When a public model is added to an application and the model has change
tracking enabled, its Change model is added to the public models.
Before this change, conflict resolution in the browser was not working,
because it was not possible to fetch the remote change.
Fix the query in `Checkpoint.current()` to correctly specify sorting
`seq DESC`. Before this change, the first checkpoint was returned as the
current one.
Most applications report the URL when started (at least the apps we
are scaffolding using loopback-workspace). Constructing the URL in the
loopback core allows us to simplify the templates and reduce the amount
of repeated code.
- Move configuration of Karma unit-tests from `Gruntfile.js` to a
standalone file (`test/karma.conf.js`).
- Add a new Grunt task `karma:unit-ci` to run Karma unit-tests in
PhantomJS and produce karma-xunit.xml file that can be consumed
by the CI server.
- Add grunt-mocha-test, configure it to run unit-tests.
- Add `grunt test` task that runs both karma and mocha tests,
detects Jenkins to produce XML output on CI server.
- Modify the `test` script in `package.json` to run
`grunt mocha-and-karma` (an alias for `grunt test`).
The alias is required to trick `sl-ci-run` to run `npm test`
instead of calling directly `mocha`.
- Add `es5-shim` module to karma unit-tests in order to provide
ES5-methods required by LoopBack.
- Fix `mixin(source)` in lib/loopback.js to work in PhantomJS.
`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()` provided by `es5-shim` does not
work in the same way as in Node.
Rename `loopback.getModel` to `loopback.findModel`.
Implement `loopback.getModel` as a wrapper around `findModel` that
throws an error when the model as not found.
Expose the juggler's DataSource constructor as `loopback.DataSource`.
The DataSource constructor is most useful to check
for `instanceof DataSource`, but it also makes the loopback API more
consistent, since the API is already exposing all pre-built Models.
Fix the problem where `registry.defaultDataSources` has two instances:
- `require('loopback').defaultDataSources` used by
- `require('./registry').defaultDataSources` used by
I am intentionally leaving out unit-tests as the whole `autoAttach`
feature is going to be deleted before 2.0 is released.