Update REST doc based on the PR feedback

This commit is contained in:
Raymond Feng 2013-08-29 13:52:00 -07:00
parent f5d3d5c18c
commit 9c00e4b256
1 changed files with 73 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ To expose a JavaScript method as REST API, we can simply describe the method as
description: 'Find nearby locations around the geo point',
accepts: [
@ -61,6 +61,25 @@ optional description
For POST and PUT requests, the request body must be JSON, with the Content-Type
header set to application/json.
#### Encode the JSON object as query string
LoopBack uses the syntax from [node-querystring](https://github.com/visionmedia/node-querystring)
to encode JSON objects or arrays as query string. For example,
{ user: { name: { first: 'John' }, email: 'callback@strongloop.com' } }
{ user: { names: ['John', 'Mary'], email: 'callback@strongloop.com' }}
==> { items: ['a', 'b'] }
For more examples, please check out [node-querystring](https://github.com/visionmedia/node-querystring/blob/master/test/parse.js)
### Response Format
The response format for all requests is a JSON object or array if present. Some
@ -78,6 +97,7 @@ The response for an error is in the following format:
"stack": "Error: could not find a model with id 1\n ...",
"statusCode": 404
###Generated APIs
@ -207,18 +227,56 @@ Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source
* **filter** The filter that defines where, order, fields, skip, and limit
Properties for the filter object:
- **where** `Object` { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}} The search criteria
- Format: {key: val} or {key: {op: val}}
- Operations:
- gt: >
- gte: >=
- lt: <
- lte: <=
- between
- inq: IN
- nin: NOT IN
- neq: !=
- like: LIKE
- nlike: NOT LIKE
where - Object { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}
include - String, Object or Array.
order - String "key1 ASC, key2 DESC"
limit - Number The max number of items
skip - Number The number of items to be skipped
fields - Object|Array|String A list of properties to be included or excluded
['foo'] or 'foo' - include only the foo property
['foo', 'bar'] - include the foo and bar properties
{foo: true} - include only foo
{bat: false} - include all properties, exclude bat
- **include** `String`, `Object` or `Array` Allows you to load relations of several objects and optimize numbers of requests.
- Format:
- 'posts': Load posts
- ['posts', 'passports']: Load posts and passports
- {'owner': 'posts'}: Load owner and owner's posts
- {'owner': ['posts', 'passports']}: Load owner, owner's posts, and owner's passports
- {'owner': [{posts: 'images'}, 'passports']}: Load owner, owner's posts, owner's posts' images, and owner's passports
- **order** `String` The sorting order
- Format: 'key1 ASC, key2 DESC'
- **limit** `Number` The maximum number of instances to be returned
- **skip** `Number` Skip the number of instances
- **offset** `Number` Alias for skip
- **fields** `Object|Array|String` The included/excluded fields
- `['foo']` or `'foo'` - include only the foo property
- `['foo', 'bar']` - include the foo and bar properties
- `{foo: true}` - include only foo
- `{bat: false}` - include all properties, exclude bat
For example,
- '/weapons': Weapons
- '/weapons/2': A weapon by id
- '/weapons?filter[limit]=2&filter[offset]=5': Paginated Weapons
- '/weapons?filter[where][name]=M1911': Weapons with name M1911
- '/weapons?filter[where][audibleRange][lt]=10': Weapons with audioRange < 10
- '/weapons?filter[fields][name]=1&filter[fields][effectiveRange]=1': Only name and effective ranges
- '/weapons?filter[where][effectiveRange][gt]=900&filter[limit]=3': The top 3 weapons with a range over 900 meters
- '/weapons?filter[order]=audibleRange%20DESC&filter[limit]=3': The loudest 3 weapons
- '/locations': Locations
- '/locations/nearby?here[lat]=37.587409&here[lng]=-122.338225': Locations nearby
- '/locations?filter[where][geo][near]=153.536,-28.1&filter[limit]=3': The 3 closest locations to a given geo point
- '/locations/87/inventory': The inventory for store 87
####Example Request
curl http://localhost:3000/locations