example.inq) {
if (!value) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < example.inq.length; i += 1) {
if (example.inq[i] == value) return true;
return false;
// not strict equality
return (example !== null ? example.toString() : example) == (value !== null ? value.toString() : value);
Memory.prototype.destroyAll = function destroyAll(model, callback) {
Object.keys(this.cache[model]).forEach(function (id) {
delete this.cache[model][id];
this.cache[model] = {};
Memory.prototype.count = function count(model, callback, where) {
var cache = this.cache[model];
var data = Object.keys(cache)
if (where) {
data = data.filter(function (id) {
var ok = true;
Object.keys(where).forEach(function (key) {
if (JSON.parse(cache[id])[key] != where[key]) {
ok = false;
return ok;
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(null, data.length);
Memory.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(model, id, data, cb) {
data.id = id;
var base = JSON.parse(this.cache[model][id]);
this.save(model, merge(base, data), cb);
Memory.prototype.transaction = function () {
return new Memory(this);
Memory.prototype.exec = function(callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 50);
function merge(base, update) {
if (!base) return update;
Object.keys(update).forEach(function (key) {
base[key] = update[key];
return base;