Fix a typo in "app.enableAuth" that caused the method to not detect
the situation when e.g. the built-in User model is already attached
to a datasource.
Modify `app.enableAuth` to automaticaly setup all required models
that are not attached to the app nor a datasource.
Users wishing to use this option must provide the name of the
data-source to use for these models.
Example usage:
var app = loopback();
app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' });
app.enableAuth({ dataSource: 'db' });
Process `settings.methods` and `config.methods` as a key-value map
where the key is the method name and the value is an object describing
the method in the format expected by strong-remoting.
Example: a static method `Model.create`
"methods": {
"create": {
"isStatic": true,
"accepts": {
"arg": "data", "type": "Car",
"http": { "source": "body" }
"returns": { "arg": "data", "type": "Car", "root": true }
This patch is based on the code proposed by @mrfelton in #1163.
- `loopback.registry` is now a true global registry
- `app.registry` is unique per app object
- `Model.registry` is set when a Model is created using any registry method
- `loopback.localRegistry` and `loopback({localRegistry: true})` when set to `true` this will create a `Registry` per `Application`. It defaults to `false`.
Express has recently deprecated `req.param()` to force developers
to be explicit about the source of the value. To avoid deprecation
warnings, this commit replaces all calls of `req.param()` with a
simplified inline version.
Enhance the error objects with a `code` property containing
a machine-readable string code describing the error, for example
Also improve 404 error messages to include the model name.
Allow the developer to pass custom `remoting` options via Model
settings, e.g.
{ name: String },
remoting: { normalizeHttpPath: true }
Also add `options` arg to `app.handler`, this object is passed directly
to strong-remoting handler.
When running on Unix and no hostname is specified, use ``
as the hostname instead of `localhost`.
When running on Windows and the hostname is either not specified or
it is `` or `::`, use `localhost` in the URL. The reason is
that Windows cannot open URLs using `` as a hostname.
Remove `req.pause` and `req.resume` from `app.enableAuth`
- they are no longer needed, the request starts paused and there is
no other middleware that would resume it before us.
- when we resume the request after authentication, we force all
other async operations (like sharedCtor) to call pause & resume too,
otherwise data are lost
When a public model is added to an application and the model has change
tracking enabled, its Change model is added to the public models.
Before this change, conflict resolution in the browser was not working,
because it was not possible to fetch the remote change.
Most applications report the URL when started (at least the apps we
are scaffolding using loopback-workspace). Constructing the URL in the
loopback core allows us to simplify the templates and reduce the amount
of repeated code.
Move isBrowser and isServer from lib/loopback to a new file lib/runtime.
Move all Model and DataSource related methods like `createModel` and
`createDataSource` to lib/registry.
Remove the circular dependency between lib/application and lib/loopback,
by loading lib/registry and/or lib/runtime instead of lib/loopback
where appropriate
This commit is only moving the code around, the functionality should
not be changed at all.