Merge branch 'release/2.10.0' into production
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
2015-01-08, Version 2.10.0
* Revert the peer dep change to avoid npm complaints (Raymond Feng)
* Update strong-remoting dep (Raymond Feng)
* Allow accessType per remote method (Raymond Feng)
* API and REST tests added to ensure complete and valid credentials are supplied for verified error message to be returned - tests added as suggested and fail under previous version of User model - strongloop/loopback#931 (Ron Edgecomb)
* Require valid login credentials before verified email check. - strongloop/loopback#931. (Ron Edgecomb)
2015-01-07, Version 2.9.0
@ -183,33 +183,32 @@ module.exports = function(User) {
debug('An error is reported from User.findOne: %j', err);
} else if (user) {
if (self.settings.emailVerificationRequired) {
if (!user.emailVerified) {
// Fail to log in if email verification is not done yet
debug('User email has not been verified');
err = new Error('login failed as the email has not been verified');
err.statusCode = 401;
return fn(err);
user.hasPassword(credentials.password, function(err, isMatch) {
if (err) {
debug('An error is reported from User.hasPassword: %j', err);
} else if (isMatch) {
user.createAccessToken(credentials.ttl, function(err, token) {
if (err) return fn(err);
if (Array.isArray(include) ? include.indexOf('user') !== -1 : include === 'user') {
// NOTE(bajtos) We can't set token.user here:
// 1. token.user already exists, it's a function injected by
// "AccessToken belongsTo User" relation
// 2. ModelBaseClass.toJSON() ignores own properties, thus
// the value won't be included in the HTTP response
// See also loopback#161 and loopback#162
token.__data.user = user;
fn(err, token);
if (self.settings.emailVerificationRequired && !user.emailVerified) {
// Fail to log in if email verification is not done yet
debug('User email has not been verified');
err = new Error('login failed as the email has not been verified');
err.statusCode = 401;
return fn(err);
} else {
user.createAccessToken(credentials.ttl, function(err, token) {
if (err) return fn(err);
if (Array.isArray(include) ? include.indexOf('user') !== -1 : include === 'user') {
// NOTE(bajtos) We can't set token.user here:
// 1. token.user already exists, it's a function injected by
// "AccessToken belongsTo User" relation
// 2. ModelBaseClass.toJSON() ignores own properties, thus
// the value won't be included in the HTTP response
// See also loopback#161 and loopback#162
token.__data.user = user;
fn(err, token);
} else {
debug('The password is invalid for user %s', || query.username);
@ -314,6 +314,25 @@ Model._getAccessTypeForMethod = function(method) {
var ACL = Model._ACL();
// Check the explicit setting of accessType
if (method.accessType) {
assert(method.accessType === ACL.READ ||
method.accessType === ACL.WRITE ||
method.accessType === ACL.EXECUTE, 'invalid accessType ' +
method.accessType +
'. It must be "READ", "WRITE", or "EXECUTE"');
return method.accessType;
// Default GET requests to READ
var verb = method.http && method.http.verb;
if (typeof verb === 'string') {
verb = verb.toUpperCase();
if (verb === 'GET' || verb === 'HEAD') {
return ACL.READ;
switch ( {
return ACL.WRITE;
@ -406,6 +425,7 @@ Model.belongsToRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
isStatic: false,
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName},
accepts: {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}},
accessType: 'READ',
description: 'Fetches belongsTo relation ' + relationName,
returns: {arg: relationName, type: modelName, root: true}
}, fn);
@ -419,6 +439,7 @@ Model.hasOneRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName},
accepts: {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}},
description: 'Fetches hasOne relation ' + relationName,
accessType: 'READ',
returns: {arg: relationName, type: relation.modelTo.modelName, root: true}
}, fn);
@ -445,6 +466,7 @@ Model.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}},
description: 'Find a related item by id for ' + relationName,
accessType: 'READ',
returns: {arg: 'result', type: toModelName, root: true},
rest: {after: convertNullToNotFoundError}
}, findByIdFunc);
@ -457,6 +479,7 @@ Model.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}},
description: 'Delete a related item by id for ' + relationName,
accessType: 'WRITE',
returns: []
}, destroyByIdFunc);
@ -471,6 +494,7 @@ Model.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
{arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}}
description: 'Update a related item by id for ' + relationName,
accessType: 'WRITE',
returns: {arg: 'result', type: toModelName, root: true}
}, updateByIdFunc);
@ -491,6 +515,7 @@ Model.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}}].concat(accepts),
description: 'Add a related item by id for ' + relationName,
accessType: 'WRITE',
returns: {arg: relationName, type: modelThrough.modelName, root: true}
}, addFunc);
@ -502,6 +527,7 @@ Model.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}},
description: 'Remove the ' + relationName + ' relation to an item by id',
accessType: 'WRITE',
returns: []
}, removeFunc);
@ -515,6 +541,7 @@ Model.hasManyRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) {
description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}},
description: 'Check the existence of ' + relationName + ' relation to an item by id',
accessType: 'READ',
returns: {arg: 'exists', type: 'boolean', root: true},
rest: {
// After hook to map exists to 200/404 for HEAD
@ -556,6 +583,7 @@ Model.scopeRemoting = function(scopeName, scope, define) {
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName},
accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object'},
description: 'Queries ' + scopeName + ' of ' + this.modelName + '.',
accessType: 'READ',
returns: {arg: scopeName, type: [toModelName], root: true}
@ -564,13 +592,15 @@ Model.scopeRemoting = function(scopeName, scope, define) {
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/' + pathName},
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}},
description: 'Creates a new instance in ' + scopeName + ' of this model.',
accessType: 'WRITE',
returns: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, root: true}
define('__delete__' + scopeName, {
isStatic: isStatic,
http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName},
description: 'Deletes all ' + scopeName + ' of this model.'
description: 'Deletes all ' + scopeName + ' of this model.',
accessType: 'WRITE'
define('__count__' + scopeName, {
@ -578,6 +608,7 @@ Model.scopeRemoting = function(scopeName, scope, define) {
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName + '/count'},
accepts: {arg: 'where', type: 'object', description: 'Criteria to match model instances'},
description: 'Counts ' + scopeName + ' of ' + this.modelName + '.',
accessType: 'READ',
returns: {arg: 'count', type: 'number'}
@ -653,6 +684,7 @@ Model.nestRemoting = function(relationName, options, cb) {
opts.accepts = acceptArgs.concat(method.accepts || []);
opts.returns = [].concat(method.returns || []);
opts.description = method.description;
opts.accessType = method.accessType;
|||| = extend({}, || {});
|||| = method;
@ -485,6 +485,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'create', {
description: 'Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', description: 'Model instance data', http: {source: 'body'}},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/'}
@ -493,6 +494,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'upsert', {
aliases: ['updateOrCreate'],
description: 'Update an existing model instance or insert a new one into the data source',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', description: 'Model instance data', http: {source: 'body'}},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'put', path: '/'}
@ -500,6 +502,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'exists', {
description: 'Check whether a model instance exists in the data source',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: {arg: 'id', type: 'any', description: 'Model id', required: true},
returns: {arg: 'exists', type: 'boolean'},
http: [
@ -529,6 +532,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'findById', {
description: 'Find a model instance by id from the data source',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: {
arg: 'id', type: 'any', description: 'Model id', required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}
@ -540,6 +544,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'find', {
description: 'Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: 'Filter defining fields, where, orderBy, offset, and limit'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: [typeName], root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/'}
@ -547,6 +552,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'findOne', {
description: 'Find first instance of the model matched by filter from the data source',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: 'Filter defining fields, where, orderBy, offset, and limit'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/findOne'},
@ -555,6 +561,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'destroyAll', {
description: 'Delete all matching records',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'where', type: 'object', description: 'filter.where object'},
http: {verb: 'del', path: '/'},
shared: false
@ -563,6 +570,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'updateAll', {
aliases: ['update'],
description: 'Update instances of the model matched by where from the data source',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: [
{arg: 'where', type: 'object', http: {source: 'query'},
description: 'Criteria to match model instances'},
@ -575,6 +583,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'deleteById', {
aliases: ['destroyById', 'removeById'],
description: 'Delete a model instance by id from the data source',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'id', type: 'any', description: 'Model id', required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}},
http: {verb: 'del', path: '/:id'}
@ -582,6 +591,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'count', {
description: 'Count instances of the model matched by where from the data source',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: {arg: 'where', type: 'object', description: 'Criteria to match model instances'},
returns: {arg: 'count', type: 'number'},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/count'}
@ -589,6 +599,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel.prototype, 'updateAttributes', {
description: 'Update attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}, description: 'An object of model property name/value pairs'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: typeName, root: true},
http: {verb: 'put', path: '/'}
@ -597,6 +608,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
if (options.trackChanges) {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'diff', {
description: 'Get a set of deltas and conflicts since the given checkpoint',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: [
{arg: 'since', type: 'number', description: 'Find deltas since this checkpoint'},
{arg: 'remoteChanges', type: 'array', description: 'an array of change objects',
@ -609,6 +621,7 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'changes', {
description: 'Get the changes to a model since a given checkpoint.' +
'Provide a filter object to reduce the number of results returned.',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: [
{arg: 'since', type: 'number', description: 'Only return changes since this checkpoint'},
{arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: 'Only include changes that match this filter'}
@ -619,18 +632,21 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'checkpoint', {
description: 'Create a checkpoint.',
accessType: 'WRITE',
returns: {arg: 'checkpoint', type: 'object', root: true},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/checkpoint'}
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'currentCheckpoint', {
description: 'Get the current checkpoint.',
accessType: 'READ',
returns: {arg: 'checkpoint', type: 'object', root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/checkpoint'}
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'createUpdates', {
description: 'Create an update list from a delta list',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'deltas', type: 'array', http: {source: 'body'}},
returns: {arg: 'updates', type: 'array', root: true},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/create-updates'}
@ -638,17 +654,20 @@ PersistedModel.setupRemoting = function() {
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'bulkUpdate', {
description: 'Run multiple updates at once. Note: this is not atomic.',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'updates', type: 'array'},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/bulk-update'}
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'rectifyAllChanges', {
description: 'Rectify all Model changes.',
accessType: 'WRITE',
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/rectify-all'}
setRemoting(PersistedModel, 'rectifyChange', {
description: 'Tell loopback that a change to the model with the given id has occurred.',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: {arg: 'id', type: 'any', http: {source: 'path'}},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/:id/rectify-change'}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "loopback",
"version": "2.9.0",
"version": "2.10.0",
"description": "LoopBack: Open Source Framework for Node.js",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
@ -47,12 +47,12 @@
"nodemailer-stub-transport": "~0.1.4",
"serve-favicon": "^2.1.6",
"stable": "^0.1.5",
"strong-remoting": "^2.4.0",
"strong-remoting": "^2.11.0",
"uid2": "0.0.3",
"underscore.string": "~2.3.3"
"peerDependencies": {
"loopback-datasource-juggler": "^2.13.0"
"loopback-datasource-juggler": "^2.8.0"
"devDependencies": {
"browserify": "~4.2.3",
@ -102,6 +102,6 @@
"url": ""
"optionalDependencies": {
"sl-blip": ""
"sl-blip": ""
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ var userMemory = loopback.createDataSource({
describe('User', function() {
var validCredentials = {email: '', password: 'bar'};
var validCredentialsEmail = '';
var validCredentials = {email: validCredentialsEmail, password: 'bar'};
var validCredentialsEmailVerified = {email: '', password: 'bar1', emailVerified: true};
var validCredentialsEmailVerifiedOverREST = {email: '', password: 'bar2', emailVerified: true};
var validCredentialsWithTTL = {email: '', password: 'bar', ttl: 3600};
@ -364,6 +365,15 @@ describe('User', function() {
User.settings.emailVerificationRequired = false;
it('Require valid and complete credentials for email verification error', function(done) {
User.login({ email: validCredentialsEmail }, function(err, accessToken) {
// strongloop/loopback#931
// error message should be "login failed" and not "login failed as the email has not been verified"
assert(err && !/verified/.test(err.message), ('expecting "login failed" error message, received: "' + err.message + '"'));
it('Login a user by without email verification', function(done) {
User.login(validCredentials, function(err, accessToken) {
@ -397,6 +407,21 @@ describe('User', function() {
it('Login a user over REST require complete and valid credentials for email verification error message', function(done) {
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.send({ email: validCredentialsEmail })
.end(function(err, res) {
// strongloop/loopback#931
// error message should be "login failed" and not "login failed as the email has not been verified"
var errorResponse = res.body.error;
assert(errorResponse && !/verified/.test(errorResponse.message), ('expecting "login failed" error message, received: "' + errorResponse.message + '"'));
it('Login a user over REST without email verification when it is required', function(done) {
Reference in New Issue