Merge pull request #84 from strongloop/feature/fix-remote-method-apidocs

docs: describe http mapping of arguments
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Rand McKinney 2013-12-06 10:11:29 -08:00
commit 14a6834f13
1 changed files with 60 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ The options argument is a JSON object, described in the following table.
| Option | Required? | Description |
| ----- | ----- | ----- |
| accepts | No | Describes the remote method's arguments, as explained <a href="#argdesc">below</a>. The callback is an assumed argument; do not specify. |
| returns | No | Describes the remote method's callback arguments, as explained <a href="#argdesc">below</a>.. The err argument is assumed; do not specify. |
| accepts | No | Describes the remote method's arguments; See <a href="#argdesc">Argument description</a>. The `callback` argument is assumed; do not specify. |
| returns | No | Describes the remote method's callback arguments; See <a href="#argdesc">Argument description</a>. The `err` argument is assumed; do not specify. |
| http | No | HTTP routing information: <ul><li> **http.path**: path (relative to the model) at which the method is exposed. May be a path fragment (for example, `/:myArg`) that will be populated by an arg of the same name in the `accepts` description. For example, the `stats` method above will be at the whole path `/products/stats`.</li><li> **http.verb**: HTTP method (verb) from which the method is available (one of: get, post, put, del, or all).</li></ul>
<a name="argdesc"></a>
@ -42,8 +42,13 @@ The options argument is a JSON object, described in the following table.
The arguments description defines either a single argument as an object or an ordered set of arguments as an array. Each individual argument has keys for:
* arg: argument name
* type: argument datatype; must be a[loopback type](
* type: argument datatype; must be a [loopback type](
* required: Boolean value indicating if argument is required.
* root: For callback arguments: set this property to `true` if your function
has a single callback argument to use as the root object
returned to remote caller. Otherwise the root object returned is a map (argument-name to argument-value).
* http: For input arguments: a function or an object describing mapping from HTTP request
to the argument value, as explained <a href="#argdesc-http">below</a>.
For example, a single argument, specified as an object:
@ -60,6 +65,58 @@ Multiple arguments, specified as an array:
<a name="argdesc-http"></a>
**HTTP mapping of input arguments**
There are two ways to specify HTTP mapping for input parameters (what the method accepts):
* Provide an object with a `source` property
* Specify a custom mapping function
To use the first way to specify HTTP mapping for input parameters, provide an object with a `source` property
that has one of the values shown in the following table.
| Value of source property | Description |
| body | The whole request body is used as the value. |
| form | The value is looked up using `req.param`, which searches route arguments, the request body and the query string.|
| query | An alias for form (see above). |
| path | An alias for form (see above). |
| req | The whole HTTP reqest object is used as the value. |
For example, an argument getting the whole request body as the value:
{ arg: 'data', type: 'object', http: { source: 'body' } }
The use the second way to specify HTTP mapping for input parameters, specify a custom mapping function
that looks like this:
arg: 'custom',
type: 'number',
http: function(ctx) {
// ctx is LoopBack Context object
// 1. Get the HTTP request object as provided by Express
var req = ctx.req;
// 2. Get 'a' and 'b' from query string or form data
// and return their sum as the value
return +req.param('a') + req.param('b');
If you don't specify a mapping, LoopBack will look up the value
using the following algorithm (assuming `name` as the name of the input
parameter to resolve):
1. If there is a HTTP request parameter `args` with a JSON content,
then the value of `args['name']` is used if it is defined.
2. Otherwise `req.param('name')` is returned.
## Remote hooks
Run a function before or after a remote method is called by a client.