Process `settings.methods` and `config.methods` as a key-value map
where the key is the method name and the value is an object describing
the method in the format expected by strong-remoting.
Example: a static method `Model.create`
"methods": {
"create": {
"isStatic": true,
"accepts": {
"arg": "data", "type": "Car",
"http": { "source": "body" }
"returns": { "arg": "data", "type": "Car", "root": true }
This patch is based on the code proposed by @mrfelton in #1163.
This patch fixes the method Model.getApp() that started to report
the following error after b61fae5 was landed:
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: undefined == true
at loopback/loopback/lib/model.js:392:7
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (loopback/loopback/lib/model.js:222:9)
at EventEmitter.g (events.js:257:16)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:166:7)
at (loopback/loopback/lib/application.js:157:9)
The commit b917075 accidentally removed a couple of properties,
this commit is bringing them back:
- loopback.modelRegistry
- loopback.defaultDataSources
A unit-test was added to prevent this kind of regressions in the future.
Add end-to-end unit-tests verifying enforcement of access control during
conflict resolution.
Implement two facade methods providing REST API for Change methods used
by conflict resolution:
GET /api/{model.pluralName}/{id}/changes/last
PUT /api/{model.pluralName}/{id}/changes/last
By providing these two methods on PersistedModel, replication users
don't have to expose the Change model via the REST API. What's even
more important, these two methods use the same set of ACL rules
as other (regular) PersistedModel methods.
Rework `Conflict.prototype.changes()` and `Conflict.prototype.resolve()`
to use these new facade methods.
Implement a new method `Conflict.prototype.swapParties()` that provides
better API for the situation when a conflict detected in Remote->Local
replication should be resolved locally (i.e. in the replication target).
1) Add integration tests running change replication over REST to verify
that access control at model level is correctly enforced.
2) Implement a new access type "REPLICATE" that allows principals
to create new checkpoints, even though they don't have full WRITE
access to the model. Together with the "READ" permission, these
two types allow principals to replicate (pull) changes from the server.
Note that anybody having "WRITE" access type is automatically
granted "REPLICATE" type too.
3) Add a new model option "enableRemoteReplication" that exposes
replication methods via strong remoting, but does not configure
change rectification. This option should be used the clients
when setting up Remote models attached to the server via the remoting
- `loopback.registry` is now a true global registry
- `app.registry` is unique per app object
- `Model.registry` is set when a Model is created using any registry method
- `loopback.localRegistry` and `loopback({localRegistry: true})` when set to `true` this will create a `Registry` per `Application`. It defaults to `false`.
Refactor the core implementation of current context from
server/middleware/context.js into server/current-context.js.
Expose new public API:
- loopback.runInContext
- loopback.createContext
Modify `Change.diff()` to include current data revision in each
delta reported back. The current data revision is stored in
Modify `PersistedModel.bulkUpdate()` to check that the current data
revision matches `delta.prev` and report a conflict if a third party
has modified the database under our hands.
Fix `Change` implementation and tests so that they are no longer
attempting to create instances with duplicate ids.
(This used to work because the memory connector was silently
converting such requests to updateOrCreate/findOrCreate.)
This commit adds the ability for the developer to use a custom token generator function for the user.verify(...) method. By default, the system will still use the crypto.randomBytes() method if no option is provided.
Add tests covering typical replication scenarios that happen
in the setup where multiple clients are synchronizing changes
against a single server (database).
Rework the Change model to merge changes made within the same
Rework `replicate()` to run multiple iteration until there were no
changes replicated. This ensures that the target model is left in
a clean state with no pending changes associated with the latest
(current) checkpoint.
Extend `PersistedModel.replicate` to pass the newly created checkpoints
as the third callback argument.
The typical usage of these values is to pass them as the `since`
argument of the next `replicate()` call.
global.since = -1;
function sync(cb) {
function(err, conflicts, cps)
if (err) return cb(err);
if (!conflicts.length) {
since = cps;
return cb();
// resolve conflicts and try again
Rework the "replicate()" to create a new source checkpoint as the first
step, so that any changes made in parallel will be associated with
the next checkpoint.
Before this commit, there was a race condition where a change might
end up being associated with the already-replicated checkpoint and thus
not picked up by the next replication run.
Modify `PersistedModel.replicate` to allow consumers to provide
different "since" values to be used for the local and remote changes.
Make the "since" filters consistent and include the "since" value
in the range via `gte`. Before this commit, the local query used
`gt` and the remote query used `gte`.
Setting legacyExplorer to false in the loopback config will disable
the routes /routes and /models made available in
The deprecate module has been added to the project with a reference
added for the legacyExplorer option as it is no longer required by
loopback-explorer. Tests added to validate functionality of disabled
and enabled legacy explorer routes.
Fix all test models that are tracking changes so that they have
a generated unique string id.
Make model names unique where possible to prevent tests reusing
the same model which causes unintented side effects.
Make the "redirect" parameter optional. When the parameter is not
specified, the server responds with an empty response (204). This allows
API clients to call the method without the need to handle redirects
and HTML responses.
Even when the "redirect" parameter is included, the builtin afterRemote
hook still calls next(), so that user-provided afterRemote hooks
are executed too.
Add unit-tests to verify that all DAO methods correctly create change
Rework the change detection to use the new operation hooks, this fixes
the bugs where operations like "updateOrCreate" did not update change
The patch strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler#436 changed the way
how `Model.extend` works, which broke one loopback test relying on the
old behaviour.
This commit fixes the failing test. The test is checking now that
the model base was not changed, instead of checking that the base
is undefined.
Enhance the error objects with a `code` property containing
a machine-readable string code describing the error, for example
Also improve 404 error messages to include the model name.
Allow convenient URLs for curl and browsers such as:
- http://some-long-token@localhost:3000/
- http://token:some-long-token@localhost:3000/
Basic Auth specifies a 'Basic' scheme for the Authorization header
similar to how OAuth specifies 'Bearer' as an auth scheme.
Following a similar convention, extract the access token from the
Authorization header when it specifies the 'Basic' scheme, assuming
it is the larger of the <user>:<pass> segments.
When executing a request using a pooled connection, connectors
like MongoDB and/or MySQL rebind callbacks to the domain which
issued the request, as opposed to the domain which opened the pooled
This commit fixes the context middleware to play nicely with that
mechanism and preserve domain rebinds.
Bugs fixed:
- express helpers like `req.get` are now available in middleware
handlers registered via `app.middleware`
- `req.url` does not include the mountpath prefix now, this is
consistent with the behaviour of `app.use`
The implementation of phased middleware was completely rewritten.
- We no longer use Phase and PhaseList objects from loopback-phase.
- Handler functions are registered via the `Layer` mechanism used by
express router.
- The app keeps the layers sorted according to phases.
Add a new argument to `app.middleware` allowing developers
to restrict the middleware to a list of paths or regular expresions.
Modify `app.middlewareFromConfig` to pass `config.paths` as the second
arg of `app.middleware`.
// A string path (interpreted via path-to-regexp)
app.middleware('auth', '/admin', ldapAuth);
// A regular expression
app.middleware('initial', /^\/~(admin|root)/, rejectWith404);
// A list of scopes
app.middleware('routes', ['/api', /^\/assets/.*\.json$/], foo);
// From config
phase: 'initial',
paths: ['/scope', /^\/(a|b)/]
Refactor the implementation to use the new method `phaseList.zipMerge`.
This is commit is changing the behaviour in the case when
the first new phase does not exist in the current list.
Before the change, all new phases were added just before the "routes"
After this change, new phases are added to the head of the list,
until an existing phase is encountered, at which point the regular
merge algorithm kicks in.
app.defineMiddlewarePhases(['first', 'routes', 'subapps']);
Before the change: code throws an error - 'routes' already exists.
After the change: phases are merged with the following result:
'first', 'initial', ..., 'routes', 'subapps', ...
Implement method for registering (new) middleware phases.
- If all names are new, then the phases are added just before
the "routes" phase.
- Otherwise the provided list of names is merged with the existing
phases in such way that the order of phases is preserved.
// built-in phases:
// initial, session, auth, parse, routes, files, final
// new list of phases
// initial, session, auth, parse,
// custom,
// routes, files, final
'initial', 'postinit', 'preauth', 'routes', 'subapps'
// new list of phases
// initial,
// postinit, preauth,
// session, auth, parse, custom,
// routes,
// subapps,
// files, final
Implement a function registering a middleware using a factory function
and a JSON config.
app.middlewareFromConfig(compression, {
enabled: true,
phase: 'initial',
config: {
threshold: 128
Modify the app and router implementation, so that the middleware is
executed in order defined by phases.
Predefined phases:
'initial', 'session', 'auth', 'parse', 'routes', 'files', 'final'
Methods defined via `app.use`, `app.route` and friends are executed
as the first thing in 'routes' phase.
API usage:
app.middleware('initial', compression());
app.middleware('initial:before', serveFavicon());
app.middleware('files:after', loopback.urlNotFound());
app.middleware('final:after', errorHandler());
Middleware flavours:
// regular handler
function handler(req, res, next) {
// do stuff
// error handler
function errorHandler(err, req, res, next) {
// handle error and/or call next
Modify `` to read the configuration for
`loopback.context` from `app.get('remoting')`, which is the approach
used for all other configuration options related to the REST transport.
- Implement the middleware `loopback.context`
- Inject context into juggler and strong-remoting
- Make http context optional and default to false
- Optionally mount context middleware from ``
Enable authentication for all User unit-tests to check that the ACLs are
correctly configured.
Fix the rule for `confirm` - the correct permission is `ALLOW`, not
Allow the developer to pass custom `remoting` options via Model
settings, e.g.
{ name: String },
remoting: { normalizeHttpPath: true }
Also add `options` arg to `app.handler`, this object is passed directly
to strong-remoting handler.
When running on Unix and no hostname is specified, use ``
as the hostname instead of `localhost`.
When running on Windows and the hostname is either not specified or
it is `` or `::`, use `localhost` in the URL. The reason is
that Windows cannot open URLs using `` as a hostname.
- Move core models `Model` and `PersistedModel` to `lib/`.
- Move `AccessContext` class to `lib/`, since it is not a model.
- Move all other built-in models to `common/models`.
This is a preparation for extracting model definitions to JSON files.
By splitting the change into multiple commits, git is able to keep track
of file moves (renames).
Modify `registry.configureModel()` to log a warning when `dataSource`
optiont is not specified at all.
Users should provide `dataSource: null` when the model is intentionally
not attached to any data-source.
Fix the query in `Checkpoint.current()` to correctly specify sorting
`seq DESC`. Before this change, the first checkpoint was returned as the
current one.
Most applications report the URL when started (at least the apps we
are scaffolding using loopback-workspace). Constructing the URL in the
loopback core allows us to simplify the templates and reduce the amount
of repeated code.
- Move configuration of Karma unit-tests from `Gruntfile.js` to a
standalone file (`test/karma.conf.js`).
- Add a new Grunt task `karma:unit-ci` to run Karma unit-tests in
PhantomJS and produce karma-xunit.xml file that can be consumed
by the CI server.
- Add grunt-mocha-test, configure it to run unit-tests.
- Add `grunt test` task that runs both karma and mocha tests,
detects Jenkins to produce XML output on CI server.
- Modify the `test` script in `package.json` to run
`grunt mocha-and-karma` (an alias for `grunt test`).
The alias is required to trick `sl-ci-run` to run `npm test`
instead of calling directly `mocha`.
- Add `es5-shim` module to karma unit-tests in order to provide
ES5-methods required by LoopBack.
- Fix `mixin(source)` in lib/loopback.js to work in PhantomJS.
`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()` provided by `es5-shim` does not
work in the same way as in Node.
Rename `loopback.getModel` to `loopback.findModel`.
Implement `loopback.getModel` as a wrapper around `findModel` that
throws an error when the model as not found.
Add new API allowing developers to split the model definition and
configuration into two steps:
1. Build models from JSON config, export them for re-use:
var Customer = loopback.createModelFromConfig({
name: 'Customer',
base: 'User',
properties: {
address: 'string'
2. Attach existing models to a dataSource and a loopback app,
modify certain model aspects like relations:
loopback.configureModel(Customer, {
dataSource: db,
relations: { /* ... */ }
Rework `app.model` to use `loopback.configureModel` under the hood.
Here is the new usage:
var Customer = require('./models').Customer;
app.model(Customer, {
dataSource: 'db',
relations: { /* ... */ }
In order to preserve backwards compatibility,
`app.model(name, config)` calls both `createModelFromConfig`
and `configureModel`.
Change the tests creating new users so that they send valid user data,
in order to prevent 422 "validation failed" responses.
Upgrade loopback-testing to 0.2.0.
Add new API allowing developers to split the model definition and
configuration into two steps:
1. Build models from JSON config, export them for re-use:
var Customer = loopback.createModelFromConfig({
name: 'Customer',
base: 'User',
properties: {
address: 'string'
2. Attach existing models to a dataSource and a loopback app,
modify certain model aspects like relations:
loopback.configureModel(Customer, {
dataSource: db,
relations: { /* ... */ }
Rework `app.model` to use `loopback.configureModel` under the hood.
Here is the new usage:
var Customer = require('./models').Customer;
app.model(Customer, {
dataSource: 'db',
relations: { /* ... */ }
In order to preserve backwards compatibility with loopback 1.x,
`app.model(name, config)` calls both `createModelFromConfig`
and `configureModel`.
Allow browserified applications to explicitly register connectors
to use in data-sources via `app.connector(name, exportsFromRequire)`.
Include built-in connectors like `Memory` and `Remote` in the registry.
Modify `dataSourcesFromConfig()` to resolve the connector via
`app.connectors` first and only then fall back to auto-require
the connector module.
Support flat structure of model config objects, where model options
are set as top-level properties.
Customer: {
dataSource: 'db',
options: {
base: 'User'
Customer: {
dataSource: 'db',
base: 'User'
Make `` self-contained, so that authentication works
out of the box.
var app = loopback();
Note that cookie parsing middleware is not added, users have to
explicitly configure that if they want to store access tokens
in cookies.
Modify `loopback.token` to skip token lookup when the request already
contains `accessToken` property. This is in line with other
connect-based middleware like `cookieParser` or `json`.